val_rule_id|val_rule_nm|val_error_message 1|Numeric|Must be numeric. Commas are not allowed. 2|Conditional|Is conditional. 3|Required|Is required. 4|Optional|Is optional. 5|Minimum value|Must be greater than or equal to specified amount. 6|Equal|Must equal specified value(s). 7|Maximum value|Must be less than or equal to specified amount. 8|Precision|Cannot exceed specified precision. 9|Lookup|Must be found in lookup tables. 10|ADM lookup|Must be found in ADM tables. 11|Maximum Head / Reinsurance Year / Producer|Number of head in a reinsurance year for an id number may not exceed specified amount. 12|Second Dt of Damage cannot exist if Primary % = 1.|Secondary Date of Damage cannot exist if the Primary Percent = 1.00. 13|Must equal the current date.|Must equal the current date. 14|Business name requirements on Entity and SBI.|Business name required for the following ID Type and Entity Type combinations. 15|First/Last name requirements on Entity and SBI.|First/Last Name required for the following ID Type and Entity Type combinations. 16|Must be a valid date in a MM/DD/YYYY format|Must be a valid date in a MM/DD/YYYY format. 17|Valid SSN|SSN must be valid. 18|Actual ending value must be < coverage price|An indemnity is calculated and payable if the actual ending value is less than the coverage price. 19|Eligibility edit|ID Numbers on the Entity and SBI must currently be eligible. 20|If ID Type equals 1 (ssn), determine if the ID Number is valid|If ID Type equals 1 (SSN), ID Number must be valid. 21|First/Last or Business name requirements on Entity and SBI.|First/Last or Business name required for the following ID Type and Entity Type combinations. 22|Only one section with Process Flag 7 allowed|Only one section with Process Flag 7 is allowed per record type. 23|Insurance Provider / Login Check|Insurance Provider must match Login provided. 24|Minimum length|Must be specified minimum length. 25|Invalid St, Co, RY, etc. combination|When any of the following fields exist for the current section, they must form a valid combination: reinsurance year, commodity or crop code, insurance plan cd, location state, location county, type code, and practice code. 26|Valid Characters|Must contain only the following characters: 27|Must match the RMA calculated value.|Must match the RMA calculated value. 28|If inelig_sbi_flag = Y, share must be > 0.|If inelig_sbi_flag = Y, share must be > 0. 29|Inactive Date must be valid date|When active flag equals N, the inactive date must be a valid date. 30|Minimum Expected Value edit|If Commodity is 0073 or 0600 and the Unit of Measure is 98, must equal zero; otherwise, must be greater than or equal to the specified amount. 31|Generate Fund Record|On accepting a livestock premium, generate a fund record. 32|Agent, Adjuster, Reviewer ineligible check|SSN must be eligible. 33|Fiscal Year Underwriting Capacity Manager|Underwriting Capacity Manager for fiscal year cannot be exceeded. 34|Set the state subsidy percent, if applicable.|Set the state subsidy flag and percent, if applicable. 35|Inactive Date must be within the reinsurance year when Active Flag equals N.|Inactive Date must be within the reinsurance year when Active Flag equals N. 36|Date of Damage value for day.|Date must be a valid date in MM/DD/YYYY format with an exception. When the Cause of Loss = 21 or 64, a valid day is required but for all other cause of loss codes, the day can be a valid day or 00. If 00 is used for the day, it will automatically be replaced with 01. 37|LRP on/off Premium check|LRP Premium sections will only be accepted on government working days between the following times: 38|ID Code can reference only one SSN|ID Code can reference only one SSN. 39|Duplicate Detail Number check|Detail Number may not be used more than once in the same section. 40|RMA approved transaction validation|An authorized transaction requires a valid authorization number. On an update and original, values of tags must match what was authorized. 41|Valid process flag - change flag combinations|Valid process flag - change flag combinations are as follows. 42|Inactive Date cannot fall into next reinsurance year|Inactive Date cannot fall into next reinsurance year. 43|A negative Gross Margin Guarantee value is not allowed.|A negative Gross Margin Guarantee disqualifies this Premium section during processing. 44|Requires a previously accepted Agent record|Requires a previously accepted Agent record with the following attribute(s): 1) Active or if inactive, agent signature date < inactive date, 2) Ins plan list contains ins plan agent is trying to currently sell, 3) If reinsurance year >= 2008, location state must equal directory state, 4) If reinsurance year >= 2010, all COI fields must have values 45|LRP total weight calculation|LRP total weight calculation. 46|Agent Detail may not be deleted if Policy/Location State match found|Agent Detail may not be deleted if policy information exists and Policy's location state matches Agent Detail's directory state. 47|Valid encrypted password characters are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F|Valid encrypted password characters are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F. 48|Unique user id check|User ID must be unique for each SSN within an Insurance Provider. 49|Change flag revision / duplicate validation|If process flag is 1 (original), section cannot already exist. If process flag is 2 (modify), section must already exist and only fields with change option less than or equal to change flag can be modified. If process flag is 3 (delete), section must already exist. 50|Unique password check|Password must be unique for each SSN within an Insurance Provider. 51|Zip Code edit for address state|Zip code must be found in lookup tables for current section's address state and address county. 52|ADM lookup for address_state|If address_state does not equal ZZ, address_state must be found in the ADM tables. 53|ADM lookup for address_county|If address_state does not equal ZZ, address_county must be found in the ADM tables. 54|Requires a previously accepted adjuster.|Requires previously accepted adjuster that is active and has answered all COI questions. 55|Valid format is number,number,number,number|Valid format is number,number,number,number. Spaces, two commas in a row, and alphabetic characters except commas are not allowed. 56|Duplicates not allowed within comma-delimited list|Duplicates not allowed within comma-delimited list. 57|Duplicate ID Numbers not allowed|Check for duplicate polices. For AGR or AGR-Lite, id number on Entity can own one Policy for reinsurance year, insurance plan cd, and id type. For LRP or LGM, id number on Entity can own one Policy for reinsurance year, location state, insurance plan cd, and id type. 58|A negative Total Gross Margin value is not allowed.|A negative Total Gross Margin disqualifies this Indemnity section during processing. 59|Address cannot reference P.O. Box or ATTN|Address cannot start with 'P.O.','PO B', 'P O ', 'PO ', 'RURAL ROUTE', 'POST OFFICE BOX', or 'ATTN' in its initial characters. 60|Duplicate request validation|Duplicate requests have been detected. Please check the RMA web site to see if your data has already been submitted. 61|City name in State, County, Zip|City name must be valid for the address state, address county, and zip code. 62|Agent first name cannot begin with AGENCY|Agent first name cannot begin with 'AGENCY'. 63|Process Flag Check|If Parent section's process flag = 1,4,7, child section's process flag must = 1,4,7. If Parent section's process flag = 2, child section's process flag must = 1,2,3, or 8. If Parent section's process flag = 5, child section's process flag must = 4,5, or 8. 64|Unique deductible rule|Deductible must be equal within the same Policy section and the following Crop Policy elements: crop_commodity_cd, insurance_plan_cd, type_code, practice_code. 65|Update Policy Duplicate table|Update the Policy Duplicate table. 66|Bureau of Indian Affairs number validation|If ID Type = 5 (Bureau of Indian Affairs number), digits 1-2 have to equal a valid state code, digits 3-5 have to be a valid county code for that state code, and 6-9 have to be alphanumeric. 67|Crop Policy Cutoff Check|Original Crop Policies cannot be accepted after the Friday of the first full week in February. 68|For LRP, an Indemnity section cannot be accepted before the end date on Premium section.|For LRP, an Indemnity section cannot be accepted before the end date on Premium section. 69|Corporate Calculation Module|Corporate Calculation Module 70|Entity ID Type and Entity Type:SBI Entity Type combination rule|The id type and entity type on the Entity section:entity type on the SBI section combinations are as follows: 71|No SBIs allowed.|SBI sections are not allowed for the following Entity id type and entity type combinations: 72|Update remaining_capacity in the ucm_statistics table (post save)|Update the remaining_capacity column in the ucm_statistics table. 73|Entity ID Type 4 validation.|If the Entity section has an ID Type of 4, no Policies using that entity may be accepted. 74|SBI requirements when id type = 2,4 and entity type = 1 on Entity|If ID Type = 2 or 4, entity type = I, and unins_sbi_flag <> 'Y' on the Entity section, one SBI with an id type of 1 and an entity type of I is required. Other SBIs may be added with an entity type of L. 75|ID Type/Entity Type relationship.|Valid id type - entity type combinations are as follows: 76|Section delete validation.|Section may not be deleted when related Livestock Premiums exist. 77|Must be > Mod Sales Closing Date|Must be > Mod Sales Closing Date. 78|Quote of Indemnity requires successful submission of matching Premium section.|Quote of Indemnity requires successful submission of matching Premium section. 79|Unique SBI ID Number required in Entity|The ID Number on this SBI section must be different from ID Numbers on other SBI sections within the same Entity section. 80|Reviewer ID Code can reference only one SSN|Reviewer ID Code can reference only one SSN. 81|Spousal rule when Entity's entity type not S.|If the Entity's id type is 2, the entity type is not S, the unins_sbi_flg <> 'Y', and any SBI for the Entity has an entity type of S, SBIs required with the following: (2 SBIs with id type 1 and entity type S) or (1 SBI with id type 1, entity type S and 1 SBI with entity type O (if applicable)). More SBI(s) may be specified with other valid entity types. 82|Reviewer may not be deleted when policy information exists for the reviewer|Reviewer may not be deleted when policy information exists for the reviewer. 83|Sum of SBI share limit|If Entity section's id type = 2 (EIN), sum of SBI shares cannot exceed 100%. If Entity section's id type = 1 (SSN), sum of SBI shares cannot be greater than or equal to 100%. 84|Ineligibles not allowed|If (SBI's entity type = S) or (Entity's id type = 2 and entity_type = I), Inelig SBI Flag must not equal Y. 85|Set Fund Cutoff Date|Calculate the Fund Cutoff Date. If the current policy is carryover, fund cutoff date is 01/31 (or next valid day) + 30 days rolled to the next Friday. If the current policy is new, fund cutoff date is the Mod Sales Closing Date + 30 days rolled to the next Friday. 86|Must be <= current date|Must be <= current date. 87|Legal description must be valid|Legal description must be found in list of valid legal descriptions. 88|Target Marketing Period Limit|Total target marketings for this Premium may not exceed specified amount. 89|LRP head limit per endorsement|LRP head limit per endorsement, calculated number head * share, is as follows: 90|LGM coverage level equal rule|For LGM, one and only one coverage level is required for the same reinsurance year, insurance provider, location state, policy number, crop_commodity_cd, insurance plan cd, type code, and practice code. 91|Valid original LGM premium transaction time edit|Original LGM premiums for the current month may be received on the last government business day of each month until 9:00 a.m. central time the next day. 92|Premium-in-force value cannot be exceeded.|Premium-in-force value cannot be exceeded. 93|Duplicate Policy detected|The combination of Insurance Provider, Reinsurance Year, State and Policy Number must be unique. 94|LGM Data Lookup|LGM Gross Margin Data does not exist for the sales period specified in the submission. 95|LGM Min Target Market edit|Total target marketings must be greater than the specified amount. 96|Matching Indemnity Required|Indemnity with matching claim number does not exist or indemnity amount does not match. This Disbursement is not considered active until a matching Indemnity is provided. 97|Must not equal the following values|Must not equal the following values: 98|Spouse requirement on SBI edit.|If Entity's id type is 1 and entity type is S, one SBI with (id type 1 and entity S) required. If entity type S is found on any SBI and the Entity's id type is 2 or 4 and entity type is S, SBIs required with the following: (2 SBIs with id type 1 and entity S). Other SBI(s) may be specified with valid entity types. 99|If the Entity's ID Type = 2 and entity type = S and both SBIs have shares > 0, sum of SBI shares mus|If the Entity's ID Type = 2 and entity type = S and both SBIs have shares > 0, sum of SBI shares must equal 100%. 100|Effective date equal rule|Effective date must equal the current day's date if the time is between 9:00 a.m. and 11:59:59 p.m. Effective date must equal the previous day's date if the time is between 12:00 a.m. and 8:59:59 a.m. 101|Valid Fund Design Flag - Fund Rule combinations|Valid Fund Design Flag - Fund Rule combinations are as follows: 102|Fund design flag/Fund Rule change invalid|Changing existing Fund Design Flag/Fund Rule from A/1 to C/1 is invalid if current date > either the existing or new Cutoff Date. 103|Calculate Fund Lockdown Date|On an original transaction, calculate Fund Lockdown Date as follows: two full governement working days (no government holidays or weekends) after the Premium section's submission date (fcic_dt_tm). 104|Fund Lockdown date LGM/LRP edit|When a change to the fund_design_flag is attempted, the submission date must be less than the fund lockdown date calculated on the original Fund section. 105|Disbursements added for Re-Processing|When an Indemnity is added or deleted, the Disbursements for that Indemnity are added to the current Policy so that they can be marked active or inactive. 106|Active Flag of N required when Inactive Date submitted.|Active Flag of N required when Inactive Date submitted. 107|At least one SBI with id type 1 required|At least one SBI section with an id type of 1 is required when the Entity's uninsurable SBI flag <> 'Y' and the id type and entity type combinations are as follows: 108|When key entity field changes, load all crop policies associated with it.|When key entity field changes, load all crop policies associated with it. 109|SBI share must = 100% when share > 0 and Entity's id type = 2 and entity type = I.|SBI share must = 100% when share > 0 and Entity's id type = 2 and entity type = I. 110|Total actual market must be > the following value.|Total actual market must be > the following value: 111|Total actual market must be <= the following value.|Total actual market must be <= the following value: 112|Total Gross Margin < Gross Margin Guarantee|An indemnity is calculated and payable only if Total Gross Margin is less than Gross Margin Guarantee. 113|If ID Type = 1 or 2, must be numeric.|If ID Type = 1 or 2, must be numeric. 114|A payment type of 6 requires an accepted Premium section.|A payment type of 6 requires an accepted Premium section. 115|Premium cannot be deleted when payment type 6 exists.|Delete of Premium section disallowed when a Payment section with payment type of 6 exists. 116|Set Fund Cutoff Date|Calculate Fund Cutoff Date. Fund Cutoff Date is Mod Sales Closing Date + 30 days rolled to the next Friday. 117|Requires a previously accepted or cancelled Premium section|Requires a previously accepted or cancelled Premium section. 118|LRP policy cannot be cancelled before end date.|LRP policy cannot be cancelled before end date. 119|For LGM, cannot cancel policy until months with target market values have passed.|For LGM, cannot cancel policy until months with target market values have passed. 120|One livestock plan allowed per policy|Only one livestock plan is allowed per policy. Multiple crop policies of the same plan are allowed. 121|In order to cancel a policy, no Premium sections with pending RMA approved changes may exist|In order to cancel a policy, no Premium sections with pending RMA approved changes may exist. 122|An Entity may not be deleted when a Policy with that Entity exists|An Entity may not be deleted when a Policy with that Entity exists. 123|LGM Indemnity cannot be processed until months with target market values in them have passed.|LGM Indemnity cannot be processed until months with target market values in them have passed and Actual Gross Margin ADM data is available. 124|Determine LSR Transaction Code, LSR Change Date and LSR Reduction Flag|Set LSR Change Date, LSR Transaction Code and LSR Reduction Flag. On an update where any one of the lockdown fields has changed and the LSR Lockdown Date has passed, set lsr_change_dt to the current date and adjust the lsr_transaction_cd and lsr_reduction_flag fields. 125|At least one SBI required|At least one SBI section is required when the Entity's uninsurable SBI flag <> 'Y' and the id type and entity type combinations are as follows: 126|Maximum Date|Must be less than or equal to specified date. 127|If entity type = Q on Entity section, one and only one SBI is required.|If entity type = Q on Entity section, one and only one SBI is required. 128|If ID Type = 2 and entity type = P, at least two SBIs are required.|If ID Type = 2 and entity type = P, at least two SBIs are required. 129|Requires a previously accepted Reviewer section|Requires a previously accepted Reviewer section. 130|Cancelled policy information may not be deleted|Cancelled policy information may not be deleted. 131|A Fund section may not be deleted when a matching Premium section exists for it.|A Fund section may not be deleted when a matching Premium section exists for it. 132|Phone number cannot be all 1's, 2's, ... or 9's.|Phone number cannot be all 1's, 2's, ... or 9's. 133|Phone number cannot be all 1's, 2's, ... or 9's.Exception is 5's to indicate not applicable.|Phone number cannot be all 1's, 2's, ... or 9's.Exception is 5's to indicate not applicable. 134|Phone number's area code cannot be 000 or 999.|Phone number's area code cannot be 000 or 999. 136|If Primary process flag = 3 or 8, no nested sections permitted.|If Primary process flag = 3 or 8, no nested sections permitted. 137|Requires a previously accepted Entity section|Requires a previously accepted Entity section. 138|If contract flag is 0 on original acceptance, the fund cutoff date cannot be altered.|If contract flag is 0 on original acceptance, the fund cutoff date cannot be altered. 139|Must equal reinsurance year|Must equal reinsurance year. 140|Date's year must be RY or RY-1 when contract flag = 0|If contract flag = 0, signature date tags must have a year equal to the reinsurance year or the reinsurance year - 1. 141|Contract flag rule|If contract flag = 1, the entity (id type, id number, entity type) for the current reinsurance year, insurance provider, location state, location county, insurance plan cd, and crop_commodity_cd must exist in the previous reinsurance year. Otherwise, the entity is new and contract flag must = 0. 142|Determine LSR LockDown Date and LSR Reduction Flag for 2004 reinsuance year|Determine LSR Lockdown Date. It is the Modified Sales Closing Date + 30 days rolled to the next Saturday. Also, set LSR Reduction Flag using the LSR Lockdown Date. 143|Set LSR Change Date|Set LSR Change Date. On an update where the coverage level has changed and the LSR Lockdown Date has passed, set LSR Change Date to the current date and LSR Transaction CD to 03; otherwise, set to null. 144|Determine lockdown value|Determine LockDown value for the tag below. It will equal the value from the tag below on the last transaction received <= LSR Lockdown Date or the first transaction received after the LSR Lockdown Date. 145|Process Flag 7 is Required for all Records|If Process Flag 7 is sent on any Record, it must be sent on all Records. 146|Updates to certain tags on this section are not allowed when child sections exist.|Updates to certain tags on this section are not allowed when child sections exist. 147|Prepayment flag requirement for RY < 2009|If the Payment section is submitted prior to the Premium section and the paid amount > 0, must = 1; otherwise, must = 0. Only MPCI products are allowed to have Payment sections. 148|Must equal the following reinsurance year|Must equal the following reinsurance year 149|Paid date valid date rule|If payment type is 00 or 05 and paid amount > 0, must be a valid date. 150|Paid date must be <= current date rule|If payment type is 00 or 05 and paid amount > 0, must be <= current date. 151|Commodity value must equal Round(acres_etc * yield * expected_value,0).|Commodity value must equal Round(acres_etc * yield * expected_value,0). Skip this rule if expected_uom is 98. 152|Number of commodities must match the number of detail sections.|Number of commodities must match the number of detail sections. 153|Set LSR Transaction CD|On an original transaction, set the LSR Transaction CD to Timely Accepted or Initially Accepted after Lockdown. 154|Valid format is xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx|Valid format is xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx where xxx are a-z characters. 155|Set LFA Calc Date|Determine LFA Calc Date. It is the Modified Sales Closing Date + 84 days rolled to the next Saturday. 156|Set Fund Cutoff Date for 2004|Calculate Fund Cutoff Dt. If ((fund design flag = A or C) or (contract flag = 0 and fund design flag = D)), Fund Cutoff Date is Mod Sales Closing Date + 30 days rolled to next Saturday. If contract flag = 1 (carryover) and fund design flag = D, Fund Cutoff Date is max(contract change date, 07/01/Reinsurance Year - 1) + 30 days rolled to next Saturday. 157|Must be a valid date in the MM/YYYY format|Must be a valid date in the MM/YYYY format. 158|A contract flag = 0 and Fund Design Flag = A and Fund Rule = 4 is an invalid combination|A contract flag = 0 and Fund Design Flag = A and Fund Rule = 4 is an invalid combination. 159|If ID Type = 1 or 2, id number must be greater than zero.|If ID Type = 1 or 2, id number must be greater than zero. 160|A contract flag = 0 and (Fund Rule = 3 or Fund Rule = 4) is an invalid combination.|A contract flag = 0 and (Fund Rule = 3 or Fund Rule = 4) is an invalid combination. 161|If id type = 1 or 2, check id number eligibility on the Entity and SBI.|If id type = 1 or 2, check id number eligibility on the Entity and SBI. 162|Fund design flag/Fund Rule change invalid|Changing existing Fund Design Flag/Fund Rule from A/4 to D/3 is invalid when existing and current contract flags = 1 and current date > the existing Cutoff Date. 163|Fund design flag/Fund Rule change invalid|Changing existing Fund Design Flag/Fund Rule from D/1 to A/1 is invalid if current date > the new Cutoff Date. 164|The following entity types are not allowed on SBIs for Livestock policies.|The following entity types are not allowed on SBIs for Livestock policies. 165|Fund design flag/Fund Rule change invalid|Changing existing Fund Design Flag/Fund Rule from D/1 to C/1 is invalid if current date > the existing Cutoff Date. 166|Fund design flag/Fund Rule change invalid|Changing existing Fund Design Flag/Fund Rule from D/3 to A/4 is invalid when existing and current contract flags = 1, current date > the new Cutoff Date, or current date <= old Cutoff Date. 167|Fund design flag/Fund Rule change invalid|Changing existing Fund Design Flag/Fund Rule from C/1 to A/1 is invalid if current date > the new Cutoff Date. 168|Fund design flag/Fund Rule change invalid|Changing existing Fund Design Flag/Fund Rule from C/1 to D/1 is invalid if current date > the new Cutoff Date. 169|Must be <= Mod Sales Closing Date|Must be <= Mod Sales Closing Date. 170|Must have at least one MPCI Commodity if MPCI Liability > 0|Must have at least one MPCI Commodity if MPCI Liability > 0. 171|Insurance plan cd exclusivity rule.|AGR and AGR-Lite crop policies cannot be owned simultaneously by the id number on this Entity. LRP and LGM crop polices cannot be owned simultaneously by the id number on this Entity for the same type of commodity. 172|Coverage Level/Payment Rate combination must be found in ADM9|Coverage Level/Payment Rate combination must be found in ADM9. 173|Minimum number of commodities threshold not met for the coverage level/payment rate combination|Minimum number of commodities threshold not met for the coverage level/payment rate combination. 174|Minimum number of commodities must be >= calculated minimum qualifying amount|Minimum number of commodities must be >= calculated minimum qualifying amount. 175|Livestock commodities / total commodity values cannot be more than the following percent|Livestock commodities / total commodity values cannot be more than the following percent. 176|Late process flag of 9 makes successor-in-interest tags required|A late process flag of 9 makes successor-in-interest date and successor-in-interest previous policy number required fields. 177|AGR Potato percentage edit|For commodity 0084 and 0929 as well as commodities 0929 and 0930 summed, commodity revenue / total commodity revenue cannot exceed the following: 178|ID Type, ID Number, and Entity Type may not be repeated for the same reinsurance year and insurance|ID Type, ID Number, and Entity Type may not be repeated for the same reinsurance year and insurance provider. 179|Adjuster may not be deleted when policy information exists for the adjuster|Adjuster/Adjuster Detail may not be deleted and Adjuster ID Code cannot be modified when policy information exists for the adjuster. 180|Adjuster ID Code cannot be modified if Indemnity information exists for the ID Code|Adjuster ID Code cannot be modified if Indemnity information exists for the ID Code. 181|Agent ID Code/Directory State may not be modified when Policy/Location State match found|Agent ID Code and Directory State may not be modified when policy information exists for it and Policy's location state matches Agent Detail's directory state. 182|Matching Crop Policy and Fund required (without warnings) before Premium can be accepted|Matching Crop Policy and Fund required (without warnings) before Premium can be accepted. 183|A Premium section may not be deleted when a matching Indemnity section exists.|A Premium section may not be deleted when a matching Indemnity section exists. 184|75% coverage level and 65% payment rate requires only one commodity > min qualifying amount.|75% coverage level and 65% payment rate requires this Premium section to have no more than one Premium Detail section with a commodity value greater than the minimum qualifying amount. 185|Entity detail delete rule|At least one Entity Detail section is required when the Entity section is associated with a Policy section. 186|Commodity code must be unique within all detail sections.|Commodity code must be unique within all detail sections. 187|Detail Number must be unique.|Detail Number must be unique for all Detail sections. 188|Sum of allowable income and allowable expense values must be > 0.|Sum of allowable income and allowable expense values must be > 0. 189|Minimum number of commodities must be >= calculated minimum qualifying amount|Minimum number of commodities must be >= calculated minimum qualifying amount. 190|Assign Approval Number|On accepting a livestock premium, assign it an approval number. 191|Late process flag cannot be modified or deleted|Late process flag cannot be modified and Crop Policy cannot be deleted for the following Late Process Flag(s). 192|Update SBI Share|On accepting an SBI, update the share of the other SBI's for the same Entity. 193|Entity change to id type, id number, or entity type required for late process flag 9 change|A change to id type, id number, or entity type on the Entity must have occurred in order for the late process flag to be changed to 9. If a change has occurred, the LSR penalty for that change will be waived; otherwise, changing the late process flag to 9 is not allowed. 194|SSN on Entity cannot be Reviewer or Adjuster attached to this Entity's Policy.|ID Number on Entity section cannot match reviewer or adjuster ssn attached to any policies owned by this Entity. 195|Entity Type change from I to S or S to I for late process flag 11|Modifying the late process flag to 11 can only occur when the entity type on the Entity has been changed from I to S or S to I. If a change like this has occurred, the LSR penalty from that change will be waived; otherwise, changing the late process flag to 11 is not allowed. 196|Company not allowed to sell in location state.|Company not allowed to sell in location state. 197|Valid original LGM premium transaction time edit|Original LGM premiums for the current month may be received on the second-to-last government business day of each month until 9:00 a.m. central time the next day. 198|Section Auto Generated|Section has been generated automatically by eDAS. 199|Invalid to have current date > Fund Cutoff Date when Fund Design Flag = A or D.|Invalid to have current date > Fund Cutoff Date when Fund Design Flag = A or D. Exception(s) are as follows: If a fund is currently deleted, it can be accepted after the fund cutoff dt if the fund design flag is not changed. 200|Reviewer SSN cannot be modified if Policy information exists for it.|Reviewer SSN cannot be modified if Policy information exists for it. 201|Entity Key ID cannot be modified if Policy information exists for it.|Entity Key ID cannot be modified if Policy information exists for it. 202|Tag must be equal between matching Fund and Crop Policy sections.|Tag must be equal between matching Fund and Crop Policy sections. 203|Service Unavailable|Service is unavailable at this time, please try again later. 204|Section Unavailable|Section is unavailable at this time, please try again later. 205|ID Code cannot equal SSN|Agent, Adjuster, and Reviewer ID Code cannot equal Agent, Adjuster, and Reviewer's SSN respectively. 206|Maximum Records Exceeded|The number of records on the transaction may not exceed the limit. 207|Milk, Corn, and SoyMeal conditional rule|If a target market month is greater than 0 for Corn or Soybean Meal, Milk must be > 0 for that target market month. 208|ID Type/ID Number relationship|If ID Type = 1,2, or 5, id number must be > 0. If ID Type = 3, id number must = 999999999. If ID Type = 4, id number must = 000000000. 209|Section cannot be processed|eDAS cannot process the current section because either eDAS is unavailable or the section contains an invalid reinsurance year, insurance plan or commodity. 210|Values for inelig_sbi_flag and share are not allowed when the SBI's entity type is 'F'.|Values for inelig_sbi_flag and share are not allowed when the SBI's entity type is 'F'. 211|Year (YYYY) from date (MM/DD/YYYY) must be >= the following value.|Year (YYYY) from date (MM/DD/YYYY) must be >= the following value: 212|Commodity value must equal Round(Round(acres_etc * yield,1) * expected_value,0).|Commodity value must equal Round(Round(acres_etc * yield,1) * expected_value,0). Skip this rule if expected_uom is 98. 213|Year (YYYY) from date (MM/DD/YYYY) must be >= reinsurance year - 1.|Year (YYYY) from date (MM/DD/YYYY) must be >= reinsurance year - 1. 214|Sum of commodity values on detail section must be > 0.|Sum of commodity values on detail section must be > 0. 216|Share required for Livestock.|Share on SBIs is required when a Premium section for insurance plans 81 and 82 exists or is trying to be added. 217|LRP Sales Data availability check|For the Effective Date specified, there must be LRP Sales Data available. 218|Already accepted by PASS with different Producer|The combination of Reinsurance Year, Insurance Provider, Location State Code, and Policy Number has already been accepted by PASS with a different ID Number from the one currently on the Entity section; therefore, this transaction has been rejected. 219|Ending Number Head cannot be > Number Head reported on Premium.|Ending Number Head cannot be > Number Head reported on Premium. 220|Livestock and non-Livestock insurance plan cds cannot be on the same policy.|Livestock and non-Livestock insurance plan cds cannot be on the same policy. 221|Current section requires previously accepted insurance plan cd with MPCI plan type on Crop Policy.|Current section requires previously accepted insurance plan cd with MPCI plan type on Crop Policy section. 222|Disbursement section(s) for indemnity amount required before Indemnity section may be accepted.|Disbursement section(s) for entire indemnity amount required before Indemnity section may be accepted. Sum (total_amount) from Disbursement section must equal indemnity_amount on Indemnity section and be greater than zero. 223|Add insurance plan cd to section_insurance_plans lists.|Add insurance plan cd to section_insurance_plans lists. 224|Date comparison must be as follows:|Date comparison must be as follows: 225|Must > 0 if Loss Cd = D or E. If Loss Cd = P, pos 1-2 must = valid state cd and pos 3-9 must be > 0.|Must be > 0 when the Total Loss Code = D or E. When the Total Loss Code = P, bytes 1 - 2 must be a valid state code and bytes 3 - 9 must be > 0. 226|If Total Loss Code = R, must be >= RY - 5; otherwise, zero.|If Total Loss Code = R, must be >= Reinsurance Year - 5. For all other Total Loss Codes, Total Reinsurance Year must equal zero. 227|Primary Percent equal rule.|If primary cause equals zero, primary percent must equal zero; otherwise, primary percent must be >= 0.50 and <= 1.00. 228|Indemnity Amount must be > 0 and <= Revenue Guarantee * Payment Rate.|Indemnity Amount must be > 0 and <= Revenue Guarantee * Payment Rate. 229|If indemnity amount > $500,000, large claim flag must equal N or R.|If indemnity amount > $500,000, large claim flag must equal N (AIP notified RMA of excessive indemnity) or R (RMA participated or reviewed excessive indemnity). 230|Equivalent range rule|Percentage of Equivalent's value versus Milk must fall between the following range: 231|Commodity value must equal Round(Round(acres_etc * yield,1) * average_value,0).|Commodity value must equal Round(Round(acres_etc * yield,1) * average_value,0). Skip this rule if actual_uom is 98. 232|Commodity value must equal Round(acres_etc * yield * average_value,0).|Commodity value must equal Round(acres_etc * yield * average_value,0). Skip this rule if actual_uom is 98. 233|Tag cannot be updated when Indemnity exists.|Tag cannot be updated when Indemnity exists. 234|Once fund design flag has been designated, it cannot be changed after fund cutoff date.|Once fund design flag has been designated, it cannot be changed after fund cutoff date. 235|Determine LSR Lockdown Date for 2005 reinsurance year and beyond|Determine LSR Lockdown Date. It is the Modified Sales Closing Date + 30 days rolled to the next Friday. 236|At least one detail section is required.|At least one detail section is required. 237|At least one Entity Detail is required.|At least one Entity Detail is required for the Entity associated with the current policy. 238|Determine if warnings are allowed|Warnings are not allowed when a Crop Policy exists for this section. 239|Entity, Entity Detail and SBI Sections must be free of warnings.|One or more sections related to this Policy were accepted with warnings (Entity, Entity Detail, SBI). Once a Crop Policy has been accepted for a Policy, no changes to the Policy will be accepted until the warnings are corrected. 240|Spouse requirement on SBI edit.|If the Entity's entity type = S, number of SBI(s) with id type 1 and entity type S required are as follows: none if Entity's id type = 1 and unins_sbi_flg = Y, one if Entity's id type = 1 and unins_sbi_flg is blank, one if Entity's id type = 2 and unins_sbi_flg = Y, two if Entity's id type = 2 and unins_sbi_flg is blank. 241|Fund design flag cannot be changed from its previous value|If Fund previously existed, fund design flag cannot be changed from its original value if the current date is greater than the fund lockdown date. 242|Fund design flag of C required after lockdown|An original Fund requires a fund_design_flag of C if current date is greater than the fund lockdown date. 243|Set the entity_changed flag on the Entity section to Y|When the ID Number, ID Type, or Entity Type is changed on an Entity section, set the entity_changed flag in the e_entity table to Y. 244|Must equal/not equal specified value|Value must equal/not equal specified value when other value meets criteria 245|Valid original LGM premium transaction time edit|Original LGM premiums for the current month may be received on the third-to-last government business day of each month until 9:00 a.m. central time the next day. 246|Date Greater than or Equal|Date must be greater than or equal to the specified value 247|Element not allowed|Element is not allowed unless other element exists 248|Sum of elements cannot exceed value|The sum of this element plus the other specified elements cannot exceed the specified value. 249|All counties check|The value 998 cannot be submitted in conjunction with other county codes. 250|Paid date maximum date rule|If payment type is 00 or 05 and paid amount > 0, year (YYYY) from date (MM/DD/YYYY) must be >= the following value: 251|Section may not be deleted when Conflict of Interest section exists for the SSN.|Agent, Adjuster, and Employee sections cannot be deleted if Conflict of Interest section exists using the Agent SSN, Adjuster SSN, or Employee SSN. 252|Sub Red Pct must be the same across Premiums|If no SBIs exist with Entity Type Code = F, the Conservation Compliance Subsidy Reduction Percent must be the same across all Premiums for the Reinsurance Year, Insurance Provider, and Entity Key ID. 253|If COI Carry Over is Y, section must exist in prior reinsurance year.|If COI Carry Over is Y, section must exist in prior reinsurance year. 254|COI Reponses cannot change between years if COI Carryover is Y.|If COI Carry Over is Y, the current reinsurance year's COI responses 1 - 11 must match COI responses 1 - 11 from the prior reinsurance year. 255|Comma-delimited list must contain the following values:|Comma-delimited list must contain the following values: 256|If coi question indicates a Y response, coi responses of Y must exist|If the Conflict's coi_question tag indicates there is a Yes response for a coi_q#_response, at least one Yes coi_q#_response must be found on the Agent, Adjuster, or Employee. 257|Agent, Adjuster, or Employee must exist for COI|Agent, Adjuster, or Employee section must exist for the reinsurance_year, insurance_provider, and coi_respond_ssn. 258|Default Equivalent rule|Default Equivalent Rule 259|Valid original LGM premium transaction time edit|Original LGM premiums for the current month may be received on the last government business Friday of each month until 8:00 p.m. central time the next day. 260|COI carry over rules|If coi_carry_over = N, the date field must be >= 04/01/prior reinsurance year and <= submission date. If coi_carry_over = Y, the date field must be >= 01/07/2008 and <= submission date. 261|State rule for payment type 06|If the payment type is 06 then the state must be included in the following list: 262|Prepayment flag requirement for RY >= 2009|If the Payment section is submitted prior to the Premium section and the paid amount > 0, must = 1; otherwise, must = 0. 263|Limit Payment Type|Payment Types <> 4 are invalid for LRP and LGM crop policies. 264|Valid states for Payment Type 4 on LGM/LRP policies|Payment Types = 4 are valid for LRP and LGM crop policies for the following states. 265|Section requires previously accepted ins plan cd with MPCI OR Livestock plan type on Crop Policy.|Section requires previously accepted ins plan cd with MPCI Or Livestock plan type on Crop Policy section. 266|Must > 0 if Loss Cd = E. If Loss Cd = P, pos 1-2 must = valid state cd and pos 3-9 must be > 0.|Must be > 0 when the Total Loss Code = E. When the Total Loss Code = P, bytes 1 - 2 must be a valid state code and bytes 3 - 9 must be > 0. 267|If Loss Cd = P, then Policy Num <> current Disbursement Policy Num.|If Total Loss Code is P, Policy Number cannot be the current Disbursement's Policy Number. 269|Sub Red Pct required/empty rule|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be > 0 if Entity/SBI fails CC requirements; Empty if Entity/SBI passes CC requirements; Equal 1 if Entity fails CC requirements. 270|Maximum Head/Reinsurance Year/Commodity|Number of head in a reinsurance year for this commodity may not exceed specified amount. 271|Daily Underwriting Capacity Manager|Sales (sum of total premium) for the current sales period may not exceed the daily sales limit for your selected insurance plan code and commodity code. 274|Valid SSN|SSN must be valid. 275|Daily Underwriting Capacity Manager|Sales (sum of total premium) for the current sales period may not exceed the daily sales limit for your selected insurance plan code and non-Lamb commodities. 276|Maximum Head / Reinsurance Year / Producer|Number of head in a reinsurance year for a policy number may not exceed specified amount. 277|SSA Death Master File validation|The Primary Producer or an associated SBI on this policy was found on the SSA Death Master File. For Insurance Plan Codes 81 and 82, the individual's death date cannot be 30 days prior to the insured signature date at the time of crop_policy reporting or sales effective date at the time of premium reporting. For insurance plan codes 61 and 63, the individual's death date cannot be 30 days prior to the modified cancellation date. The Primary Producer or SBI is no longer eligible for this policy. 278|Entity Certification Code required when Late Process Flag equals 12|Entity Certification Code is required when the Late Process Flag equals 12. 279|One LRP endorsement per effective date, commodity, type, and endorsement length.|One LRP endorsement is allowed per effective date for the same commodity code, type code, and endorsement length. 280|Late Process Flag|Late Process Flag cannot be 00 if the LSR Reduction Flag is greater than 0 281|Disbursement totals must match indemnity totals when disbursements are present.|When disbursements have been submitted, the Sum (total_amount) from Disbursements must equal the Sum (indemnity_amount) on Indemnities with matching claim numbers and be greater than zero. 282|If ID Type equals 1 (SSN), determine if the ID Number is valid|If ID Type equals 1 (SSN), ID Number must be valid. 283|Indemnity totals must match disbursement totals when disbursements are present.|When disbursements have been submitted, the Sum (total_amount) from Disbursements must equal the Sum (indemnity_amount) on Indemnities with matching claim numbers and be greater than zero. 284|Auth number cannot exist if change flag <> 3|Authorization number cannot exist if change flag equals 1 or 2. 285|Indemnity/Disbursement records re-processed.|Indemnity and/or disbursement records associated with this record have been re-processed. 286|BFR Validation for Entity|In order to claim BFR, an entity and its SBIs must have less than 5 years of history actively operating or managing a farm or ranch 287|No BFR/VFR Changes After Premium Acceptance|Changes to the BFR/VFR selection cannot be made once a premium for this entity has been accepted. 288|BFR Validation for SBI|In order to claim BFR, an entity and its SBIs must have less than 5 years of history actively operating or managing a farm or ranch 289|BFR/VFR Validation for Policy|If Entity's prgm_ind_cd_list = BF or VF, at least one Individual must exist on the Entity/SBI(s) for the Policy.  An Individual is defined as an Entity/SBI with ID Type = 1 (SSN) or 5 (BIA) 290|Compliance Certiciation Code required/empty rule|Compliance Certification Code is required for the following scenario(s): ID Type and ID Number are not found in the FSA Compliance Certification listing. Compliance Certification Code must be empty for the following scenario(s): Compliance Certification Code equals A or B and Entity's ID Type/ID Number are found in the FSA Compliance Certification listing; Compliance Certification Code = A or B and Entity's ID Type/ID Number has history; Compliance Certification Code = A and SBI's ID Type/ID Number are found on the FSA Compliance Certification listing; Entity's Compliance Certificaton Code = A and SBI's ID Type/ID Number has history. 291|Conservation Compliance History rule|Retrieve the number of years of history for the ID Type/ID Number from eDAS and PASS. The number of years of history will be saved in an internal variable and used in later validations. 292|Conservation Compliance validation|Conservation Compliance validation 293|Crop Policy Deletion With Active Payment Record|You cannot delete a crop policy when there is an active payment record and no other crop policies associated with the policy 294|Compliance Certification Code must be empty when Entity Type != F|Compliance Certification Code must be empty when Entity Type does not equal F. 295|Authorization number required if outside of sales period.|Authorization number required if outside of sales period. 296|Authorization number required if outside of sales period.|Authorization number required if outside of sales period. 297|BFR/VFR Validation for Entity|The Entity does not qualify for BFR or VFR. 298|BFR/VFR Validation for SBI|The SBI does not qualify for BFR or VFR. 299|BFR/VFR Validation for Premium setting Original Certification Signature Date|If Effective Date is greater than or equal to Original Certification Signature Date, then BF or VF is permitted. 301|Valid original LGM premium transaction time edit|Original LGM premiums for the week may be received on non-holiday Thursdays until 12:00 p.m.central time the next day. 302|Authorization number required if outside of sales period.|Authorization number required if outside of sales period.