ReinsuranceYear|Record Type Code|Rule Record Type Code|Rule ID|Validator ID|Rule Severity ID|Message|Control Record Type Code 9999|D00001|I60|16299|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60|16478|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ITS ICE "D06100" record.|D06100 9999|D00001|I60|16301|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60|17249|12|9|A Policy record must be found in either PASS or EDAS that matches the TaxID, Tax ID Type Code and Entity Type Code submitted on the I60 record.| 9999|D00001|I60|55208|67|9|The Tax ID Type Code / Entity Type Code combination is invalid.|D06019 9999|D00001|I60|72331|12|9|An unexpected system error occurred during processing within the ITS system.| 9999|D00001|I60|76730|12|9|The ITS system has detected that the submitted Ineligible Transaction Code is invalid based upon the existing status of the business entity in the ineligible database.| 9999|D00001|I60|76732|12|9|The system could not successfully communicate with the ITS application. The message received from the ITS application was not in the recognized format.| 9999|D00001|I60|73147|34|9|I60 records with an Ineligible Transaction Code of 20, 21, 22 or 23 must have at least 1 corresponding I65 record.| 9999|D00001|I60|92458|12|9|When the Ineligible Transaction Code is 47 or 48, the Debt Delinquency Date must be greater than or equal to 8/31/2015 if there is no Payment Agreement. If a Payment Agreement Date is submitted, the Debt Satisfied Date must be greater than or equal to 8/31/2015.| 9999|D00001|I60|17953|1504|9|The following child records must exist in the batch for this record to be accepted:I60A| 9999|D00001|I60|119134|12|9|The I60 record must have no less than the minimum and no more than the maximum number of child I60B records, by Entity Type Code and Tax ID Type Code combination.| 9999|D00001|I60|17952|1503|9|The following child records must be accepted in the batch for this record to be accepted:I60A, I60B, I65| 9999|D00001|I60|62008|1503|9|The following child records must be accepted in the batch for this record to be accepted:I60A, I60B, I65. One or more records failed previous transaction validations.| 9999|D00001|I60|16303|1|9|AIP Ineligible Producer Key is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60|16346|17|9|AIP Ineligible Producer Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60|16347|9|9|AIP Ineligible Producer Key must be unique within the submitted I60 records.| 9999|D00001|I60|16304|1|9|Tax ID is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60|16345|17|9|Tax ID must be exactly 9 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60|16305|1|9|Tax ID Type Code is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60|17029|10|9|Tax ID Type Code must be valid; edit with TaxID Type ICE "D00005" record when Reinsurance Year is greater than 2010.|D00005 9999|D00001|I60|16306|1|9|Entity Type Code is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60|16307|1|9|Ineligible Transaction Code is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60|16574|10|9|Ineligible Transaction Code must be valid; edit with Ineligible Transaction ITS ICE "D06601" record.|D06601 9999|D00001|I60|62005|6|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "15" is not valid for the Ineligible Producer.| 9999|D00001|I60|89431|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of 47 or 48 is only valid in Reinsurance Year 2015 or later. Ineligible Transaction Code of 49 is only allowed in Reinsurance Year 2018 or later.| 9999|D00001|I60|63149|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "04" is only valid when a previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to one of the following values: (01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23).| 9999|D00001|I60|63150|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "06" is only valid when a previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to one of the following values: (01, 02, 03, 06, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23).| 9999|D00001|I60|63151|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "10" is only valid when a previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to one of the following values: (01, 02, 03, 06, 10, 11, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23)| 9999|D00001|I60|63152|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "11" is only valid when a previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to "06" or "11".| 9999|D00001|I60|63153|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "12" is only valid when there is a previous Ineligible Transaction Code of 10, 12 or 15.| 9999|D00001|I60|63154|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "99" is only valid within 7 days of original transmission of the entity, and when the previous Ineligible Transaction Code is one of the following values: (01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 47, 48, 49,99)| 9999|D00001|I60|63155|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "98" is only valid within 7 days of the original transmission of the entity, and when the previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to one of the following values: (04, 06, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 47, 48, 49, 98).| 9999|D00001|I60|63156|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "05" is only valid when a previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to one of the following values: (01, 02, 03, 05, 17, 20 21, 22, 23).| 9999|D00001|I60|63157|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "15" is only valid when a previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to one of the following values: (01, 02, 03, 06, 11, 12, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23,).| 9999|D00001|I60|72316|6|9|Ineligible Transaction Code must not equal one of the following values: '08', '19', '39', '71', '72', '73', '75', '80', '16', '09', '13', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '41', '42', '43'.| 9999|D00001|I60|92682|12|9|The Ineligible Transaction Code is invalid because the Debt Satisfied Date is more than seven days later than the Ineligible Date.| 9999|D00001|I60|128898|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of 47 or 48 is not allowed for the first time a record is submitted.| 9999|D00001|I60|16308|1|9|Debt Delinquency Date is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60|16442|8|9|Debt Delinquency Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I60|131060|3|9|Debt Delinquency Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 9999|D00001|I60|16500|1|9|Payment Agreement Date is Required when Ineligible Transaction Code is '06'.| 9999|D00001|I60|16443|8|9|Payment Agreement Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I60|62003|7|9|Payment Agreement Date must be greater than Debt Delinquency Date.| 9999|D00001|I60|16580|1|9|Debt Satisfied Date is Required when Ineligible Transaction Code is one of the following values: '04', '47'.| 9999|D00001|I60|16583|22|9|Debt Satisfied Date must be empty when Ineligible Transaction Code is not one of the following values: '04', '15', '47', '48', '49'.| 9999|D00001|I60|16444|8|9|Debt Satisfied Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I60|16582|7|9|Debt Satisfied Date must be greater than Debt Delinquency Date.| 9999|D00001|I60|16584|1|9|Bankruptcy Date is Required when Ineligible Transaction Code is '10'.| 9999|D00001|I60|16445|8|9|Bankruptcy Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I60|16487|22|9|Business Name must be empty when not allowed for the Entity Type or when Last Name exists.| 9999|D00001|I60|17174|1|9|Business Name is Required when Last Name is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60|16351|17|9|Business Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60|16352|25|9|Business Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (/), (*), (+), (#).| 9999|D00001|I60|16495|22|9|Last Name must be empty when not allowed for the Entity Type or if Business Name is submitted.| 9999|D00001|I60|16491|1|9|Last Name is Required when Business Name is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60|16409|17|9|Last Name must be a minimum of 2 characters in length and a maximum of 25 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60|16494|25|9|Last Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 9999|D00001|I60|16499|22|9|First Name must be empty when not allowed for the Entity Type or Business Name exists.| 9999|D00001|I60|16496|1|9|First Name is Required when Business Name is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60|16410|17|9|First Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60|16498|25|9|First Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 9999|D00001|I60|63082|22|9|Middle Name must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60|16411|17|9|Middle Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60|16585|25|9|Middle Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 9999|D00001|I60|16589|22|9|Name Suffix must be empty Last Name is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60|16412|17|9|Name Suffix must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60|16598|25|9|Name Suffix must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 9999|D00001|I60|16603|22|9|Title must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60|16413|17|9|Title must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60|16602|25|9|Title must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 9999|D00001|I60|16309|1|9|Contact Office Name is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60|16414|17|9|Contact Office Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60|16311|1|9|Contact Office Phone is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60|16415|17|9|Contact Office Phone must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60|16312|1|9|Commodity Year is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60|16892|2|9|Commodity Year must be Numeric.| 9999|D00001|I60|16894|20|9|Commodity Year must be a whole number.| 9999|D00001|I60|16605|1|9|Eligibility Reversal Date is Required when Ineligible Transaction Code is one of the following values: '11', '12'.| 9999|D00001|I60|16446|8|9|Eligibility Reversal Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I60|16575|10|9|Special Purpose Code must be valid; edit with Special Purpose ITS ICE "D06602" record.|D06602 9999|D00001|I60|73148|17|9|Special Purpose Code must be exactly 1 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60|92642|10|9|Ineligible Transaction Code must be valid; edit with Ineligible Transaction ITS ICE "D06601" record.|D06601 9999|D00001|I60A|16313|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16519|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ITS ICE "D06100" record.|D06100 9999|D00001|I60A|16314|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60A|17954|11|9|The parent I60 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 9999|D00001|I60A|72332|12|9|A system error occurred while trying to verify this record with the Ineligible Tracking System.| 9999|D00001|I60A|78887|34|9|One and only one I60A record is allowed for a given AIP Ineligible Producer Key.| 9999|D00001|I60A|17955|1522|9|The parent I60 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16316|1|9|AIP Ineligible Producer Key is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16317|1|9|AIP Ineligible Producer Address Key is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16608|9|9|AIP Ineligible Producer Address Key must be unique within the parent I60 record.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16416|17|9|AIP Ineligible Producer Address Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16611|22|9|Street 1 Address must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16613|1|9|Street 1 Address is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16417|17|9|Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16610|25|9|Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 9999|D00001|I60A|16418|17|9|Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16614|25|9|Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 9999|D00001|I60A|16319|1|9|City Name is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 9999|D00001|I60A|87124|22|9|City Name must be empty when State Abbreviation is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16643|1|9|State Abbreviation is Required when International Country Code is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16645|22|9|State Abbreviation must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16460|10|9|State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table when International Country Code is empty.|D10003 9999|D00001|I60A|16676|22|9|Zip Code must be empty when State Abbreviation is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16675|1|9|Zip Code is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16461|10|9|Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 9999|D00001|I60A|87125|22|9|Zip Extension Code must be empty when State Abbreviation is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16420|17|9|Zip Extension Code must be exactly 4 characters in length when Zip Extension Code exists.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16521|10|9|Phone Number Exception Code must be valid; edit with Phone Number Exception ITS ICE "D06105" record.|D06105 9999|D00001|I60A|16421|17|9|Phone Number must be exactly 10 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16679|26|9|The characters in Phone Number may not all be the same.| 9999|D00001|I60A|17134|33|9|Phone Number must contain only numeric characters.| 9999|D00001|I60A|17135|12|9|Phone Number positions 1 through 3 must be greater than or equal to '200' and less than or equal to '999'.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16422|17|9|Phone Extension Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 6 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16682|33|9|Phone Extension Number must contain only numeric characters.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16683|6|9|Phone Extension Number must not equal '000000'.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16684|1|9|International Address is Required when State Abbreviation is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16686|22|9|International Address must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16423|17|9|International Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16685|25|9|International Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 9999|D00001|I60A|16687|1|9|International Country Code is Required when State Abbreviation is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16688|22|9|International Country Code must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 9999|D00001|I60A|16462|10|9|International Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 9999|D00001|I60A|16463|10|9|International Phone Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 9999|D00001|I60B|16320|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16527|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ITS ICE "D06100" record.|D06100 9999|D00001|I60B|16321|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60B|17257|12|9|A Policy Producer Other Person record must be found in either PASS or EDAS that matches the TaxID, Tax ID Type Code and Entity Type Code submitted on the I60B record.| 9999|D00001|I60B|17958|11|9|The parent I60 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 9999|D00001|I60B|72333|12|9|An unexpected system error occurred during processing within the ITS system.| 9999|D00001|I60B|76731|12|9|The ITS system has detected that the submitted Ineligible Transaction Code is invalid based upon the existing status of the business entity in the ineligible database.| 9999|D00001|I60B|92459|12|9|When the Ineligible Transaction Code is 47 or 48, the Debt Delinquency Date must be greater than or equal to 8/31/2015 if there is no Payment Agreement. If a Payment Agreement Date is submitted, the Debt Satisfied Date must be greater than or equal to 8/31/2015.| 9999|D00001|I60B|17959|1522|9|The parent I60 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16323|1|9|AIP Ineligible Producer Key is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16324|1|9|AIP Ineligible Producer Other Person Key is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16424|17|9|AIP Ineligible Producer Other Person Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16689|9|9|AIP Ineligible Producer Other Person Key must be unique within the parent I60 record.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16325|1|9|Tax ID is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16425|17|9|Tax ID must be exactly 9 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16326|1|9|Tax ID Type Code is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60B|17158|10|9|Tax ID Type Code must be valid; edit with TaxID Type ICE "D00005" record when Reinsurance Year is greater than 2010.|D00005 9999|D00001|I60B|16327|1|9|Entity Type Code is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16328|1|9|Ineligible Transaction Code is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16576|10|9|Ineligible Transaction Code must be valid; edit with Ineligible Transaction ITS ICE "D06601" record.|D06601 9999|D00001|I60B|89432|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of 47 or 48 is only valid in Reinsurance Year 2015 or later. Ineligible Transaction Code of 49 is only allowed in Reinsurance Year 2018 or later.| 9999|D00001|I60B|63158|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "04" is only valid when a previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to one of the following values: (01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23).| 9999|D00001|I60B|63159|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "06" is only valid when a previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to one of the following values: (01, 02, 03, 06, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23).| 9999|D00001|I60B|63160|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "10" is only valid when a previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to one of the following values: (01, 02, 03, 06, 10, 11, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23.)| 9999|D00001|I60B|63161|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "11" is only valid when a previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to "06" or "11".| 9999|D00001|I60B|63162|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "12" is only valid when there is a previous Ineligible Transaction Code of 10, 12 or 15.| 9999|D00001|I60B|63163|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "99" is only valid within 7 days of the original transmission of the entity, and when the previous Ineligible Transaction Code is one of the following values: (01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 47, 48, 49, 99.)| 9999|D00001|I60B|63164|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "98" is only valid within 7 days of the original transmission of the entity, and when the previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to one of the following values: (04, 06, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 47, 48, 49, 98).| 9999|D00001|I60B|63165|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "05" is only valid when a previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to one of the following values: (01, 02, 03, 05, 17, 20 21, 22, 23).| 9999|D00001|I60B|63166|12|9|Ineligible Transaction Code of "15" is only valid when a previous Ineligible Transaction Code is equal to one of the following values: (01, 02, 03, 06, 11, 12, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23).| 9999|D00001|I60B|72317|6|9|Ineligible Transaction Code must not equal one of the following values: '08', '19', '39', '71', '72', '73', '75', '80', '16', '09', '13', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '41', '42', '43'.| 9999|D00001|I60B|92683|12|9|The Ineligible Transaction Code is invalid because the Debt Satisfied Date is more than seven days later than the Ineligible Date.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16329|1|9|Debt Delinquency Date is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16447|8|9|Debt Delinquency Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I60B|16690|1|9|Payment Agreement Date is Required when Ineligible Transaction Code is '06'.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16448|8|9|Payment Agreement Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I60B|62004|7|9|Payment Agreement Date must be greater than Debt Delinquency Date.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16691|1|9|Debt Satisfied Date is Required when Ineligible Transaction Code is one of the following values: '04', '47'.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16693|22|9|Debt Satisfied Date must be empty when Ineligible Transaction Code is not one of the following values: '04', '15', '47', '48', '49'.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16449|8|9|Debt Satisfied Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I60B|16692|7|9|Debt Satisfied Date must be greater than Debt Delinquency Date.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16694|1|9|Bankruptcy Date is Required when Ineligible Transaction Code is '10'.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16450|8|9|Bankruptcy Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I60B|16534|22|9|Business Name must be empty when not allowed for the Entity Type Code or Last Name exists.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16695|1|9|Business Name is Required when the Last Name is not submitted.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16426|17|9|Business Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16696|25|9|Business Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (/), (*), (+), (#).| 9999|D00001|I60B|16543|22|9|Last Name must be empty when not allowed for the Entity Type Code or Business Name exists.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16697|1|9|Last Name is Required when Business Name is not submitted.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16427|17|9|Last Name must be a minimum of 2 characters in length and a maximum of 25 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16698|25|9|Last Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 9999|D00001|I60B|16544|22|9|First Name must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16699|1|9|First Name is Required when Last Name exists.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16428|17|9|First Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16700|25|9|First Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 9999|D00001|I60B|16702|22|9|Middle Name must be empty when the associated ODS Policy Producer Other Person "ODS10B" Middle Name is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16429|17|9|Middle Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16701|25|9|Middle Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 9999|D00001|I60B|16430|17|9|Suffix must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16703|25|9|Suffix must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 9999|D00001|I60B|16706|22|9|Title must be empty when the associated ODS Policy Producer Other Person "ODS10B" Title is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16431|17|9|Title must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16705|25|9|Title must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 9999|D00001|I60B|16708|22|9|Street 1 Address must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16709|1|9|Street 1 Address is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16432|17|9|Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16707|25|9|Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 9999|D00001|I60B|16433|17|9|Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16710|25|9|Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 9999|D00001|I60B|87277|1|9|City Name is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 9999|D00001|I60B|87278|22|9|City Name must be empty when State Abbreviation is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16711|1|9|State Abbreviation is Required when International Country Code is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16714|22|9|State Abbreviation must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16465|10|9|State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table when International Country Code is empty.|D10003 9999|D00001|I60B|16718|1|9|Zip Code is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16721|22|9|Zip Code must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16466|10|9|Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 9999|D00001|I60B|16435|17|9|Zip Extension Code must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16549|10|9|Phone Number Exception Code must be valid; edit with Phone Number Exception ITS ICE "D06105" record.|D06105 9999|D00001|I60B|16436|17|9|Phone Number must be exactly 10 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16729|26|9|The characters in Phone Number may not all be the same.| 9999|D00001|I60B|17151|33|9|Phone Number must contain only numeric characters.| 9999|D00001|I60B|17152|12|9|Phone Number positions 1 through 3 must be greater than or equal to '200' and less than or equal to '999'.| 9999|D00001|I60B|17162|67|9|Phone Number must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance Agent Agency ODS "ODS55A" record when Reinsurance Year is greater than 2010 and Phone Number Exception Code is 'A'.|ODS55A 9999|D00001|I60B|16437|17|9|Phone Extension Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 6 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16744|33|9|Phone Extension Number must contain only numeric characters.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16748|6|9|Phone Extension Number must not equal '000000'.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16752|1|9|International Address is Required when State Abbreviation is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16764|22|9|International Address must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16438|17|9|International Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16758|25|9|International Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 9999|D00001|I60B|16864|1|9|International Country Code is Required when State Abbreviation is empty.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16865|22|9|International Country Code must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16467|10|9|International Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 9999|D00001|I60B|16468|10|9|International Phone Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 9999|D00001|I60B|16331|1|9|Contact Office Name is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16439|17|9|Contact Office Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16332|1|9|Contact Office Phone is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16440|17|9|Contact Office Phone must be exactly 10 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16333|1|9|Commodity Year is Required.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16875|2|9|Commodity Year must be Numeric.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16876|20|9|Commodity Year must be a whole number.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16908|1|9|Eligibility Reversal Date is Required when Ineligible Transaction Code is one of the following values: '11', '12'.| 9999|D00001|I60B|16451|8|9|Eligibility Reversal Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I60B|16577|10|9|Special Purpose Code must be valid; edit with Special Purpose ITS ICE "D06602" record.|D06602 9999|D00001|I65|16334|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 9999|D00001|I65|16572|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ITS ICE "D06100" record.|D06100 9999|D00001|I65|16335|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 9999|D00001|I65|17960|11|9|The parent I60 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 9999|D00001|I65|72334|12|9|An unexpected system error occurred during processing within the ITS system.| 9999|D00001|I65|17951|67|9|The Location State Code, Policy Number, Commodity Year, and Commodity Code combination must be a valid, accepted policy combination when the AIP Policy Producer Key is empty.|ODS14 9999|D00001|I65|86057|12|9|One or more 65 rows have been specified for a non-CAT ITS instance.| 9999|D00001|I65|17961|1522|9|The parent I60 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 9999|D00001|I65|16337|1|9|AIP Ineligible Producer Key is Required.| 9999|D00001|I65|55098|1|9|AIP Ineligible CAT Fee Debt Key is Required.| 9999|D00001|I65|55099|17|9|AIP Ineligible CAT Fee Debt Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I65|55100|9|9|AIP Ineligible CAT Fee Debt Key must be unique within the parent I60 record.| 9999|D00001|I65|16912|22|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be empty when Policy Number exists or Reinsurance Year is less than 2011.| 9999|D00001|I65|17272|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required when Reinsurance Year is greater than or equal to 2011 and Policy Number is empty.| 9999|D00001|I65|16989|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when AIP Policy Producer Key exists.|ODS14 9999|D00001|I65|16916|22|9|Policy Number must be empty when AIP Policy Producer Key exists.| 9999|D00001|I65|16917|1|9|Policy Number is Required when AIP Policy Producer Key is empty.| 9999|D00001|I65|16918|2|9|Policy Number must be Numeric.| 9999|D00001|I65|16441|17|9|Policy Number must be exactly 7 characters in length.| 9999|D00001|I65|16919|6|9|Policy Number must not equal '0000000'.| 9999|D00001|I65|16921|22|9|Pic Code must be empty when AIP Policy Producer Key exists.| 9999|D00001|I65|16922|1|9|Pic Code is Required when AIP Policy Producer Key is empty.| 9999|D00001|I65|16573|10|9|Pic Code must be valid; edit with PIC ITS ICE "D06101" record.|D06101 9999|D00001|I65|16923|22|9|Location State Code must be empty when AIP Policy Producer Key exists.| 9999|D00001|I65|16924|1|9|Location State Code is Required when AIP Policy Producer Key is empty.| 9999|D00001|I65|16469|10|9|Location State Code must be valid; edit with State ADM "A00520" record.|A00520 9999|D00001|I65|16470|10|9|Location State Code must be valid; edit with the AIP State table.|D10001 9999|D00001|I65|16338|1|9|Debt Delinquency Date is Required.| 9999|D00001|I65|16452|8|9|Debt Delinquency Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I65|16999|6|9|Debt Delinquency Date must equal the Debt Delinquency Date of the Parent I60 record.| 9999|D00001|I65|16339|1|9|Uncollected Fee Amount is Required.| 9999|D00001|I65|16457|2|9|Uncollected Fee Amount must be Numeric.| 9999|D00001|I65|16458|20|9|Uncollected Fee Amount must have no more than 7 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999.99.| 9999|D00001|I65|16340|1|9|Billing Date is Required.| 9999|D00001|I65|16453|8|9|Billing Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I65|16341|1|9|Pre-Term Letter Date is Required.| 9999|D00001|I65|16454|8|9|Pre-Term Letter Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 9999|D00001|I65|17172|12|9|Pre-Term Letter Date must be at least 30 days prior to the date in which the Ineligible Producer (I60) record was first received.| 9999|D00001|I65|16925|7|9|Pre-Term Letter Date must be greater than Billing Date.| 9999|D00001|I65|63148|12|2|This field has been passed over to ITS for additional validation.| 9999|D00001|I65|16342|1|9|Commodity Year is Required.| 9999|D00001|I65|16906|2|9|Commodity Year must be Numeric.| 9999|D00001|I65|16907|20|9|Commodity Year must be a whole number.| 9999|D00001|I65|16926|12|9|Commodity Year must be between the Ineligible Reinsurance Year plus one and the Ineligible Reinsurance Year minus one.| 9999|D00001|I65|16343|1|9|Commodity Code is Required.| 9999|D00001|I65|16471|10|9|Commodity Code must be valid; edit with Commodity ADM "A00420" record.|A00420 9999|D00001|I65|16927|1|9|Type Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0052', '0053', '0073', '0088'.| 9999|D00001|I65|16929|1|9|Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is '0073'.| 9999|D00001|I65|16344|1|9|Location County Code is Required.| 9999|D00001|I65|16477|10|9|Location County Code must be valid; edit with County ADM "A00440" record.|A00440