Reinsurance Year|Record Type Code|Yield Descriptor Code|Yield Descriptor Description|Released Date|Last Released Date|Deleted Date 2025|D00151|A|Actual Yield|20240321|20240321| 2025|D00151|AC|Cat C APH crops, commingled production, separate acres, separate production using different T-Yields|20240321|20240321| 2025|D00151|AX|Simple avg yld actual & assigned yields for same crop yr and same P/T/V/TMA. Replaces excessive yld|20240321|20240321| 2025|D00151|FA|Actual yld undamaged acres when part of acreage in APH db is damaged due to UUF or 3rd party damage|20240321|20240321| 2025|D00151|FD|All acreage within APH is damaged due to UUF or third party damage.|20240321|20240321| 2025|D00151|PA|Prorated Actual Production|20240321|20240321| 2025|D00151|Q|Short rated acreage, no production, actual acres short rated on the prod report and in APH DB|20240321|20240321| 2025|D00151|UG|Unharvested Production|20240321|20240321| 2025|D00151|UR|Unreported Production|20240321|20240321|