ReinsuranceYear|Record Type Code|Rule Record Type Code|Rule ID|Validator ID|Rule Severity ID|Message|Control Record Type Code 2022|D00001|P09|3499|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P09|3500|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P09|3501|1|9|Reinsurance Year is required.| 2022|D00001|P09|5812|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-07-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P09|3503|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P09|153535|1020|0|Set AIP Policy Producer Key = ODS14.AipPolicyProducerKey, AIP Insurance In Force Key = ODS14.AipInsuranceInForceKey from the ODS14 record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P09|3515|24|9|For the record key AIP Code, AIP Fund Designation Key, Reinsurance Year, the following values must be the same as prior submission: AIP Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Location County Code, Location State Code, Policy Number, Reinsurance Year when (Commodity Code is not equal to '0073' and '1010'') and not (Location State Code equals '04' and Commodity Code equals '0052') and not (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code in ('0052','0053')) and not (Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code in ('0193','0207','0208')).| 2022|D00001|P09|8153|24|9|For the record key AIP Code, AIP Fund Designation Key, Reinsurance Year, the following values must be the same as prior submission: AIP Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Location County Code, Location State Code, Policy Number, Reinsurance Year, TypeCode when (Location State Code equals '04' and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code in ('0052','0053')) or (Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code in ('0193','0207','0208')).| 2022|D00001|P09|8154|24|9|For the record key AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Fund Designation Key, the following values must be the same as prior submission: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, and Practice Code when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010'.| 2022|D00001|P09|45334|12|9|When the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented, the submitted values in the Extended Type/Practice fields must be valid for the offer according to the ADM Insurance Offer (A00030) record.| 2022|D00001|P09|3504|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Practice Code and Insurance Plan Code when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010'.| 2022|D00001|P09|8615|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Insurance Plan Code, and Specialty Type Code when Commodity is a Specialty Type.| 2022|D00001|P09|3509|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year and Insurance Plan Code when (Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0057','0073','0830','1010')) and NOT (Location State Code equals '04' and Commodity Code equals '0052') and NOT (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0052','0053')) and NOT (Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) and NOT (Insurance Plan Code equals '47' and Commodity Code equals '0227' and Type Code equals '134') and Duplicate Group Found Flag is not 'Y' and Specialty Type Indicator Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P09|3510|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code and Type Code for California grapes (0052,0053); Arizona grapes (0052); Cherries (0057); and Texas Citrus (0193,0207,0208). This rule specifically excludes Inventory commodities 0073 and 1010.| 2022|D00001|P09|119059|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Aip DRP Premium Key when Commodity Code is '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P09|3505|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Practice Code and Type Code are not submitted.|A00030 2022|D00001|P09|3506|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Practice Code exists and Type Code is empty.|A00030 2022|D00001|P09|3507|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Practice Code exists and Type Code exists.|A00030 2022|D00001|P09|3511|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Practice Code is empty and Type Code exists.|A00030 2022|D00001|P09|51061|34|9|Only one Primary Fund Code is allowed per Group and it must be the same within AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Policy Number, Location State, Location County, and Commodity Code, and Insurance Offer Group when for AZ, CA, FL, or TX Citrus for all Group Codes.| 2022|D00001|P09|55116|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year when Commodity Code is '0227' and Duplicate Group Code is '134' and Location State Code is one of the following values: '04', '06'.| 2022|D00001|P09|3514|23|9|Insurance Plan Code may not be changed if the Primary Fund Code does not equal the previously submitted Primary Fund Code and Batch Received Date is greater than Fund Designation Cutoff Date.|ODS09 2022|D00001|P09|8030|12|9|Fund Designation Cutoff Date was not able to be determined.| 2022|D00001|P09|3586|12|9|Record must be accepted before the Fund Cutoff date when Added County Indicator Code is not equal to 'S' or Primary Fund Code is not equal to 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P09|128527|69|9|This P09 record has an active manual change request associated with it, but the expected value does not match the newly submitted value.|D10068 2022|D00001|P09|3518|1|9|AIP Fund Designation Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P09|3519|9|9|AIP Fund Designation Key must be unique within the submitted P09 records.| 2022|D00001|P09|4387|17|9|AIP Fund Designation Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P09|3520|1|9|Policy Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P09|3522|33|9|Policy Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P09|3523|17|9|Policy Number must be exactly 7 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P09|3521|6|9|Policy Number must not equal '0000000'.| 2022|D00001|P09|3524|1|9|Location State Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P09|3525|10|9|Location State Code must be valid; edit with State ADM "A00520" record.|A00520 2022|D00001|P09|3526|10|9|Location State Code must be valid; edit with the AIP State table.|D10001 2022|D00001|P09|3529|1|9|Location County Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P09|3530|10|9|Location County Code must be valid; edit with County ADM "A00440" record.|A00440 2022|D00001|P09|10405|10|9|Location County Code must be valid; edit with County ICE "D00107" record when WA Number exists.|D00107 2022|D00001|P09|3531|1|9|Insurance Plan Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P09|3532|10|9|Insurance Plan Code must be valid; edit with Insurance Plan ADM "A00460" record.|A00460 2022|D00001|P09|29320|6|9|Insurance Plan Code must not equal one of the following values: '81', '82'.| 2022|D00001|P09|8633|57|9|When Insurance Plan is '02' and Commodity is submitted with a Specialty Type, there cannot be another Fund Record submitted for the same county, except when Insurance Plan is '01'.| 2022|D00001|P09|8634|57|9|When Insurance Plan is '03' and Commodity is submitted with a Specialty Type, there cannot be another Fund Record submitted for the same county, except when Insurance Plan is '01'.| 2022|D00001|P09|3534|1|9|Commodity Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P09|3535|10|9|Commodity Code must be valid; edit with Commodity ADM "A00420" record.|A00420 2022|D00001|P09|3527|1|9|Commodity Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P09|7413|2|9|Commodity Year must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P09|119036|22|9|Type Code must be empty when Commodity Code is '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P09|16473|1|9|Type Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0052', '0053' and Location State Code is '06' or Location State Code is '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0193', '0207', '0208' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and any of the Extended Type Codes have been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|51055|1|9|Type Code is required when Commodity Code and Insurance Plan Code are part of an Insurance Offer Group - FL, AZ, CA, and TX Citrus Fruit Groups.| 2022|D00001|P09|16474|22|9|Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|16475|22|9|Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type OR Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|3539|10|9|Type Code must be valid; edit with Type ADM "A00540" record, when Type Code is required or when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.|A00540 2022|D00001|P09|3537|1|9|Type Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0052', '0053' and Location State Code is '06' or Location State Code is '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0193', '0207', '0208' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|143225|1|9|Type Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0201','0202','0203','0227','0309','1302') and Insurance Plan Code equals '90' and Location State Code equals '12'.| 2022|D00001|P09|119037|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when Commodity Code is '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P09|3541|1|9|Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|16483|1|9|Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and any of the Extended Type Codes have been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|16484|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|16485|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type OR Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|3542|10|9|Practice Code must be valid; edit with Practice ADM "A00510" record when Practice Code is required or when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.|A00510 2022|D00001|P09|9497|16|9|Practice Code cannot change between submissions if it affects the Fund Cutoff Date.|ODS09 2022|D00001|P09|16488|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0052', '0053' and Location State Code is '06' or Location State Code is '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0193', '0207', '0208' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|16489|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0052', '0053' and Location State Code is '06' or Location State Code is '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0193', '0207', '0208' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|51063|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Commodity Code and Insurance Plan Code are part of an Insurance Offer Group and the Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented or the Extended Type/Practice fields are in transition and the Type Code has not been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|16490|22|9|Commodity Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|45244|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Class Code exists or Sub Class Code exists or Intended Use Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice code fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|4980|10|9|Commodity Type Code must be valid; edit with Commodity Type ADM "A00430" record, when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition or have been implemented.|A00430 2022|D00001|P09|16520|1|9|Class Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0052', '0053' and Location State Code is '06' or Location State Code is '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0193', '0207', '0208' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|16533|1|9|Class Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0052', '0053' and Location State Code is '06' or Location State Code is '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0193', '0207', '0208' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|51065|1|9|Class Code is Required when Commodity Code and Insurance Plan Code are part of an Insurance Offer Group and the Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented or the Extended Type/Practice fields are in transition and the Type Code has not been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|16535|22|9|Class Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|45246|1|9|Class Code is Required when Commodity Type Code exists or Sub Class Code exists or Intended Use Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|4981|10|9|Class Code must be valid; edit with Class ADM "A00410" record when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition or have been implemented.|A00410 2022|D00001|P09|16536|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0052', '0053' and Location State Code is '06' or Location State Code is '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0193', '0207', '0208' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|16538|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0052', '0053' and Location State Code is '06' or Location State Code is '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0193', '0207', '0208' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|51067|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Commodity Code and Insurance Plan Code are part of an Insurance Offer Group and the Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented or the Extended Type/Practice fields are in transition and the Type Code has not been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|16539|22|9|Sub Class Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|45249|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Commodity Type Code exists or Class Code exists or Intended Use Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|4982|10|9|Sub Class Code must be valid; edit with Sub Class ADM "A00530" record when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition or have been implemented.|A00530 2022|D00001|P09|16556|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0052', '0053' and Location State Code is '06' or Location State Code is '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0193', '0207', '0208' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|16557|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0052', '0053' and Location State Code is '06' or Location State Code is '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0193', '0207', '0208' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|51069|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Commodity Code and Insurance Plan Code are part of an Insurance Offer Group and the Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented or the Extended Type/Practice fields are in transition and the Type Code has not been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|16558|22|9|Intended Use Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|45251|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Commodity Type Code exists or Class Code exists or Sub Class Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|4983|10|9|Intended Use Code must be valid; edit with Intended Use ADM "A00470" record when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition or have been implemented.|A00470 2022|D00001|P09|16553|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|16554|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|16555|22|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|45253|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Cropping Practice Code exists or Organic Practice Code exists or Interval Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|4984|10|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be valid; edit with Irrigation Practice ADM "A00490" record when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition or have been implemented.|A00490 2022|D00001|P09|16550|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|16551|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|16552|22|9|Cropping Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|45255|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Irrigation Practice Code exists or Organic Practice Code exists or Interval Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|4985|10|9|Cropping Practice Code must be valid; edit with Cropping Practice ADM "A00450" record record when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition or have been implemented.|A00450 2022|D00001|P09|16545|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|16546|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|16547|22|9|Organic Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|45257|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Irrigation Practice Code exists or Cropping Practice Code exists or Interval Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|4986|10|9|Organic Practice Code must be valid; edit with Organic Practice ADM "A00500" record when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition or have been implemented.|A00500 2022|D00001|P09|16540|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|16541|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|16542|22|9|Interval Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|45259|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Irrigation Practice Code exists or Cropping Practice Code exists or Organic Practice Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P09|4990|10|9|Interval Code must be valid; edit with Interval ADM "A00480" record when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition or have been implemented.|A00480 2022|D00001|P09|3549|1|9|Primary Fund Code is required.| 2022|D00001|P09|3550|10|9|Primary Fund Code must be valid; edit with Fund ICE "D00009" record.|D00009 2022|D00001|P09|119033|6|9|Primary Fund Code must equal one of the following values: 'C', 'A' when Commodity Code is not '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P09|119034|6|9|Primary Fund Code must equal one of the following values: 'C', 'P' when Commodity Code is '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P09|3590|67|0|Primary Fund Code must not change between submissions if the Insurance Plan Code has changed and the record has been submitted after Fund Designation Cutoff Date.|ODS09 2022|D00001|P09|3533|16|9|Primary Fund Code cannot be set to Commercial (C) after cutoff if a prior fund has been accepted under this policy.|ODS09 2022|D00001|P09|5765|22|9|HR Fund Code must be empty when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '0332', '0830', '1010'.| 2022|D00001|P09|53916|22|9|HR Fund Code must be empty when Commodity Code is '0057' and Type Code is '416'.| 2022|D00001|P09|3553|10|9|HR Fund Code must be valid; edit with Fund ICE "D00009" record.|D00009 2022|D00001|P09|10158|12|9|Written Agreement was found in the ICE Exception Request table, but it has not yet been approved.| 2022|D00001|P09|51194|12|9|Written Agreement was not found in the ICE Exception Request table.| 2022|D00001|P09|4843|3|9|Written Agreement Number cannot be changed after Fund Cutoff.|ODS09 2022|D00001|P09|3558|22|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must be empty when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Commodity is not FL Fruit Trees.| 2022|D00001|P09|3562|22|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must be empty when Contract Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P09|12102|1|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date is Required when Commodity Code equals one of the following '0073', '1010' or (Location State Code equals '12' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0207', '0208', '0209', '0210', '0211', '0212', '0213', '0214')) and Contract Carryover Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P09|3565|8|9|Insured Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of 'CCYYMMDD'| 2022|D00001|P09|3566|7|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must be between Contract Change Date minus one year and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P09|10619|16|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must not change between submissions when the record is submitted after original Fund Designation Cutoff Date and the Primary Fund Code is not equal to 'C' and the previously accepted Primary Fund Code is not equal to 'C'.|ODS09 2022|D00001|P09|5039|22|9|Alternate Commodity Designation Code must be empty.| 2022|D00001|P09|3568|10|9|Added County Indicator Code must be valid; edit with Added County Indicator ICE "D00003" record.|D00003 2022|D00001|P09|3569|67|9|Added County Indicator Code is only valid for Category B crops (excluding Forage production) otherwise it must be empty.|D00047 2022|D00001|P09|3574|43|9|When submitting an added county policy ('S' record), the primary county policy ('N' or 'P' record) must have been previously accepted with the following matching values: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Added County AIP Fund Designation Key, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Location State Code if the primary county policy is equal to 'P', and Insurance Plan Code. Exceptions: if the Added County Indicator Code of the primary county policy is equal to 'N' then the Location State Code does not have to match. For policy with CAT coverage, the Insurance Plan Code can be different as long as if the plan of the added county policy is '01', '02', or '03' and the plan of the primary county policy is '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', or '06'.| 2022|D00001|P09|3508|37|9|Only one primary record is allowed for the 'P09' record when Added County Indicator Code is empty or Added County Indicator Code is one of the following values: 'P', 'N'.|ODS09 2022|D00001|P09|3570|12|9|Added County is not valid for Carryover policies when Added County Indicator Code is 'S'.| 2022|D00001|P09|3573|44|9|Not qualified for Added County where Added County Indicator Code is 'S'. County cannot be insured for another commodity for current year on the P09 or for same commodity for last year on an accepted P14.| 2022|D00001|P09|3572|12|9|Record may not be submitted before the Sales Closing Date if Added County Indicator Code is 'S'.| 2022|D00001|P09|3575|12|9|Added County Code cannot be changed after the Fund Cutoff date except when changing from 'N' to 'P' or 'P' to 'N' and the Added County record (Added County Indicator Code of 'S') was previously submitted.| 2022|D00001|P09|3576|1|9|Added County AIP Fund Designation Key is required when Added County Code is equal to S.| 2022|D00001|P09|8123|22|1|Added County AIP Fund Designation Key must be empty when Added County Indicator Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P09|3571|67|9|When Added County Indicator Code is 'S', the Primary Fund Record must exist and be accepted.|ODS09 2022|D00001|P09|119029|1|9|AIP DRP Premium Key is Required when Commodity Code is '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P09|119030|22|9|AIP DRP Premium Key must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P09|119032|17|9|AIP DRP Premium Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10|2890|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10|2891|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P10|2892|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10|5830|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-06-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P10|2894|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P10|72312|67|9|P10 Tax ID Type Code and Tax ID must have a previously accepted P75 record when the Program Indicator Code List contains 'BF' or 'VF' and Tax ID Type Code is not one of the following values: '2', '5'.|ODS75 2022|D00001|P10|2896|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with ID Type Entity Type Primary Producer ICE "D00019" record.|D00019 2022|D00001|P10|128456|12|9|When Program Indicator Code List contains 'BF', the producer's Producer Certification Indicator Code cannot equal 'V' from the P75. And, when Program Indicator Code List contains 'VF', the producer's Producer Certification Indicator Code cannot equal 'B' or be empty from the P75.| 2022|D00001|P10|7902|63|9|The business key AIP Code, Location State Code, Policy Number, Reinsurance Year must not have already been accepted for a different record key: AIP Code, AIP Policy Producer Key, Reinsurance Year.| 2022|D00001|P10|19412|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Location State Code, Policy Number, Reinsurance Year.| 2022|D00001|P10|2897|12|9|The P10 record must have no less than the minimum and no more than the maximum number of child P10B records, by Entity Type Code and Tax ID Type Code combination.| 2022|D00001|P10|109985|12|9|The P10 record must have no less than the minimum and no more than the maximum number of child P10B records, by Entity Type Code and Tax ID Type Code combination.| 2022|D00001|P10|200576|12|9|This P10 record has received a warning but has been set to rejected. Livestock P10 records with previously accepted endorsements cannot be accepted with warnings.| 2022|D00001|P10|2899|1503|9|The following child records must be accepted in the batch for this record to be accepted:P10A, P10B| 2022|D00001|P10|2900|1504|9|The following child records must exist in the batch for this record to be accepted:P10A| 2022|D00001|P10|128450|12|9|The Producer Certification Indicator Code on each Producer's or SBI's P75 record must match for all P10 and P10Bs within the same policy when Program Indicator Code List contains 'BF' or 'VF'.| 2022|D00001|P10|2903|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10|2904|17|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10|2905|9|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be unique within the submitted P10 records.| 2022|D00001|P10|8585|12|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must not contain Tax ID.| 2022|D00001|P10|2906|1|9|Policy Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10|2907|33|9|Policy Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P10|2908|17|9|Policy Number must be exactly 7 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10|8172|6|9|Policy Number must not equal '0000000'.| 2022|D00001|P10|2911|1|6|Pic Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10|2912|10|6|Pic Code must be valid; edit with PIC ICE "D00101" record.|D00101 2022|D00001|P10|4692|1|9|Location State Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10|4693|10|9|Location State Code must be valid; edit with State ADM "A00520" record.|A00520 2022|D00001|P10|5067|10|9|Location State Code must be valid; edit with the AIP State table.|D10001 2022|D00001|P10|2913|1|9|Tax ID is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10|2914|17|9|Tax ID must be exactly 9 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10|2915|33|9|Tax ID must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P10|5217|12|9|Tax ID must be a valid SSN when Tax ID Type Code is '1'.| 2022|D00001|P10|8164|6|9|Tax ID must not equal '000000000'.| 2022|D00001|P10|2916|32|9|Tax ID must be a valid Bureau of Indian Affairs number when Tax ID Type Code equals "5", edit the first five positions with the County ADM "A00440". Positions 1-2 must be a valid Location State Code, positions 3-5 must be a valid Location County Code.|A00440 2022|D00001|P10|8716|18|9|Tax ID must be a valid Bureau of Indian Affairs number when Tax ID Type Code equals "5", the right 4 characters of Tax ID may not equal '0000'.| 2022|D00001|P10|8717|12|9|Tax ID must be a valid Bureau of Indian Affairs number when Tax ID Type Code equals "5", positions 1-2 must equal the Location State Code on the Policy Producer, "P10" record.| 2022|D00001|P10|45419|10|9|Tax ID must be a valid RMA Assigned Number when Tax ID Type Code equals '3'.|D10032 2022|D00001|P10|54068|16|2|The SSA Death Master File indicates that the Primary Producer on this policy has died. It is possible that the producer should no longer be eligible for this policy.|D10033 2022|D00001|P10|2917|1|9|Tax ID Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10|2919|10|9|Tax ID Type Code must be valid; edit with TaxID Type ICE "D00005" record.|D00005 2022|D00001|P10|2920|1|9|Entity Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10|2921|10|9|Entity Type Code must be valid; edit with Entity Type ICE "D00012" record.|D00012 2022|D00001|P10|4958|22|6|Business Name must be empty when not allowed for the Entity Type.|D00019 2022|D00001|P10|2922|1|6|Business Name is Required when Last Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10|10581|22|6|Business Name must be empty when Last Name exists.| 2022|D00001|P10|2923|17|6|Business Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10|2924|25|6|Business Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (/), (*), (+), (#).| 2022|D00001|P10|2925|22|6|Last Name must be empty when not allowed for the Entity Type.|D00019 2022|D00001|P10|4959|1|6|Last Name is Required when Business Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10|10579|22|6|Last Name must be empty when Business Name exists.| 2022|D00001|P10|2926|25|6|Last Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P10|2927|17|6|Last Name must be a minimum of 2 characters in length and a maximum of 25 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10|2928|22|6|First Name must be empty when not allowed for the Entity Type.|D00019 2022|D00001|P10|4960|1|6|First Name is Required when Business Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10|10580|22|6|First Name must be empty when Business Name exists.| 2022|D00001|P10|2929|17|6|First Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10|2930|25|6|First Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P10|4961|22|6|Middle Name must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10|2932|17|6|Middle Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10|2933|25|6|Middle Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P10|4962|22|6|Suffix must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10|2935|17|6|Suffix must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10|2936|25|6|Suffix must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P10|4963|22|6|Title must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10|2938|17|6|Title must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10|2939|25|6|Title must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P10|2940|1|6|Relationship Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10|2941|10|6|Relationship Type Code must be valid; edit with Relationship Type ICE "D00004" record.|D00004 2022|D00001|P10|2942|1|6|Branch Office Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10|2943|10|6|Branch Office Code must be valid; edit with State ICE "D00106" record.|D00106 2022|D00001|P10|2945|6|6|Uninsurable SBI Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P10|9492|10|6|FSA RMA Entity Difference Code must be valid; edit with FSA RMA Entity Difference ICE "D00112" record.|D00112 2022|D00001|P10|3081|6|6|Acreage Measurement Provided Code must equal 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P10|66281|31|9|Each delimited value in Program Indicator Code List must be unique when Program Indicator Code List exists.| 2022|D00001|P10|66283|30|9|Each delimited value in Program Indicator Code List must be valid; edit with ICE Program Indicator ICE "D00154" record.|D00154 2022|D00001|P10|128382|12|9|Program Indicator Code List may not contain 'BF' and 'VF' at the same time when Program Indicator Code List exists.| 2022|D00001|P10|72662|12|9|Program Indicator Code List may not contain 'BF' or 'VF' when the Policy Producer and/or its associated SBIs do not contain P75 Producer Certification records.| 2022|D00001|P10|72336|12|9|Program Indicator Code List may not contain 'BF' when the Policy Producer and its associated SBIs contain more than 10 years of farmer rancher history.| 2022|D00001|P10|128383|12|9|Program Indicator Code List may not contain 'VF' when the Policy Producer and its associated SBIs contain more than 6 years of farmer rancher history when Program Indicator Code List exists.| 2022|D00001|P10|87111|10|6|Compliance Certification Code must be valid; edit with ICE Certification ICE "D00159" record when Compliance Certification Code exists.|D00159 2022|D00001|P10|87216|12|6|Compliance Certification Code must not exist when the Primary Producer contains PASS or eDAS history.| 2022|D00001|P10|92751|12|6|The P10 Primary Producer must have at least one year of SBI history and no years of Primary history when the Compliance Certification Code equals 'D'.| 2022|D00001|P10|110065|12|9|A record for the Tax ID and Tax ID Type Code must not exist in the ICE Conservation Compliance table with a violation flag equal to 'Y' when a Compliance Certification Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2948|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2949|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P10A|2950|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10A|5831|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-06-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2953|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P10A|2957|11|9|The parent P10 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P10A|200577|12|9|This P10 record has received a warning but has been set to rejected. Livestock P10 records with previously accepted endorsements cannot be accepted with warnings.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2958|1522|9|The parent P10 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2956|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2959|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Address Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2960|9|9|AIP Policy Producer Address Key must be unique within the parent P10 record.| 2022|D00001|P10A|4384|17|9|AIP Policy Producer Address Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2961|22|6|Street 1 Address must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P10A|4978|1|6|Street 1 Address is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2962|17|6|Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2963|25|6|Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2022|D00001|P10A|2965|17|6|Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2966|25|6|Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2022|D00001|P10A|2967|1|6|City Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10A|10146|25|9|City Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: ( ), (-), (,), (.), (').| 2022|D00001|P10A|2968|10|4|City Name must be valid; edit with the Zip table when State Abbreviation exists.|D10003 2022|D00001|P10A|8527|22|9|State Abbreviation must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2969|1|6|State Abbreviation is Required when International Country Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2971|10|6|State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P10A|8528|22|9|Zip Code must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P10A|4965|1|6|Zip Code is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2975|10|6|Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P10A|8529|22|9|Zip Extension Code must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P10A|8530|33|9|Zip Extension Code must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P10A|5173|17|6|Zip Extension Code must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10A|7971|10|6|Phone Number Exception Code must be valid; edit with Phone Number Exception ICE "D00105" record.|D00105 2022|D00001|P10A|2979|1|6|Phone Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10A|6882|17|6|Phone Number must be exactly 10 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2980|33|6|Phone Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2982|26|6|The characters in Phone Number may not all be the same.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2983|18|6|The left 3 characters of Phone Number may not equal ('000' or '999').| 2022|D00001|P10A|2985|17|6|Phone Extension Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 6 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2986|33|6|Phone Extension Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2987|6|6|Phone Extension Number must not equal '000000'.| 2022|D00001|P10A|4964|22|6|International Address must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2988|1|6|International Address is Required when State Abbreviation is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2989|17|6|International Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10A|2990|25|6|International Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2022|D00001|P10A|2991|1|6|International Country Code is Required when State Abbreviation is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10A|7432|22|6|International Country Code must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P10A|8595|10|6|International Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 2022|D00001|P10A|2995|10|6|International Phone Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 2022|D00001|P10B|2999|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3000|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P10B|3001|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10B|5832|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-06-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3004|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P10B|3011|11|9|The parent P10 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3006|67|6|Record must be valid; edit with ID Type Entity Type Primary Producer SBI ICE "D00020" record when Landlord Tenant Flag is 'N'.|D00020 2022|D00001|P10B|3007|67|6|Record must be valid; edit with ID Type Entity Type SBI ICE "D00021" record when Landlord Tenant Flag is 'N'.|D00021 2022|D00001|P10B|72344|67|9|P10B Tax ID Type Code and Tax ID must have a previously accepted P75 record when the Program Indicator Code List contains 'BF' and Tax ID Type Code is not '2' and Entity Type Code is empty or Entity Type Code is not one of the following values: ('F').|ODS75 2022|D00001|P10B|128448|67|9|P10B Tax ID Type Code and Tax ID must have a previously accepted P75 record when the Program Indicator Code List contains 'VF' and Tax ID Type Code is not '2' and Entity Type Code is empty or Entity Type Code is not one of the following values: ('F', 'S').|ODS75 2022|D00001|P10B|153556|34|9|For a VFR policy, when the parent Entity Type Code is 'C', you can only have one P10B with Entity Type Code 'I' that does not have an accepted P75.| 2022|D00001|P10B|200578|12|9|This P10 record has received a warning but has been set to rejected. Livestock P10 records with previously accepted endorsements cannot be accepted with warnings.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3012|1522|9|The parent P10 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3010|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3013|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Other Person Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10B|4385|17|9|AIP Policy Producer Other Person Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3014|9|9|AIP Policy Producer Other Person Key must be unique within the parent P10 record.| 2022|D00001|P10B|8586|12|9|AIP Policy Producer Other Person Key must not contain Tax ID.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3015|1|9|Tax ID is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3016|17|9|Tax ID must be exactly 9 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3017|33|9|Tax ID must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3018|6|9|Tax ID must not equal '000000000'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3021|32|9|Tax ID must be a valid Bureau of Indian Affairs number when Tax ID Type Code equals "5", edit the first five positions with the County ADM "A00440". Positions 1-2 must be a valid Location State Code, positions 3-5 must be a valid Location County Code.|A00440 2022|D00001|P10B|5218|12|9|Tax ID must be a valid SSN when Tax ID Type Code is '1'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3022|18|9|Tax ID must be a valid Bureau of Indian Affairs number when Tax ID Type Code equals "5", the right 4 characters of Tax ID may not equal '0000'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|8718|12|9|Tax ID must be a valid Bureau of Indian Affairs number when Tax ID Type Code equals "5", positions 1-2 must equal the Location State Code on the Policy Producer, "P10" record.| 2022|D00001|P10B|89447|10|9|Tax ID must be a valid RMA Assigned Number when Tax ID Type Code equals '3'.|D10032 2022|D00001|P10B|54069|16|2|The SSA Death Master File indicates that the Other Producer on this policy has died. It is possible that the Other Producer should no longer be eligible for this policy.|D10033 2022|D00001|P10B|3023|1|9|Tax ID Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3025|10|9|Tax ID Type Code must be valid; edit with TaxID Type ICE "D00005" record.|D00005 2022|D00001|P10B|3026|1|9|Entity Type Code is Required when Landlord Tenant Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3027|10|9|Entity Type Code must be valid; edit with Entity Type ICE "D00012" record.|D00012 2022|D00001|P10B|4971|22|6|Business Name must be empty when the ICE "D00021" Business Name Allowed Flag is 'N'.|D00021 2022|D00001|P10B|3028|1|6|Business Name is Required when Last Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10B|10584|22|6|Business Name must be empty when Last Name exists.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3029|17|6|Business Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3030|25|6|Business Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (/), (*), (+), (#).| 2022|D00001|P10B|4972|22|6|Last Name must be empty when the ICE "D00021" Name Allowed Flag is 'N'.|D00021 2022|D00001|P10B|3031|1|6|Last Name is Required when Business Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10B|10583|22|6|Last Name must be empty when Business Name exists.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3032|17|6|Last Name must be a minimum of 2 characters in length and a maximum of 25 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3033|25|6|Last Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P10B|4973|22|6|First Name must be empty when the ICE "D00021" Name Allowed Flag is 'N'.|D00021 2022|D00001|P10B|3034|1|6|First Name is Required when Business Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10B|10582|22|6|First Name must be empty when Business Name exists.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3035|17|6|First Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3036|25|6|First Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P10B|4974|22|6|Middle Name must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3038|17|6|Middle Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3039|25|6|Middle Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P10B|3041|17|6|Suffix must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3042|25|6|Suffix must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P10B|4975|22|6|Title must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3044|17|6|Title must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3045|25|6|Title must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P10B|3046|22|6|Street 1 Address must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3048|17|6|Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3047|25|6|Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2022|D00001|P10B|3050|17|6|Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3051|25|6|Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2022|D00001|P10B|3052|1|6|City Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10B|10147|25|9|City Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: ( ), (-), (,), (.), (').| 2022|D00001|P10B|3054|10|4|City Name must be valid; edit with the Zip table when International Country Code is empty.|D10003 2022|D00001|P10B|3055|1|6|State Abbreviation is Required when International Country Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3057|10|6|State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P10B|3058|1|6|Zip Code is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3060|10|6|Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P10B|5172|17|6|Zip Extension Code must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|8385|33|9|Zip Extension Code must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P10B|7973|10|6|Phone Number Exception Code must be valid; edit with Phone Number Exception ICE "D00105" record.|D00105 2022|D00001|P10B|3064|1|9|Phone Number is Required when Entity Type Code is not 'F'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|6724|17|6|Phone Number must be exactly 10 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3065|33|6|Phone Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3066|26|6|The characters in Phone Number may not all be the same.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3067|18|6|The left 3 characters of Phone Number may not equal ('000' or '999').| 2022|D00001|P10B|3069|33|6|Phone Extension Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3070|7|6|Phone Extension Number must be greater than '0'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|4966|22|6|International Address must be empty when International Country Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3072|17|6|International Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3073|25|6|International Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2022|D00001|P10B|4967|1|6|International Country Code is Required when State Abbreviation is empty.| 2022|D00001|P10B|4968|22|6|International Country Code must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P10B|8606|10|9|International Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 2022|D00001|P10B|8607|10|6|International Phone Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 2022|D00001|P10B|3082|1|9|Landlord Tenant Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3083|6|6|Landlord Tenant Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|5776|1|6|Ineligible SBI Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P10B|5777|6|6|Ineligible SBI Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3086|1|6|Ineligible SBI Share Percent is Required when Ineligible SBI Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|5883|22|6|Ineligible SBI Share Percent must be empty when Ineligible SBI Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3087|2|6|Ineligible SBI Share Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3088|20|6|Ineligible SBI Share Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P10B|3089|7|6|Ineligible SBI Share Percent must be between 0.0001 and 1.0000.| 2022|D00001|P10B|5884|7|6|Ineligible SBI Share Percent must be less than or equal to 0.900 when Entity Type Code is 'P' and Tax ID is '1'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|9547|10|6|FSA RMA Entity Difference Code must be valid; edit with FSA RMA Entity Difference ICE "D00112" record.|D00112 2022|D00001|P10B|87290|22|9|Compliance Certification Code must be empty when Entity Type Code is not equal to 'F'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|87291|10|9|Compliance Certification Code must be valid; edit with ICE Certification ICE "D00159" record when Compliance Certification Code exists.|D00159 2022|D00001|P10B|110066|12|9|A record for the Tax ID and Tax ID Type Code must not exist in the ICE Conservation Compliance table with a violation flag equal to 'Y' when a Compliance Certification Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P10B|87295|12|9|Compliance Certification Code on the P10 must not equal 'A' or 'C' when the P10B SBI contains PASS or eDAS history and the policy does not contain a P10B with an Entity Type Code equal to 'F'.| 2022|D00001|P10B|89444|12|9|When Compliance Certification Code equals 'B' and the Entity Type Code equals 'F', the P10B Transfer of Right SBI must not have any PASS or eDAS history.| 2022|D00001|P10B|101093|12|9|When Compliance Certification Code equals 'A' or 'C' and the Entity Type Code equals 'F', the P10B Transfer of Right SBI must not have any PASS or eDAS history.| 2022|D00001|P10B|92754|12|9|When Compliance Certification Code equals 'D' and the Entity Type Code equals 'F', the P10B SBI must not have any Primary history.| 2022|D00001|P10B|92755|12|9|When Compliance Certification Code equals 'D' and the Entity Type Code equals 'F', the P10B SBI must have at least one year of SBI history.| 2022|D00001|P11|4641|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P11|5236|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P11|4640|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P11|5837|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-09-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P11|5956|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P11|9727|16|9|P11 cannot be accepted when the associated P14 record is a Duplicate Policy.|ODSDP 2022|D00001|P11|53714|12|9|When Type Code has been submitted, Commodity Type Code, Class Code, Sub Class Code and Intended Use Code must all be empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|53716|12|9|When Practice Code has been submitted, Organic Practice Code, Cropping Practice Code, Irrigation Practice Code and Interval Code must all be empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|72346|34|9|At least one Acreage Detail (P11A) record must be submitted in this batch for APH Cucumbers (Insurance Plan Code 90, Commodity Code 0132) when Non-Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|77772|34|9|P11As are not allowed in this batch when Commodity Code equals Peanuts (0075) and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'CP' and Non-Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|130413|34|9|Only one HIP record can point to the immediate base, whether that be a SCO record, STAX record, or the underlying base.| 2022|D00001|P11|130414|34|9|Only one HIP record can point to the underlying base record.| 2022|D00001|P11|130415|34|9|No other records can have associated keys that point to this HIP record.| 2022|D00001|P11|130428|34|9|A Tree Based Dollar Amount of Insurance '40' record with CTV or OLO, insurance option codes 'CV', 'OW', or 'OX', cannot be accepted when it is an underlying record pointed to by a HIP '37' record.| 2022|D00001|P11|130427|12|9|Set severity to 9 when Underlying Insurance Option Code List is one of the following values: ('CV', 'OW', 'OX') and Insurance Plan Code is '37' and Underlying Insurance Plan Code is '40'.| 2022|D00001|P11|53861|12|9|When the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented, the submitted values in the Extended Type/Practice fields must be valid for the offer according to the ADM Insurance Offer (A00030) record.| 2022|D00001|P11|5245|12|9|Type Code is Required (when Extended Type Practice Use Fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition) or Extended Type Code Fields are Required (when Extended Type Practice Use Fields are Implemented or are in Transition) when ((Non Premium Acreage Code equals 'U' and ((Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0053','0052') and Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06')) or (Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308')))) or Non Premium Acreage Code is empty or Non Premium Acreage Code is one of the following values: ('C','I')).| 2022|D00001|P11|55178|12|9|For Cottonseed, there must be a corresponding Cotton row. The following fields must match between the rows: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Yield Key, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Location State Code, Location County Code, Type Code, Practice Code, Basic Unit Number, Optional Unit Number, Acreage Group Key, Sub County Code, Guarantee Adjustment Type Code, Premium Rate Surcharge Flag, Multiple Cropping Code, and Non Premium Acreage Code.| 2022|D00001|P11|73324|12|9|When Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '26', '27', '27', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89' and an Associated P11 exists, if the Non-Premium Acreage Code is empty then the Associated P11's Non-Premium Acreage Code must be empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|92741|67|9|The AdmHistoricalYieldTrend ADM "A01115" records for the previous Yield Year must exist when Insurance Plan Code is '16' or '17' and Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key exists.|A01115 2022|D00001|P11|101142|16|9|Acreage records must not point to Master yield non-Summary records. All Acreage records for Master Yields should point to the Summary record.|ODS15 2022|D00001|P11|5247|67|11|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Practice Code exists and Type Code exists.|A00030 2022|D00001|P11|8387|67|11|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Practice Code exists and Type Code is empty.|A00030 2022|D00001|P11|8388|67|11|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Practice Code is empty and Type Code is empty.|A00030 2022|D00001|P11|8390|67|11|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Practice Code is empty and Type Code exists.|A00030 2022|D00001|P11|9628|12|9|Basic Unit Number and Optional Unit Number must match the values on the corresponding previously accepted P15 record.| 2022|D00001|P11|10313|34|9|Basic Unit Number and Optional Unit Number must match the values on the corresponding P15 record in this batch.| 2022|D00001|P11|9361|67|9|For ARH Oranges, if there is an Insurance Option Code of RS, the matching previously accepted P15 must have a Yield Limitation Code of 09 or 12.|ODS15 2022|D00001|P11|10489|12|9|For ARH Oranges, if there is an Insurance Option Code of RS, the matching P15 in this batch must have a Yield Limitation Code of 09 or 12.| 2022|D00001|P11|19316|67|9|The matching previously accepted P15 must have the 'YA' option and the Yield Limitation Code must equal '09' or '12' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'YA'.|ODS15 2022|D00001|P11|19318|12|9|The matching P15 in this batch must have the 'YA' option and the Yield Limitation Code must equal '09' or '12' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'YA'.| 2022|D00001|P11|19320|67|9|The matching previously accepted P15 must have the 'FO' option and the Yield Limitation Code must equal '05', '07' or '08' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'FO'.|ODS15 2022|D00001|P11|19321|12|9|The matching P15 in this batch must have the 'FO' option and the Yield Limitation Code must equal '05', '07' or '08' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'FO'.| 2022|D00001|P11|19607|12|9|Unable to find Acreage Reporting Date from ADM for the Commodity using the submitted data. Please be sure lookup data are submitted and valid.| 2022|D00001|P11|21385|67|9|The matching previously accepted P15 must have the 'TA' option when Insurance Option Code List contains 'TA'.|ODS15 2022|D00001|P11|21386|12|9|The matching P15 in this batch must have the 'TA' option when Insurance Option Code List contains 'TA'.| 2022|D00001|P11|72313|12|9|For a Native Sod P11 that requires a P15, the P15 Yield Indicator Code must equal 'SB' if the Program Indicator Code on the P11 contains NS or N8. Conversely, if the Program Indicator Code on the P11 does not contain either NS or N8, the Yield Indicator Code on the matching P15 record must not equal 'SB'.| 2022|D00001|P11|154184|12|9|Unable to find the Approved Projected Price, make sure your P35 exists and is accepted, for PRH plans 21, 22, and 23.| 2022|D00001|P11|153636|12|9|Unable to find Loss Factor and PACE Base Rate in ADM PACE Rate, A00506. Make sure Coverage Level Percent, Underlying Coverage Level Percent, and Declared Post Application Coverage Percent are a valid combination.| 2022|D00001|P11|52537|34|9|For Annual Forage P11 records having the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Code, Location County Code, Insurance Plan Code, Commodity Year, Growing Season, Type Code, Insured Share Percent, Sub County Code, Insurance Option Code List, and an empty Non Premium Acreage Code, one and only one of the P11 records has to have P11A records associated with it. Native Sod (NS) records are separated from base non-NS records which permits them to have a separate group of P11As; therefore, there should only be one set of P11As for a P11 with/without Native Sod.| 2022|D00001|P11|53737|34|9|Annual Forage requires one and only one P11 Practice/Interval Code entry for each P14 Practice/Interval Code entry per P11 grouping where a grouping has the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Code, Location County Code, Insurance Plan Code, Commodity Year, Growing Season, Type Code, Insured Share Percent, Sub County Code, Program Indicator Code List, and Insurance Option Code List.| 2022|D00001|P11|119338|12|9|Location County Codes between the primary county and the secondary county must be tied together and found in the ICE D00168 Contiguous County table. Two contiguous counties within the same state are required for the same Unique MC Group Key when P14 Insurance Option Code List contains 'MC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|92688|12|9|Record must be valid; edit with Coverage Level Differential ADM "A01040" record. Possible cause for failure is an invalid combination of Type Code, Practice Code, Coverage Level Percent, and Coverage Type Code.| 2022|D00001|P11|200594|12|9|PASS was unable to load all of the actuarial data for the submitted written agreement on this acreage record. Please try resubmitting this record.| 2022|D00001|P11|9366|12|9|Days submitted early cannot exceed 60 days when NOT (Commodity Code is one of the following values ('0011','0158') and Location State Code is one of the following values: ('16','41','53')) and NOT (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0016','0091')).| 2022|D00001|P11|9367|12|9|Days submitted early cannot exceed 90 days when (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0011', '0158') and Location State Code is one of the following values: ('16','41','53')) or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0016','0091')).| 2022|D00001|P11|10127|34|9|For VIRI plans of insurance except Annual Forage and PRF, one and only one record with a Non Premium Acreage Code of "I" must be submitted along with every group of records for the submitted Type Code and Irrigation Practice Code. For PRF, one record with a Non Premium Acreage Code of "I" must be submitted along with every group of records for the submitted Type Code.| 2022|D00001|P11|143125|57|9|This P11 is a child of a P14 that is associated to another P14, with a Fall/Spring relationship, by the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Insurance Plan Code, Type Code, Practice Code, with a different Coverage Level Percent. You cannot have a different Coverage Level Percent on that associated P14.| 2022|D00001|P11|101199|12|9|For Enterprise Unit (EU) with the LP option, the High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement (HR-ACE) irrigated and non-irrigated policies must have the same Insurance Plan Code, and the non-HR-ACE base irrigated and non-irrigated policies must have the same Insurance Plan Code.| 2022|D00001|P11|10942|56|9|For Cottonseed, there must be a corresponding Cotton row. The following fields must match between the rows: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, AIP Yield Key, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Location State Code, Location County Code, Type Code, Practice Code, Basic Unit Number, Optional Unit Number, Acreage Group Key, Sub County Code, Guarantee Adjustment Type Code, Premium Rate Surcharge Flag, Multiple Cropping Code, Insurance Plan Code, Coverage Type Code, and Unit Structure Code when the corresponding Cotton Lint row uses Additional coverage with Coverage Type Code equal to 'A'.| 2022|D00001|P11|27263|56|9|Corresponding Cotton Lint and Cottonseed P11 have a discrepancy. AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Yield Key, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Location State Code, Location County Code, Type Code, Practice Code, Basic Unit Number, Optional Unit Number, Acreage Group Key, Sub County Code, Guarantee Adjustment Type Code, Premium Rate Surcharge Flag, Premium Multiple Cropping Code, and Non Premium Acreage Code must match between the P11s. This rule runs when Cotton Lint is CAT and Cotton Seed is Buy-Up.| 2022|D00001|P11|165788|56|9|Corresponding Cotton Lint and Cottonseed P11 have a discrepancy. AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Yield Key, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Location State Code, Location County Code, Type Code, Practice Code, Basic Unit Number, Optional Unit Number, Acreage Group Key, Sub County Code, Guarantee Adjustment Type Code, Premium Rate Surcharge Flag, Premium Multiple Cropping Code, and Non Premium Acreage Code must match between the P11s. This rule runs when Cotton Lint is CAT and Cotton Seed is CAT.| 2022|D00001|P11|165789|12|9|This Cotton Seed record is not eligible for CAT coverage because there is no Buy-Up Cotton Lint with Reported Acreage greater than 0 for the Producer joining on Tax ID, Tax ID Type Code, Entity Type Code, State, County, and Commodity in the current batch or previously accepted.| 2022|D00001|P11|34554|12|9|Total Prevented Planting Acreage must be equal to or greater than the lesser of 20 Acres or 20% of the Total Reported Acres for the Unit.| 2022|D00001|P11|33544|12|9|For Enterprise Unit (EU), each commodity in the unit must have at least 20 Acres or 20% of Insurable Acres Planted.| 2022|D00001|P11|119342|12|9|For Multiple County Enterprise Unit Endorsement (MCEU), each commodity in the unit for the primary county must have at least 20 Acres or 20% of Insurable Acres Planted.| 2022|D00001|P11|34612|12|9|For Whole Farm, at least two P10/P14s each have at least 10% of Whole Farm's Liability Amount.| 2022|D00001|P11|35668|67|9|For the High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement (HR-ACE) record there must exist a non-HR-ACE record that is in the current batch or was previously submitted with Insurance Plan Code '01', '02', or '03' when the HR-ACE record Insurance Plan Code is '01' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.|ODS11 2022|D00001|P11|35671|67|9|For the High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement (HR-ACE) record there must exist a non-HR-ACE record that is in the current batch or was previously submitted with the same Insurance Plan Code when the HR-ACE record Insurance Plan Code is '02' or '03' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.|ODS11 2022|D00001|P11|92742|34|9|Since this Margin Protection P11 has an Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key, a related Base P11 must be found in the same batch. A related Base P11 has the same Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Type Code, Practice Code, and Unit Structure Code with the following: Insurance Plan Code must equal '01', '02', or '03'; Reported Acreage must be greater than zero; Non Premium Acreage Code must be null.| 2022|D00001|P11|92739|34|9|Since this Margin Protection P11 has an Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key, a related Base P11 must be found in the same batch. A related Base P11 has the same Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Type Code, and Practice Code with the following: Insurance Plan Code must equal '01', '02', or '03'; Reported Acreage must be greater than zero; Non Premium Acreage Code must be null; When Unit Structure Code equals 'BU', the Unit Structure Code on the Base must equal 'BU'.| 2022|D00001|P11|7078|500|9|Unable to perform the APH Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Approved Yield, Commodity Year, Coverage Level Percent, Insured Share Percent, Price Election Amount, Rate Yield, Applicable Reported Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies), Yield Conversion Factor, Experience Factor, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|10964|500|9|Unable to perform the APH Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Acreage Group Key, Commodity Year, Coverage Level Percent, Price Election Amount, Yield Conversion Factor, Experience Factor, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|7081|501|9|Unable to perform the Combo Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Approved Yield, Commodity Year, Coverage Level Percent, Guarantee Adjustment Factor, Insured Share Percent, Price Election Percent, Price Election Amount, Rate Yield, Reported Acreage, Unit Structure Code, Experience Factor, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|11000|501|9|Unable to perform the Combo Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Acreage Group Key, Commodity Year, Coverage Level Percent, Guarantee Adjustment Factor, Price Election Percent, Unit Structure Code, Experience Factor, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|45407|501|9|Unable to perform the Combo Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Commodity Year, Guarantee Adjustment Factor, Experience Factor, Insured Share Percent, Reported Acreage, Unit Structure Code, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|7083|504|9|Unable to perform the Group Protection Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Dollar Amount Of Insurance, Insured Share Percent, Reported Acreage, Commodity Year, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|7084|504|9|Unable to perform the Group Protection Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Dollar Amount Of Insurance, Insured Share Percent, Total Insured Acreage, Commodity Year, Percent of Value, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|7282|504|9|Unable to perform the Group Protection Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Dollar Amount Of Insurance, Insured Share Percent, Commodity Year, Reported Pounds, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|7283|504|9|Unable to perform the Group Protection Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Dollar Amount Of Insurance, Insured Share Percent, Commodity Year, Total Insured Colonies, Percent of Value, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|7287|503|9|Unable to perform the Dollar Amount of Insurance Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Experience Factor, Stand Percent, Guarantee Adjustment Factor, Coverage Level Percent, Dollar Amount Of Insurance, Commodity Year, Applicable Reported Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies), Insured Share Percent, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|9305|507|9|Unable to perform the Pecan Revenue Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Insured Share Percent, Commodity Year, Reference Commodity Year, Applicable Reported Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies), Dollar Amount Of Insurance, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|9306|506|9|Unable to perform the Tree Based Dollar Amount of Insurance Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Reported Tree Count, CEO Coverage Level Percent, Insured Share Percent, Price Election Amount, Commodity Year, Yield Conversion Factor, Coverage Level Percent, Insured Acreage Signature Date, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|9307|508|9|Unable to perform the Actual Revenue History Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Approved Yield, Commodity Year, Coverage Level Percent, Experience Factor, Insured Share Percent, Price Election Percent, Rate Yield, Applicable Reported Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies), CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|10358|502|9|Unable to perform the Fixed Dollar Amount of Insurance Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Applicable Reported Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies), Dollar Amount Of Insurance, Coverage Level Percent, Insured Share Percent, Commodity Year, Price Election Percent, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|10396|509|9|Unable to perform the Yield Based Dollar Amount of Insurance Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Approved Yield, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent, Commodity Year, Contract Value, Experience Factor, Insured Share Percent, Price Election Amount, Applicable Reported Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies), Minimum Payment Quantity| 2022|D00001|P11|52532|504|9|Unable to perform the Group Protection Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Total Insured Acreage, Insured Share Percent, Dollar Amount Of Insurance, Commodity Year, Percent of Value (from P14), CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|142854|534|9|Unable to perform the PRH Premium Calculation Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Reinsurance Year| 2022|D00001|P11|63078|522|9|Unable to perform the Stacked Income Protection Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: CC Subsidy Reduction Percent, Commodity Year, Coverage Level Percent, Dollar Amount Of Insurance, Insured Share Percent, Price Election Percent, Reported Acreage| 2022|D00001|P11|92757|522|9|Unable to perform the Stacked Income Protection Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: CC Subsidy Reduction Percent, Commodity Year, Coverage Level Percent, Dollar Amount Of Insurance, Price Election Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|63079|523|9|Unable to perform the Supplemental Coverage Option Endorsement Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Commodity Year, Coverage Level Percent, Price Election Percent, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|143313|535|9|Unable to perform the Enhanced Coverage Option Endorsement Premium Calculation Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: CC Subsidy Reduction Percent, Commodity Year, Coverage Level Percent, Price Election Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|92732|528|9|Unable to perform the Margin Protection Premium Calculation Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: CC Subsidy Reduction Percent, Commodity Year, Dollar Amount Of Insurance, Insured Share Percent, Reported Acreage| 2022|D00001|P11|153969|538|9|Unable to perform the Post Application Coverage Endorsement Premium Calculation Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Approved Yield, Insured Share Percent, Reported Acreage, Declared Post Application Percent| 2022|D00001|P11|130417|532|9|Unable to perform the Hurricane Insurance Protection - Wind Insurance Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Commodity Year| 2022|D00001|P11|8732|65|9|The corresponding P14 record in this batch must be accepted for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P11|54080|34|9|Commodity insured under non-Annual Forage cannot also be insured under Annual Forage on the same policy in the same county that was previously submitted.|ODS11A 2022|D00001|P11|9261|12|9|This P11 record must have at least one corresponding P27 record except for the following scenarios: 1) Commodity Code equals '0088' or '0332'; 2) Commodity Code is a perennial; 3) Insurance Option Code List contains 'SE' or 'DC'; 4) Insurance Plan Code in ('35','36') with an underlying policy; 5) Non-Premium Acreage Code is not empty and Non-Premium Acreage Code is not 'J'; 6) Guarantee Adjustment Type Code equals 'E' and Prevented Planting Processing code equals 'A'.| 2022|D00001|P11|109942|34|9|For Annual Forage P11 records having the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Code, Location County Code, Insurance Plan Code, Commodity Year, Growing Season, Type Code, Insured Share Percent, Sub County Code, Premium Multiple Cropping Code, Multiple Commodity Adjustment Factor, Program Indicator Code List, Insurance Option Code List, and an empty Non Premium Acreage Code, one and only one of the P11 records has to have P27 records associated with it. Native Sod (NS) records are separated from base non-NS records which permits them to have a separate group of P27s; therefore, there should only be one set of P27s for a P11 with/without Native Sod.| 2022|D00001|P11|52130|34|9|This Grid Id group of P11 records must have at least one corresponding P27 record when Commodity Code is '0088'.| 2022|D00001|P11|9264|12|9|P11 records may not have a corresponding P27 record for the following scenarios: 1) The D00116 IceLandRequirement ICE Submission Indicator Code = 'N'; 2) Insurance Option Code List = 'SE' or 'DC'; 3) Insurance Plan Code '35 and '36' (STAX) with an underlying policy.| 2022|D00001|P11|101345|34|9|For commodity with the LP option, all P11 records for both Irrigated Practice and Non-Irrigated Practice must be accepted. This P11 is rejected because one or more P11(s) for the other practice have been rejected.| 2022|D00001|P11|52439|34|9|All P11A records must be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P11|9217|34|9|All P11 records for the corresponding P14 record must be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P11|7621|34|9|The corresponding P27 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P11|9218|34|9|All P11 records that are part of this Whole Farm Unit must be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P11|53750|34|9|All P11 records for the Annual Forage Growing Season must be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P11|72772|34|9|The base P11 record pointed to by this SCO, ECO, STAX, or PACE P11 record must be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P11|119347|34|9|All P11 records that are part of this Multiple County Enterprise Unit Endorsement (MCEU) must be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P11|5228|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P11|5227|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P11|5229|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P11|5232|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P11|4672|1|9|AIP Acreage Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P11|5965|17|9|AIP Acreage Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P11|4669|9|9|AIP Acreage Key must be unique within the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P11|5235|1|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P11|5237|12|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance Agent ODS "ODS55" record.|ODS55 2022|D00001|P11|9144|12|9|The corresponding Insurance Agent (P55) must have a valid COI Questionnaire Completion Date.| 2022|D00001|P11|9211|12|9|The corresponding Insurance Agent (P55) must be eligible.| 2022|D00001|P11|6333|1|9|AIP Yield Key is Required when an entry exists in the 'D00066' Yield Requirement ICE and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'DC'. An exception to this rule is for Insurance Plan Code 16 or 17 stand-alone policies since no data exists in 'D00066' for Insurance Plan Code 16 or 17.| 2022|D00001|P11|45429|22|9|AIP Yield Key must be empty when Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5238|22|9|AIP Yield Key must be empty when a corresponding P15 record is not allowed for this Insurance Plan and Commodity.| 2022|D00001|P11|6331|67|9|AIP Yield Key must be valid; edit with ODS Yield ODS "ODS15" record.|ODS15 2022|D00001|P11|27267|67|9|AIP Yield Key must be valid; edit with ODS Yield ODS "ODS15" record when Cotton Lint's Coverage Type Code is 'C' and Insurance Option Code List contains 'SE'.|ODS15 2022|D00001|P11|5241|1|9|Basic Unit Number is Required when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty or Non Premium Acreage Code is one of the following values: 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5401|17|9|Basic Unit Number must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P11|6897|33|9|Basic Unit Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P11|6906|6|9|Basic Unit Number must not equal '0000' when Unit Structure Code is 'BU'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5242|1|9|Optional Unit Number is Required when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty or Non Premium Acreage Code is one of the following values: 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5402|17|9|Optional Unit Number must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P11|6898|33|9|Optional Unit Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P11|6899|6|9|Optional Unit Number must not equal '0000' when Unit Structure Code is one of the following values: 'OU', 'UA', 'UD'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5244|1|9|Unit Structure Code is Required when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '87', '88', '89' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty or Non Premium Acreage Code is one of the following values: 'H', 'U', 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P11|6900|22|9|Unit Structure Code must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P11|142785|34|9|If the associated P14 has Unit Structure Transaction Code, then the Unit Structure Code and Insurance Option Code List combination must be found in D00184 ICE Unit Structure Transaction Detail when Non Premium Acreage Code is not B, D, P, R, S, T, U, W, X, nor Y and Insurance Option Code List contains 'EI', 'EC', or 'ET'.|D00184 2022|D00001|P11|8605|10|9|Unit Structure Code must be valid; edit with Unit Structure ICE "D00095" record.|D00095 2022|D00001|P11|5403|10|9|Unit Structure Code must be valid; edit with Insurance Plan Commodity Unit Structure ICE "D00092" record when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.|D00092 2022|D00001|P11|10867|10|9|Unit Structure Code must be valid; edit with Subsidy Percent ADM "A00070" record when ADM Subsidy Percent's Commodity Code does not exist.|A00070 2022|D00001|P11|10570|6|9|Unit Structure Code must not equal 'WU' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'ME'.| 2022|D00001|P11|10243|34|9|Unit Structure Code may not equal 'WU' when all records for the same policy and location county are not for the same Combo plan 01, 02, or 03, except when the other records are for Catastrophic.| 2022|D00001|P11|38914|34|9|Unit Structure Code may not equal 'WU' when all records for the same policy and location county are not for the same Combo plan 01, 02, or 03, except when the other records are for Catastrophic.| 2022|D00001|P11|10246|34|9|Unit Structure Code may not equal 'EU' when all records for the same policy, state, county, and commodity are not 'EU', except for High Risk Excluded Land Endorsement and Downed Commodity. When EU by Irrigation Practice (EI) is elected then same policy by Irrigation Practice Code. When EU by Cropping Practice (EC) is elected then same policy by Cropping Practice Code. When EU by Type (ET) is elected then same policy by Type Code.| 2022|D00001|P11|10805|34|9|Unit Structure Code may not equal 'BU' when all records for the same policy, commodity and Basic Unit Number are not 'BU', except for Downed Commodity.| 2022|D00001|P11|143208|34|9|Unit Structure Code may not equal 'BU' when all records for the same policy, commodity and Basic Unit Number are not 'BU', except for Downed Commodity.| 2022|D00001|P11|10806|34|9|Unit Structure Code may not equal 'OU', 'UA' or 'UD' when all records for the same policy, commodity and Basic Unit Number are not 'OU', 'UA' or 'UD', except for Downed Commodity.| 2022|D00001|P11|87251|34|9|Unit Structure Code may not equal 'OU', 'UA' or 'UD' when all records for the same policy, commodity and Basic Unit Number are not 'OU', 'UA' or 'UD', except for Downed Commodity.| 2022|D00001|P11|34610|12|9|Unit Structure Code may not be 'WU' when the High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement option is included in the Insurance Option Code List.| 2022|D00001|P11|45411|6|9|Unit Structure Code must equal one of the following values: 'BU', 'OU' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|86096|12|9|If the Unit Structure Code is 'UA' then the Unit Structure Code must exist in the Exception Request ICE "D03001" record using Reinsurance Year, Commodity Year, AIP Code, Location State Code, Location County Code, TAX ID, TAX ID Type, and Commodity Code. The Exception Request Type Code1, Exception Request Type Code2, Exception Request Type Code3, OR Exception Request Type Code4 must equal to 'UA'.| 2022|D00001|P11|119331|6|9|Unit Structure Code must equal 'EU' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'MC', 'EI', 'EC', or 'ET'.| 2022|D00001|P11|129729|1|9|Type Code is Required when Commodity Code equals '1218', Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and any of the Extended Type Codes have been omitted, and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|6602|22|9|Type Code must be empty when Type Practice Use Code is 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P11|10092|3|9|Type Code must be equal to the Type Code from the corresponding P14 record, if submitted.| 2022|D00001|P11|19387|10|9|If the Type Code on the associated P14 record is a specialty type, then the type code on the P11 record must also be a specialty type. Type Code must exist in Specialty Type Commodity Plan ICE "D00110" record when Insurance Plan Code is '01'.|D00110 2022|D00001|P11|5246|10|9|Type Code must be valid; edit with Type ADM "A00540" record.|A00540 2022|D00001|P11|129731|22|9|Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type OR Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P11|38756|12|9|For spring commodity changing from fall commodity using Late Reported Reason Code of '06', the spring Type Codes between P14 and P11 are interchangeable.| 2022|D00001|P11|53789|12|9|Type Code must match the Type Code on the parent P14 record and Type Code must match other Type Codes of other P11 records associated to the same P14 record when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0034', '0054', '0089' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|73160|34|9|For Apple Commodity Code (0054), the Varietal Groups Types (114, 115, & 116) are not allowed to be submitted with a Fresh Apple Type (111) within the same Basic Unit Number for the same Policy, State, County.| 2022|D00001|P11|73161|34|9|For Apple Commodity Code (0054), a Fresh Type (111) is not allowed to be submitted with the Varietal Groups Types (114, 115, & 116) within the same Basic Unit Number for the same Policy, State, County.| 2022|D00001|P11|17276|12|9|Type Code must match the Type Code on the corresponding previously accepted P15 record.| 2022|D00001|P11|17275|34|9|Type Code must match the Type Code on the corresponding P15 record in this batch.| 2022|D00001|P11|6604|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when Type Practice Use Code is 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5677|10|9|Practice Code must be valid; edit with Practice ADM "A00510" record.|A00510 2022|D00001|P11|10096|12|9|Practice Code must be equal to the Practice Code on the corresponding P14 record, if submitted.| 2022|D00001|P11|77768|6|9|Practice Code must equal one of the following values: '211', '977', '978' when Commodity Code is '0154' and Location State Code is '06' and Location County Code is '111' and Practice Code on the corresponding P14 record exists and is equal to one of the following values: '211', '977', '978'.| 2022|D00001|P11|77769|6|9|Practice Code must equal one of the following values: '706', '985', '986' when Commodity Code is '0154' and Location State Code is '06' and Location County Code is '111' and Practice Code on the corresponding P14 record exists and is equal to one of the following values: '706', '985', '986' .| 2022|D00001|P11|6874|56|9|For insurance plan 13 except for Annual Forage, at least 2 practice codes (intervals) must be selected for each subcounty, type, and insured share combination.| 2022|D00001|P11|6875|57|9|For insurance plan 13, consecutive practice codes may not be submitted for any combination of subcounty, insured share and type code.| 2022|D00001|P11|6876|57|9|For insurance plan 13, consecutive practice codes may not be submitted for any combination of subcounty, insured share and type code.| 2022|D00001|P11|6877|57|9|For insurance plan 14, practice codes which are within 2 of each other may not be submitted for any combination of subcounty, insured share and type code.| 2022|D00001|P11|6878|57|9|For insurance plan 14, practice codes which are within 2 of each other may not be submitted for any combination of subcounty, insured share and type code.| 2022|D00001|P11|17277|12|9|Practice Code must match the Practice Code on the corresponding previously accepted P15 record.| 2022|D00001|P11|17274|34|9|Practice Code must match the Practice Code on the corresponding P15 record in this batch.| 2022|D00001|P11|118611|67|9|For Wheat Summer Fallow and Continuous Cropping practices, if the practice on the P15 is organic, the practice on the matching P11 must also be organic. If the practice on the P15 is non-organic, the practice on the matching P11 must also be non-organic.|ODS15 2022|D00001|P11|78870|12|9|When the LP option code is elected on the P14 records then the Practice Code is required on the associated P11s. So if P14 is an irrigated practice (002, 702 or 712), then all associated P11s must be any or all irrigated practice (002, 702 & 712); if P14 is a non-irrigated practice (003, 703 or 713), then all associated P11s must be any or all non-irrigated practice (003, 703 & 713). The irrigation practice (irrigated or non-irrigated) must match between the P14 and P11 records. Treat Limited Irrigation (045) as Irrigated (002).| 2022|D00001|P11|92657|12|9|For PRF (0088) Hay Type (030) when the Practice Code is submitted on the corresponding P14 record, then the P11 record(s) must match back to the P14 record by irrigation practice. If P14 has a irrigated practice (4xx series), then all associated P11s must have irrigated practices (4xx series); if P14 has a non-irrigated practice (5xx series) then all associated P11s must have non-irrigated practices (5xx series). The irrigation practice (irrigated or non-irrigated) must match between the P14 and P11 records.| 2022|D00001|P11|130310|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Commodity Code equals '1218' and Extended Type / Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P11|130311|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Commodity Code equals '1218' and Type Practice Use Code equals 'T' and (Type Code is empty).| 2022|D00001|P11|6586|10|9|Commodity Type Code must be valid; edit with Commodity Type ADM "A00430" record.|A00430 2022|D00001|P11|130312|22|9|Commodity Type Code must be empty when the Commodity Code equals '1218', the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P11|130313|1|9|Class Code is Required when Commodity Code equals '1218' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P11|130314|1|9|Class Code is Required when Commodity Code equals '1218', Type Practice Use Code equals 'T' and (Type Code is empty).| 2022|D00001|P11|6587|10|9|Class Code must be valid; edit with Class ADM "A00410" record.|A00410 2022|D00001|P11|130315|22|9|Class Code must be empty when Commodity Code equals '1218', the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P11|130316|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Commodity Code equals '1218' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P11|130317|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Commodity Code equals '1218', Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P11|6588|10|9|Sub Class Code must be valid; edit with Sub Class ADM "A00530" record.|A00530 2022|D00001|P11|130318|22|9|Sub Class Code must be empty when the Commodity Code equals '1218', the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P11|130319|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Commodity Code equals '1218' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are implemented.| 2022|D00001|P11|130320|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Commodity Code equals '1218', Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted| 2022|D00001|P11|6589|10|9|Intended Use Code must be valid; edit with Intended Use ADM "A00470" record.|A00470 2022|D00001|P11|130326|22|9|Intended Use Code must be empty when Commodity Code is '1218' and Type Code exists and Type Practice Use Code is 'T'.| 2022|D00001|P11|6591|10|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be valid; edit with Irrigation Practice ADM "A00490" record.|A00490 2022|D00001|P11|6590|10|9|Cropping Practice Code must be valid; edit with Cropping Practice ADM "A00450" record.|A00450 2022|D00001|P11|6592|10|9|Organic Practice Code must be valid; edit with Organic Practice ADM "A00500" record.|A00500 2022|D00001|P11|6593|10|9|Interval Code must be valid; edit with Interval ADM "A00480" record.|A00480 2022|D00001|P11|6836|1|9|Range Class Code is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '50', '40' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty and Range Class is necessary to determine Prices or Rates.| 2022|D00001|P11|143230|22|9|Range Class Code must be empty when Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0201','0202','0203','0227','0309','1302') and Insurance Plan Code equals '90'.| 2022|D00001|P11|6815|17|9|Range Class Code must be exactly 3 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P11|6837|10|9|Range Class Code must be valid; edit with Price ADM "A00810" record when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '40', '50'.|A00810 2022|D00001|P11|101264|34|9|For Pecan Trees '0284' under plan 40, the same Restoration Method must be applied to all records within the same unit. Restoration Method 1 encompasses records where Range Class Code is D01, D02, D03, D04, or D05. Restoration Method 2 encompasses records where Range Class Code is D06, D07, D08, D09, or D10.| 2022|D00001|P11|45451|22|9|Non Premium Acreage Code must be empty when Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|92589|1|9|Non Premium Acreage Code is Required when Coverage Range is 0.0000 and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P11|92587|6|9|Non Premium Acreage Code must equal 'E' when Coverage Range from the parent P14 is 0.0000 and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P11|92588|6|9|Non Premium Acreage Code must not equal 'E' when Coverage Range is not equal to 0.0000 or Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: ('35', '36').| 2022|D00001|P11|5365|10|9|Non Premium Acreage Code must be valid; edit with Non Premium Acreage ICE "D00050" record.|D00050 2022|D00001|P11|8076|10|9|Non Premium Acreage Code must be valid; edit with Non Premium Acreage Insurance Plan Commodity ICE "D00049" record.|D00049 2022|D00001|P11|9350|34|9|This P11 record requires a corresponding P11 record with Non Premium Acreage Code equal to 'I' when the Commodity Code contains the values '0088' or '1191'.| 2022|D00001|P11|9352|34|9|Only one P11 record with Non Premium Acreage Code of 'N' may be submitted for the specified Commodity and County.| 2022|D00001|P11|9353|34|9|No P11 records with a blank Non Premium Acreage Code for the specified Commodity and County are allowed with a record where the Non Premium Acreage Code is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P11|9354|34|9|Only one P11 record with Non Premium Acreage Code of 'X' may be submitted for the specified Commodity, County and Basic Unit Number.| 2022|D00001|P11|9356|34|9|Only one P11 record with Non Premium Acreage Code of 'X' may be submitted for the specified Commodity, County and Optional Unit Number.| 2022|D00001|P11|9358|34|9|Only one P11 record with Non Premium Acreage Code of 'Z' may be submitted for the specified Commodity and County.| 2022|D00001|P11|5273|12|9|Written Agreement was found in the ICE Exception Request table, but it has not yet been approved.| 2022|D00001|P11|51195|12|9|Written Agreement was not found in the ICE Exception Request table.| 2022|D00001|P11|52368|1|9|WA Land ID is Required when WA Number exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|52369|22|9|WA Land ID must be empty when WA Number is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|5275|2|9|WA Land ID must be Numeric when WA Land ID exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5753|20|9|WA Land ID must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999 when WA Land ID exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|6879|1|9|Sub County Code is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '13', '14' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|12068|1|9|Sub County Code is Required when Location State Code is '06' and Commodity Code is '0053' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty and Sub County Code is necessary to determine Prices.| 2022|D00001|P11|29298|1|9|Sub County Code is Required when Non Premium Acreage Code is 'H' and Insurance Option Code List contains 'SE'.| 2022|D00001|P11|35675|1|9|Sub County Code is Required when ISNULL(Non Premium Acreage Code, '') is not one of the following values: ('B', 'L', 'N', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'X') and High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement Option Flag is 'Y' and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P11|72559|1|9|Sub County Code is Required when (the WA's Exception Request Type Code List only contains 'HR' or the WA's Land Level Code equals 'SUB') and the corresponding P15 does not have a Sub County Code and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|72558|12|9|Sub County Code must equal 'URA' when Exception Request Type Code List contains 'UC' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty except for SCO plans 31, 32, 33, and STAX plans 35 and 36, and ECO plans 87, 88, and 89.| 2022|D00001|P11|8135|22|9|Sub County Code must be empty when Non Premium Acreage Code is 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P11|6902|10|9|Sub County Code must be valid; edit with Map ADM "A00045" record when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '13', '14' and Non Premium Acreage Code is not one of the following values: 'B', 'N', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'X'.|A00045 2022|D00001|P11|6903|10|9|Sub County Code must be valid; edit with Area Coverage Level ADM "A01130" record when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '13', '14'.|A01130 2022|D00001|P11|5369|10|9|Measurement Service Code must be valid; edit with Measurement Service ICE "D00093" record.|D00093 2022|D00001|P11|51076|17|9|Insurance Option Code List must be a minimum of 0 characters in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P11|119255|22|9|Insurance Option Code List must be empty when Non Premium Acreage Code of "L" is submitted.| 2022|D00001|P11|153391|12|9|The following options are not applicable for Northern Potatoes '0084' with Prevented Planting: CH, CL, PR, QA, QB, QC, QD, ST.| 2022|D00001|P11|9362|16|9|For ARH Oranges, if the corresponding previously accepted P15 record has a Yield Limitation Code of '09' or '12', the Insurance Option Code list must contain 'RS'|ODS15 2022|D00001|P11|10490|51|9|For ARH Oranges, if the corresponding P15 record in this batch has a Yield Limitation Code of '09' or '12', the Insurance Option Code List must contain 'RS'.| 2022|D00001|P11|19317|16|9|Insurance Option Code List must contain 'YA' if the corresponding previously accepted P15 record has the 'YA' option and the Yield Limitation Code is '09' or '12'.|ODS15 2022|D00001|P11|19319|51|9|Insurance Option Code List must contain 'YA' if the corresponding P15 record in this batch has the 'YA' option and the Yield Limitation Code is '09' or '12'.| 2022|D00001|P11|19322|16|9|Insurance Option Code List must contain 'FO' if the corresponding previously accepted P15 record has the 'FO' option and the Yield Limitation Code is '05', '07' or '08'.|ODS15 2022|D00001|P11|19323|51|9|Insurance Option Code List must contain 'FO' if the corresponding P15 record in this batch has the 'FO' option and the Yield Limitation Code is '05', '07' or '08'.| 2022|D00001|P11|101322|12|9|Insurance Option Code List cannot contain 'WO' when Date Planted is greater than Final Planting Date and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0011', '0091', '0067' and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '01', '02', '03', '21', '22', '23' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|72310|12|9|If the associated P11 has Short Rate, 'SR', in Insurance Option Code List then this SCO or ECO P11 must also have Short Rate, 'SR', in its Insurance Option Code List when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '87', '88', '89' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|74660|12|9|If the associated P11 has Malting Barley, 'ME', in Insurance Option Code List then this SCO or ECO P11 must also have Malting Barley, 'ME', in its Insurance Option Code List when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '87', '88', '89' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|5986|31|9|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be unique when Insurance Option Code List exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|19576|12|9|When Insurance Option Code List contains 'SE' for Cottonseed the only other option it may contain is one of the following: 'EI' for Enterprise by Irrigation Practice, 'EC' for Enterprise by Cropping Practice, or 'ET' for Enterprise by Type.| 2022|D00001|P11|45413|17|9|Insurance Option Code List must contain only 'DC' for Downed Commodities.| 2022|D00001|P11|76748|12|9|For SCO plans 31, 32, and 33 and ECO plans 87, 88, and 89 where Insurance Option Code List contains 'SE' for Cottonseed the base Insurance Option Code List must also contain 'SE' for Cottonseed.| 2022|D00001|P11|153570|12|9|Enterprise by Cropping Practice (option EC) and Enterprise by Type (option ET) may not be combined with Multi-County Enterprise Unit (option MC).| 2022|D00001|P11|53799|30|9|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be valid; edit with Option Rate ADM "A01060" record when Insurance Option Code List exists.|A01060 2022|D00001|P11|6904|30|9|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be valid; edit with Insurance Option Criteria ICE "D00137" record when Insurance Option Code List exists.|D00137 2022|D00001|P11|5988|50|9|Each delimited value in Excluded Option Code must not exist in the ADM Option Rate Table (A01060) when Insurance Option Code List exists.|D10010 2022|D00001|P11|5991|50|9|At least one delimited value in Required Option Code must exist in the ADM Option Rate table (A01060) when Insurance Option Code List exists.|D10011 2022|D00001|P11|9237|56|9|A Base Policy Coverage row must also be submitted when 'CV' is in the Insurance Option Code List and Insurance Plan Code is '40' and the Unit Structure Code is 'BU'.| 2022|D00001|P11|19466|56|9|A Base Policy Coverage row must also be submitted when 'CV' is in the Insurance Option Code List and Insurance Plan Code is '40' and the Unit Structure Code is 'OU', 'UA', or 'UD'.| 2022|D00001|P11|129657|67|9|When a CTV Endorsement row has been submitted with an Insurance Option Code List containing 'FC', there must be a Base Policy Coverage row with an Insurance Option Code Listing containing 'FB'.| 2022|D00001|P11|130422|67|9|When a Base Policy Coverage Row has been submitted with an Insurance Option Code List containing 'FB' and a CTV Endorsement row has been submitted the Insurance Option Code List of the endorsement must contain 'FC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|130423|67|9|When a CTV Endorsement row has been submitted with an Insurance Option Code List containing 'FX', there must be a Base Policy Coverage row with an Insurance Option Code Listing containing 'FL'.| 2022|D00001|P11|130424|67|9|When a Base Policy Coverage Row has been submitted with an Insurance Option Code List containing 'FL' and a CTV Endorsement row has been submitted the Insurance Option Code List of the endorsement must contain 'FX'.| 2022|D00001|P11|16285|68|9|Options may not be specified that do not exist on the parent P14 record. This rule does not apply to MP plans 16 and 17 with an associated Base record, see rule 165314.| 2022|D00001|P11|165314|68|9|Options may not be specified that do not exist on the parent P14 record. This rule applies to MP plans 16 and 17 with an associated Base record to allow EI, EC, and ET even when not submitted on the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P11|21383|16|9|Insurance Option Code List must contain 'TA' if the corresponding previously accepted P15 record has the 'TA' option.|ODS15 2022|D00001|P11|21384|51|9|Insurance Option Code List must contain 'TA' if the corresponding P15 record in this batch has the 'TA' option.| 2022|D00001|P11|16264|68|9|Options that must be elected before sales closing date must be submitted in at least one child-P11 of the parent P14 when they exist on the parent P14 and this record is not Cottonseed.| 2022|D00001|P11|78905|34|9|If P11As with a Contract Liability Record Flag = Y exist for any P11 with the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location County Code, Type Code, and Organic Practice Code, and one of those P11s has an Insurance Option Code List containing 'CP', all P11s having the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location County Code, and Type Code must also have Insurance Option Code Lists containing 'CP'.| 2022|D00001|P11|110064|12|9|A P11A record is required when Contract Price is submitted for at least one of the P11 record when and Commodity Code is '0075', Insurance Option Code List contains 'CP', and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|5276|1|9|Insured Acreage Signature Date is Required when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|5277|8|9|Insured Acreage Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P11|5678|7|9|Insured Acreage Signature Date must be between Contract Change Date minus one year and Batch Received Date for commodities with a planting date and that do not have the winter option available, or for Raisins. Excludes Written Agreements of types 'TP' and 'XC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|45347|3|9|Insured Acreage Signature Date must be between 07-01 (Reinsurance Year minus 1 year) and Batch Received Date for commodities without a planting date (other than Raisins) or that have the Winter Option available (WO).| 2022|D00001|P11|5278|1|9|Agent Acreage Signature Date is Required when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|5279|8|9|Agent Acreage Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P11|19581|3|9|Agent Acreage Signature Date must be less than Inactive Date when Inactive Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5679|7|9|Agent Acreage Signature Date must be between Contract Change Date minus one year and Batch Received Date for commodities with a planting date and that do not have the Winter Option (WO) available, or for Raisins. Excludes Written Agreements of types 'TP' and 'XC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|45348|3|9|Agent Acreage Signature Date must be between 07-01 (Reinsurance Year minus 1 year) and Batch Received Date for commodities without a Final Planting Date (other than Raisins) or that have the winter option (WO) available.| 2022|D00001|P11|5690|1|9|Reported Tree Count is Required when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty or Non Premium Acreage Code equals 'U' and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('40', '41') OR ( Insurance Plan Code equals '37 and Underlying Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('40', '41') ).| 2022|D00001|P11|7270|22|9|Reported Tree Count must be empty when NOT ( Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('40', '41') or ( Insurance Plan Code equals '37 and Underlying Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('40', '41') ) ).| 2022|D00001|P11|5281|2|9|Reported Tree Count must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P11|5282|20|9|Reported Tree Count must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P11|6865|7|9|Reported Tree Count must be greater than 0 when Non Premium Acreage Code equals 'U' and ((Insurance Plan Code equals '40') or (Insurance Plan Code equals '41')).| 2022|D00001|P11|19451|34|9|The Reported Tree Count for the CTV Endorsement record must be less than or equal to the Reported Tree Count for the Base Policy Record when Insurance Plan Code is '40' and the Insurance Option Code List contains 'CV' or 'OX' and the Unit Structure is BU.| 2022|D00001|P11|19454|34|9|The Reported Tree Count for the CTV Endorsement record must be less than or equal to the Reported Tree Count for the Base Policy record when Insurance Plan Code is '40' and the Insurance Option Code List contains 'CV' or 'OX' and the Unit Structure is OU, UA, or UD.| 2022|D00001|P11|5691|22|9|Reported Pounds must be empty when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0069', '0115'.| 2022|D00001|P11|38718|1|9|Reported Pounds is Required when Commodity Code is '0115' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|5284|2|9|Reported Pounds must be Numeric when Reported Pounds exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|38714|20|9|Reported Pounds must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Reported Pounds exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|7269|7|9|Reported Pounds must be between 1 and 9999999999 when Reported Pounds exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|21592|6|9|Reported Pounds must equal the number of pounds (Apportioned Landings) when Commodity Code Oysters, "0115" and Reported Pounds exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|10860|22|9|Reported Pounds must be empty when Commodity Code equals '0075' and no P11As exist with Contract Liability Record Flag = 'Y' for the P11.| 2022|D00001|P11|77777|49|9|P11 Reported Pounds must equal Sum (P11A Reported Pounds) for the P11 when P11 Reported Pounds exists, P11As exist, Commodity Code is '0075', and Insurance Option Code List contains 'CP'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5289|1|9|AIP Total Premium Amount is Required when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|8491|22|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must be empty when Non Premium Acreage Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5290|2|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P11|5291|20|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P11|7187|6|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must equal Total Premium Amount.| 2022|D00001|P11|9918|1|9|AIP Liability Amount is Required when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|8492|22|9|AIP Liability Amount must be empty when Non Premium Acreage Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5293|2|9|AIP Liability Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P11|5294|20|9|AIP Liability Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P11|7188|6|9|AIP Liability Amount must equal Liability Amount.| 2022|D00001|P11|9919|1|9|AIP Subsidy Amount is Required when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|8493|22|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must be empty when Non Premium Acreage Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5296|2|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P11|5297|20|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P11|7189|6|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must equal Subsidy Amount.| 2022|D00001|P11|5371|6|9|Additional Subsidy Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5373|6|9|State Private Subsidy Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P11|45414|22|9|Guarantee Adjustment Type Code must be empty when Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|101332|12|9|Guarantee Adjustment Type Code must equal 'L' when Planted Date is greater than Extended Final Planting Date and less than or equal to End of Late Planting Period Date when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '01', '02', '03', '21', '22', '23' and Insurance Option Code List does not contain one of the following values: 'WO','DC' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|21607|12|9|Guarantee Adjustment Type Code must equal 'M' when Planted Date is greater than End of Late Planting Period Date when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5374|10|9|Guarantee Adjustment Type Code must be valid; edit with Guarantee Adjustment Type ICE "D00051" record.|D00051 2022|D00001|P11|7019|12|9|Guarantee Adjustment Type Code must be valid for the current insurance offer information when Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is not equal to D; edit with Guarantee Adjustment ICE "D00068" record when Guarantee Adjustment Type Code equals 'L'; edit with Guarantee Adjustment ICE "A01220" record when Guarantee Adjustment Type Code equals 'E' or 'P' and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P11|16548|12|9|A Guarantee Adjustment Type Code value of "D" is only valid when Commodity Code in '0201', '0202', '0203', '0227', '0309', '1302', '9936' and Insurance Plan Code equals 'D'.| 2022|D00001|P11|165293|6|9|Guarantee Adjustment Type Code must not equal one of the following values: 'E', 'P' when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P11|6371|6|9|Guarantee Adjustment Type Code must not equal one of the following values: 'L', 'M' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'WO' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0011', '0091', '0067'.| 2022|D00001|P11|101330|12|9|Guarantee Adjustment Type Code must not equal one of the following values: 'L', 'M' when Planted Date is less than or equal to Extended Final Planting Date and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|5682|1|9|Guarantee Adjustment Qualifying Commodity Code is Required when Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is 'E' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|5683|22|9|Guarantee Adjustment Qualifying Commodity Code must be empty when Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is not 'E'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5377|10|9|Guarantee Adjustment Qualifying Commodity Code must be valid; edit with Commodity ADM "A00420" record.|A00420 2022|D00001|P11|5381|17|9|Guarantee Adjustment Qualifying Basic Unit Number must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P11|5383|17|9|Guarantee Adjustment Qualifying Optional Unit Number must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P11|7011|1|9|Approved Yield is Required when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'SE' and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'DC' and Commodity Code is not '0024' and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty and an entry exists in the 'D00066' Yield Requirement ICE.| 2022|D00001|P11|10926|22|9|Approved Yield must be empty when Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|7012|22|9|Approved Yield must be empty for plans 04, 05, 06, and for stand alone MP policies.| 2022|D00001|P11|7014|2|9|Approved Yield must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P11|7039|3|9|Approved Yield must equal the Approved Yield on the corresponding P15 record when the following scenarios do not occur: Commodity Code equals '0021', '0022' or (Commodity Code equals '0047' and Type Code equals '062') or (Commodity Code equals 0067' and Type Code equals '098').| 2022|D00001|P11|8161|25|9|Approved Yield must be a whole number when the Unit Of Measure Abbreviation for the insurance offer is anything other than Barrels or Tons. This rule does not apply to Insurance Plan Code 55.| 2022|D00001|P11|8162|25|9|Approved Yield can have one significant digit to the right of the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation in ('BBL','TON') or Insurance Plan Code equals '55'.| 2022|D00001|P11|7016|20|9|Approved Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P11|7017|7|9|Approved Yield must be between 1 and 99999999 when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is not one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON' and Insurance Plan Code is not '55'.| 2022|D00001|P11|7018|7|9|Approved Yield must be between 0.1 and 9999 when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is one of the following values: ('BBL','TON') or (Insurance Plan Code equals '55' and Commodity Code is not equal to '0080').| 2022|D00001|P11|101260|7|9|Approved Yield must be between 0.1 and 99999 when Insurance Plan Code equals '55' and Commodity Code equals '0080'.| 2022|D00001|P11|9274|12|9|Approved Yield must equal the Approved Yield (within +1 or -1 pound) on the corresponding P15 record / Contract Price when Commodity Code is '0047' and Type Code is '062' or Commodity Code is '0067' and Type Code is '098'.| 2022|D00001|P11|9271|3|9|Approved Yield must equal the Approved Yield on the corresponding P15 record * Yield Conversion Factor when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0021', '0022' and Skip Row Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|7026|1|9|Insured Share Percent is Required when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'SE' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '37', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P11|8496|22|9|Insured Share Percent must be empty when Insurance Option Code List contains 'SE'.| 2022|D00001|P11|63071|22|9|Insured Share Percent must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '37', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5312|2|9|Insured Share Percent must be Numeric when Insured Share Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5313|20|9|Insured Share Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999 when Insured Share Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|6858|7|9|Insured Share Percent must be less than 1 when Uninsurable SBI Flag is 'Y' and Insured Share Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|4687|7|9|Insured Share Percent must be between 0.0001 and 1.0000 when Insured Share Percent exists and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|45415|7|9|Insured Share Percent must equal 1.0000 when Insured Share Percent exists and Insurance Option Code list contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5384|10|9|Modified Acreage Code must be valid; edit with Modified Acreage ICE "D00052" record.|D00052 2022|D00001|P11|8863|6|9|Modified Acreage Code must equal '00' when Non Premium Acreage Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P11|32419|34|9|Modified Acreage Code must be the same for all related submitted Acreage records for the same unit when Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Modified Acreage Code is not '02'.| 2022|D00001|P11|32420|34|9|Modified Acreage Code must be the same for all related submitted Acreage records for the same unit when Unit Structure Code is one of the following values: 'OU', 'UA', 'UD' when Modified Acreage Code is not '02'.| 2022|D00001|P11|32421|34|9|Modified Acreage Code must be the same for all related submitted Acreage records for the same unit when Unit Structure Code is one of the following values: 'EU', 'WU' when Modified Acreage Code is not '02'.| 2022|D00001|P11|92707|34|9|Modified Acreage Code must be the same for all related submitted Acreage records for the same unit when Unit Structure Code equals 'EU' and Insurance Option Code List contains 'EI' and Modified Acreage Code is not '02'.| 2022|D00001|P11|131076|34|9|Modified Acreage Code must be the same for all related submitted Acreage records for the same unit when Unit Structure Code equals 'EU' and Insurance Option Code List contains 'EC' and Modified Acreage Code is not '02'.| 2022|D00001|P11|153330|34|9|Modified Acreage Code must be the same for all related submitted Acreage records for the same unit when Unit Structure Code equals 'EU' and Insurance Option Code List contains 'ET' and Modified Acreage Code is not '02'.| 2022|D00001|P11|8907|12|9|Modified Acreage Code must not be changed to '00' or empty when Batch is submitted after the Revised Acreage Cutoff Date unless the Unit Liability Amount is also being revised to the original Unit Liability Amount. The Revised Acreage Cutoff Date is based on March 31, RY + 30 days for Raisins or Modified Acreage Reporting Date + 60 days for other crops. For written agreement policy where Modified Acreage Reporting Date is not found, the cutoff date is based on the Initial Accepted Date + 60 days.| 2022|D00001|P11|8901|12|9|Modified Acreage Code must not be '00' or empty when Unit Liability is outside Tolerance (+/- 250) and Batch is submitted after the Revised Acreage Cutoff Date, which is March 31, RY + 30 days for Raisins or Modified Acreage Reporting Date + 60 days for other crops. For written agreement policy where Modified Acreage Reporting Date is not found, the cutoff date is based on the Initial Accepted Date + 60 days.| 2022|D00001|P11|9441|22|9|Price Election Amount must be empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|8561|2|9|Price Election Amount must be Numeric when Price Election Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|8562|20|9|Price Election Amount must have no more than 4 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999.9999 when Price Election Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|10859|7|9|Price Election Amount must be greater than 0 when Price Election Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|19341|3|9|Price Election Amount must be between 0.0001 and Maximum Contract Price when Maximum Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|6968|16|9|Contract Price is required when Contract Price Code in Price ADM "A00810" equals 'CP', no other prices in Price ADM "A00810" may be used, and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.|A00810 2022|D00001|P11|19609|34|9|Contract Price must equal the Contract Price of other policies with the same AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, Organic Practice Code, and WA Number (if applicable) and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty where Commodity Code is '0053' and Location State Code equals '04' or '06'.| 2022|D00001|P11|53790|1|9|Contract Price is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains CP for Contract Price or ME for Malting Barley Endorsement.| 2022|D00001|P11|53791|16|9|Contract Price must be empty when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'CP' and ADM Option Rate A01060 contains 'CP' except when Malting Barley Endorsement (option ME) is in the Insurance Option Code List and when Commodity Code is 0075 for Peanuts or 0229 for Flue Cured Tobacco.|A01060 2022|D00001|P11|5315|2|9|Contract Price must be Numeric when Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5316|20|9|Contract Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999 when Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|19002|7|9|Contract Price must be between 0.0001 and 99999.9999 when Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|6970|67|9|Contract Price must be valid; edit with Price ADM "A00810" record when Contract Price exists.|A00810 2022|D00001|P11|153317|67|9|Contract Price must be at least Established Price and no more than Maximum Over Established Price when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'CP' or Maximum Contract Price when Insurance Option Code List does contain 'CP' when Commodity Code is '0229' and Contract Price exists.|A00810 2022|D00001|P11|78904|34|9|If P11As with a Contract Liability Record Flag = Y exist for any P11 with the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location County Code, Type Code, and Organic Practice Code, all P11 Contract Prices having the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location County Code, Type Code, and Organic Practice Code must be the same.| 2022|D00001|P11|45416|22|9|Experience Factor must be empty when Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5318|2|9|Experience Factor must be Numeric when Experience Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5319|20|9|Experience Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 3 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.999 when Experience Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|9227|16|9|Must not exist in the ICE Experience Factor Exclusion record (D00098) when Experience Factor exists and is not 1.|D00098 2022|D00001|P11|6844|7|9|Experience Factor must be between 0.500 and 1.000 when Experience Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|8648|3|9|Experience Factor must be greater than or equal to the experience factor submitted in a prior year.| 2022|D00001|P11|7267|1|9|Reported Acreage is Required when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'SE' and NOT ( Insurance Plan Code equals '40' or ( Insurance Plan Code equals '37' and Underlying Insurance Plan Code equals '40' ) ) and Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0037', '0088', '0115', '0332', '1191' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty or Non Premium Acreage Code is one of the following values: 'E', 'I', 'J', 'U'.| 2022|D00001|P11|38794|1|9|Reported Acreage is Required when Commodity Code is '0088' and Non Premium Acreage Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P11|6623|22|9|Reported Acreage must be empty when Commodity Code in ('0037','0115','1191') OR Insurance Option Code List contains 'SE' OR (Commodity Code in ('0088','0332') and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty) OR Insurance Plan Code equals '40' OR (Insurance Plan Code equals '37' and Underlying Insurance Plan Code equals '40').| 2022|D00001|P11|5322|2|9|Reported Acreage must be Numeric when Reported Acreage exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5323|20|9|Reported Acreage must have no more than 7 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999.99 when Reported Acreage exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|7196|7|9|Reported Acreage must be between 0.01 and 9999999.99 when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty or Non Premium Acreage Code is not equal to 'U' and Reported Acreage exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|10506|7|9|Reported Acreage must be between 0 and 9999999.99 when Non Premium Acreage Code is 'U' and Reported Acreage exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|72777|67|9|Practice Code and Reported Acreage on the SCO or ECO P11 Acreage must match that on the base P11 Acreage.| 2022|D00001|P11|6854|7|9|Reported Acreage must be greater than 0 when Non Premium Acreage Code is 'C' and Reported Acreage exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|45421|12|9|Total Base Policy Reported Acreage must be equal to Total Downed Commodity Reported Acreage for Acreage Group Key.| 2022|D00001|P11|5324|1|9|Reported Tons is Required when Commodity Code is '0037' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|7266|22|9|Reported Tons must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0037'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5325|2|9|Reported Tons must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P11|5326|20|9|Reported Tons must have no more than 6 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P11|5693|1|9|Reported Colonies is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('13', '14') OR ( Insurance Plan Code equals '37' and Underlying Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('13', '14') ) and Commodity Code is '1191' and Non Premium Acreage Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P11|7265|22|9|Reported Colonies must be empty when Commodity Code is not equal to '1191' or Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|5694|2|9|Reported Colonies must be Numeric when Reported Colonies exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5695|20|9|Reported Colonies must have no more than 7 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999 when Reported Colonies exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|38795|7|9|Reported Colonies must be between 0.1 and 9999999.9 when Reported Colonies exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5688|22|9|Section Count must be empty when Unit Structure Code is not one of the following values: 'EU', 'WU'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5327|2|9|Section Count must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P11|5329|20|9|Section Count must have no more than 2 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99.| 2022|D00001|P11|73181|1|9|Planted Date is Required when Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is one of the following values: 'L', 'M'.| 2022|D00001|P11|101356|1|9|Planted Date is Required when Extended Final Planting Date exists and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty unless Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is one of the following values: ('E','P') OR Insurance Option Code List contains ('DC' or 'SE') OR Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('31','32','33','37') OR Commodity Code is '0038' OR Commodity Code is found in ICE D00055.| 2022|D00001|P11|4680|8|9|Planted Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P11|6023|3|9|Planted Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P11|9397|16|9|Planted Date must be empty when Reinsurance Year and Commodity Code are found in the Planted Date Exclusion ICE "D00055" record.|D00055 2022|D00001|P11|9398|22|9|Planted Date must be empty when Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is one of the following values: 'E', 'P' and Non Premium Acreage Code is not 'U'.| 2022|D00001|P11|8018|3|9|Planted Date must be greater than or equal to Extended Final Planting Date + 26 when ((Seed Cycle Code is not equal to 'F' or Commodity Code is not equal to '0011') and (Commodity Code is not equal to '0022')) and Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is 'P' and Non Premium Acreage Code is not one of the following values: 'U', 'B', 'H', 'S', 'T', 'W'.| 2022|D00001|P11|8008|3|9|Planted Date must be greater than Extended Final Planting Date when ((Seed Cycle Code equals 'F' and Commodity Code equals '0011') or (Commodity Code equals '0022')) and Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is 'P' and Non Premium Acreage Code is not one of the following values: 'U', 'B', 'H', 'S', 'T', 'W'.| 2022|D00001|P11|8015|3|9|Planted Date must be less than or equal to Extended Final Planting Date when Downed Commodity Flag is not equal to 'Y' and SE Flag is not equal to 'Y' and ISNULL(WO Insurance Option Code,'') is not equal to 'WO' and ISNULL(Non Premium Acreage Code,'') is not one of the following values: ( 'B','D','H','P','R','S','T','U','W' ) and NOT (Commodity Code equals '0013' and ISNULL(Statement Code,'') is one of the following values: ('00251','00929')) and NOT (Commodity Code equals '0046' and ISNULL(Statement Code,'') is one of the following values: ('01392','01393','25240')) and Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is empty and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5689|1|9|Skip Row Code is Required when Skip Row Width exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5333|22|9|Skip Row Code must be empty when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0021','0022','0041' or Skip Row Width is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|10260|1|9|Skip Row Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0021', '0022' and Practice Code is one of the following values: '063', '073', '083', '729', '730', '731', '732', '733', '734'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5335|10|9|Skip Row Code must be valid; edit with Skip Row ICE "D00039" record.|D00039 2022|D00001|P11|6265|1|9|Skip Row Width is Required when Skip Row Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|6266|22|9|Skip Row Width must be empty when Skip Row Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|7911|2|9|Skip Row Width must be Numeric when Skip Row Width exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|6269|7|9|Skip Row Width must be between the lower and upper boundaries, as indicated in ICE Skip Row "D00039".|D00039 2022|D00001|P11|45417|22|9|Premium Multiple Cropping Code must be empty when Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|7787|67|9|Premium Multiple Cropping Code must be valid; edit with Multiple Cropping Insurance Plan Commodity ICE "D00054" record when Premium Multiple Cropping Code exists.|D00054 2022|D00001|P11|7788|10|9|Premium Multiple Cropping Code must be valid; edit with Multiple Cropping ICE "D00063" record when Premium Multiple Cropping Code exists.|D00063 2022|D00001|P11|9098|10|9|Commodity Cropping Status Code must be valid; edit with Commodity Cropping Status ICE "D00117" record when Commodity Cropping Status Code exists.|D00117 2022|D00001|P11|9100|10|9|Commodity Planting Status Code must be valid; edit with Commodity Planting Status ICE "D00118" record when Commodity Planting Status Code exists.|D00118 2022|D00001|P11|9099|6|9|Commodity Multiple Planting Status Code must equal 'M' when Commodity Multiple Planting Status Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5739|22|9|Yield Conversion Factor must be empty when NOT ( ( Commodity Code equals '0084' and (Insurance Option Code List contains 'CH' or Insurance Option Code List contains 'CL') ) or ( Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0013','0059','0156','0255','0256','0257','0265','0266','0267','0105','0333') ) or ( Commodity Code equals '0072' and Valid Type Code is not one of the following values: ('993','994') ) or ( Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0021','0022') and Skip Row Code exists and Valid Irrigation Practice Code equals '003' ) or Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('21', '22', '23') ).| 2022|D00001|P11|18973|1|9|Yield Conversion Factor is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0021', '0022' and Skip Row Code exists and Valid Irrigation Practice Code is '003'.| 2022|D00001|P11|7907|2|9|Yield Conversion Factor must be Numeric when Yield Conversion Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5341|10|9|Yield Conversion Factor must be valid; edit with Yield Conversion ICE "D00064" record when Commodity Code is '0021' and Skip Row Code is not one of the following values: '117', '217', '317' and Practice Code is one of the following values: '063', '073', '083', '729', '730', '731', '732', '733', '734' and Yield Conversion Factor exists.|D00064 2022|D00001|P11|8377|20|9|Yield Conversion Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 3 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.999 when Yield Conversion Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|10480|6|9|Yield Conversion Factor must not equal 0 when Yield Conversion Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|8379|7|9|Yield Conversion Factor must be between 0.001 and 1 when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0059', '0255', '0256', '0257', '0265', '0266', '0267', '0105', '0156', '0333' and Yield Conversion Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|45426|22|9|Surcharge Applied Flag must be empty when Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5390|6|9|Surcharge Applied Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N' when Surcharge Applied Flag exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|101088|12|9|Surcharge Applied Flag must be "Y" when the Yield Limitation Code on the associated P15 record is 3 or 13.| 2022|D00001|P11|5699|22|9|Seed Company Code must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not '55'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5392|10|9|Seed Company Code must be valid; edit with Seed Company ICE "D00057" record.|D00057 2022|D00001|P11|7032|1|9|CEO Coverage Level Percent is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains 'CE'.| 2022|D00001|P11|7033|22|9|CEO Coverage Level Percent must be empty when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'CE'.| 2022|D00001|P11|7034|22|9|CEO Coverage Level Percent must be empty when Coverage Type Code is 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5348|2|9|CEO Coverage Level Percent must be Numeric when CEO Coverage Level Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|5349|20|9|CEO Coverage Level Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999 when CEO Coverage Level Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|7037|10|9|CEO Coverage Level Percent must be valid; edit with Subsidy Percent ADM "A00070" record when CEO Coverage Level Percent exists.|A00070 2022|D00001|P11|6027|3|9|CEO Coverage Level Percent must be greater than Coverage Level Percent when CEO Coverage Level Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|52625|1|9|Settlement Flag is Required when the record exists in the Settlement table.| 2022|D00001|P11|8536|6|9|Settlement Flag must equal 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P11|55159|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P11|32511|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P11|5396|10|9|Private Policy Code must be valid; edit with Private Policy ICE "D00059" record when Private Policy Code exists.|D00059 2022|D00001|P11|6030|1|9|Warehouse Code is Required when Contract Price is greater than 0 and Commodity Code is '0147' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|78906|22|9|Warehouse Code must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0147'.| 2022|D00001|P11|5398|10|9|Warehouse Code must be valid; edit with Warehouse ICE "D00065" record when Warehouse Code exists.|D00065 2022|D00001|P11|10408|1|9|Prevented Planting Commodity Code is Required when Prevented Planting Processing Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|10410|67|9|Prevented Planting Commodity Code must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when (Settlement Flag is not equal to 'Y' or Settlement Flag is empty).|ODS14 2022|D00001|P11|10415|1|9|Prevented Planting Processing Code is Required when Prevented Planting Commodity Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|10407|10|9|Prevented Planting Processing Code must be valid; edit with Prevented Planting Processing ICE "D00038" record.|D00038 2022|D00001|P11|10664|1|9|Acreage Group Key is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains 'SE' or Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|52514|22|9|Acreage Group Key must be empty when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0018', '0021', '0022'.| 2022|D00001|P11|10666|20|9|Acreage Group Key must have no more than 15 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999999999 when Acreage Group Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|19621|56|9|Acreage Group Key must be empty for a non-Cottonseed record if there is no corresponding Cottonseed record when Coverage Type Code equals 'A'.| 2022|D00001|P11|27268|56|9|Acreage Group Key must be empty for a non-Cottonseed record if there is no corresponding Cottonseed record when Coverage Type Code equals 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P11|18938|34|9|Acreage Group Key may be submitted only once for a Cotton Lint/Cotton Seed pair.| 2022|D00001|P11|52489|56|9|Acreage Group Key value for a Base Policy record must match at least one Acreage Group Key of a Downed Commodity record.| 2022|D00001|P11|52502|56|9|Acreage Group Key value for a Downed Commodity record must match at least one Acreage Group Key of a Base Policy record.| 2022|D00001|P11|16528|1|9|Guarantee Adjustment Factor is Required when Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is 'D'.| 2022|D00001|P11|16529|22|9|Guarantee Adjustment Factor must be empty when Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is not equal to 'D' or Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|143231|22|9|Guarantee Adjustment Factor must be empty when Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0201','0202','0203','0227','0309','1302') and Insurance Plan Code equals '90' and Location State Code equals '12'.| 2022|D00001|P11|16530|2|9|Guarantee Adjustment Factor must be Numeric when Guarantee Adjustment Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|16531|20|9|Guarantee Adjustment Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 3 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.999 when Guarantee Adjustment Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|16532|7|9|Guarantee Adjustment Factor must be between 0.001 and 1 when Guarantee Adjustment Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|16968|22|9|Stand Percent must be empty when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0240', '0241', '0242', '0243', '0244'.| 2022|D00001|P11|16939|2|9|Stand Percent must be Numeric when Stand Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|16940|20|9|Stand Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99 when Stand Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|16941|7|9|Stand Percent must be between 0.01 and 1 when Stand Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|38764|22|9|Percent of Value must be empty when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0088', '1191') or Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: ('13', '14') or Non Premium Acreage Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|38765|1|9|Percent of Value is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0088', '1191' and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '13', '14' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|38767|2|9|Percent of Value must be Numeric when Percent of Value exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|38768|20|9|Percent of Value must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99 when Percent of Value exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|38770|34|9|The Sum of Percent of Value for all intervals in the same unit must equal 1.00 where the same unit is defined by AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, Type Code, Irrigation Practice Code, Sub County Code (Grid Id), Insured Share Percent, Premium Multiple Cropping Code, Multiple Commodity Adjustment Factor, Program Indicator Code List (for Native Sod), and Organic Practice Code.| 2022|D00001|P11|53736|34|9|The Sum of the P14 Percent of Value for all intervals in the same unit must equal 1.00 where the same unit is defined by AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Commodity Year, Growing Season, Type Code, Sub County Code (Grid Id), Insured Share Percent, Program Indicator Code List, Premium Multiple Cropping Code, Multiple Commodity Adjustment Factor, Insurance Option Code List and Non Premium Acreage Code being empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|10113|67|9|Percent of Value must be greater than or equal to the Minimum Acre Percent and less than or equal to the Maximum Acre Percent on the A00810 AdmPrice record.|A00810 2022|D00001|P11|38772|1|9|Total Insured Acreage is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0088', '0332' and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '13', '14' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|38773|22|9|Total Insured Acreage must be empty when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0088','0332') or Non Premium Acreage Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|38777|2|9|Total Insured Acreage must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P11|38775|20|9|Total Insured Acreage must have no more than 7 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P11|38776|57|9|Total Insured Acreage must have the same value for all intervals in the same unit where the same unit is defined by AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, Type Code, Irrigation Practice Code, Sub County Code (Grid Id), Insured Share Percent, Premium Multiple Cropping Code, Multiple Commodity Adjustment Factor, Program Indicator Code List (for Native Sod), and Organic Practice Code when Commodity Code is '0088' when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|53683|57|9|Total Insured Acreage must have the same value for all intervals in the same unit where the same unit is defined by AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Commodity Year, Location County Code, Growing Season, Type Code, Sub County Code (Grid Id), Insured Share Percent, Program Indicator Code List, Premium Multiple Cropping Code, Multiple Commodity Adjustment Factor and Insurance Option Code List.| 2022|D00001|P11|119013|7|3|Total Insured Acreage must be greater than or equal to 60 when Commodity Code is '0088' and Location State Code is one of the following values: '04', '32', '49' and Intended Use Code is not '030' Haying.| 2022|D00001|P11|52538|49|9|P11 Total Insured Acreage must equal the Sum (Total Insured Acreage) on the P11A record when Commodity Code is '0332' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|38789|1|9|Total Insured Colonies is Required when Commodity Code is '1191' and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '13', '14' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|38790|22|9|Total Insured Colonies must be empty when Commodity Code is not equal to '1191' or Non Premium Acreage Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|38792|2|9|Total Insured Colonies must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P11|38793|20|9|Total Insured Colonies must have no more than 7 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999.| 2022|D00001|P11|38771|57|9|Total Insured Colonies must have the same value for all intervals in the same unit where the same unit is defined by AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, Type Code, Sub County Code (Grid Id), and Insured Share Percent.| 2022|D00001|P11|72359|1|9|Associated AIP Acreage Key is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '87', '88', '89', '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P11|72749|67|9|For this base-policy P11 Acreage record, the associated SCO or STAX P11 Acreage record must be for the same Insurance Plan Code as the Associated Insurance Plan Code from the linked P15 Yield record.| 2022|D00001|P11|72362|1|9|Associated AIP Acreage Key is Required when ( Associated Insurance Plan Code is empty or Associated Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: ('16', '17') or ( Associated Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('16', '17') and Is Margin Protection Available Flag equals 'Y' ) ) and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'DC' and NOT ( Insurance Plan Code equals '37' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0021', '0022') and Insurance Option Code List contains 'SE' ) and Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key exists and Associated AIP Policy Producer Key exists and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P11|72363|22|9|Associated AIP Acreage Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '40', '55', '87', '88', '89', '90', '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P11|129668|22|9|Associated AIP Acreage Key must be empty when Insurance Option Code List contains 'FL' and CtvCount equals 0 and Insurance Plan Code is '40'.| 2022|D00001|P11|72364|22|9|Associated AIP Acreage Key must be empty when Associated AIP Policy Producer Key is empty and Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|72361|17|9|Associated AIP Acreage Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P11|63210|34|9|There must be one and only one base P11 record pointing to a particular SCO, ECO, STAX, MP, or PACE P11 record and there must be one and only one SCO, ECO, STAX, MP, or PACE P11 pointing to a particular base P11 record. Only one SCO and one ECO P11 can point to a single Base P11. Multiple PACE records can point to a single Base and can be combined with one SCO, ECO, and/or MP.| 2022|D00001|P11|153643|12|9|Associated AIP Acreage Key on a Base record (plans 01, 02, 03) must point to an Endorsement record for MP (plans 16, 17), SCO (plans 31, 32, 33), or STAX (plans 35, 36).| 2022|D00001|P11|66287|31|9|Each delimited value in Program Indicator Code List must be unique.| 2022|D00001|P11|66289|30|9|Each delimited value in Program Indicator Code List must be valid; edit with ICE Program Indicator ICE "D00154" record.|D00154 2022|D00001|P11|71295|67|9|A match was not found in the ICE Program Indicator Commodity ICE "D00155" record for the Program Indicator Code List value of 'NS' or 'N8'.|D00155 2022|D00001|P11|128743|12|9|If 11 or more years have passed since the native sod land was broken out (NS Breakout Year), the 'N8' indicator code should no longer be submitted in the Program Indicator Code List field.| 2022|D00001|P11|86089|1|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent is Required when Applied Program Indicator Code List contains 'CC' or 'TR' on the P10 or any associated P10B and when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|86095|22|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be empty when Applied Program Indicator Code List does not contain 'CC' or 'TR' on the P10 and any associated P10B.| 2022|D00001|P11|86091|2|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be Numeric when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|86092|20|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999 when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|86093|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1, when not associated with a P10B with an Entity Type Code equal to 'F', when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists and the P10 is not in CC or TR violation. Or, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1, when associated with a P10B with an Entity Type Code equal to 'F' and one of the P10B SBIs has a TR violation, when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists and the P10 is not in CC or TR violation.| 2022|D00001|P11|87119|6|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must equal 1.000 when P10 Applied Program Indicator Code List contains 'CC' and CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|101148|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1 when the P10 Applied Program Indicator Code List contains 'TR' and CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|101151|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1 when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|86105|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be equal on all associated P11s, unless at least one of the associated P10Bs contains an Entity Type Code equal to 'F', when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|101311|17|9|Unreported NS Year List must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 19 characters in length when submitted.| 2022|D00001|P11|101312|12|9|Unreported NS Year List can only be submitted when Program Indicator Code List contains "NS" or "DM".| 2022|D00001|P11|110019|1|9|Contract Value is Required when Insurance Plan Code is '55' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0093', '0334'.| 2022|D00001|P11|110020|22|9|Contract Value must be empty when NOT (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0093','0334') and Insurance Plan Code equals '55').| 2022|D00001|P11|110021|2|9|Contract Value must be Numeric when Contract Value exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|110022|20|9|Contract Value must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Contract Value exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|110023|1|9|Minimum Payment Quantity is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0066', '0093', '0334' and Insurance Plan Code is '55' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|110024|22|9|Minimum Payment Quantity must be empty when Commodity Code is not equal to '0093' nor '0066' nor '0334' and Insurance Plan Code is not equal to '55'.| 2022|D00001|P11|110025|2|9|Minimum Payment Quantity must be Numeric when Minimum Payment Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|110027|20|9|Minimum Payment Quantity must have no more than 6 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 1 number after the decimal point, in the format of 999999.9 when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0066', '0093', '0334' and Minimum Payment Quantity exists and Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is not 'LBS'.| 2022|D00001|P11|119004|25|9|Minimum Payment Quantity must be a whole number, with no significant digits after the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation equals 'LBS' or Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0093', '0066', '0334') and Minimum Payment Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|119322|22|9|MC Group Key must be empty when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'MC' and for Cotton Seed the parent Cotton Lint record's Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'MC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|119323|1|9|MC Group Key is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains 'MC' or for Cotton Seed the parent Cotton Lint record's Insurance Option Code List contains 'MC' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|119326|22|9|MC County Designation Flag must be empty when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'MC' and for Cotton Seed the parent Cotton Lint record's Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'MC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|119327|1|9|MC County Designation Flag is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains 'MC' or for Cotton Seed the parent Cotton Lint record's Insurance Option Code List contains 'MC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|119328|67|9|MC County Designation Flag must be valid; edit with ICE "D00167" record when MC County Designation Flag exists.|D00167 2022|D00001|P11|119330|34|9|MC County Designation Flag must be the same across ALL P11s submitted for the same county within the MC Group when P14 Insurance Option Code List contains 'MC'.| 2022|D00001|P11|119332|34|9|Two contiguous counties within the same state are required for the same Unique MC Group Key when P14 Insurance Option Code List contains 'MC'. Within the two grouped counties one must be designated as the primary county and the other must be designated as the secondary county using the MC County Designation Flag.| 2022|D00001|P11|128648|1|9|Native Sod break out year is Required when Program Indicator Code List contains 'N8'.| 2022|D00001|P11|128649|22|9|Native Sod break out year must be empty when Program Indicator Code List does not contain 'N8'.| 2022|D00001|P11|128647|2|9|Native Sod break out year must be Numeric when Native Sod break out year exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|128650|17|9|Native Sod break out year for N8 must be exactly 4 characters in length, in the form of: CCYY.| 2022|D00001|P11|143274|7|9|Native Sod break out year for N8 must be greater than 2017.| 2022|D00001|P11|142725|12|9|For this HIP-WI record the Underlying plan could not be determined. Either the Underlying AIP Acreage Key was not submitted or could not be determined using the Associated keys or does not point to a valid Base record.| 2022|D00001|P11|143087|22|9|HIP WI Acreage Limitation Amount must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not '37'.| 2022|D00001|P11|143088|2|9|HIP WI Acreage Limitation Amount must be Numeric when HIP WI Acreage Limitation Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|143089|20|9|HIP WI Acreage Limitation Amount must have no more than 7 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999.99 when HIP WI Acreage Limitation Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|143090|7|9|HIP WI Acreage Limitation Amount must be between 0.01 and 9999999.99 when HIP WI Acreage Limitation Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|143356|1|9|Hybrid Specialty Seed Contract Price is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0093', '0334' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|143358|2|9|Hybrid Specialty Seed Contract Price must be Numeric when Hybrid Specialty Seed Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|143360|20|9|Hybrid Specialty Seed Contract Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999 when Hybrid Specialty Seed Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|143363|7|9|Hybrid Specialty Seed Contract Price must be greater than 0 when Hybrid Specialty Seed Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|143366|7|9|Hybrid Specialty Seed Contract Price must be less than or equal to 15 when Hybrid Specialty Seed Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|143357|1|9|Hybrid Specialty Seed Expected Yield is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0093', '0334' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|143359|2|9|Hybrid Specialty Seed Expected Yield must be Numeric when Hybrid Specialty Seed Expected Yield exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|143361|20|9|Hybrid Specialty Seed Expected Yield must have no more than 6 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 1 number after the decimal point, in the format of 999999.9 when Hybrid Specialty Seed Expected Yield exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|143362|7|9|Hybrid Specialty Seed Expected Yield must be greater than 0 when Hybrid Specialty Seed Expected Yield exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|143367|7|9|Hybrid Specialty Seed Expected Yield must be less than or equal to 5000 when Hybrid Specialty Seed Expected Yield exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|153970|1|9|Declared Post Application Percent is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P11|153971|22|9|Declared Post Application Percent must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P11|153973|2|9|Declared Post Application Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P11|153974|20|9|Declared Post Application Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P11|153594|1009|0|Set Reported Commodity Quantity to equal the value in 'Reported Tree Count' when Reported Tree Count exists and Reported Commodity Quantity is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11|153479|1514|9|The Policy Producer was found to be Ineligible.|D10020 2022|D00001|P11|153480|1515|9|An SBI was found to be Ineligible due to the crop/state/plan or Ineligible SBI Percent Share. The AIP Policy Producer Other Person Keys of the Ineligible entities are listed in the expected values output.|D10020 2022|D00001|P11|153597|1009|0|Set Total Planted Quantity to equal the value in 'Total Planted Acreage' when Total Planted Acreage exists.| 2022|D00001|P11|153598|1009|0|Set Total Planted Quantity to equal the value in 'Total Planted Trees' when Total Planted Trees exists and Total Planted Quantity is 0.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52385|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52386|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P11A|52387|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52388|59|9|Record must be submitted between 2021-09-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52389|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P11A|52392|11|9|The parent P11 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52448|12|9|Acreage Detail records are only valid for Annual Forage (0332), Peanuts (0075), and Cucumbers (0132) and Flue-Cured Tobacco (0229).| 2022|D00001|P11A|53780|12|9|Acreage Detail records are only valid where the P11 record associated with this P11A record has a Non Premium Acreage Code that is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11A|54078|34|9|CVT Commodity insured under Annual Forage cannot also be insured under any other plan on the same policy in the same county that was previously submitted.|ODS11 2022|D00001|P11A|62987|12|9|Sum of Round(Base Contract Price * Average Grade Factor, 2) for all P11A records with the same parent P11 must equal Contract Price on the parent P11 when Commodity Code is '0132' and Weighted Average Price Flag is 'N'. Or, when Total Contract Price is greater than Maximum Contract Price, Parent Contract Price must equal the Maximum Contract Price when Commodity Code is '0132' and Weighted Average Price Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52390|47|9|The parent P11 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52436|34|9|All Acreage Detail records must be accepted for the same Acreage record.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52393|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52394|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P11A|52395|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52396|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P11A|52397|1|9|AIP Acreage Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52412|1|9|AIP Acreage Detail Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52413|17|9|AIP Acreage Detail Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52414|9|9|AIP Acreage Detail Key must be unique within the parent P11 record.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52415|1|9|CVT Commodity Code is Required when Commodity Code is '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|62971|22|9|CVT Commodity Code must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52424|67|9|CVT Commodity Code must be valid; edit with ICE Annual Forage ICE "D00144" record when CVT Commodity Code exists.|D00144 2022|D00001|P11A|62973|22|9|Unlisted Commodity Description must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52417|22|9|Unlisted Commodity Description must be empty when CVT Commodity Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52419|1|9|Unlisted Commodity Description is Required when CVT Commodity Code is '0997'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52418|17|9|Unlisted Commodity Description must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length when Unlisted Commodity Description exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52423|1|9|CVT Commodity Type Code is Required when Commodity Code is '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|62974|22|9|CVT Commodity Type Code must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52426|67|9|CVT Commodity Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Annual Forage ICE "D00144" record when CVT Commodity Type Code exists.|D00144 2022|D00001|P11A|62975|22|9|Unlisted Commodity Type Description must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52421|22|9|Unlisted Commodity Type Description must be empty when CVT Commodity Type Code is not '0997'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52422|17|9|Unlisted Commodity Type Description must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 100 characters in length when Unlisted Commodity Type Description exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|62976|22|9|CVT Intended Use Code must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52427|67|9|CVT Intended Use Code must be valid; edit with ICE Annual Forage ICE "D00144" record when CVT Intended Use Code exists.|D00144 2022|D00001|P11A|101340|12|9|For Annual Forage where Commodity Code is '0332' and Coverage Type Code is 'C' for Catastrophic, the CVT Intended Use Code of '0007' (Grazing) is invalid because CAT coverage level is not available for crops with grasses intended or used for grazing.| 2022|D00001|P11A|62977|22|9|CVT Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52428|67|9|CVT Irrigation Practice Code must be valid; edit with ICE Annual Forage ICE "D00144" record when CVT Irrigation Practice Code exists.|D00144 2022|D00001|P11A|62978|22|9|CVT Organic Practice Code must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52429|67|9|CVT Organic Practice Code must be valid; edit with ICE Annual Forage ICE "D00144" record when CVT Organic Practice Code exists.|D00144 2022|D00001|P11A|52430|1|9|Total Insured Acreage is Required when Commodity Code is '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|66235|22|9|Total Insured Acreage must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52431|2|9|Total Insured Acreage must be Numeric when Total Insured Acreage exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52432|20|9|Total Insured Acreage must have no more than 7 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999.99 when Total Insured Acreage exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|72431|7|9|Total Insured Acreage must be greater than or equal to 0 when Total Insured Acreage exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|62968|1|9|Planted Date is Required when Commodity Code is '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|62969|22|9|Planted Date must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52433|8|9|Planted Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD" when Planted Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52435|3|9|Planted Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date when Planted Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|52533|7|9|Planted Date must be between D00162 ICE Planted Date Range BeginningPlantingDate and EndingPlantingDate when Planted Date exists.|D00162 2022|D00001|P11A|62964|1|9|Grade Code is Required when Commodity Code is '0132'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|62965|22|9|Grade Code must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0132'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|62967|10|9|Grade Code must be valid; edit with ICE Grade ICE "D00153" record.|D00153 2022|D00001|P11A|62979|1|9|Base Contract Price is Required when Commodity Code is '0132'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|62980|22|9|Base Contract Price must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0132'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|72425|2|9|Base Contract Price must be Numeric when Base Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|72426|20|9|Base Contract Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999 when Base Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|72427|7|9|Base Contract Price must be greater than or equal to 0 when Base Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|109994|12|9|Base Contract Price cannot be less than 3.0000 when Base Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|62982|1|9|Average Grade Factor is Required when Commodity Code is '0132'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|62983|22|9|Average Grade Factor must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0132'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|72428|2|9|Average Grade Factor must be Numeric when Average Grade Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|72429|20|9|Average Grade Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 3 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.999 when Average Grade Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|72430|7|9|Average Grade Factor must be greater than or equal to 0 when Average Grade Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|119060|34|9|The sum of the Average Grade Factor by AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, and AIP Acreage Key must equal 1.000 (100%) when Average Grade Factor exists and Commodity Code is '0132'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|66224|1|9|Weighted Average Price Flag is Required when Commodity Code is '0132'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|66225|22|9|Weighted Average Price Flag must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0132'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|66227|6|9|Weighted Average Price Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|66228|57|9|Weighted Average Price Flag for Cucumbers, '0132', must equal Yes, 'Y', if any other record for the same parent P11, AIP Acreage Key, has a Weighted Average Price Flag equal to Yes, 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|66229|1|9|Contracted Bushels is Required when Commodity Code is '0132' and Weighted Average Price Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|66230|22|9|Contracted Bushels must be empty when Commodity Code is not equal to '0132' or Weighted Average Price Flag equals 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|66232|2|9|Contracted Bushels must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P11A|66233|20|9|Contracted Bushels must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P11A|66234|7|9|Contracted Bushels must be greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76711|1|9|Contract Liability Record Flag is Required when Commodity Code is '0075'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76712|22|9|Contract Liability Record Flag must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0075'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76713|6|9|Contract Liability Record Flag must equal 'Y' when Contract Liability Record Flag exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76714|22|9|Reported Pounds must be empty when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0075', '0229'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76715|1|9|Reported Pounds is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0075', '0229'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76716|2|9|Reported Pounds must be Numeric when Reported Pounds exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76717|20|9|Reported Pounds must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Reported Pounds exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76718|7|9|Reported Pounds must be between 1 and 9999999999 when Reported Pounds exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76719|22|9|Contract Price must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0075'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76721|1|9|Contract Price is Required when Contract Liability Record Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76722|2|9|Contract Price must be Numeric when Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76723|20|9|Contract Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999 when Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|76724|7|9|Contract Price must be between 0.0001 and 99999.9999 when Contract Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P11A|78888|1|9|Warehouse Code is Required when Commodity Code is '0075' and Contract Liability Record Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|78891|22|9|Warehouse Code must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0075'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|78889|10|9|Warehouse Code must be valid; edit with Warehouse ICE "D00065" record when Warehouse Code exists.|D00065 2022|D00001|P11A|153309|1|9|Processor Name is Required when Commodity Code is '0229'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|153310|22|9|Processor Name must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0229'.| 2022|D00001|P11A|153311|17|9|Processor Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length when Processor Name exists.| 2022|D00001|P12|6340|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P12|6712|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P12|6342|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-09-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P12|6937|28|9|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P12|73112|12|9|A system error occurred while trying to lookup the ineligible entity in the Ineligible Tracking System. The ITS system may be temporarily unavailable.| 2022|D00001|P12|86012|12|9|Unable to find an ITS business entity using specified tax identifier, tax type code and entity type code.| 2022|D00001|P12|86013|12|9|Unable to find policy data (policy number, policy issuing company code and/or state code) for specified payment.| 2022|D00001|P12|86014|12|9|Unable to find a non-deleted receivable line item for specified reinsurance year, insurance provider, business entity and policy data.| 2022|D00001|P12|86016|12|9|Unable to reverse payment because prior payment cannot be found.| 2022|D00001|P12|86017|12|9|The specified payment type code is invalid, it must be either 2 or 3.| 2022|D00001|P12|8733|65|9|The corresponding P10 record in this batch must be accepted for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P12|18964|34|9|All P12 records for the corresponding P10 record must be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P12|6938|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P12|6942|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P12|6939|1|9|AIP Payment Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P12|6940|17|9|AIP Payment Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P12|6941|9|9|AIP Payment Key must be unique within the parent P10 record.| 2022|D00001|P12|6344|1|9|Payment Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P12|6345|10|9|Payment Type Code must be valid; edit with Payment Type ICE "D00060" record.|D00060 2022|D00001|P12|6346|1|9|Payment Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P12|6702|2|9|Payment Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P12|7065|20|9|Payment Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P12|6703|7|9|Payment Amount must be greater than 0 when Payment Type Code is one of the following values: '04', '06'.| 2022|D00001|P12|6715|34|9|The total of Payment Amount for the corresponding P10 record must be greater than or equal to 0.| 2022|D00001|P12|29361|34|9|The total of Payment Amount for the corresponding P10 record and Payment Type Code must be greater than or equal to 0.| 2022|D00001|P12|73113|12|9|The payment amount is greater than receivable amount on file in the Ineligible Tracking System for this entity.| 2022|D00001|P12|86018|12|9|Unable to reverse payment because the specified payment has already been reversed| 2022|D00001|P12|86015|12|9|Unable to apply payment because the specified payment has already been applied.| 2022|D00001|P12|6349|1|9|Payment Date is Required when Payment Amount is greater than 0 and Payment Type Code is one of the following values: '00', '02', '03', '05'.| 2022|D00001|P12|6350|8|9|Payment Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P12|6352|3|9|Payment Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P12|6347|1|9|Prepayment Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P12|6348|6|9|Prepayment Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P13|7155|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P13|7156|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P13|7157|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P13|7904|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-10-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P13|7158|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P13|7622|1518|9|The corresponding P27 records must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P13|9853|12|11|P13s can only be used when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '0116', '1010'.| 2022|D00001|P13|9763|16|9|P13 cannot be accepted when the associated P14 record is a Duplicate Policy.|ODSDP 2022|D00001|P13|53938|12|9|When the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented, the submitted values in the Extended Type/Practice fields must be valid for the offer according to the ADM Insurance Offer (A00030) record.| 2022|D00001|P13|52488|12|9|A Base Inventory Value record must have already been submitted and accepted (in the ODS13 table) or exist in the current batch for this Revised Inventory Value record when Commodity Code is '0116' and Insurance Plan Code is '43' and Revised Report Code is '3'. Join the Revised record to the Base record using AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, Basic Unit Number, Optional Unit Number, and Inventory Value Group Key.| 2022|D00001|P13|7332|67|11|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Type Code exists and Practice Code exists.|A00030 2022|D00001|P13|11002|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Practice Code exists and Type Code is empty.|A00030 2022|D00001|P13|11003|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Practice Code is empty and Type Code is empty.|A00030 2022|D00001|P13|11004|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Practice Code is empty and Type Code exists.|A00030 2022|D00001|P13|9858|12|9|Sum (Inventory Value Amount) for the Unit cannot be greater than 110% of Previous Year Sales Amount rounded to a whole number and 110% of Original Inventory Value Amount rounded to a whole number when the Commodity Code equals Nursery, '0073', and the Coverage Type Code equals Catastrophic, 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P13|130375|12|9|SUM(Selected Value Amount) for the Unit cannot exceed the lesser of: 110% of Previous Year Inventory Amount "or" the Maximum Monthly Value Amount when Commodity Code '1010' and Coverage Type Code is 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P13|131767|34|9|Two different HIP-WI, Insurance Plan Code '37', P13 records cannot point to the same base P13 record, using the Associated AIP Policy Producer Key, Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key, and the Associated AIP Inventory Value Key, when Insurance Plan Code equals '37'. A different HIP-WI record was found in the current batch.| 2022|D00001|P13|131770|34|9|Two different HIP-WI, Insurance Plan Code '37', P13 records cannot point to the same base P13 record, using the Associated AIP Policy Producer Key, Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key, and the Associated AIP Inventory Value Key, when Insurance Plan Code equals '37'. A different HIP-WI record was found in the ODS.|ODS13 2022|D00001|P13|132414|34|9|No other P13 records can have associated keys that point to this HIP-WI record.| 2022|D00001|P13|7469|505|9|Unable to perform the Aquaculture Dollar Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Survival Percent, Reported Clam Count, Coverage Level Percent, Insured Share Percent, Commodity Year, Inventory Value Group Key, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent| 2022|D00001|P13|123747|516|9|Unable to perform the Nursery Dollar Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: CC Subsidy Reduction Percent, Commodity Year, Coverage Level Percent, Insured Share Percent, Selected Value Amount| 2022|D00001|P13|9759|516|9|Unable to perform the Nursery Dollar Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: CC Subsidy Reduction Percent, Commodity Year, Coverage Level Percent, Insured Share Percent, Inventory Value Amount| 2022|D00001|P13|131778|532|9|Unable to perform the Hurricane Insurance Protection - Wind Insurance Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Commodity Year| 2022|D00001|P13|9845|12|9|SUM(Inventory Value Amount) for the Unit must be less than or equal to Previous Year Sales Amount * 2.0 when Commodity Code is '0116' and Coverage Type Code is 'C' and Location State Code is '12' and Previous Year Sales Code is not 'W'.| 2022|D00001|P13|9847|12|9|SUM(Inventory Value Amount) for the Unit must be less than or equal to Previous Year Sales Amount * 3.0 when Commodity Code is '0116' and Coverage Type Code is 'C' and Location State Code is one of the following values: '25', '51' and Previous Year Sales Code is not 'W'.| 2022|D00001|P13|9848|12|9|SUM(Inventory Value Amount) for the Unit must be less than or equal to Previous Year Sales Amount * 2.5 when Commodity Code is '0116' and Coverage Type Code is 'C' and Location State Code is '45' and Previous Year Sales Code is not 'W'.| 2022|D00001|P13|29342|65|9|The corresponding P14 record in this batch must be accepted for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P13|9259|34|9|The corresponding P27 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P13|10513|34|9|All P13 records for the corresponding P14 record must be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P13|7197|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P13|7198|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P13|7199|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P13|7200|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P13|7222|1|9|AIP Inventory Value Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P13|7224|17|9|AIP Inventory Value Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P13|7225|9|9|AIP Inventory Value Key must be unique within the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P13|7201|1|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P13|7202|12|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance Agent ODS "ODS55" record.|ODS55 2022|D00001|P13|9531|12|9|The corresponding Insurance Agent (P55) must have a valid COI Questionnaire Completion Date.| 2022|D00001|P13|9529|12|9|The corresponding Insurance Agent (P55) must be eligible.| 2022|D00001|P13|7229|1|9|Basic Unit Number is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty or Non Premium Inventory Code is one of the following values: 'U', 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P13|7230|17|9|Basic Unit Number must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P13|7231|33|9|Basic Unit Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P13|7232|6|9|Basic Unit Number must not equal '0000' when Unit Structure Code is 'BU'.| 2022|D00001|P13|44149|34|9|Basic Unit Number must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location County Code, Coverage Level Percent, Coverage Type Code, Practice Code, and Insured Share Percent when Commodity Code equals '0073' or '1010' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Unit Division Code = 'S' and InsuranceOptionCodeList does not contain 'BL' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|118607|34|9|At least two different Basic Unit Numbers must be submitted within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location County Code, Coverage Level Percent, Coverage Type Code, and Insured Share Percent when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Unit Division Code = 'S' and InsuranceOptionCodeList contains 'BL' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|44150|34|9|Basic Unit Number must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, Practice Code, and Type Code when Commodity Code equals '0073' or '1010' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Unit Division Code = 'T' and Coverage Type Code = 'A' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|7233|1|9|Optional Unit Number is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty or Non Premium Inventory Code is one of the following values: 'U', 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P13|7234|17|9|Optional Unit Number must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P13|7235|33|9|Optional Unit Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P13|7236|6|9|Optional Unit Number must not equal '0000' when Unit Structure Code is one of the following values: 'OU', 'UA', 'UD'.| 2022|D00001|P13|9865|6|9|Optional Unit Number must equal '0000' when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010'.| 2022|D00001|P13|10693|1|9|Unit Structure Code is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is not equal to 'Z' and Insurance Plan Code is not '37'.| 2022|D00001|P13|132412|22|9|Unit Structure Code must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is '37'.| 2022|D00001|P13|8608|10|9|Unit Structure Code must be valid; edit with Unit Structure ICE "D00095" record when Unit Structure Code exists.|D00095 2022|D00001|P13|7240|10|9|Unit Structure Code must be valid; edit with Insurance Plan Commodity Unit Structure ICE "D00092" record when Unit Structure Code exists.|D00092 2022|D00001|P13|8581|10|9|Unit Structure Code must be valid; edit with Subsidy Percent ADM "A00070" record when Coverage Type Code is 'C' and Unit Structure Code exists.|A00070 2022|D00001|P13|7160|1|9|Type Code is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty or Non Premium Inventory Code is one of the following values: 'X', 'U'.| 2022|D00001|P13|53939|22|9|Type Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P13|53940|22|9|Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type OR Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P13|7162|10|9|Type Code must be valid; edit with Type ADM "A00540" record.|A00540 2022|D00001|P13|10094|3|9|Type Code must be equal to the Type Code from the corresponding P14 record, if submitted.| 2022|D00001|P13|43069|34|9|Type Code must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, Practice Code, and Basic Unit Number when Commodity Code equals '0073' or '1010' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Unit Division Code = 'T' and Coverage Type Code = 'A' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|7163|1|9|Practice Code is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty or Non Premium Inventory Code is one of the following values: 'U', 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P13|53980|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P13|53981|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type OR Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P13|7164|10|9|Practice Code must be valid; edit with Practice ADM "A00510" record.|A00510 2022|D00001|P13|10097|3|9|Practice Code must be equal to the Practice Code on the corresponding P14 record, if submitted.| 2022|D00001|P13|53941|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty or Non Premium Inventory Code is one of the following values: 'U', 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P13|53942|22|9|Commodity Type Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7171|10|9|Commodity Type Code must be valid; edit with Commodity Type ADM "A00430" record.|A00430 2022|D00001|P13|53943|1|9|Class Code is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty or Non Premium Inventory Code is one of the following values: 'U', 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P13|53944|22|9|Class Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7173|10|9|Class Code must be valid; edit with Class ADM "A00410" record.|A00410 2022|D00001|P13|53945|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty or Non Premium Inventory Code is one of the following values: 'U', 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P13|53946|22|9|Sub Class Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7175|10|9|Sub Class Code must be valid; edit with Sub Class ADM "A00530" record.|A00530 2022|D00001|P13|53947|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty or Non Premium Inventory Code is one of the following values: 'U', 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P13|53948|22|9|Intended Use Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7177|10|9|Intended Use Code must be valid; edit with Intended Use ADM "A00470" record.|A00470 2022|D00001|P13|53950|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty or Non Premium Inventory Code is one of the following values: 'U', 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P13|53951|22|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Practice Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7179|10|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be valid; edit with Irrigation Practice ADM "A00490" record.|A00490 2022|D00001|P13|53952|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty or Non Premium Inventory Code is one of the following values: 'U', 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P13|53953|22|9|Cropping Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Practice Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7181|10|9|Cropping Practice Code must be valid; edit with Cropping Practice ADM "A00450" record.|A00450 2022|D00001|P13|53954|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty or Non Premium Inventory Code is one of the following values: 'U', 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P13|53955|22|9|Organic Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Practice Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7183|10|9|Organic Practice Code must be valid; edit with Organic Practice ADM "A00500" record.|A00500 2022|D00001|P13|53956|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty or Non Premium Inventory Code is one of the following values: 'U', 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P13|53957|22|9|Interval Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Practice Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7185|10|9|Interval Code must be valid; edit with Interval ADM "A00480" record.|A00480 2022|D00001|P13|10163|12|9|Written Agreement was found in the ICE Exception Request table, but it has not yet been approved.| 2022|D00001|P13|51196|12|9|Written Agreement was not found in the ICE Exception Request table.| 2022|D00001|P13|52633|1|9|Settlement Flag is Required when the record exists in the Settlement table.| 2022|D00001|P13|8538|6|9|Settlement Flag must equal 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P13|55160|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P13|32518|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P13|7271|10|9|Revised Report Code must be valid; edit with Revised Report ICE "D00083" record.|D00083 2022|D00001|P13|7254|1|9|Inventory Value Amount is Required when Commodity Code is '0073' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty and Insurance Plan Code is '50'.| 2022|D00001|P13|52479|1|9|Inventory Value Amount is Required when Insurance Plan Code is '43' and Commodity Code is '0116' and Revised Report Code is '3'.| 2022|D00001|P13|9861|22|9|Inventory Value Amount must be empty when NOT ( Non Premium Inventory Code is empty and Commodity Code equals '0073' and Insurance Plan Code equals '50' ) AND NOT ( Insurance Plan Code equals '43' and Commodity Code equals '0116' and Revised Report Code equals '3' ).| 2022|D00001|P13|7255|2|9|Inventory Value Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P13|7256|20|9|Inventory Value Amount must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999.| 2022|D00001|P13|7252|1|9|Previous Year Sales Amount is Required when Coverage Type Code is 'C' and Commodity Code is one of the values: '0116' and Previous Year Sales Code is not 'W'.| 2022|D00001|P13|7253|22|9|Previous Year Sales Amount must be empty when Coverage Type Code is 'A'.| 2022|D00001|P13|7280|2|9|Previous Year Sales Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P13|7281|20|9|Previous Year Sales Amount must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999.| 2022|D00001|P13|7257|1|9|Insured Share Percent is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty and Insurance Plan Code is not '37'.| 2022|D00001|P13|10229|22|9|Insured Share Percent must be empty when Insurance Plan Code equals '37' or Non Premium Inventory Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7258|2|9|Insured Share Percent must be Numeric when Insured Share Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7288|20|9|Insured Share Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999 when Insured Share Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7259|7|9|Insured Share Percent must be between 0.0001 and 1.0000 when Insured Share Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|38780|34|9|Insured Share Percent must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, and Basic Unit Number when Commodity Code equals '0116' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Coverage Type Code = 'C' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty and Insured Share Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|43055|34|9|Insured Share Percent must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location County Code, Coverage Level Percent, Coverage Type Code, Practice Code, and Basic Unit Number when Commodity Code equals one of the following values: '0073','1010' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Unit Division Code = 'S' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty and Insured Share Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7289|1|9|Unit Division Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010'.| 2022|D00001|P13|7290|22|9|Unit Division Code must be empty when Commodity Code is '0116'.| 2022|D00001|P13|9633|10|9|Unit Division Code must be valid; edit with Unit Division ICE "D00087" record.|D00087 2022|D00001|P13|51077|17|9|Insurance Option Code List must be a minimum of 0 characters in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P13|16268|68|9|Options that must be elected before sales closing date must be submitted when they exist on the parent P14| 2022|D00001|P13|9635|31|9|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be unique.| 2022|D00001|P13|118570|12|9|Option 'BL' is only allowed on Unit Division Code of 'S'.| 2022|D00001|P13|9636|30|9|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be valid in Option Rate ADM "A01060" and must be valid for the Coverage Type Code in Insurance Option Criteria ICE "D00137".|D10009 2022|D00001|P13|9637|50|9|Each delimited value in Excluded Option Code must not exist in the ADM Option Rate Table (A01060).|D10010 2022|D00001|P13|9638|50|9|Each delimited value in Required Option Code must exist in the ADM Option Rate Table (A01060).|D10011 2022|D00001|P13|16286|68|9|Options may not be specified that do not exist on the parent P14 record, except BL which must be submitted on the P13's with premium only.| 2022|D00001|P13|118609|34|9|Insurance Option Code List may not contain 'BL' when another P13 is found without 'BL' having the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location County Code, Coverage Level Percent, Coverage Type Code, Practice Code, and Insured Share Percent when Commodity Code equals one of the following values: '0073','1010' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Unit Division Code = 'S' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|7292|1|9|AIP Total Premium Amount is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|9920|22|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must be empty when Non Premium Inventory Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7293|2|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P13|7294|20|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P13|9348|6|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must equal Total Premium Amount.| 2022|D00001|P13|7296|1|9|AIP Liability Amount is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|9921|22|9|AIP Liability Amount must be empty when Non Premium Inventory Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7297|2|9|AIP Liability Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P13|7298|20|9|AIP Liability Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P13|9346|6|9|AIP Liability Amount must equal Liability Amount.| 2022|D00001|P13|7299|1|9|AIP Subsidy Amount is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|9922|22|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must be empty when Non Premium Inventory Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7300|2|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P13|7301|20|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P13|9347|6|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must equal Subsidy Amount.| 2022|D00001|P13|7360|22|9|Additional Subsidy Flag must be empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|7361|22|9|Additional Subsidy Amount must be empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|7362|22|9|State Private Subsidy Flag must be empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|7363|22|9|State Private Subsidy Amount must be empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|7302|1|9|Insured Inventory Signature Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P13|7303|8|9|Insured Inventory Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P13|7304|7|9|Insured Inventory Signature Date must be between Contract Change Date minus one year and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P13|7295|1|9|Peak Commencement Date is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains 'PE' and Commodity Code equals one of the following values: '0073' and Coverage Type Code is 'A' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|9640|22|9|Peak Commencement Date must be empty when Coverage Type Code equals 'C' or Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0116', '1010' or Non Premium Inventory Code exists or Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'PE'.| 2022|D00001|P13|9639|8|9|Peak Commencement Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P13|9776|12|9|Peak Commencement Date must be on or earlier than May 31st of the Commodity Year.| 2022|D00001|P13|19598|12|9|Peak Commencement Date must be on or after June 1st of the Reinsurance Year| 2022|D00001|P13|9774|7|9|Peak Commencement Date must be less than Peak Termination Date.| 2022|D00001|P13|10748|7|9|Peak Commencement Date must be greater than or equal to Insured Inventory Signature Date.| 2022|D00001|P13|9867|1|9|Peak Termination Date is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains 'PE' and Commodity Code is '0073' and Coverage Type Code is 'A' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|7305|22|9|Peak Termination Date must be empty when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0116', '1010' or Coverage Type Code equals 'C' or Non Premium Inventory Code exists or Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'PE'.| 2022|D00001|P13|9642|8|9|Peak Termination Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P13|9868|12|9|Peak Termination Date must be earlier than June 1st of the Commodity Year| 2022|D00001|P13|7306|22|9|Previous Year Sales Code must be empty when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010'.| 2022|D00001|P13|9643|22|9|Previous Year Sales Code must be empty when Coverage Type Code is 'A'.| 2022|D00001|P13|7382|6|9|Previous Year Sales Code must equal 'W'.| 2022|D00001|P13|7316|1|9|Survival Percent is Required when Commodity Code equals '0116' and Survival Percent Source Code is not equal to 'A' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|9053|2|9|Survival Percent must be Numeric when Survival Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|9047|20|9|Survival Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 3 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.999 when Survival Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|9055|7|9|Survival Percent must be between 0.001 and 1.000 when Survival Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7376|6|9|Survival Percent must equal 0.5 when Commodity Code is '0116' and Survival Percent Source Code is 'E' and Survival Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7377|22|9|Survival Percent Source Code must be empty when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010'.| 2022|D00001|P13|7378|1|9|Survival Percent Source Code is Required when Commodity Code is '0116' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|7379|10|9|Survival Percent Source Code must be valid; edit with Survival Percent Source ICE "D00084" record.|D00084 2022|D00001|P13|7309|1|9|Reported Clam Count is Required when Insurance Plan Code is '43' and Revised Report Code is not '3'.| 2022|D00001|P13|7310|22|9|Reported Clam Count must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not '43'.| 2022|D00001|P13|52480|22|9|Reported Clam Count must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is '43' and Commodity Code is '0116' and Revised Report Code is '3'.| 2022|D00001|P13|7311|2|9|Reported Clam Count must be Numeric when Reported Clam Count exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7312|20|9|Reported Clam Count must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999 when Reported Clam Count exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|10605|7|9|Reported Clam Count must be between 1 and 99999999 when Reported Clam Count exists and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|7317|1|9|Agent Inventory Value Signature Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P13|7319|8|9|Agent Inventory Value Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P13|9735|7|9|Agent Inventory Value Signature Date must be between Contract Change Date minus one year and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P13|19584|3|9|Agent Inventory Value Signature Date must be less than Inactive Date when Inactive Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|7277|1|9|Original Inventory Value Amount is Required when Non Premium Inventory Code is empty and ((Commodity Code equals '0073' and (Coverage Type Code equals 'C' or Insurance Option Code List contains 'PE')) or (Commodity Code equals '0116' and Revised Report Code is one of the following values: ('1','2'))).| 2022|D00001|P13|21464|22|9|Original Inventory Value Amount must be empty when ((Commodity Code equals '0073' and Coverage Type Code is not equal to 'C' and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'PE') or (Commodity Code equals '0116' and Revised Report Code equals '0') or (Commodity Code equals '1010')).| 2022|D00001|P13|7278|2|9|Original Inventory Value Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P13|7279|20|9|Original Inventory Value Amount must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999.| 2022|D00001|P13|9870|7|9|Original Inventory Value Amount must be less than or equal to the Sum (Liability Amount) for the Unit excluding Peak Endorsement P13s when Insurance Option Code List contains 'PE' and Commodity Code is '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P13|9846|6|9|Non Premium Inventory Code must not equal 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P13|9644|10|9|Non Premium Inventory Code must be valid; edit with Non Premium Acreage ICE "D00050" record.|D00050 2022|D00001|P13|9645|10|9|Non Premium Inventory Code must be valid; edit with Non Premium Acreage Insurance Plan Commodity ICE "D00049" record.|D00049 2022|D00001|P13|9789|10|9|Premium Multiple Cropping Code must be valid; edit with Multiple Cropping ICE "D00063" record.|D00063 2022|D00001|P13|52477|1|9|Inventory Value Group Key is Required when Insurance Plan Code is '43' and Commodity Code is '0116' and Revised Report Code is '3'.| 2022|D00001|P13|87191|1|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent is Required when Applied Program Indicator Code List contains 'CC' or 'TR' on the P10 or any associated P10B and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|87192|22|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be empty when Applied Program Indicator Code List does not contain 'CC' or 'TR' on the P10 and any associated P10B.| 2022|D00001|P13|87193|2|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be Numeric when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|87196|20|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999 when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|87197|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than 0 and less than 1, when not associated with a P10B with an Entity Type Code equal to 'F', when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists and the P10 is not in CC or TR violation. Or, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, when associated with a P10B with an Entity Type Code equal to 'F' and one of the P10B SBIs has a TR violation, when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists and the P10 is not in CC or TR violation.| 2022|D00001|P13|87199|6|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must equal 1.000 when P10 Applied Program Indicator Code List contains 'CC' and CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|101149|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1 when the P10 Applied Program Indicator Code List contains 'TR' and CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|101152|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1 when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|87194|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be equal on all associated P13s, unless at least one of the associated P10Bs contains an Entity Type Code equal to 'F', when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|130368|1|9|Selected Value Amount is Required when Commodity Code is '1010' and Insurance Plan Code is '50' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|130369|22|9|Selected Value Amount must be empty when NOT (Commodity Code equals '1010' and Insurance Plan Code equals '50' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty).| 2022|D00001|P13|130399|2|9|Selected Value Amount must be Numeric when Selected Value Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|130400|20|9|Selected Value Amount must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999 when Selected Value Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|130370|3|9|Selected Value Amount may not exceed the Maximum Monthly Value Amount for the same Type.| 2022|D00001|P13|130371|1|9|Previous Year Inventory Amount is Required when Commodity Code is '1010' and Coverage Type Code is 'C' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|133197|22|9|Previous Year Inventory Amount must be empty when ((Commodity Code is not equal to '1010') or (Commodity Code equals '1010' and Coverage Type Code equals 'A') and Non Premium Inventory Code exists).| 2022|D00001|P13|130401|2|9|Previous Year Inventory Amount must be Numeric when Previous Year Inventory Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|130402|20|9|Previous Year Inventory Amount must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999 when Previous Year Inventory Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|130372|1|9|Maximum Monthly Value Amount is Required when Commodity Code is '1010' and Insurance Plan Code is '50' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P13|130373|22|9|Maximum Monthly Value Amount must be empty when NOT (Commodity Code equals '1010' and Insurance Plan Code equals '50' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty).| 2022|D00001|P13|130403|2|9|Maximum Monthly Value Amount must be Numeric when Maximum Monthly Value Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|130404|20|9|Maximum Monthly Value Amount must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999 when Maximum Monthly Value Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|131716|1|9|Associated AIP Inventory Value Key is Required when Insurance Plan Code is '37'.| 2022|D00001|P13|131717|22|9|Associated AIP Inventory Value Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not '37'.| 2022|D00001|P13|131718|17|9|Associated AIP Inventory Value Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length when Associated AIP Inventory Value Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P13|131719|67|9|The Associated AIP Inventory Value Key record must exist in the current batch when Insurance Plan Code is '37'.| 2022|D00001|P13|142758|1|9|Base Inventory Value Amount is Required when ( Associated Insurance Plan Code equals '50' and Associated Commodity Code equals '0073' ) or ( Associated Insurance Plan Code equals '43' and Associated Commodity Code equals '0116' ) and Insurance Plan Code is '37'.| 2022|D00001|P13|142759|22|9|Base Inventory Value Amount must be empty when NOT ( Insurance Plan Code equals '37' and ( ( Associated Insurance Plan Code equals '50' and Associated Commodity Code equals '0073' ) or ( Associated Insurance Plan Code equals '43' and Associated Commodity Code equals '0116' ) ) ).| 2022|D00001|P13|142761|2|9|Base Inventory Value Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P13|142762|20|9|Base Inventory Value Amount must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999.| 2022|D00001|P13|142763|1|9|Base Selected Value Amount is Required when Associated Commodity Code is '1010' and Associated Insurance Plan Code is '50' and Insurance Plan Code is '37'.| 2022|D00001|P13|142764|22|9|Base Selected Value Amount must be empty when NOT ( Insurance Plan Code equals '37' and Associated Insurance Plan Code equals '50' and Associated Commodity Code equals '1010' ).| 2022|D00001|P13|142766|2|9|Base Selected Value Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P13|142767|20|9|Base Selected Value Amount must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999.| 2022|D00001|P13|21465|3|9|Liability Amount must be less than or equal to Original Inventory Value Amount * 200% when Insurance Option Code List contains 'PE' and Commodity Code is '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P13|118568|34|9|Coverage Level Percent must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location County Code, Insured Share Percent, Coverage Type Code, Practice Code, and Basic Unit Number when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010' and Insurance Option Code List contains 'BL' and Unit Division Code = 'S' and Non Premium Inventory Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P14|3092|1|9|AIP Code is required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3093|10|9|AIP Code must be valid for the Reinsurance Year.|D00100 2022|D00001|P14|3094|1|9|Reinsurance Year is required.| 2022|D00001|P14|5833|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-07-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P14|3096|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P14|110035|34|3|A producer cannot have an MP policy and a Whole Farm policy in the same reinsurance year.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|110036|34|9|A producer cannot have an MP policy and a Whole Farm policy in the same reinsurance year.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|110037|34|9|A producer cannot have an MP policy and a Whole Farm policy in the same reinsurance year.| 2022|D00001|P14|153659|34|9|A producer cannot have a Whole Farm (plan 76) Micro Farm (commodity 9110) policy combined with any other plan or commodity except for commodity code 0088 (PRF) in the same reinsurance year (current batch).| 2022|D00001|P14|153660|34|9|A producer cannot have a Whole Farm (plan 76) Micro Farm (commodity 9110) policy combined with any other plan or commodity except for commodity code 0088 (PRF) in the same reinsurance year (previously accepted).|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|179512|34|3|PRF policy must not cover for-sale production when a Micro Farm policy is in place (current batch).| 2022|D00001|P14|179513|34|3|PRF policy must not cover for-sale production when a Micro Farm policy is in place (previously accepted).|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|45335|12|9|When the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented, the submitted values in the Extended Type/Practice fields must be valid for the offer according to the ADM Insurance Offer (A00030) record.| 2022|D00001|P14|52443|12|9|For Commodity Code '0332' the Coverage Type Code must equal 'C' when the Practice Code is one of the following values: ('678','679','680','681') or the Practice Code must be one of the following values: ('678','679','680','681') when the Coverage Type Code is 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P14|153544|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with the AIP State table when Commodity Code is '0830' and Insurance Plan Code is '83'.|D10001 2022|D00001|P14|153545|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with the AIP State table when Insurance Plan Code is not '83'.|D10001 2022|D00001|P14|3104|67|9|Insurance In Force record must be a valid combination for submitted commodity when Practice Code is submitted.|A00030 2022|D00001|P14|3103|67|9|Insurance In Force record must be a valid combination for submitted commodity when no Type Code or Practice Code is submitted.|A00030 2022|D00001|P14|3105|67|9|Insurance In Force record must be a valid combination for submitted commodity when a Type Code and Practice Code is submitted.|A00030 2022|D00001|P14|3106|67|9|Insurance In Force record must be a valid combination for submitted commodity when Type Code is submitted.|A00030 2022|D00001|P14|52185|16|9|The SSA Death Master File indicates that the Primary Producer on this policy died 30 days prior to the Cancellation Date. The producer should no longer be eligible for this policy.|D10033 2022|D00001|P14|52252|30|9|The SSA Death Master File indicates that one of the Other Producers on this policy died 30 days prior to the Cancellation Date. The producer should no longer be eligible for this policy.|D10033 2022|D00001|P14|38691|12|9|For the High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement (HR-ACE) record, PASS is unable to locate the corresponding non-HR-ACE record of the base policy.| 2022|D00001|P14|131018|12|9|For the Coverage Level by Irrigation Practice (LP) HIP-WI record, PASS is unable to locate the corresponding HIP-WI LP P14 record (irrigated versus non-irrigated) when Insurance Plan Code equal to '37'.| 2022|D00001|P14|62999|12|9|When the Insurance Plan Code equals the following values: "26", "27", "28" for PACE or "31", "32", "33" for SCO or "35", "36" for STAX or "87", "88", "89" for ECO and the Associated AIP Policy Producer Key and the Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key are submitted, then an accepted associated policy with the Insurance Plan Code "01", "02", or "03" for SCO/STAX or "04", "05", "06" for STAX or "01", "02", "03", "55" or "90" for ECO must be found for the Associated AIP Policy Producer Key and Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key in the same batch or prior batch.| 2022|D00001|P14|92559|12|9|An underlying Policy with Insurance Plan Code 01, 02, or 03 must be found for the Associated AIP Policy Producer Key and Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key in the same batch or the ODS when Insurance Plan Code is '16' or '17' for MP policy and the Associated AIP Policy Producer Key and Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key are submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|8661|34|9|When Commodity is a Specialty Type, no more than 2 Insurance In Force records may be submitted on the same policy.| 2022|D00001|P14|34592|12|9|This record was rejected because the Batch Received Date was later than the February monthly transaction cutoff date following the reinsurance year and your record was not previously submitted. The February monthly transaction cutoff date following the reinsurance year is the Friday after the first Sunday in February in the year following the Commodity Year, except for CA raisins. For CA raisins, the February monthly transaction cut off is the Friday after the first Sunday in February in the year following the Reinsurance Year plus one year.| 2022|D00001|P14|130406|1027|0|Set Underlying AIP Policy Producer Key = .AssociatedAipPolicyProducerKey (Default value: FORMAT), Underlying AIP Insurance In Force Key = .AssociatedAipInsuranceInForceKey (Default value: FORMAT) from the P14 record when Associated Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89' and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '26', '27', '28', '37', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P14|130408|1027|0|Set Underlying AIP Policy Producer Key = .AssociatedAipPolicyProducerKey (Default value: FORMAT), Underlying AIP Insurance In Force Key = .AssociatedAipInsuranceInForceKey (Default value: FORMAT) from the P14 record when Associated Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89' and Insurance Plan Code is '37'.| 2022|D00001|P14|153418|67|9|Forage Seeding ('0032') for Spring (Seed Cycle Code equals 'S') can only change Coverage Level Percent and/or Price Election Percent from the Fall (Seed Cycle Code equals 'F') when there is zero Fall Reported Acreage that is insurable (Non Premium Acreage Code is empty) and planted (Planted Date is not empty) on the Acreage P11 records.| 2022|D00001|P14|45495|34|9|The Coverage Level Percent(s) of the grouped P14 record(s) must be equal within the same AIP Policy Producer Key and within the same Insurance Offer Group when FL Citrus for Group Codes A & I and AZ, CA, or TX Citrus for all Group Codes, except for FL Citrus with Insurance Plan Code '90'.| 2022|D00001|P14|5704|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Insurance Plan Code, Type Code, Practice Code, and Dual Coverage Flag when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '1010'.| 2022|D00001|P14|5706|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Dual Coverage Flag when (Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0052','0053','0057','0073','0088','0332','1010','0066') and NOT (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04', '06', '12') and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0201','0202','0203','0227','0309','1302','9936')) and NOT (Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208','0209','0210','0284')) and NOT (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308')) and NOT (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0034','0054','0047','0067','0089') and Valid Type Code... and Fall To Spring County Flag is not 'Y' and Insurance Offer Group Found Flag is 'N' and LP Insurance Option Code Flag is 'N' and Specialty Type Indicator Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P14|3102|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Coverage Type Code, Dual Coverage Flag, and Type Code for Peaches (0034), Apples (0054), and Pears (0089) only if Type Code is not empty, Grapes (0053), CA/AZ Table Grapes (0052), Texas Citrus (0193,0207,0208), California Citrus (0192,0207,0208,0209,0308), AZ, CA, FL, and TX Citrus Fruit Groups (0201,0202,0203,0227,0309,1302,9936), and Insurance Option Code List does not contain LP.| 2022|D00001|P14|8638|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Dual Coverage Flag, Insurance Plan Code, and Specialty Type Code when Commodity is a Specialty Type.| 2022|D00001|P14|8645|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Dual Coverage Flag, Type Code, and Practice Code when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('04','05','06','35','36') and multiple Type Code/Practice Code values are submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|9892|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Dual Coverage Flag when (Valid Type Code exists) and ((Location State Code equals '12' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0201','0202','0203','0227','0309','1302','9936')) or Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0047','0067','0105','1218','0184')) and LP Insurance Option Code Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P14|9894|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Dual Coverage Flag when (Type Code does not exist) and Commodity is either FL Citrus or Dry Beans/Dry Peas.| 2022|D00001|P14|21449|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Dual Coverage Flag, Location County Code, Reinsurance Year, and Coverage Type Code (within Seed Cycle).| 2022|D00001|P14|52449|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Dual Coverage Flag, and Cropping Practice Code when Commodity Code is '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P14|53949|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Dual Coverage Flag, and Group Code when Commodity Code is '0057'.| 2022|D00001|P14|55097|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Dual Coverage Flag, and Type Code when Commodity Code is '0227' and Location State Code is one of the following values: '04', '06' and Type Code is '134'. The producer in the county is not allowed to insure APH insurance Plan (90) Oranges (0227) with Navel Type (134), and ARH insurance Plan (47) Oranges (0227) with Navel Type (134) or NULL Type (empty).| 2022|D00001|P14|92635|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Coverage Type Code, and Type Code when Commodity Code is '0088'.| 2022|D00001|P14|92637|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Coverage Type Code, Type Code, and Irrigation Practice when Commodity Code is '0088' and Type is '030' (HAY) and Practice Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|8481|24|9|For the record key AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, the following values must be the same as prior submission: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Dual Coverage Flag, ValidTypeCode when (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Commodity Code equals '0053') or (Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308')).| 2022|D00001|P14|8482|24|9|For the record key AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, the following values must be the same as prior submission: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Dual Coverage Flag, ValidPracticeCode when (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0073','1010')).| 2022|D00001|P14|130379|12|9|HIP-WI, Insurance Plan Code '37', is not available with an associated policy with Area Revenue Protection '05,'06' or for an associated policy with Whole Farm Revenue Protection '76' or for an associated policy with STAX '35','36' when STAX is a standalone policy or for an associated policy with Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) '87', '88', or '89'.| 2022|D00001|P14|130416|57|9|A HIP-WI, Insurance Plan Code '37', P14 record and an SCO or ECO or STAX P14 record cannot both point to the same base P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P14|130418|34|9|Two different HIP-WI, Insurance Plan Code '37', P14 records cannot point to the same base P14 record, using the Associated AIP Policy Producer Key and the Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key, when Insurance Plan Code equals '37'. A different HIP-WI record was found in the current batch.| 2022|D00001|P14|130420|34|9|Two different HIP-WI, Insurance Plan Code '37', P14 records cannot point to the same base P14 record, using the Associated AIP Policy Producer Key and the Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key, when Insurance Plan Code equals '37'. A different HIP-WI record was found in the ODS.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|131019|12|9|If the Insurance Option Code List of a HIP-WI P14 record, with Insurance Plan Code '37', or its base has 'HB' then the associated P14 record must also have 'HB' in its Insurance Option Code List. The same is true for the 'LP' option. For the 'SE' option, if it is on the HIP-WI P14 then it is required on the Base P14, but if it is on the Base P14 it is not required on the HIP-WI P14.| 2022|D00001|P14|131065|34|3|Warning: P14s for NVS Nursery ('1010') and Nursery ('0073') have been submitted with the same Tax ID, Tax ID Type Code, Location County Code, and Practice Code.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|131066|34|3|Warning: P14s for Nursery ('0073') and NVS Nursery ('1010') have been submitted with the same Tax ID, Tax ID Type Code, Location County Code, and Practice Code.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|143379|12|9|The P14 record does not have valid Type and Practice Codes according to available ADM Insurance Offers.| 2022|D00001|P14|153558|34|9|For Insurance Plan 90, if Coverage Type Code 'C' is selected, then all records in the same batch for the same AIP Policy Producer Key and in the same Insurance Offer Group must be Coverage Type Code 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P14|153559|34|9|For Insurance Plan 90, if Coverage Type Code 'C' is selected, then all previously accepted records for the same AIP Policy Producer Key and in the same Insurance Offer Group must be Coverage Type Code 'C'.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|153626|12|9|You cannot have a HIP-WI endorsement P14 policy, Insurance Plan Code '37', with a base plan code of '40' when the base plan contains Insurance Option Codes of 'CV' 'OW' or 'OX'.| 2022|D00001|P14|30305|12|9|For commodities with 2-year coverage scenarios such as Pecans, Pistachios, and Olives, the 1st year record must already be accepted and the Coverage Level Percent and Price Election Percent cannot change in the 2nd year from what was submitted in the 1st year.| 2022|D00001|P14|45173|12|9|For commodities with 2-year coverage scenarios such as Pecans, the 1st year record must already be accepted and the Reference Commodity Year cannot change in the 2nd year from what was submitted in the 1st year.| 2022|D00001|P14|32432|12|9|For commodities with 2-year coverage scenarios such as Pistachios and Olives (excluding Pecans in 2014), a 1st year record cannot exist two years in a row.| 2022|D00001|P14|76689|34|9|For base policy under ARPI plan 04, 05, or 06 with multiple types and practices, if the STAX policy (plan 35 or 36) exists, then there must be a one to one match by Type by Practice of STAX P14 record to APRI base/companion P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P14|76690|34|9|For STAX policy (plan 35 or 36), if the base policy is ARPI plan 04, 05, or 06 with multiple types and practices, then there must be a one to one match by Type by Practice of STAX P14 record to APRI base/companion P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P14|87270|12|9|For SCO or ECO Barley policy where the Base Barley policy has multiple P14 records by specialty types, the SCO or ECO Barley must have the same number of multiple P14 records by specialty types to match the Base Barley.| 2022|D00001|P14|92584|34|9|When the underlying policy (plan 01, 02, or 03) is tied to an MP policy (plans 16 or 17), then the underlying policy cannot be accompanied by an SCO policy (plan 31, 32, or 33) or STAX policy (plan 35, 36) or ECO policy (plan 87, 88, or 89).| 2022|D00001|P14|72722|12|9|A Practice Code must be submitted on the P14 to elect separate coverage levels by irrigation practice when Insurance Option Code contains 'LP'.| 2022|D00001|P14|110050|12|4|Warning: For MP Hybrid Seed Corn Commodity Code 0041 Type 009 Plan 16 or 17, the Hybrid Seed Corn Commodity Code 0062 Type 210 or 220 Plan 55 is found in the prior year for the same producer. The prior year policy may be under same or different policy number or even different AIP.| 2022|D00001|P14|110051|12|9|For Hybrid Seed Corn Commodity Code 0062 Type 210 or 220 Plan 55, the MP Hybrid Seed Corn Commodity Code 0041 Type 009 Plan 16 or 17 is found in the current year for the same producer. The current year policy may be under same or different policy number or even different AIP.| 2022|D00001|P14|142689|34|9|Only one Commodity Code '0066' P14 record can exist for a Reinsurance Year, AIP Code, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Insurance Plan Code, and Type Code.| 2022|D00001|P14|7899|24|9|For the record key AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Insurance In Force Key, the following values must be the same as prior submission: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Dual Coverage Flag when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0053','0073','1010') AND NOT ( Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052' ) AND NOT ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208') ) AND NOT ( Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308') ) AND NOT ( Insurance Plan Code equals '76' and ( Batch Received Date is less than or equal to LRR Transaction Cutoff Date or ( Late Reported Reason Code equals '00' and Lockdown Location County Code equals Location C... and Late Reported Reason Code is not '19'.| 2022|D00001|P14|8719|12|9|LRR Transaction Cutoff Date could not be determined.| 2022|D00001|P14|8729|65|9|The corresponding P10 record in this batch must be accepted for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P14|9489|12|9|Type Code and/or Practice Code cannot change between submissions if it changes the LRR Transaction Cutoff Date and Premium Acreage records have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45337|12|9|Data (e.g. WA Number, Signature Date) cannot change between submissions if it changes the LRR Transaction Cutoff Date and Premium Acreage records have been submitted. Refer to LRR Transaction Code for data change.| 2022|D00001|P14|71296|12|9|The corresponding SCO high risk (HRACE) policy is required for this SCO policy when its associated underlying policy has a corresponding high risk (HRACE) policy.| 2022|D00001|P14|143272|12|9|The corresponding ECO high risk (HRACE) policy is required for this ECO policy when its associated underlying policy has a corresponding high risk (HRACE) policy.| 2022|D00001|P14|72729|12|9|For Commodity with the LP Option Code, there must two P14 records with the LP for the same policy/batch sent by the Sales Closing Date. One for the irrigated practice and one for the non-irrigated practice. If the Commodity is by type or variety then the multiple P14s must be by type by practice.| 2022|D00001|P14|45315|12|4|Warning: a new LRR Code is assessed per this submission. Refer to LRR Transaction Code for reason for new LRR Code.| 2022|D00001|P14|92525|12|4|Warning: For MP policy (plans 16 or 17), the underlying policy for the same producer is found in the prior year under a different company| 2022|D00001|P14|74632|34|9|The base P14 record pointed to by this SCO, ECO, or STAX P14 record must be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P14|92560|34|9|The associated P14 record pointed to by this P14 record must be accepted. This P14 record cannot be accepted because the associated P14 record has been rejected.| 2022|D00001|P14|109990|34|9|For commodity with multiple P14s records, this P14 record cannot be accepted if one or more of the associated P14 records in this batch have been rejected.| 2022|D00001|P14|110085|69|9|This P14 record has an active manual change request associated with it, but the expected value does not match the newly submitted value.|D10068 2022|D00001|P14|131664|12|9|The DRP P14 you submitted had P18s attached to it; therefore, any error, even 'Kept for LRR' errors are not allowed.| 2022|D00001|P14|3109|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3110|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P14|9037|16|5|When AIP Policy Producer Key is rejected in the ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record with an established LRR or Escrow Fund, this record will also be rejected, but with an established LRR or Escrow Fund.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P14|119096|16|9|The Primary Producer was found to be ineligible for insurance as of the date this record was submitted.|D10020 2022|D00001|P14|3111|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3112|17|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be at least 1 character and not more than 15 characters.| 2022|D00001|P14|3113|9|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be unique within the parent P10 record.| 2022|D00001|P14|3114|1|6|AIP Insurance Agent Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3115|67|6|AIP Insurance Agent Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance Agent ODS "ODS55" record.|ODS55 2022|D00001|P14|3118|1|9|County Code is required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3119|10|9|Location County Code must be valid; edit with County ADM "A00440" record.|A00440 2022|D00001|P14|10209|10|9|Location County Code must be valid; edit with County ICE "D00107" record when WA Number exists.|D00107 2022|D00001|P14|119105|6|9|Location County Code must not equal 998 when Insurance Plan Code is 83. For Dairy, submit the primary county in the state for Dairy production.| 2022|D00001|P14|3120|1|9|Insurance Plan Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3121|10|9|Insurance Plan Code must be valid; edit with Insurance Plan ADM "A00460" record.|A00460 2022|D00001|P14|29321|6|9|Insurance Plan Code must not equal one of the following values: '81', '82'.| 2022|D00001|P14|38692|12|9|Insurance Plan Codes between the High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement (HR-ACE) record and non-HR-ACE record (base policy/underlying) are invalid combination. When HR-ACE is Plan 01 then non-HR-ACE must be Plan 01, 02, or 03. When HR-ACE is Plan 02 or 03 then non-HR-ACE must be the same Plan 02 or 03 respectively. When HR-ACE is Plan 31 then non-HR-ACE must be Plan 31, 32, or 33. When HR-ACE is Plan 32 or 33 then non-HR-ACE must be the same Plan 32 or 33 respectively. When HR-ACE is Plan 87 then non-HR-ACE must be Plan 87, 88, or 89. When HR-ACE is Plan 88 or 89 then non-HR-ACE must be the same Plan 88 or 89 respectively.| 2022|D00001|P14|87279|12|9|For SCO or ECO Barley policy w/specialty type, the SCO or ECO plan must align with the plan of the Base Barley policy w/specialty type. If the Base plan is 01, then the SCO plan must be 31 or the ECO plan must be 87, if the Base plan is 02, then the SCO plan must be 32 or the ECO plan must be 88, and if the Base plan is 03, then the SCO plan must be 33 or the ECO plan must be 89.| 2022|D00001|P14|143277|12|9|For ECO and PACE policy, the plan must align with the plan of the Base policy. If the ECO plan is 87 then the Base plan must be 01, 55, or 90, if the ECO plan is 88 then the Base plan must be 02, if the ECO plan is 89 then the Base plan must be 03, if the PACE plan is 26 then the Base plan must be 01, if the PACE plan is 27 then the Base plan must be 02, if the PACE plan is 28 then the Base plan must be 03.| 2022|D00001|P14|153571|34|9|For Dry Beans '0047' and Dry Peas '0067' base plans ('01', '02', '03', '90'), all records for the same Location County Code must have the same base Insurance Plan Code ('01', '02', '03', '90').| 2022|D00001|P14|72330|34|9|The Insurance Plan Code must be the same for all P14 records within the same Policy Number and AIP Policy Producer Key for Stacked Income Protection (STAX) under Insurance Plan Code '35' or '36'.| 2022|D00001|P14|8625|57|9|When Insurance Plan is '02' and Commodity is submitted with a Specialty Type then there cannot be another Insurance In Force Record submitted for the same county except when Insurance Plan is '01'.| 2022|D00001|P14|8635|57|9|When Insurance Plan is '03' and Commodity is submitted with a Specialty Type then there cannot be another Insurance In Force Record submitted for the same county except when Insurance Plan is '01'.| 2022|D00001|P14|143233|57|9|When Insurance Plan Code is '50', another P14 record with Insurance Plan Code of '90' cannot exist within the same policy in the state of Florida '12' where Commodity Code in ('0201','0202','0203','0227','0309','1302').| 2022|D00001|P14|143234|57|9|When Insurance Plan Code is '90', another P14 record with Insurance Plan Code of '50' cannot exist within the same policy in the state of Florida '12' where Commodity Code in ('0201','0202','0203','0227','0309','1302').| 2022|D00001|P14|119047|34|9|For Margin Protection (MP) Plans (16, 17), when submitting multiple P14 records by type and/or practice (one irrigated and one non-irrigated) then the plan code must match by type.| 2022|D00001|P14|9510|12|9|Insurance Plan Code cannot change between submissions if Premium Acreage records have been previously accepted.| 2022|D00001|P14|3124|1|9|Commodity Code is required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3125|10|9|Commodity Code must be valid; edit with Commodity ADM "A00420" record.|A00420 2022|D00001|P14|3116|1|9|Commodity Year is required.| 2022|D00001|P14|7905|2|9|Commodity Year must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P14|10231|20|9|Commodity Year must be a whole number.| 2022|D00001|P14|3126|1|9|Type Code is Required when Insurance Plan Code is '76', or Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0053','0073','1010','0088','1010') or (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208','0209','0210')) or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308')) and Extended Type Codes have not been implemented, or are in transition and no extended type codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|10673|1|9|Type Code is required on all P14 records when multiple Type Code/Practice Code values have been submitted for Group Plans (04, 05, 06) and Extended Type/Practice fields have not been implemented or are in transition and no extended type fields have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|10820|1|9|Type Code is Required when Late Reported Reason Code is '06' and Extended Type/Practice fields have not been implemented or are in transition and no extended type fields have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45483|1|9|Type Code is Required when Commodity Code and Insurance Plan Code are part of an Insurance Offer Group.| 2022|D00001|P14|119038|22|9|Type Code must be empty when Commodity Code is '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P14|45326|22|9|Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type OR Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|3128|10|9|Type Code must be valid; edit with Type ADM "A00540" record.|A00540 2022|D00001|P14|45206|22|9|Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|143226|1|9|Type Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0201','0202','0203','0227','0309','1302') and Insurance Plan Code equals '90' and Location State Code equals '12'.| 2022|D00001|P14|55177|10|9|For Commodity Code 0057 with Type Code 416, Tart Cherries, Type Code on the matching P09 must also be for Tart Cherries with Type Code 416 when a P09 is submitted for Cherries, 0057.|ODS09 2022|D00001|P14|10250|34|9|Type Code is required on all P14 records when Type Code is submitted for Peaches (0034), Apples (0054), and Pears (0089).| 2022|D00001|P14|110047|34|9|Type Code is required on all P14 records when Type Code is submitted for Corn (0041) under Margin Protection (MP) Plans 16 or 17.| 2022|D00001|P14|3129|1|9|Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of following values: '0073', '0332', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice fields have not been implemented or are in transition and no extended practice codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|10674|1|9|Practice Code is required on all P14 records when multiple Type Code/Practice Code values have been submitted for Group Plans (04, 05, 06) and Extended Type/Practice fields have not been implemented or are in transition and no extended practice codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|119039|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when Commodity Code is '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P14|45327|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type OR Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|3131|10|9|Practice Code must be valid; edit with Practice ADM "A00510" record when Practice Code exists.|A00510 2022|D00001|P14|45207|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|52446|56|9|For Commodity Code 0332, at least 2 Practice Codes (Intervals) must be selected for each growing season for the policy when Coverage Type Code is not 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P14|52464|57|9|A row must not be submitted where the Interval's starting month is the month after another selected Interval's starting month within the Reinsurance Year, Commodity Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Coverage Type Code, and Sales Closing Date (growing season) when Insurance Plan Code is '13' and Commodity Code is '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P14|52465|57|9|A row must not be submitted where the Interval's starting month is the month before another selected Interval's starting month within the Reinsurance Year, Commodity Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Coverage Type Code, and Sales Closing Date (growing season) when Insurance Plan Code is '13' and Commodity Code is '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P14|52466|57|9|A row must not be submitted where the Interval's starting month is the month after another selected Interval's starting month within the Reinsurance Year, Commodity Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Coverage Type Code, and Sales Closing Date (growing season) when Insurance Plan Code is '13' and Commodity Code is '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P14|52467|57|9|A row must not be submitted where the Interval's starting month is the month before another selected Interval's starting month within the Reinsurance Year, Commodity Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, Policy Number, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Coverage Type Code, and Sales Closing Date (growing season) when Insurance Plan Code is '13' and Commodity Code is '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P14|109898|34|9|For Annual Forage, "0332", P14 records are required for every growing season {Cropping Practice Code}.| 2022|D00001|P14|78874|12|9|For commodity with LP and HB options, all irrigation practices should match between LP and endorsements; if Practice Code 702 on LP P14, then Practice Code 702 should be on HB P14. The Practice Code should match exactly between the LP non-HB P14 and LP HB P14.| 2022|D00001|P14|78866|12|9|For SCO or ECO policy, if the base/underlying policy has the LP option then the Practice Code should match exactly between the base P14 and the SCO or ECO P14.| 2022|D00001|P14|86051|12|9|For STAX policy, if the base/companion policy has the LP option then the Irrigation Practice Code should match exactly between the base P14 and the STAX P14s.| 2022|D00001|P14|45214|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0053','0073','1010','0088') or (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) or ( Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308'))) and Type Practice Use Code is 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P14|45215|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0053','0073','0088','1010') or (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) or ( Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308'))) and Type Practice Use Code equals 'T' and Type Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P14|51013|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Commodity Code and Insurance Plan Code are part of an Insurance Offer Group and the Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented or the Extended Type/Practice fields are in transition and the Type Code has not been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45216|22|9|Commodity Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45248|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Class Code exists or Sub Class Code exists or Intended Use Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice code fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|5010|10|9|Commodity Type Code must be valid; edit with Commodity Type ADM "A00430" record.|A00430 2022|D00001|P14|45217|1|9|Class Code is Required when (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0053','0073','0088','1010') or (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) or ( Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308'))) and Type Practice Use Code is 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P14|45218|1|9|Class Code is Required when (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0053','0073','0088','1010') or (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) or ( Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308'))) and Type Practice Use Code equals 'T' and Type Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P14|51015|1|9|Class Code is Required when Commodity Code and Insurance Plan Code are part of an Insurance Offer Group and the Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented or the Extended Type/Practice fields are in transition and the Type Code has not been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45219|22|9|Class Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45247|1|9|Class Code is Required when Commodity Type Code exists or Sub Class Code exists or Intended Use Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|5011|10|9|Class Code must be valid; edit with Class ADM "A00410" record.|A00410 2022|D00001|P14|45220|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0053','0073','0088','1010') or (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) or ( Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308'))) and Type Practice Use Code is 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P14|45221|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0053','0073','0088','1010') or (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) or ( Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308'))) and Type Practice Use Code equals 'T' and Type Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P14|51017|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Commodity Code and Insurance Plan Code are part of an Insurance Offer Group and the Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented or the Extended Type/Practice fields are in transition and the Type Code has not been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45222|22|9|Sub Class Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45250|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Commodity Type Code exists or Class Code exists or Intended Use Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|5012|10|9|Sub Class Code must be valid; edit with Sub Class ADM "A00530" record.|A00530 2022|D00001|P14|45223|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0053','0073','0088','1010') or (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) or ( Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308'))) and Type Practice Use Code is 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P14|45224|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0053','0073','0088','1010') or (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) or ( Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308'))) and Type Practice Use Code equals 'T' and Type Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P14|51019|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Commodity Code and Insurance Plan Code are part of an Insurance Offer Group and the Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented or the Extended Type/Practice fields are in transition and the Type Code has not been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45225|22|9|Intended Use Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45252|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Commodity Type Code exists or Class Code exists or Sub Class Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|5013|10|9|Intended Use Code must be valid; edit with Intended Use ADM "A00470" record. When Intended Use Code is not valid and Type Practice Use Code is 'I', record will be rejected, otherwise record will be accepted with warning(s).|A00470 2022|D00001|P14|45226|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '0332', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|45227|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '0332', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45228|22|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45254|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Cropping Practice Code exists or Organic Practice Code exists or Interval Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|45238|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is required on all P14 records when multiple Type Code/Practice Code values have been submitted for Group Plans (04, 05, 06) and Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented or are in transition and no practice code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|5014|10|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be valid; edit with Irrigation Practice ADM "A00490" record.|A00490 2022|D00001|P14|45229|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '0332', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|45230|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '0332', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45231|22|9|Cropping Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45256|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Irrigation Practice Code exists or Organic Practice Code exists or Interval Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|45239|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is required on all P14 records when multiple Type Code/Practice Code values have been submitted for Group Plans (04, 05, 06) and Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented or are in transition and no practice code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|5015|10|9|Cropping Practice Code must be valid; edit with Cropping Practice ADM "A00450" record.|A00450 2022|D00001|P14|45232|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '0332', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|45233|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '0332', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45234|22|9|Organic Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45258|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Irrigation Practice Code exists or Cropping Practice Code exists or Interval Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|45240|1|9|Organic Practice Code is required on all P14 records when multiple Type Code/Practice Code values have been submitted for Group Plans (04, 05, 06) and Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented or are in transition and no practice code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|5016|10|9|Organic Practice Code must be valid; edit with Organic Practice ADM "A00500" record.|A00500 2022|D00001|P14|45235|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '0332', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|45236|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '0332', '1010' and Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45237|22|9|Interval Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|45260|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Irrigation Practice Code exists or Cropping Practice Code exists or Organic Practice Code exists and the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented.| 2022|D00001|P14|45241|1|9|Interval Code is required on all P14 records when multiple Type Code/Practice Code values have been submitted for Group Plans (04, 05, 06) and Extended Type/Practice fields have been implemented or are in transition and no practice code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|5017|10|9|Interval Code must be valid; edit with Interval ADM "A00480" record.|A00480 2022|D00001|P14|10159|12|9|Written Agreement was found in the ICE Exception Request table, but it has not yet been approved.| 2022|D00001|P14|51193|12|9|Written Agreement was not found in the ICE Exception Request table.| 2022|D00001|P14|3148|1|9|Coverage Type Code is required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3149|10|9|Coverage Type Code must be valid; edit with Coverage Type ICE "D00016" record.|D00016 2022|D00001|P14|45418|6|9|Coverage Type Code must equal 'A' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC', 'FB', FC', 'FX', 'FL' or Commodity Code equals '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P14|92686|10|9|Coverage Type Code must be valid; edit with Coverage Level Differential ADM "A01040" record when Commodity Code is not '0830'.|A01040 2022|D00001|P14|6578|57|9|If CAT is selected for Non California grapes (0053), then all Type Codes in the County for Non California grapes must be designated as CAT.| 2022|D00001|P14|52442|57|9|For Commodity Codes '0105', '0184', '1218', and '0332', Coverage Type Code of 'C' (CAT) and 'A' (Buyup) cannot be mixed together within the same policy. Either 'C' or 'A' must be selected, not both.| 2022|D00001|P14|52453|16|9|For Commodity Code 0332 and 0105, Coverage Type Code of 'C' (CAT) and 'A' (Buyup) cannot be mixed together within the same policy. Either 'C' or 'A' must be selected, not both.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|119043|6|9|Late Reported Reason Code must equal '00' when Commodity Code is '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P14|128508|6|9|Late Reported Reason Code must not equal '21' when Late Reported Reason Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|10819|12|9|A separate P14 for Fall is not found for the P14 for Spring with Late Reported Reason Code of '06'. The P14 for Fall under a different AIP Insurance In Force Key must previously accepted.| 2022|D00001|P14|119014|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code of 20 is only valid for Margin Protection (MP) Plans ('16', '17').| 2022|D00001|P14|74659|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code of 11 is not valid for Whole Farm Revenue Protection plan code '76'.| 2022|D00001|P14|92594|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code of 18 is not allowed when an entity with a status code of '42', '47', '48', or '49' is not found in the D10020 for the primary producer Tax Id, Tax Id Type, AIP Code, and Reinsurance Year. The '42' is an indication of a successful appeal of Late Payment of Debt (LPD) for the producer.| 2022|D00001|P14|142709|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code of 22 is only allowed for Combo plans 01, 02, 03, that point to an associated MP plan 16, 17 where the MP record Commodity is 0041 and Type is 009, 016, or 026 or Commodity is 0018 and Type is 451, 452, or 453.| 2022|D00001|P14|21462|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code '06' is required for Spring Commodity when Commodity has Fall & Spring Sales Closing Dates and Insured did not plant fall type and the LP option is elected for the Spring Commodity. When an insured elected LP for dual county commodities, all spring P14s with the LP option require a Late Reported Reason Code of '06'.| 2022|D00001|P14|21452|12|9|A P14 for Fall must previously accepted and in 'accepted' status in order to accept the P14 for Spring w/Late Reported Reason Code of 06.| 2022|D00001|P14|21458|12|9|A P11 Non Premium Acreage for P14 Fall must previously accepted and in 'accepted' status in order to accept the P14 for Spring w/Late Reported Reason Code of 06.| 2022|D00001|P14|55102|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code of 12 is only valid when an Entity Certification Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|92632|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code of 19 is only valid for WFRP plan '76' when the Coverage Level Percent is going down (not when it is staying the same or going up) and/or when the Location County Code is being revised.| 2022|D00001|P14|19649|12|9|Late Reported Reason Codes of 11, 12, 18, and 20 cannot be changed once accepted.| 2022|D00001|P14|21453|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code (06) for changing from Fall to Spring, once accepted, cannot be changed.| 2022|D00001|P14|52407|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code 10 for revised Coverage Level, Price Indicator, Price Election Percent, or Insurance Option cannot be changed once accepted.| 2022|D00001|P14|3152|1|9|Late Reported Reason Code is Required when LRR Transaction Code is not one of the following values: '01', '07'.| 2022|D00001|P14|3153|10|9|Late Reported Reason Code must be valid; edit with Late Reported Reason ICE "D00006" record.|D00006 2022|D00001|P14|3155|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code 06 is only valid for: Commodity Code 0011, 0091, 0015, 0032, 0067, or 0013. For Commodity Code 0011 the Type Code must be 012, 017, or 018. For Commodity Code 0091 the Type Code must be 092, 192, 193, 872, 873, 874, 875 or 876. For Commodity Code 0015, the Type Code must be 286 or 288 and the Location State Code must be 16, 41, or 53. For Commodity Code 0067 the Insurance Option Code must not contain WO option. For Commodity Code 0032 the Cropping Practice Code must be 090. For Commodity Code 0013 the State/County must be 41 and 059 or the State/County must be 53 and 071.| 2022|D00001|P14|3156|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code 07 is not valid when Added County Indicator Code is not equal to "S".| 2022|D00001|P14|3157|12|9|A Late Reported Reason of 08 is only valid for the following combinations: Insurance Plan Code is '04' and Commodity Code is ('0041','0021','0051','0081','0011'), OR Insurance Plan Code is '50' and Location State Code is '12' and Commodity Code is ('0201','0202','0203','0227','0309','1302','9936'), OR Commodity Code is ('0047','0067','0053'), OR Insurance Plan Code is '90' and Commodity Code is ('0034','0054','0089'), OR (Commodity Code is '0052' and Location State Code is '04' or '06') and Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0073', '1010'.| 2022|D00001|P14|52406|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code 10 is only valid for revised Coverage Level, Price Indicator, Price Election Percent or Insurance Option.| 2022|D00001|P14|92597|12|9|For Late Reported Reason Code 18, LRR related fields such as Price Election, Coverage Level, etc., are not allowed to be changed after the initial acceptance. Refer to LRR Transaction Code which indicates what may have change.| 2022|D00001|P14|110091|10|9|Late Reported Reason Code must be valid; edit with the ICE Manual table when Has an Active Manual Flag is 'Y'.|D10067 2022|D00001|P14|10351|6|9|Late Reported Reason Code must not equal '00' when Batch Received Date is greater than LRR Transaction Cutoff Date and LRR Code is not equal to Lockdown LRR Code and LRR Code is not '00'. Refer to LRR Transaction Code for reason for new LRR Code.| 2022|D00001|P14|3159|1|9|Dual Coverage Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3161|12|9|Dual Coverage Flag must be N when the Commodity is Nursery ('0073' or '1010').| 2022|D00001|P14|3164|6|9|Dual Coverage Flag must equal one of the following values: 'N', 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P14|3160|16|9|This commodity must not be insured with another AIP for Buyup when this policy is CAT or for CAT when this policy is Buyup.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|8567|6|9|Dual Coverage Flag must equal 'N' when Coverage Type Code is 'A'.| 2022|D00001|P14|9487|6|9|Dual Coverage Flag must equal 'Y' when Coverage Type Code is 'C' and both a Buyup and a CAT policy is found in this batch for this Commodity Code, Commodity Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, and Location County Code.| 2022|D00001|P14|3165|1|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3166|8|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P14|3167|3|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must be between 19910101 and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P14|51192|3|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must be between 01-31 (Reinsurance Year) and Sales Closing Date when Location State Code equals '12' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0201', '0202', '0203', '0227', '0309', '1302', '9936') and Contract Carryover Flag is 'N' (new policy) and Insurance Plan Code equals '50' where a new application policy is required.| 2022|D00001|P14|143235|3|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must be between 01-31 (Reinsurance Year - 1 year) and Sales Closing Date when Location State Code equals '12' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0201', '0202', '0203', '0227', '0309', '1302', '9936') and Contract Carryover Flag is 'N' (new policy) and Insurance Plan Code equals '90' where a new application policy is required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3169|5|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must be between January 1, ReinsuranceYear and May 1, CommodityYear when this is a new policy and Commodity Code is '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P14|3168|3|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must be less than or equal to Sales Closing Date when ( Late Reported Reason Code is empty or Late Reported Reason Code equals '00' ) AND ( ( Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0073', '1010', '0207', '0208', '0209', '0210', '0211', '0212', '0213', '0214', '0192', '0308') ) or ( Contract Carryover Flag equals 'Y' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0073', '0207', '0208', '0209', '0210', '0211', '0212', '0213', '0214', '0284', '0073', '1010', '0192', '0308') ) ) .| 2022|D00001|P14|3171|5|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must be between March 14, 2006 and April 17, CommodityYear when Location State Code = '12' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0207', '0208', '0209', '0210', '0211', '0212', '0213', '0214' or Commodity Code is 0284 for Pecan Trees and Contract Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P14|3170|7|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must be between Contract Change Date minus one year and Batch Received Date when ( Location State Code equals '12' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0207', '0208', '0209', '0210', '0211', '0212', '0213', '0214') ) OR ( Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0284', '0073','1010') ) and this is not a carryover policy.| 2022|D00001|P14|143279|7|9|Insured Commodity Signature Date must be between Sales Closing Date minus 120 day(s) and Sales Closing Date plus 12 month(s) when Commodity Code is '1010' and Contract Carryover Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P14|3172|1|6|Agent Commodity Signature Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3173|8|6|Agent Commodity Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P14|8268|3|6|Agent Commodity Signature Date must be between 1991-01-01 and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P14|3174|7|6|Agent Commodity Signature Date must be greater than or equal to '19910101'.| 2022|D00001|P14|19580|3|6|Agent Commodity Signature Date must be less than Inactive Date when Inactive Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|3176|1|6|Fee Prepaid Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3177|6|6|Fee Prepaid Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P14|3178|6|6|Fee Prepaid Flag must equal 'N' when Coverage Type Code is 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P14|4718|10|6|FSA Administration State Code must be valid; edit with State ICE "D00106" record.|D00106 2022|D00001|P14|4720|10|6|FSA Administration County Code must be valid; edit with County ICE "D00107" record.|D00107 2022|D00001|P14|9494|10|6|FSA RMA Entity Difference Code must be valid; edit with FSA RMA Entity Difference ICE "D00112" record.|D00112 2022|D00001|P14|3180|10|6|Administrative Fee Waiver Code must be valid; edit with Administrative Fee Waiver ICE "D00030" record.|D00030 2022|D00001|P14|110041|34|6|Administrative Fee Waiver Code cannot be null because another P14 has been submitted for the same Commodity, State and County with an Administrative Fee Waiver Code, with the exception of MP policies.| 2022|D00001|P14|110042|34|6|Administrative Fee Waiver Codes must match between all P14s on the policy for the same commodity, state and county.| 2022|D00001|P14|72563|12|6|Administrative Fee Waiver Code must not equal 'B' or 'G' when the Policy Producer does not qualify for Beginning Farmer Rancher.| 2022|D00001|P14|78878|12|6|Administrative Fee Waiver Code must equal 'B' or 'G' when the Policy Producer qualifies for Beginning Farmer Rancher.| 2022|D00001|P14|128434|12|9|Administrative Fee Waiver Code must not equal 'V' when the Policy Producer does not qualify for Veteran Farmer Rancher.| 2022|D00001|P14|128435|12|9|Administrative Fee Waiver Code must equal 'V' when the Policy Producer qualifies for Veteran Farmer Rancher.| 2022|D00001|P14|3181|1|6|Cancellation Transfer Signed Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P14|3182|6|6|Cancellation Transfer Signed Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P14|3183|1|9|Coverage Level Percent is Required when Commodity Code is not '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P14|119044|22|9|Coverage Level Percent must be empty when Commodity Code is '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P14|3184|2|9|Coverage Level Percent must be numeric.| 2022|D00001|P14|3185|20|9|Coverage Level Percent can have up to 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point.| 2022|D00001|P14|130394|12|9|Coverage Level Percent must equal 0.9500 when Insurance Plan Code is '37', HIP-WI.| 2022|D00001|P14|62998|6|9|Coverage Level Percent must equal Associated Coverage Level Percent when Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key exists and Associated AIP Policy Producer Key exists and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '31', '32', '33'.| 2022|D00001|P14|63000|10|9|Combination of Coverage Level Percent (Area Loss Start Percent) and Coverage Range (Coverage Level Percent - Coverage Range = Area Loss End Percent) must be valid; edit with Area Coverage Level ADM "A01130" record when Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key exists and Associated AIP Policy Producer Key exists and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '35', '36'.|D10066 2022|D00001|P14|63096|12|9|Coverage Level Percent minus Coverage Range must be greater than or equal to Associated Coverage Level Percent when Associated AIP Policy Producer Key exists and Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key exists and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P14|5180|12|9|Coverage Level Percent * Price Election Percent must be at least 65% when HF option is submitted.| 2022|D00001|P14|3186|10|9|Coverage Level Percent must be valid; edit with Coverage Level Differential ADM "A01040" record when Commodity Code is not '0830'.|A01040 2022|D00001|P14|142681|34|9|Coverage Level Percent must be the same across P14s with the same Reinsurance Year, AIP Code, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, and Insurance Plan Code when Commodity Code equals '0066'.| 2022|D00001|P14|35679|12|9|The Coverage Level Percent for the High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement (HR-ACE) record must be less than or equal to (<=) the Coverage Level Percent of the previously submitted non-HR-ACE record when the Insurance Plan Codes for both policies are different (e.g. HB-01 & Base-02, HB-01 & Base-03).| 2022|D00001|P14|35680|12|9|The Coverage Level Percent for the High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement (HR-ACE) record must be less than (<) the Coverage Level Percent of the previously submitted non-HR-ACE record when the Insurance Plan Codes for both policies are same (e.g. HB-01 & Base-01, HB-02 & Base-02, HB-03 & Base-03).| 2022|D00001|P14|72734|57|9|For Commodity not by type or variety where the Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0052', '0053', '0034', '0054', '0047', '0067','0089') and the Insurance Option Code contains LP, there must two P14 records for Irrigated/Non-Irrigated Practices sent by the Sales Closing Date and the coverage levels must be different by irrigation practice.| 2022|D00001|P14|73328|57|0|For Commodity not by type or variety where the Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0052', '0053', '0034', '0054', '0047', '0067','0089') and the Insurance Option Code contains LP, there must two P14 records for Irrigated/Non-Irrigated Practices sent by the Sales Closing Date and the coverage levels must be different by irrigation practice.| 2022|D00001|P14|72741|57|9|For Commodity by type or variety where the Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0052', '0053', '0034', '0054', '0047', '0067','0089') and the Insurance Option Code contains LP, there must two P14 records by type for Irrigated/Non-Irrigated Practices sent by the Sales Closing Date and the coverage levels must be different by irrigation practice.| 2022|D00001|P14|72992|12|9|The Coverage Level Percent of the current P14 record without the LP option must equal to the lowest Coverage Level Percent of the previously accepted P14 record with the LP option when the Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0052', '0053', '0034', '0054', '0047', '0067','0089'). If Practice Code is submitted on the current P14 then the Coverage Level Percent must match to the lowest Coverage Level Percent by irrigated or non-irrigated practice; otherwise, it must match to the lowest Coverage Level previously accepted by Sales Closing Date.| 2022|D00001|P14|92648|67|9|For Whole Farm policies (Insurance Plan Code 76) that are carry over polices, an accepted P26 Production record must exist in the prior Reinsurance Year if the Coverage Level Percent is greater than 65%. Whole Farm, commodity 0076, is considered carry over if a Whole Farm policy, commodity 0076, or Micro Farm policy, commodity 9110, was present in the prior Reinsurance Year. Micro Farm, commodity 9110, is considered carry over if a Micro Farm policy, commodity 9110, was present in the prior Reinsurance Year.|ODS26 2022|D00001|P14|143120|57|3|The P14 must not have an associated P14, with a Fall/Spring relationship, by the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Commodity Year, Insurance Plan Code, Type Code, Practice Code, with a different Coverage Level Percent.| 2022|D00001|P14|3188|1|9|Price Election Percent is required.| 2022|D00001|P14|119046|22|9|Price Election Percent must be empty when Commodity Code is '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P14|3189|2|9|Price Election Percent must be numeric.| 2022|D00001|P14|3190|20|9|Price Election Percent may have up to 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point.| 2022|D00001|P14|3191|3|9|Price Election Percent must be between PriceElectionLowPercent and PriceElectionHighPercent as defined on the D00007 record.|D00007 2022|D00001|P14|119147|34|9|When Insurance Plan Code equals 31, 32, 33 (SCO) or 87, 88, 89 (ECO) and LP option is submitted, Price Election Percent must be the same across P14s having the same Reinsurance Year, AIP Code, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, and Commodity Year. If the insurance option code contains HB, the price election percent must be the same on both P14s with the HB option.| 2022|D00001|P14|92689|16|6|Dispute Settlement Code is required when record exists in the Settlement table where the Settlement Type Code is 'C'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P14|5443|10|6|Dispute Settlement Code must be valid; edit with Dispute Settlement ICE "D00013" record.|D00013 2022|D00001|P14|53651|67|6|A corresponding record must exist in the Settlement table when Dispute Settlement Code is 'C'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P14|3195|1|6|Dispute Notification Date is Required when Dispute Settlement Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|3196|22|6|Dispute Notification Date must be empty when Dispute Settlement Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P14|3197|8|6|Dispute Notification Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD" when Dispute Settlement Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|3198|12|6|Dispute Notification Date must be greater than or equal to the start date of the Reinsurance Year.| 2022|D00001|P14|51075|17|9|Insurance Option Code List must be a minimum of 0 characters in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P14|3200|31|6|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be unique.| 2022|D00001|P14|118575|12|9|Insurance Option Code of 'BL' for Basic Unit by Noncontiguous Land for Nursery (0073 and 1010) should only be submitted on the P13 record, instead of P14.| 2022|D00001|P14|130309|12|9|If Insurance Option Code List contains 'FC', then it must also contain 'CV' and 'FB'. If Insurance Option Code List contains 'FL', then it must also contain 'OW'. If Insurance Option Code List contains 'FX', then it must also contain 'OW', 'OX', and 'FL'.| 2022|D00001|P14|3201|30|6|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be valid; edit with Insurance Option Criteria ICE "D00137" record when Insurance Option Code List exists.|D00137 2022|D00001|P14|53797|30|6|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be valid; edit with Option Rate ADM "A01060" record when Insurance Option Code List exists.|A01060 2022|D00001|P14|88390|30|6|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be valid by Irrigation Practice Code; edit with Option Rate ADM "A01060" record when Insurance Option Code List exists and LP Insurance Option Code is selected.|A01060 2022|D00001|P14|142605|30|6|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be valid by Type Code and CountyCode; edit with Option Rate ADM "A01060" record when Insurance Option Code List exists and LP and HB Insurance Option Codes are selected.|A01060 2022|D00001|P14|101251|12|9|If the base policy (non-HR-ACE) has the LP option then the high-risk policy (HR-ACE) must also have the LP option. If the base policy (non-HR-ACE) doesn't have the LP option then the high-risk policy (HR-ACE) should not have the LP option.| 2022|D00001|P14|76710|34|9|If the base/companion policy has the LP option, then the LP option must also be on the SCO/ECO policy.| 2022|D00001|P14|77785|12|9|The malt barley endorsement ME or cottonseed endorsement SE cannot be submitted for the SCO/ECO policy unless that same endorsement (option code) is also submitted for the SCO/ECO base/companion policy.| 2022|D00001|P14|86073|30|9|For SCO (plans 31, 32, 33) or ECO (plans 87, 88, 89) with the LP option, all options & endorsements on the SCO/ECO base/companion P14 record must also be on the SCO/ECO LP P14 record, unless: 1) An option is not found on the ADM for the SCO/ECO commodity/plan/practice then it is not required to be matched. 2) If the producer elects either the malt barley endorsement ME or cottonseed endorsement SE on the base policy, that producer can choose whether to add those endorsements (option codes) to their SCO/ECO policy. The ME or SE option is optional for the SCO/ECO policy.|A01060 2022|D00001|P14|86009|30|9|For commodity with the LP option, all options & endorsements between the associated irrigated / non-irrigated practices must match, unless an option is not found on the ADM for the commodity/plan/practice then it is not require to be matched.|A01060 2022|D00001|P14|3211|1|9|Price Indicator Code is Required when Commodity Code is not '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P14|119040|22|9|Price Indicator Code must be empty when Commodity Code is '0830'.| 2022|D00001|P14|5455|10|9|Price Indicator Code must be valid; edit with Price Indicator ICE "D00034" record.|D00034 2022|D00001|P14|3213|6|9|Price Indicator Code must equal 'E' when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0075', '0255', '0256', '0257' and Insurance Plan Code is '90'.| 2022|D00001|P14|3214|6|9|Price Indicator Code must equal 'E' when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: ('55', '90') and NOT ( Insurance Plan Code equals '50' and Commodity Code equals '0037' ).| 2022|D00001|P14|119056|6|9|Price Indicator Code must equal one of the following values: 'A', 'E' when Commodity Code is '0037' and Insurance Plan Code is '50'.| 2022|D00001|P14|92705|34|9|If the base policy has an Added County Code ('P','N','S'), then the SCO or ECO policy should have the same Added County Code.| 2022|D00001|P14|3217|67|9|Added County Indicator Code must be valid; edit with Added County Indicator ICE "D00003" record.|D00003 2022|D00001|P14|3218|67|9|Added County Indicator Code is only valid for Category B crops (excluding Forage production) otherwise it must be empty.|D00047 2022|D00001|P14|3220|57|9|Not qualified for added county. There may not be another P14 record with a different commodity as a carryover policy for the same Reinsurance Year, AIP Code, Policy Number, Commodity Year, State Code and County Code.| 2022|D00001|P14|3100|37|9|Only one primary record is allowed for the 'P14' record when Added County Indicator Code is empty or Added County Indicator Code is one of the following values: 'P', 'N' when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0053','0047','0067','0073','0088', '0105', '1010') and NOT (Location State Code equals '04' or '06' and Commodity Code equals '0052') and NOT Texas Citrus and NOT Florida Citrus Trees and Commodity is not a Specialty Type and when one Type Code/Practice Code is submitted for Group Plans and insurance plan code is not 16 or 17.)|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|9038|37|9|Only one primary record is allowed for the 'P14' record when Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0053','0088') or (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308')) or (Location State Code equals '12' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0201','0202','0203','0227','0309','1302','9936')) and Added County Indicator Code is one of the following values: 'N', 'P'.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|9039|37|9|Only one primary record is allowed for the 'P14' record when Added County Indicator Code is empty or Added County Indicator Code is one of the following values: 'P', 'N' for Specialty Types. Values checked are AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, CommodityYear, Commodity Code, Policy Number, Location County Code, and Insurance Plan Code.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|9040|37|9|Only one primary record is allowed for the 'P14' record when Added County Indicator Code is empty or Added County Indicator Code is one of the following values: 'P', 'N' when Insurance Plan Code is '04', '05', or '06' and multiple Type Code/Practice Code values were selected. Values checked are AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, CommodityYear, Commodity Code, Policy Number, Location County Code, Coverage Type Code, Type Code and Practice Code.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|9041|37|9|Only one primary record is allowed for the 'P14' record when Added County Indicator Code is empty or Added County Indicator Code is one of the following values: 'P', 'N' when Commodity Code equals '0073' or '1010'. Values checked are AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, CommodityYear, Commodity Code, Policy Number, Location County Code, Coverage Type Code, Type Code, and Practice Code.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|21455|37|9|Only one primary record is allowed for the 'P14' record when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0053','0047','0067','0073','0088','1010') and NOT (Location State Code is one of the following values: ('04','06') and Commodity Code equals '0052') and NOT (Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')) and NOT (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0192','0207','0208','0209','0308')) and NOT (Location State Code equals '12' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0201','0202','0203','0227','0309','1302','9936')) and (Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: ('04','05','06') or (Insurance Plan Code ... and Added County Indicator Code is one of the following values: 'N', 'P' and Fall To Spring County Flag is 'Y' and LP Insurance Option Code Flag is 'N' and Specialty Type Indicator Flag is 'N'.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|3225|12|9|Added County is not valid for Carryover policies where Added County Indicator Code is 'S'. County cannot be insured for another commodity for current year or for same commodity for last year.| 2022|D00001|P14|77784|34|9|For commodity with the LP option, if Added County Indicator Code is equal to 'N' or 'P', then the same Added County Indicator Code must be on both Irrigated Practice and Non-Irrigated Practice P14 records.| 2022|D00001|P14|6283|3|9|Added County Code cannot be changed after the LRR Cutoff date.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|3224|12|9|When Added County Code is equal to S, record must be submitted after Sales Closing Date.| 2022|D00001|P14|3219|12|9|Added County Code must have a previously accepted Primary Insurance In Force.| 2022|D00001|P14|3221|43|9|When submitting an added county policy ('S' record) and the primary county policy ('N' or 'P' record) on the same batch, the primary record must have been previously accepted with the following matching values: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Added County AIP Policy Producer Key, Added County AIP Insurance In Force Key, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Coverage Level Percent, Price Election Percent, Price Indicator Code, Location State Code if the primary county policy is equal to 'P', Coverage Type Code, Insurance Plan Code. Exceptions: if the Added County Indicator Code of the primary county policy is equal to 'N' then the Location State Code does not have to match. If the added county policy is CAT and the primary county policy is buy-up, then the Coverage Type Code, Coverage Level, Price Election Percent, and/or Price Indicator Code can be different and the Insurance Plan Code does not have to match as long as if the plan of the added county policy is '01', '02', or '03' and the plan of the primary county policy is '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', or '06'.| 2022|D00001|P14|10547|43|9|When submitting an added county policy ('S' record) and the primary county policy ('N' or 'P' record) on a different batch, the primary record must have been previously accepted with the following matching values: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Added County AIP Policy Producer Key, Added County AIP Insurance In Force Key, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Coverage Level Percent, Price Election Percent, Price Indicator Code, Location State Code if the primary county policy is equal to 'P', Coverage Type Code, Insurance Plan Code. Exceptions: if the Added County Indicator Code of the primary county policy is equal to 'N' then the Location State Code does not have to match. If the added county policy is CAT and the primary county policy is buy-up, then the Coverage Type Code, Coverage Level, Price Election Percent, and/or Price Indicator Code can be different and the Insurance Plan Code does not have to match as long as if the plan of the added county policy is '01', '02', or '03' and the plan of the primary county policy is '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', or '06'.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|5042|1|9|Added County AIP Policy Producer Key is Required when Added County Indicator Code is 'S'.| 2022|D00001|P14|5043|22|9|Added County AIP Policy Producer Key must be empty when Added County Indicator Code is not 'S'.| 2022|D00001|P14|7985|17|9|Added County AIP Policy Producer Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P14|8702|67|9|Added County AIP Policy Producer Key must be have been previously accepted when Added County Indicator Code is 'S'.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P14|5044|1|9|Added County AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required when Added County Indicator Code is 'S'.| 2022|D00001|P14|5045|22|9|Added County AIP Insurance In Force Key must be empty when Added County Indicator Code is not 'S'.| 2022|D00001|P14|7986|17|9|Added County AIP Insurance In Force Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P14|8703|67|9|Added County AIP Insurance In Force Key must be previously accepted when Added County Indicator Code is 'S'.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|3227|67|6|Policy History Request Code, if submitted, must be a valid History Request Code as defined in the (D00146) History Request ICE record.|D00146 2022|D00001|P14|30289|1|9|Reference Commodity Year is Required when Insurance Plan Code equals '41' or Commodity Code equals '0470' or Commodity Code equals '0501'.| 2022|D00001|P14|30290|22|9|Reference Commodity Year must be empty when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0501', '0470' and Insurance Plan Code is not '41'.| 2022|D00001|P14|30291|2|9|Reference Commodity Year must be Numeric when Reference Commodity Year exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|30292|17|9|Reference Commodity Year must be exactly 4 characters in length when Reference Commodity Year exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|30293|3|9|Reference Commodity Year must be between Commodity Year -1 and Commodity Year when Reference Commodity Year exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|52450|1|9|Percent of Value is Required when Commodity Code is '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P14|52451|22|9|Percent of Value must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P14|52455|2|9|Percent of Value must be Numeric when Percent of Value exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|52456|20|9|Percent of Value must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99 when Percent of Value exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|52454|34|9|The Sum of Percent Of Value for all Practice Codes (intervals) in the same growing season must equal 1.00 where the same growing season is defined by Policy Number, AIP Policy Producer Key, Location State Code, Location County Code, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Growing Season (Cropping Practice Code).| 2022|D00001|P14|52458|67|9|Percent of Value must be greater than or equal to the Minimum Acre Percent and less than or equal to the Maximum Acre Percent on the A00810 AdmPrice record.|A00810 2022|D00001|P14|54071|10|9|Entity Certification Code must be valid; edit with ICE Entity Certification ICE "D00147" record when Entity Certification Code exists.|D00147 2022|D00001|P14|62988|1|9|Associated AIP Policy Producer Key is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '37', '87', '88', '89', '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P14|62994|1|9|Associated AIP Policy Producer Key is Required when Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|130396|67|9|The Associated AIP Policy Producer Key record must exist in the current batch when Insurance Plan Code is '26', '27', '28', '37'.| 2022|D00001|P14|92533|10|9|Associated AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when Associated AIP Policy Producer Key exists and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '01', '02', '03'. The Associated AIP Policy Producer Key must be tied to an MP policy; otherwise, it must be empty.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|62989|22|9|Associated AIP Policy Producer Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '01', '02', '03', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '40', '87', '88', '89', '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P14|92527|12|9|For the MP and underlying P14s, once accepted, they must always be submitted together and their link cannot be broken. The submitted Associated AIP Policy Producer Key, once accepted, must match to the Previously Accepted Associated AIP Policy Producer Key.| 2022|D00001|P14|62991|1|9|Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '37', '87', '88', '89', '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P14|62995|1|9|Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required when Associated AIP Policy Producer Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|130397|67|9|The Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key record must exist in the current batch when Insurance Plan Code is '26', '27', '28', '37'.| 2022|D00001|P14|92531|10|9|Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key exists and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '01', '02', '03'. The Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key must be tied to an MP policy; otherwise, it must be empty.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|62992|22|9|Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '01', '02', '03', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '40', '87', '88', '89', '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P14|76688|34|9|The Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key and Associated AIP Policy Producer Key are required for STAX when the STAX policy is found to have a base/companion policy. They can only be empty (NULL) if the STAX is a standalone policy.| 2022|D00001|P14|92583|34|9|For MP policy (plans 16, 17), the Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key and Associated AIP Policy Producer Key are required when the underlying policy (plan 01, 02, or 03) is found. They can only be empty (NULL) if the MP policy is a standalone policy.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|101249|34|9|For underlying policy (plan 01, 02, or 03), the Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key and Associated AIP Policy Producer Key are required when the MP policy (plans 16, 17) is found in the ODS Insurance In Force 'ODS14' table. They can only be empty (NULL) if there is no MP policy tie to the underlying policy.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P14|142830|34|9|For underlying policy (plan 01, 02, or 03), the Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key and Associated AIP Policy Producer Key are required when the MP policy (plans 16, 17) is found in the current batch. They can only be empty (NULL) if there is no MP policy tie to the underlying policy.| 2022|D00001|P14|119337|22|9|Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '01', '02', '03' for a High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement (HB Insurance Option Code) policy.| 2022|D00001|P14|76687|34|9|There must be one and only one SCO P14 record when the companion policy is under plans 01, 02, 03, 55, or 90. There must be one and only one or STAX P14 record when the companion policy is under plan 04, 05, or 06. There must be one and only one ECO P14 record when the companion policy is under plans 01, 02, 03, 55, or 90. The SCO, ECO, or STAX P14 must be pointing to a particular base P14 record. Multiple SCO P14 records under plan 01, 02, 03 , 55, or 90, or STAX P14 records under plans 04, 05, or 06, or ECO P14 records under plans 01, 02, 03, 55, or 90 for the same policy, same Associated AIP Policy Producer Key, and same Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key are not allowed.| 2022|D00001|P14|92529|12|9|For the MP and underlying P14s, once accepted, they must always be submitted together and their link cannot be broken. The submitted Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key, once accepted, must match to the Previously Accepted Associated AIP Insurance In Force Key. Except when Late Reported Reason Code is 22.| 2022|D00001|P14|63093|1|9|Coverage Range is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P14|63094|22|9|Coverage Range must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P14|63097|2|9|Coverage Range must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P14|63098|20|9|Coverage Range must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P14|72300|6|9|For Cotton (0021) under STAX plans (35, 36), the Coverage Range must be one of the following values: (0.0000, 0.0500, 0.1000, 0.1500, 0.2000).| 2022|D00001|P14|129676|10|9|Unit Structure Transaction Code must be valid; edit with ICE Unit Structure Transaction ICE "D00175" record when Unit Structure Transaction Code exists.|D00175 2022|D00001|P14|129704|6|9|Unit Structure Transaction Code must not equal one of the following values: '06', '07', '08' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'MC' and Unit Structure Transaction Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|129725|67|9|When a Unit Structure Transaction Code is submitted it must be an available Unit Structure for the commodity and insurance plan found in the ICE 'D00092' Insurance Plan Commodity Unit Structure table.|D00092 2022|D00001|P14|153333|34|9|The combination of Unit Structure Transaction Code and Insurance Option Code List must include the valid Required 1 Insurance Option Code; Edit with Unit Structure Transaction Code ICE "D00175" record.|D00184 2022|D00001|P14|153334|34|9|The combination of Unit Structure Transaction Code and Insurance Option Code List must not include any of the Excluded 1-5 Insurance Option Codes; Edit with Unit Structure Transaction Code ICE "D00175" record.|D00184 2022|D00001|P14|153335|12|9|When a base policy is associated to an endorsement (MP) then both the base P14 and the endorsement P14 must have the same Unit Structure Transaction Code in the current batch or previously accepted in the ODS Insurance In Force, ODS14.| 2022|D00001|P14|142714|1|9|Underlying AIP Policy Producer Key is Required when Underlying AIP Insurance In Force Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|142716|22|9|Underlying AIP Policy Producer Key must be empty when Underlying AIP Insurance In Force Key is empty.| 2022|D00001|P14|142715|22|9|Underlying AIP Policy Producer Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not '37'.| 2022|D00001|P14|142717|1|9|Underlying AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required when Underlying AIP Policy Producer Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P14|142718|22|9|Underlying AIP Insurance In Force Key must be empty when Underlying AIP Policy Producer Key is empty.| 2022|D00001|P14|142719|22|9|Underlying AIP Insurance In Force Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not '37'.| 2022|D00001|P14|10602|12|4|Policy was found to be a Possible Duplicate, 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P14|10603|12|6|Policy was found to be a Duplicate, 'D'.| 2022|D00001|P14|5851|1514|5|The Policy Producer was found to be Ineligible.|D10020 2022|D00001|P14|5895|1515|5|An SBI was found to be Ineligible due to the crop/state/plan or Ineligible SBI Percent Share. The AIP Policy Producer Other Person Keys of the Ineligible entities are listed in the expected values output.|D10020 2022|D00001|P14|92730|1027|0|Set Internal Program Indicator Code List = .ProgramIndicatorCodeList from the P10 record .| 2022|D00001|P15|3342|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P15|3344|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P15|3343|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P15|129596|12|9|The Policy Number field is required. The submitted value must be numeric and exactly 7 characters long. '0000000' is not allowed.| 2022|D00001|P15|129600|12|9|Insurance Plan Code is required and must represent a valid insurance plan. Livestock plans that do not have an APH calcualtion, such as 81 and 82, are not valid.| 2022|D00001|P15|129601|12|9|The Commodity Code is required and must be a valid insured commodity. The commodity code must be exactly 4 charcters in length, 0 padded to the left if necessary.| 2022|D00001|P15|129602|12|9|Location State Code and Location County Code are required. State Code must be a valid two digit state code and County Code must be a valid three digit county code.| 2022|D00001|P15|129603|12|9|Program Indicator Code List, when submitted, must contain valid Program Indicator Code values. Indicator Codes must be unique in the list. VF and BF are not allowed to be submitted together.| 2022|D00001|P15|6343|67|11|Yield records may only be submitted for certain commodities and insurance plans. Edit with the Yield Requirement ICE (D00066).|D00066 2022|D00001|P15|53854|12|9|When the Extended Type/Practice fields are in Transition or have been Implemented, the submitted values in the Extended Type/Practice fields must be valid for the offer according to the ADM Insurance Offer (A00030) record.| 2022|D00001|P15|92536|12|9|P15 records are not allowed for Margin Protection (Plans 16 or 17).| 2022|D00001|P15|5664|12|11|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record.|A00030 2022|D00001|P15|8731|65|9|The corresponding P14 record in this batch must be accepted for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P15|19460|12|9|For Pistachios, at least four Actual Yields are required to be submitted, or the value in Actual Yield Year Count must be greater than or equal to four.| 2022|D00001|P15|16599|12|9|Yield Trend requires that at least one actual Yield Type Code be submitted in the last four calendar years.| 2022|D00001|P15|8049|12|9|Annual Yield must be greater than 0 for Yield Year 8, 9, or 10 when Commodity Code is '0115'.| 2022|D00001|P15|5101|1|9|Basic Unit Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P15|5834|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-08-02 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P15|3288|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P15|5102|17|9|Basic Unit Number must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P15|101147|67|9|Master Yield Summary records must be submitted with at least one non-summary record in the same batch.| 2022|D00001|P15|119170|67|9|Master yield non-summary records for Caneberries must be accompanied in the same batch by a Master Yield summary record.| 2022|D00001|P15|119171|67|9|Master Yield Summary records must be submitted with at least one non-summary record in the same batch.| 2022|D00001|P15|101140|12|9|A Master Yield non-Summary record must be accompanied by a Summary record in the same batch for the given commodity, state, county, type and practice. Additionally, the Approved Yield and Rate Yield must match between the Summary and non-Summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|5144|1503|11|The following child records must be accepted in the batch for this record to be accepted:P15A.| 2022|D00001|P15|19083|1504|9|The following child records must exist in the batch for this record to be accepted:P15A| 2022|D00001|P15|9331|34|9|All P15 records in this batch must be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P15|3289|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is required.| 2022|D00001|P15|5103|1|9|Optional Unit Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P15|5104|17|9|Optional Unit Number must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P15|8012|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P15|3291|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P15|8824|1|9|APH Procedural Exception Number is Required when APH Procedural Exception Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P15|8760|22|9|APH Procedural Exception Number must be empty when APH Procedural Exception Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P15|8013|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P15|8687|17|9|APH Procedural Exception Number must be exactly 3 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P15|8688|33|9|APH Procedural Exception Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P15|8825|6|9|APH Procedural Exception Number must not equal '000'.| 2022|D00001|P15|3292|1|9|AIP Yield Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P15|3294|17|9|AIP Yield Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P15|8736|10|9|APH Procedural Exception Code must be valid; edit with APH Procedural Exception ICE "D00096" record.|D00096 2022|D00001|P15|10800|12|9|APH Procedural Exception Code 'P' is only valid for the following commodities: Forage Production, Alfalfa Seed, Forage Seeding, Mint and Sugarcane.| 2022|D00001|P15|4801|9|9|AIP Yield Key must be unique within the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P15|63067|12|9|APH Procedural Exception Code of "D" is only valid when the Yield Indicator Code is "SB".| 2022|D00001|P15|3297|1|9|Type Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|17185|1|9|Type Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and any of the Extended Type Codes have been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|5200|22|9|Type Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|17186|22|9|Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type OR Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|4762|10|9|Type Code must be valid; edit with Type ADM "A00540" record.|A00540 2022|D00001|P15|4763|1|9|Practice Code is required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and any of the Extended Type Codes have been omitted, with the exception of Caneberry summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|17182|1|9|Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented, with the exception of Caneberry summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|5201|22|9|Practice Code must be empty Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|17183|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type OR Practice Codes have been submitted, or if this is Caneberry summary record.| 2022|D00001|P15|4837|10|9|Practice Code must be valid; edit with Practice ADM "A00510" record.|A00510 2022|D00001|P15|7980|6|9|Practice Code must not equal one of the following values: '063', '073', '083', '729', '730', '731', '732', '733', '734' when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0021', '0022'.| 2022|D00001|P15|78867|12|9|When the LP option code is elected on the P14 records the Practice Code is required on the associated P15s. So if P14 is an irrigated practice (002, 702 or 712), then all associated P15's must be any or all irrigated practice (002, 702 & 712); if P14 is a non-irrigated practice (003, 703 or 713), then all associated P15's must be any or all non-irrigated practice (003, 703 & 713). The irrigation practice (IRR or NonIRR) must match between the P14 and P15 records. Treat Limited Irrigation (045) as Irrigated (002).| 2022|D00001|P15|17188|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|17189|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|17190|22|9|Commodity Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|53896|22|9|Commodity Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|3287|10|9|Commodity Type Code must be valid; edit with Commodity Type ADM "A00430" record.|A00430 2022|D00001|P15|17191|1|9|Class Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|17192|1|9|Class Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|17193|22|9|Class Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|53897|22|9|Class Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|3304|10|9|Class Code must be valid; edit with Class ADM "A00410" record.|A00410 2022|D00001|P15|17194|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|17195|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|17196|22|9|Sub Class Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|53898|22|9|Sub Class Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|19388|10|9|For Insurance Plan Code of 01, if the Type Code on the associated P14 record is a specialty type, then the type code on the P15 record must also be a specialty type.|D00110 2022|D00001|P15|10091|3|9|Type Code must be equal to the Type Code from the corresponding P14 record, if submitted, for all commodities except: Spring Commodities changing from Fall using Late Reported Reason Code of '06', Specialty Type Barley (0091) and Non-Specialty Type (Barley under Plan 01, 02, or 03), Caneberry (6000).| 2022|D00001|P15|19282|12|9|For spring commodity changing from fall commodity using Late Reported Reason Code of '06', the spring Type Codes between P14 and P15 are interchangeable.| 2022|D00001|P15|3307|10|9|Sub Class Code must be valid; edit with Sub Class ADM "A00530" record.|A00530 2022|D00001|P15|73158|34|9|For Apple Commodity Code (0054), the Varietal Groups Types (114, 115, & 116) are not allowed to be submitted with a Fresh Apple Type (111) within the same Basic Unit Number for the same Policy, State, County.| 2022|D00001|P15|73159|34|9|For Apple Commodity Code (0054), a Fresh Type (111) is not allowed to be submitted with the Varietal Groups Types (114, 115, & 116) within the same Basic Unit Number for the same Policy, State, County.| 2022|D00001|P15|54067|57|9|For Commodity Code 0057, Sweet Cherries and Tart Cherries cannot be mixed together within the same AIP Policy Producer Key and AIP Insurance In force Key. Each group should have a separate P14 record with a unique AIP Insurance In Force Key.| 2022|D00001|P15|55175|6|9|For Commodity Code 0057 with Type Code 416, Tart Cherries, Type Code on the parent P14 must also be for Tart Cherries with Type Code 416.| 2022|D00001|P15|17197|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|17198|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|17199|22|9|Intended Use Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|53899|22|9|Intended Use Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|10095|3|9|Practice Code must be equal to the Practice Code from the corresponding P14 record, if submitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|76752|6|9|Practice Code must equal one of the following values: '211', '977', '978' when Commodity Code is '0154' and Location State Code is '06' and Location County Code is '111' and Practice Code on the corresponding P14 record exists and is equal to one of the following values: '211', '977', '978'.| 2022|D00001|P15|76753|6|9|Practice Code must equal one of the following values: '706', '985', '986' when Commodity Code is '0154' and Location State Code is '06' and Location County Code is '111' and Practice Code on the corresponding P14 record exists and is equal to one of the following values: '706', '985', '986' .| 2022|D00001|P15|3313|10|9|Intended Use Code must be valid; edit with Intended Use ADM "A00470" record.|A00470 2022|D00001|P15|17200|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented, with the exception of Caneberry summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|17201|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted, with the exception of Caneberry summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|17202|22|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted, or this is a Caneberry summary record.| 2022|D00001|P15|53900|22|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|3324|10|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be valid; edit with Irrigation Practice ADM "A00490" record.|A00490 2022|D00001|P15|17203|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented, with the exception of Caneberry summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|17204|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted, with the exception of Caneberry summary recors.| 2022|D00001|P15|17205|22|9|Cropping Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted, or if this is a Caneberry summary record.| 2022|D00001|P15|53901|22|9|Cropping Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|3321|10|9|Cropping Practice Code must be valid; edit with Cropping Practice ADM "A00450" record.|A00450 2022|D00001|P15|17206|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented, with the exception of Caneberry summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|17207|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted, with the exception of Caneberry summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|17208|22|9|Organic Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted, or if this is a Caneberry summary record.| 2022|D00001|P15|53902|22|9|Organic Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|3327|10|9|Organic Practice Code must be valid; edit with Organic Practice ADM "A00500" record.|A00500 2022|D00001|P15|17209|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented with the exception of Caneberry summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|17210|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted, with the exception of Caneberry summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|17211|22|9|Interval Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted, or if this is a Caneberry summary record.| 2022|D00001|P15|53903|22|9|Interval Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P15|4989|10|9|Interval Code must be valid; edit with Interval ADM "A00480" record.|A00480 2022|D00001|P15|119058|67|9|WA Number must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when ADM Exists Flag is 'Y' and WA Number exists.|A00030 2022|D00001|P15|10160|12|9|Written Agreement was found in the ICE Exception Request table, but it has not yet been approved.| 2022|D00001|P15|51197|12|9|Written Agreement was not found in the ICE Exception Request table.| 2022|D00001|P15|8038|22|9|Actual Yield Year Count must be empty when Commodity Code is '0115'.| 2022|D00001|P15|3302|2|9|Actual Yield Year Count must be Numeric when Actual Yield Year Count exists.| 2022|D00001|P15|5882|7|9|Actual Yield Year Count must be between 0 and 10 when Actual Yield Year Count exists.| 2022|D00001|P15|3303|1|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number is Required for perennial commodities when Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'F' and (Leaf Year exists for the insurance offer in the ADM Yield and Tyield (A01100) record or ((Commodity Code equals '0470' or Commodity Code equals '0501') and Perennial Grafting Year Month Number is empty)).| 2022|D00001|P15|5163|22|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must be empty for non-Perennial commodities. For Perennial commodities with the exception being Pistachios, Olives, and Blueberries, this field must be empty if the Leaf Year is empty in the ADM Yield and Tyield (A01100) record for this offer.| 2022|D00001|P15|3305|33|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P15|3306|17|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must be exactly 6 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P15|5528|12|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must represent a date later than January 1900. The first four characters must be a valid year and the last 2 characters must be a valid month or '00'.| 2022|D00001|P15|5957|12|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must not be within the current Reinsurance Year.| 2022|D00001|P15|7989|12|9|The month indicated by the Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must not equal '00' if the Yield Indicator Code is not 'W'.| 2022|D00001|P15|6486|3|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must be less than Perennial Grafting Year Month Number when the right 2 characters in Perennial Set Out Year Month Number is not equal to '00' and the right 2 characters in Perennial Grafting Year Month Number is not equal to '00'.| 2022|D00001|P15|7991|12|9|If the last two characters of Perennial Set Out Year Month Number or Perennial Grafting Year Month Number equal 00, the first 4 characters in Perennial Grafting Year Month Number must be greater than or equal to the first 4 characters in Perennial Set Out Year Month Number.| 2022|D00001|P15|3335|1|9|Perennial Leaf Year Count is Required for Perennial commodities when Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'F' and (Leaf Year exists for the insurance offer in the ADM Yield and Tyield (A01100) record or Commodity Code equals '0470' or Commodity Code equals '0501').| 2022|D00001|P15|5164|22|9|Perennial Leaf Year Count must be empty for non-Perennial commodities. For Perennial commodities with the exception being Pistachios, Olives, and Blueberries, this field must be empty when Leaf Year is empty in the ADM Yield and Tyield (A01100) record for this offer.| 2022|D00001|P15|7984|12|9|If Perennial Leaf Year Count is populated, either Perennial Graft Year or Perennial Set Out Year must be populated, or the Yield Indicator Code must equal 'W'.| 2022|D00001|P15|3336|2|9|Perennial Leaf Year Count must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|7988|1|9|Perennial Leaf Year Count is Required when Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'W' and Perennial Grafting Year Month Number is empty and Perennial Leaf Year Count is greater than (Perennial Set Out Year Month Number - 1948) + 1.| 2022|D00001|P15|5535|15|9|For Perennial commodities other than Macadamia Nuts, Arizona-California Citrus, Texas Citrus Fruit, Florida Citrus Fruit and Hawaii Tropical Fruit: The Perennial Leaf Year Count must equal (Commodity Year - Year Of Set Out) + 1, if the Month of set out is before July (exception for Blueberries in MS state 28 which is before April). If the Month is July or later, a value of 1 is NOT added to the calculation (exception for Blueberries in MS state 28 which is after March). For Pistachios, (Commodity Year - Year Of Set Out) + 1. If Perennial Grafting Year Month Number is not null, use Perennial Grafting Year instead of Year of Set Out in the calculation.| 2022|D00001|P15|5538|15|9|For Macademia Nuts ('0023'), Perennial Leaf Year Count must equal Commodity Year - the greater of Perennial Set Out Year Month Number and Grafting Year Month Number minus 2.| 2022|D00001|P15|5546|15|9|For Arizona, California, Texas, or Florida Citrus Fruit, Perennial Leaf Year Count must equal Commodity Year - the greater of Perennial Set Out Year Month Number and Grafting Year Month Number.| 2022|D00001|P15|5547|15|9|For Hawii Tropical Fruit, Perennial Leaf Year Count must equal: 1 if Months After Set Out<=12, 2 if Months After Set Out is between 13 and 24, 3 if Months After Set Out is between 25 and 36, and 4 if Months After Set Out is greater than 36 months.| 2022|D00001|P15|19459|7|9|Perennial Leaf Year Count must be greater than or equal to 10 when Commodity Code is '0470'.| 2022|D00001|P15|3308|1|9|Perennial Density Quantity is Required when Yield Indicator Code is empty or Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'F' and Leaf Year exists and match is found in "D00023" ICE Perennial Commodity and Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0012', '0058'.| 2022|D00001|P15|5548|22|9|Perennial Density Quantity must be empty for non-Perennial commodities. For Perennial commodities, with the exception being Blueberries, the Perennial Density Quantity must be empty when Leaf Year is empty in the ADM Yield and Tyield (A01100) record for this offer.| 2022|D00001|P15|3309|2|9|Perennial Density Quantity must be numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|3310|7|9|Perennial Density Quantity must be between 1 and 9999.| 2022|D00001|P15|3311|20|9|Perennial Density Quantity must have no more than 4 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999.| 2022|D00001|P15|101349|12|9|The Perennial Density Quantity cannot be greater than 250 cap when Commodity Code is '0023' Macadamia nuts.| 2022|D00001|P15|4854|22|9|Perennial Block Number is only valid for perennial commodities.| 2022|D00001|P15|3314|2|9|Perennial Block Number must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|3315|7|9|Perennial Block Number must be between 1 and 999.| 2022|D00001|P15|3316|20|9|Perennial Block Number must have no more than 3 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999.| 2022|D00001|P15|3318|2|9|Perennial TYield Factor must be numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|3319|20|9|Perennial TYield Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P15|4855|22|9|Perennial TYield Factor is only valid for perennial crops where a Sub County Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|5150|7|9|Perennial TYield Factor must be greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P15|4856|22|9|Perennial Special Case Code is only valid for perennial crops.| 2022|D00001|P15|3322|10|9|Perennial Special Case Code must be valid; edit with Perennial Special Case ICE "D00045" record when Perennial Special Case Code exists.|D00045 2022|D00001|P15|101316|67|9|Combination of Perennial Special Case Code and Yield Limitation Code must be valid; edit with ICE Perennial Special Case Yield Limitation ICE "D00161" record when Perennial Special Case Code exists.|D00161 2022|D00001|P15|4857|22|9|Perennial Other Characteristics Code is only valid for perennial crops.| 2022|D00001|P15|3325|10|9|Perennial Other Characteristics Code must be valid; edit with Yield And Tyield ADM "A01100" record.|A01100 2022|D00001|P15|19570|1|9|Perennial Grafting Year Month Number is Required for Pistachios and Olives when the Perennial Set Out Year Month Number is empty.| 2022|D00001|P15|3328|33|9|Perennial Grafting Year Month Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P15|3329|17|9|Perennial Grafting Year Month Number must be exactly 6 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P15|5530|12|9|Perennial Grafting Year Month Number must not be earlier than Jan. 1948, the first four characters must be a valid year and the last 2 characters must be a valid month or '00'.| 2022|D00001|P15|5958|12|9|Perennial Grafting Year Month Number must not be greater than or equal to the current Reinsurance Year.| 2022|D00001|P15|7992|12|9|Perennial Grafting Year Month Number must not contain '00' in the last two characters if the Yield Indicator Code is not 'W'.| 2022|D00001|P15|7993|12|9|If the right two characters of Perennial Grafting Year Month Number are '00', the year portion (first four characters) must equal the reinsurance year.| 2022|D00001|P15|3330|1|9|Yield Limitation Code is required.| 2022|D00001|P15|3331|10|9|Yield Limitation Code must be valid; edit with Yield Limitation ICE "D00035" record.|D00035 2022|D00001|P15|5857|10|9|Yield Limitation Code must be valid for the insurance plan and commodity; edit with Yield Limitation Insurance Plan Commodity ICE "D00080" record.|D00080 2022|D00001|P15|8004|6|9|Yield Limitation Code must not equal '05' when Coverage Type Code is 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P15|73445|12|9|When Yield Exclusion (YE) is elected on the Insurance Option Code List, the only Yield Limitation Codes allowed are: 09, 10, 11, 15 and 17.| 2022|D00001|P15|78893|12|9|Yield Limitation Code of 15 is only allowed when Yield Exclusion has been elected in the Insurance Option Code List.| 2022|D00001|P15|5860|6|9|A Yield Limitation Code of 03 or 09 is not allowed for the perennial commodity Pecans.| 2022|D00001|P15|6045|6|9|Yield Limitation Code must equal '04' when PreviousYear Yield Limitation Code is '00' and the record is a PTY summary record, or when the Yield Indicator Code is 'SB'.| 2022|D00001|P15|53795|12|9|The only Yield Limitation Codes allowed for Trended Databases are: 09, 10, 11,14, 15 and 17.| 2022|D00001|P15|63066|12|9|Yield Substitution is not allowed for Native Sod.| 2022|D00001|P15|142757|6|9|Yield Limitation Code must equal one of the following values: '09', '10', '11', '17' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'QL'.| 2022|D00001|P15|153349|6|9|Yield Limitation Code must not equal '17' when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'QL'.| 2022|D00001|P15|72747|12|9|No ADM data was found to support the necessary Yield Substitution calculations. Verify that the business key data submitted are contained in the A01100 ADM YIeld and T Yield record. This error is commonly caused by missing or incomplete Sub County or WA Number data (if applicable).| 2022|D00001|P15|110077|12|9|Yield Limitation Code of 16 is only allowed when YC has been submitted in the Insurance Option Code List. Additionally, when YC is submitted in the Insurance Option Code List, the only Yield Limitation Codes that are allowed are: 09 & 16.| 2022|D00001|P15|110078|12|9|Yield Limitation Code of '03' is only allowed for commodities with a filing date prior to 11/30/2017. To submit a Yield Cup election for commodities with a filing date on or after this date, a Yield Limitation Code of 16 must be used in conjunction with an Insurance Option Code of "YC".| 2022|D00001|P15|110126|1|9|Previous Year Yield Limitation Code is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains 'YC'.| 2022|D00001|P15|3333|10|9|Previous Year Yield Limitation Code must be valid; edit with Yield Limitation ICE "D00035" record for the previous year, Reinsurance Year - 1.|D00035 2022|D00001|P15|6145|6|9|Previous Year Yield Limitation Code must not equal one of the following values: '09', '12', '00', '05', '07', '08' when Yield Limitation Code equals '03' and (Commodity Code is not equal to '0011' or Type Code is not one of the following values: ('012','015') or Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: ('02','03') or Location State Code is not one of the following values: ('30','38','46')).| 2022|D00001|P15|6047|6|9|Previous Year Yield Limitation Code must not equal one of the following values: '03', '05', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13' if the record is a PTY summary record.| 2022|D00001|P15|73449|6|9|Previous Year Yield Limitation Code must not equal 15 when the submitted Yield Limitation Code is 03.| 2022|D00001|P15|3334|1|9|Previous Year Approved Yield is Required when Yield Limitation Code is one of the following values: '01', '03', '05', '07', '10', '11', '13', '16' for all commodities except Oysters.| 2022|D00001|P15|5894|1|9|Previous Year Approved Yield is required if the Yield Limitation Code equals one of the following values: 01, 03, 05, 07, 10, 11, 13, or if any yield type is based on the previous approved yield (Yield Type Code equal 'P', 'GP', 'VP' or 'PP').| 2022|D00001|P15|3337|2|9|Previous Year Approved Yield must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|5111|20|9|Previous Year Approved Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P15|43081|25|9|Previous Year Approved Yield must be a whole number, with no significant digits after the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is not one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2022|D00001|P15|43080|25|9|Previous Year Approved Yield can have one significant digit to the right of the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2022|D00001|P15|6046|6|9|Previous Year Approved Yield must equal 0 when Previous Year Yield Limitation Code is '00' and this record is a PTY Summary record.| 2022|D00001|P15|19399|7|9|The Previous Year Approved Yield for Oranges in California must be less than or equal to the maximum allowable yield for the insurance plan in the state, as defined by the Maximum Yield ICE (D00120), unless at least one P15A record has been submitted with an Excessive Yield Review Flag of "Y".|D00120 2022|D00001|P15|19400|7|9|The Previous Year Approved Yield must be less than or equal to the maximum allowable yield for the submitted state and commodity, as defined by the Maximum Yield ICE (D00120), unless at least one P15A record has been submitted with an Excessive Yield Review Flag of "Y".|D00120 2022|D00001|P15|19719|7|9|For Sesame and Grass Seed, the Previous Year Approved Yield must be greater than zero when the Yield Limitation Code is not '04' or '09'.| 2022|D00001|P15|5898|1|9|Transitional Yield is Required when:(1) Yield Indicator Code is one of the following values: A, AL, W and commodity is not Pistachios OR (2) Yield Indicator Code is NULL or 'C', and the number of associated yield history records with Yield Type Code 'C' is greater than 0 OR (3) One of the following Yield Type Codes has been submitted on an associated P15A: E, EK, EX, I, IL, IX, N, NK, NX, S, SK, SX, T, TK, TX or X OR (4) Yield Limitation Code is one of the following values: 05, 07, 08, 09, 12 OR (5) Yield Indicator Code is K and this is not a PTY Summary record.| 2022|D00001|P15|38923|22|9|Transitional Yield must be empty for commodities that do not utilize transitional yields, except for Fresh Market Beans and Oysters.| 2022|D00001|P15|3347|2|9|Transitional Yield must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|5110|20|9|Transitional Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P15|8036|7|9|Transitional Yield must be greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P15|6166|10|9|Transitional Yield must be valid; edit with the T-Yield value from Yield And Tyield ADM "A01100" record for non-ARH commodities, when (1) Yield Indicator is NOT one of the following values: A,AL,F,K,W AND (2) Yield Indicator is NOT C and no Yield Types of 'C' have been submitted AND(3) This is not a Perennial Commodity or no yield substitution is taking place AND (4) Yield Indicator Code is not M or no yield types of "F" have been submitted AND (5) PTY is not elected.|A01100 2022|D00001|P15|16251|10|9|Transitional Yield must be valid; edit with the Revenue Yield value from Yield And Tyield ADM "A01100" record for ARH commodities, when (1) Yield Indicator is NOT one of the following values: A,AL,F,K,W AND (2) Yield Indicator is NOT C and no Yield Types of 'C' have been submitted AND(3) This is not a Perennial Commodity or no yield substitution is taking place.|A01100 2022|D00001|P15|52282|6|9|Transitional Yield must equal Average Yield when Commodity Code is '0105' and Yield Limitation Code is '09'.| 2022|D00001|P15|5612|1|9|Yield Indicator Code is Required for Pistachios and Olives, or when Insurance Option Code List contains 'PY'.| 2022|D00001|P15|3341|10|9|Yield Indicator Code must be valid; edit with Yield Indicator ICE "D00033" record.|D00033 2022|D00001|P15|6147|67|9|Yield Indicator Code must be valid; edit with Yield Indicator Commodity ICE "D00090" record when Yield Indicator Code exists.|D00090 2022|D00001|P15|5902|6|9|Yield Indicator of 'K' is only valid if Coverage Type Code is not C and the Location State Code is '38', or the Location State Code is '30' and the Location County Code is one of the following values: '019','027','041','073','111', and this is a Personal T-Yield (PTY) record.| 2022|D00001|P15|5918|67|9|Yield Indicator Code of 'M' is not valid for Category B commodities when Yield Limitation Code equals '10'.|D00047 2022|D00001|P15|63064|67|9|Native Sod is only valid for certain commodities in certain states. Refer to the D00155 Ice Program Indicator Commodity record for information on qualifying states and commodities.|D00155 2022|D00001|P15|63069|12|9|Insurance Option Code List cannot contain "TA" when Yield Indicator Code is "SB", indicating a Native Sod database.| 2022|D00001|P15|19566|6|9|For Pistachios in year 12 or greater, and Olives without an RO Assigned Yield, the Yield Indicator Code must equal the Yield Indicator Code as defined in the Ice Yield Variability Adjustment record (D00141), where the Variability Index for this record falls within the range of Yield Variability Index Low Quantity and Yield Variability Index High Quantity.| 2022|D00001|P15|51078|17|9|Insurance Option Code List must be a minimum of 0 characters in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P15|3348|1|9|Rate Yield is required.| 2022|D00001|P15|3349|2|9|Rate Yield must be numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|5553|22|9|Insurance Option Code List must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', or this is a Caneberry summary record.| 2022|D00001|P15|3350|20|9|Rate Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P15|6399|51|9|The value RS must exist in the column InsuranceOptionCodeList when Insurance Plan Code is '47' and Yield Limitation Code is '09'.| 2022|D00001|P15|6556|51|9|The value YA must exist in the column InsuranceOptionCodeList when Insurance Plan Code is not '47' and Yield Limitation Code is '09'.| 2022|D00001|P15|5615|51|9|The value PY must not exist in Insurance Option Code List when Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'B' and Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'K' and Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'SB' and Insurance Option Code List exists.| 2022|D00001|P15|5599|31|9|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be unique.| 2022|D00001|P15|5850|51|9|The value ME must not exist in the column InsuranceOptionCodeList.| 2022|D00001|P15|101141|12|9|TA, YE and YA options cannot be sent in on Master Yield Non-Summary records. For Master yields these values can only be submitted on Summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|74616|12|9|Yield Exclusion (YE) is not valid on PTY Summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|89403|12|9|Yield Exclusion (YE) is not allowed on Master Yield non-summary records.| 2022|D00001|P15|142731|12|9|When option code QL is submitted, at least one P15A must have a Pre Quality Unadjusted Total Production value greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P15|5846|50|9|Each delimited value in the Insurance Option Code List must be valid according to the ADM Option Rate A01060 record.|A01060 2022|D00001|P15|43073|25|9|Rate Yield must be a whole number, with no significant digits after the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is not one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2022|D00001|P15|43074|25|9|Rate Yield can have one significant digit to the right of the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2022|D00001|P15|5847|50|9|At least one delimited value in Required Option Code must exist in the ADM Option Rate Table (A01060).|A01060 2022|D00001|P15|5848|30|9|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be valid; edit with Option Rate ADM "A01060" record.|A01060 2022|D00001|P15|110079|12|9|Yield Exclusion (YE) and/or Yield Trend (TA) are not allowed when Yield Cup (YC) has been elected.| 2022|D00001|P15|142720|12|9|Option Code of "QL" is not allowed in the Insurance Option Code List when a Written Agreement of type TC, TP or XC is submitted.| 2022|D00001|P15|19625|12|9|If the Trend Adjustment Option is available on this offer and was elected on the P14 record, and if this APH database contains actual yield information that qualifies it for Trend, then the TA option must also be elected on this Yield record. This does not apply to Native Sod databases, to Master yield Non Summary records, to Yield Cup Plus Elections, or to APH databases insured under a written agreement, unless the Exception Request Type Code is UA or HR.| 2022|D00001|P15|129608|6|9|Rate Yield must equal Calculated Rate Yield when (Yield Limitation Code is not one of the following values: (10, 11) or (Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'QL' and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'YE' and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'TA')).| 2022|D00001|P15|143239|6|9|Rate Yield must equal Approved Yield when Insurance Option Code List contains 'QL' or Insurance Option Code List contains 'YE' or Insurance Option Code List contains 'TA' and Yield Limitation Code is one of the following values: '10', '11'.| 2022|D00001|P15|3351|1|9|Average Yield is required.| 2022|D00001|P15|3352|2|9|Average Yield must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|51080|17|9|Yield Option Code List must be a minimum of 0 characters in length and a maximum of 29 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P15|3353|20|9|Average Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P15|10062|30|9|Each delimited value in Yield Option Code List must be valid; edit with Yield Option ICE "D00128" record.|D00128 2022|D00001|P15|43086|25|9|Average Yield must be a whole number, with no significant digits after the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is not one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2022|D00001|P15|43087|25|9|Average Yield can have one significant digit to the right of the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2022|D00001|P15|129607|6|9|The submitted Average Yield value does not equal the APH Calculated Average Yield.| 2022|D00001|P15|5112|1|9|Approved Yield is Required.| 2022|D00001|P15|5114|2|9|Approved Yield must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|5115|20|9|Approved Yield must have 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point. It must be in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P15|19389|7|9|The Approved Yield for Oranges in California must be less than or equal to the maximum allowable yield for the insurance plan in the state as defined by the Maximum Yield ICE (D00120), unless at least one P15A record has been submitted with an Excessive Yield Review Flag of "Y".|D00120 2022|D00001|P15|19395|7|9|The Approved Yield must be less than or equal to the maximum allowable yield for the submitted state and commodity, as defined by the Maximum Yield ICE (D00120), unless at least one P15A record has been submitted with an Excessive Yield Review Flag of "Y".|D00120 2022|D00001|P15|4842|10|9|Sub County Code must be valid; edit with Yield And Tyield ADM "A01100" record.|A01100 2022|D00001|P15|19627|3|9|Approved Yield must be greater than or equal to Adjusted Yield when Trend or Yield Exclusion is elected.| 2022|D00001|P15|8156|25|9|Approved Yield must be a whole number, with no significant digits after the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is not one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2022|D00001|P15|8159|25|9|Approved Yield can have one significant digit to the right of the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2022|D00001|P15|119169|12|9|The Approved Yield must be less than 20,000 pounds for Ventura County for Harvest Period 2, and 80,000 pounds for Harvest Period 1. For Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz and Monterey counties, Approved Yield must be less than 80,000 pounds for each Harvest Period.| 2022|D00001|P15|19253|3|9|For Trend, the Approved Yield is limited to the highest actual yield submitted plus the Trend Adjustment for that year, unless the Approved Yield is less than the Adjusted Yield.| 2022|D00001|P15|129606|6|9|The submitted Approved Yield value does not equal the APH Calculated Approved Yield.| 2022|D00001|P15|5154|1|9|FSA Yield is Required when Insurance Plan Code is '47'.| 2022|D00001|P15|5590|22|9|FSA Yield must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not equal to '47'.| 2022|D00001|P15|5118|2|9|FSA Yield must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|5119|20|9|FSA Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P15|6034|7|9|FSA Yield must be greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P15|10591|1|9|FSA Farm Number is Required when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0229', '0230', '0231', '0232', '0233', '0234', '0235', '0236', '0075'.| 2022|D00001|P15|10256|2|9|FSA Farm Number must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|10257|17|9|FSA Farm Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 7 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P15|10258|34|9|For Tobacco commodities that are not new breaking, only one Yield record is allowed for the same FSA Farm Number, Unit,Type Code and Practice Code.| 2022|D00001|P15|16267|68|9|Options may not be specified that do not exist on the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P15|52337|1|9|WA Land ID is Required when WA Number exists.| 2022|D00001|P15|52370|22|9|WA Land ID must be empty when WA Number is empty.| 2022|D00001|P15|52338|2|9|WA Land ID must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|52339|20|9|WA Land ID must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999 when WA Land ID exists.| 2022|D00001|P15|63025|6|9|If submitted, Associated Insurance Plan Code must be one of the following values: 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 87, 88, 89.| 2022|D00001|P15|128505|10|9|Late Reported Reason Code must be valid; edit with Late Reported Reason ICE "D00006" record when Late Reported Reason Code exists.|D00006 2022|D00001|P15|128506|6|9|Late Reported Reason Code must equal '21' when Late Reported Reason Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P15|128510|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code must only be submitted on valid commodities that are flagged with a 'Y' in the LateReportedReductionFlag column of the ICE D00066.| 2022|D00001|P15|19248|1|9|Adjusted Yield is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains 'TA' or Insurance Option Code List contains 'YE' or Insurance Option Code List contains 'YC' or Insurance Option Code List contains 'QL'.| 2022|D00001|P15|19249|22|9|Adjusted Yield must be empty when none of the following options are elected: TA, YE, YC or QL.| 2022|D00001|P15|19250|2|9|Adjusted Yield must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15|19251|20|9|Adjusted Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P15|129609|6|9|Adjusted Yield must equal Calculated Adjusted Yield when (Yield Limitation Code is not one of the following values: (10, 11) or (Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'QL' and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'YE' and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'TA')).| 2022|D00001|P15|143240|6|9|Adjusted Yield must equal Approved Yield when Insurance Option Code List contains 'QL' or Insurance Option Code List contains 'YE' or Insurance Option Code List contains 'TA' and Yield Limitation Code is one of the following values: '10', '11'.| 2022|D00001|P15|63021|1|9|Associated Insurance Plan Code is Required when Count of Associated P14 records for SCO is greater than 0 and Count of Associated P14 records for STAX is greater than 0 and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '01', '02', '03'.| 2022|D00001|P15|63023|22|9|Associated Insurance Plan Code must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: ('01', '02', '03', '55', '90') OR NOT ( Count of Associated P14 records for SCO is greater than 0 and Count of Associated P14 records for STAX is greater than 0 ).| 2022|D00001|P15|63030|12|3|Associated Insurance Plan Code cannot be changed 30 days after Sales Closing Date when Count of Associated P14 records for SCO is greater than zero and Count of Associated P14 records for STAX is greater than zero, except when there is Added Land.| 2022|D00001|P15|128507|12|9|Late Reported Reason Code can only be submitted when the Batch Received Date is 31 days or greater than the Production Reporting Date when this record is sent initially, or when Initial Accepted Date is 31 days or greater than the Production Reporting Date when this record has been sent previously.| 2022|D00001|P15|143004|1|9|Personal Projected Price Group Code is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '21', '22', '23'.| 2022|D00001|P15|143005|22|9|Personal Projected Price Group Code must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '21', '22', '23'.| 2022|D00001|P15|143006|17|9|Personal Projected Price Group Code must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 3 characters in length when Personal Projected Price Group Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P15|143064|67|9|Personal Projected Price Group Code must be valid; edit with ICE Personal Projected Price Group ICE "D00179" record when Personal Projected Price Group Code exists.|D00179 2022|D00001|P15A|4864|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4866|1|9|Reinsurance year is required.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4865|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P15A|4881|11|9|The parent P15 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P15A|10233|34|9|There must be no more than 10 Yield History records for a given AIP Yield Key.| 2022|D00001|P15A|10561|12|9|For Peaches and Apples, only 5 years of data are allowed to be submitted.| 2022|D00001|P15A|62030|12|9|For Pecan Revenue, Insurance Plan Code '41', only 6 years of data are allowed to be submitted.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4886|1|9|Yield Commodity Year is required.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5835|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-08-02 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4868|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P15A|4887|2|9|Yield Commodity Year must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15A|10230|20|9|Yield Commodity Year must be a whole number.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6514|3|9|Yield Commodity Year must be less than the commodity year.| 2022|D00001|P15A|10232|34|9|Yield Commodity Year must be unique for a given AIP Yield Key.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5161|7|9|Yield Commodity Year must be greater than or equal to 1970.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6304|7|9|Yield Commodity Year must be greater than or equal to 2009 when Commodity Code is '0147' and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '90' and Yield Type Code is one of the following values: 'P', 'PA'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6305|7|9|Yield Commodity Year must be greater than or equal to 2004 when Commodity Code is Peanuts (0075) and Yield Type Code is 'PA'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6307|7|9|Yield Commodity Year must be greater than or equal to 2005 if Yield Type Code is 'P' and Commodity Code is Burley Tobacco (0231).| 2022|D00001|P15A|6271|3|9|Yield Commodity Year must be greater than or equal to 2004 when Yield Type Code is one of the following values: 'NW', 'PP', 'PW', 'WY'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5920|6|9|For Cherries (0057), Yield Year 10 must equal Crop Year - 1.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5919|6|9|When Yield Commodity Year represents yield year 10, the submitted value must equal either Commodity Year - 1 or Commodity Year - 2, when Commodity Code is '0020' (Pecans).| 2022|D00001|P15A|5938|60|9|Yield Commodity Year values must be consecutive when the commodity is Pecans (0020), Cherries (0057), Oranges (0227), Strawberries (0154), and Oysters (0115).| 2022|D00001|P15A|5921|3|9|For Sugar Cane, Cigar Wrapper Tobacco, and Sweet Potatoes, Yield Commodity Year for Year 10 cannot be greater than Commodity Year - 2| 2022|D00001|P15A|8009|6|9|When Yield Commodity Year represents yield year 10, the submitted value must equal Commodity Year - 2, when the Commodity is Oranges or Oysters.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5936|12|9|When Yield Commodity Year represents yield year 10, 9, 8 or 7, the value submitted cannot equal the year established by the Perennial Set Out Year Month Number, when the Commodity is Bananas or Coffee.| 2022|D00001|P15A|44137|3|9|Yield Commodity Year must be less than or equal to Reinsurance Year -1 when Commodity Code is '0019' and Location State Code is '06'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4882|47|9|Parent P15 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4873|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is required.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5451|67|9|Yield Type Code must be valid; edit with Yield Type ICE "D00042" record.|D00042 2022|D00001|P15A|101102|22|9|Yield Type Code must be empty when Commodity Code is '0115'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4875|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P15A|7974|6|9|Yield Type Code of 'S','SK' or 'SX' are not valid for Avocados in California.| 2022|D00001|P15A|7975|6|9|Yield Type Code of 'L' is not valid for Avocados in Florida.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6353|6|9|Yield Type Code must not equal one of the following values: 'E', 'N', 'T' when Yield Indicator Code is one of the following values: 'A', 'AL'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5896|6|9|Yield Type Code must equal 'A' when Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0229','0230', '0232', '0233', '0234', '0235' ,'0236') and Yield Limitation Code is '03' and Yield Commodity Year is 2006 and the Yield Commodity Year is Yield Year 10.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6058|67|9|If this is a non-summary PTY record, the Yield Type Code must be valid for non-summary PTY records. Edit with the Yield Type ICE "D00042" record.|D00042 2022|D00001|P15A|8019|12|9|For ARH commodities, if there is a yield history record with a yield type code of 'E','N',or 'T', there must be 4 years of reported yield history with Yield Type Code not equal to NULL, 'U', or 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6360|6|9|Actual Yield Year Count must be greater than or equal to the total number of P15A Yield History records with Yield Type Code of 'A','AP','DA','FA','AY','NA','PA,'J','NR,'PR','R','RY', or 'P' if this is a PTY record and the Yield Type Code is A, FA or DA.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6329|12|9|Actual Yield Year Count must be greater than the reported occurrences of 'A', 'AC', 'AY', 'AX', 'G', 'J', 'NA', 'NR', 'NW', 'P', 'PA', 'PR', 'PW', 'R', 'RY', 'TX', 'WY' Yield Type Codes if Actual Yield Year Count > 0 and there is a yield history record of type 'E', 'IX', 'N', or 'T' and Insurance Plan Code is ARH (47).| 2022|D00001|P15A|6356|12|9|For Yield Type Code of 'K', the Yield Indicator Code must also equal 'K', if this is not a PTY record.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6306|6|9|Yield Indicator Code, if submitted, must be one of the following values: 'C', 'CR', 'K', if Yield Type Code is C.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6358|6|9|For Yield Type Code of 'L', the Yield Indicator must be 'A', 'AL', or 'K'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|101317|6|9|Yield Type Code must not equal 'G' when Yield Commodity Year is greater than or equal to 2015.| 2022|D00001|P15A|8025|12|9|For ARH commodities, if there are less than 4 Yield History records with Yield Types 'E,'N', or 'T', these records should be reported in the earliest Yield Years.| 2022|D00001|P15A|8027|12|9|For ARH commodities, if there are at least 4 yield history records of yield type 'E','N', or 'T', they should be reported in the most recent Yield Years.| 2022|D00001|P15A|8238|6|9|For Peanuts (0075), a Yield Type Code of F cannot be preceded by a record with an Actual Yield Type.| 2022|D00001|P15A|8246|6|9|For Peanuts (0075), if a Yield Type Code of 'F' is submitted, the only valid Yield Types that can be submitted in conjunction are: 'A','AP','FA','DA','AY','F','J','JJ','NA','P','PA','PP' and 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|9062|6|9|Yield Type Code must equal one of the following values: 'A', 'G', 'Z', 'DA', 'FA', 'AP' when Commodity Code equals '0091' and Insurance Option Code List equals 'MA'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5671|67|9|The number of Yield History records submitted with a given yield type code must fall within a valid range, which is between the Minimum Yield Commodity Year Count and the Maximum Yield Commodity Year Count in the Yield Type Limit Indicator ICE (D00127).|D00127 2022|D00001|P15A|5791|58|9|Only valid Yield Type Combinations are allowed, as defined in the Yield Type Combination ICE (D00036). The Number of records submitted for each Yield Type Combination must be between Minimum Yield Commodity Year Count and Maximum Yield Commodity Year Count.|D00036 2022|D00001|P15A|5852|67|9|The Yield Type Code must be valid for the Commodity Code. The valid Yield Type Code and Commodity Code combinations are contained in the Ice Yield Type Commodity ICE (D00079).|D00079 2022|D00001|P15A|5853|6|9|Yield Type Code of 'NR', 'PR', 'R', and 'RY' are only valid for Sugar Beets (0039), Dry Beans (0047), and Dry Peas (0067) and only in states that have master yields for these crops.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5854|6|9|Yield Type Code of U is only valid for commodities Avocados (0019) and Blueberries (0012). It's only valid for Grapes (0053) and Table Grapes (0052) if the Type Code is '032' or '088' or '064' or '077'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5951|6|9|For Peanuts ('0075') with at least one Yield Type of 'F', a Yield Type of 'J' can only occur in the most recent reported year (Yield Year 10).| 2022|D00001|P15A|6290|61|9|Successor yield type codes must be valid for the submitted Yield Type code and Yield Commodity Year. Successor Yield Type Codes are those which appear in Yield Commodity years greater than the Yield Commodity Year reported on this record. The Yield Type Codes that are INVALID as successor yield types are contained in the Yield Type Successor Exception ICE (D00037).|D00037 2022|D00001|P15A|6293|6|9|Yield Type Code must not equal 'G' when Yield Commodity Year Number is not one of the following values: (7, 8, 9, 10) and Commodity Code is '0020'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6295|12|9|If Commodity Code is Pecans (0020), maximum number of records of yield type code 'G' is 3| 2022|D00001|P15A|6301|6|9|Yield Type Code must not equal one of the following values: 'NA', 'NR', 'NW' when Yield Limitation Code is not '09'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6335|12|9|For Yield Type Code of E and EK: One year of actual yields must be submitted, or 1 must be submitted in the Actual Yield Year Count field, when the Yield Indicator Code is not BL or CL, and this is not newly broken acreage.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6336|12|9|Yield Type Code of I or IL is invalid when 3 Actual Yields have been submitted, or the Actual Yield Year Count field is greater than or equal to 3.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6337|12|9|For Yield Type Code 'NK': Two actual yields are required.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6338|12|9|For Yield Type Code of N: Two actual yields are required, unless the Yield Indicator Code is BL or CL, in which case only one actual yield is required.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6339|12|9|For Yield Type Code 'T': Three actual yields are required, unless the Yield Indicator Code is BL or CL, in which case only two actual yields are required.| 2022|D00001|P15A|10432|12|9|For a Yield Indicator of 'M', more than 6 Yield Types of 'Z' are only allowed if the Yield Limitation code is not '09'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5930|12|9|For Pecans ('0020'), number of yields reported must be 4,6,8, or 10| 2022|D00001|P15A|5931|12|9|For Apples ('0054'), the number of yields reported must be either 4 or 5.| 2022|D00001|P15A|8143|12|9|If the user submitted exactly 4 Yield History records of type 'L' or type 'C', and did not submit any Actual Yields, then the Actual Yield Year Count must also equal 0.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6057|1|9|Yield Type Code is required in the most 4 current years unless Yield Indicator is Master Yield ('M') or it is the PTY summary record or commodity is Oysters.| 2022|D00001|P15A|8145|12|9|For Yield Types EK, NK, or SK, when the Actual Yield Year Count is greater than 0, the Actual Yield Year Count cannot be less than the number of Actual Yields submitted.| 2022|D00001|P15A|9472|6|9|For Yield Type Codes of S and SK: For all commodities except Olives, no actual yields are allowed to be submitted in conjunction with an S or SK. Yield Indicator of BL and CL are not allowed to be submitted in conjuntion with a Yield Type of S.| 2022|D00001|P15A|9473|6|9|Yield Type Code of I or IL is not allowed when Actual Yield Year Count is greater than 2.| 2022|D00001|P15A|54073|12|9|Yield Type Code of "OG" is only valid for Reinsurance Year 2013 and prior.| 2022|D00001|P15A|54081|12|9|Yield Type Code of "OG" is only allowed for Organic Transitional or Organic Certified practices.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4895|1|9|Annual Yield is required.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4876|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is required.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6492|2|9|Annual Yield must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4925|20|9|Annual Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5156|25|9|Annual Yield must be a whole number, with no significant digits after the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is not one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|43093|25|9|Annual Yield can have one significant digit to the right of the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5989|7|9|The annual yield value must fall within the acceptable range, which is between the Minimum Yield and the Maximum Yield in the Yield Type Limit ICE (D00040).|D00040 2022|D00001|P15A|9265|7|9|The Annual Yield must be less than the maximum allowable yield for the submitted state, commodity and insurance plan, as defined by the Maximum Yield ICE (D00120). If the Location State Code is '06' and the Commodity Code is '0227', the maximum allowable yield will vary by Insurance Plan Code.|D00120 2022|D00001|P15A|9266|7|9|The Annual Yield must be less than the maximum allowable yield for the submitted state, commodity and insurance plan, as defined by the Maximum Yield ICE (D00120).|D00120 2022|D00001|P15A|8138|6|9|Annual Yield must equal 0 if Yield Type Code is null and Commodity Code is not Oranges or Oysters and this record is not a PTY Summary record.| 2022|D00001|P15A|101015|15|9|For Yields transitioning from ARPI to CCIP, a Yield Type Code of "P" with no Previous Year Approved Yield must have an Annual Yield equal to 65% of the Applicable T-Yield. In all other instances, a Previous Year Approved Yield is required for a Yield Type of "P" and the Annual Yield will equal 75% of the Previous Year Approved Yield.| 2022|D00001|P15A|45208|7|9|The Annual Yield must be greater than the maximum allowable yield for the submitted state, commodity and insurance plan, as defined by the Maximum Yield ICE (D00120), if the user has submitted an Sanity Yield Check Flag of Y.|D00120 2022|D00001|P15A|45209|7|9|The Annual Yield must be greater than the maximum allowable yield for the submitted state, commodity and insurance plan, as defined by the Maximum Yield ICE (D00120), if the user has submitted an Sanity Yield Check Flag of Y.|D00120 2022|D00001|P15A|5661|54|9|The annual yield must equal a calculated value when Yield Type Code is one of the following values: ('E','EK','I','IL','N','NK','S','SK','T','TK') and (a match is not found in "D00023" ICE Perennial Commodity or (Insurance Plan Code equals '47') or Insurance Option Code List is empty or Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'YA' or Yield Limitation Code is not equal to '09') .|D00040 2022|D00001|P15A|6009|54|9|The annual yield must equal a calculated value when ((Yield Type Code equals 'EX' and Yield Type Code Count is greater than or equal to 3) or (Yield Type Code equals 'NX' and Yield Type Code Count is greater than or equal to 2) or (Yield Type Code equals 'SX' and Yield Type Code Count is greater than or equal to 4)) and (a match is not found in "D00023" ICE Perennial Commodity or (Insurance Plan Code equals '47') or Insurance Option Code List is empty or Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'YA' or Yield Limitation Code is not equal to '09').|D00040 2022|D00001|P15A|6012|54|9|The annual yield must equal a calculated value when Yield Type Code is one of the following values: ('P','PP') and (Yield Year is 10) AND (((Commodity Code equals '0038' or Commodity Code equals '0236' or Reinsurance Year is not equal to Commodity Year) and (Yield Commodity Year equals Commodity Year - 2)) OR ((Commodity Code is not equal to '0038' and Commodity Code is not equal to '0236' and Reinsurance Year equals Commodity Year) and (Yield Commodity Year equals Commodity Year - 1))). The calculated value is: (Transitional Amount or Previous Year Approved Yield) * Yield Type Factor * Reference Year Adjustment Factor (if applicable), as defined by the Yield Type Limit ICE (D00040).|D00040 2022|D00001|P15A|4880|1|9|AIP Yield Key is required.| 2022|D00001|P15A|8010|17|9|AIP Yield Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6493|2|9|Annual Production must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4928|20|9|Annual Production must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.99 when Annual Production exists.| 2022|D00001|P15A|153620|7|9|Annual Production must be greater than or equal to 0 when Annual Production exists.| 2022|D00001|P15A|9213|1|9|Yield Acreage is Required.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4883|1|9|AIP Yield History Key is required.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4885|17|9|AIP Yield History Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6494|2|9|Yield Acreage must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4930|20|9|Yield Acreage must have no more than 6 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4884|9|9|AIP Yield History Key must be unique within the parent P15 record.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5606|7|9|Yield acreage must be within the valid range for the given Yield Type Code. Valid range is established using the Minimum Acreage and Maximum Acreage values defined in the Yield Type Limit ICE (D00040).|D00040 2022|D00001|P15A|6049|6|9|Yield Acreage must equal 0 when Yield Type Code is NULL, and this is not a PTY Summary Record.| 2022|D00001|P15A|8141|6|9|Yield Acreage must equal 0 when (Valid Organic Practice Code equals '001') or (Commodity Code equals '0018' and Practice Code equals '702') and Yield Type Code is 'G'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|10717|6|9|Yield Acreage must not equal 0 when (Valid Organic Practice Code equals '002') or (Commodity Code equals '0018' and Practice Code equals '712') and Yield Type Code is 'G'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6242|6|9|Yield Acreage must equal 0 if Yield Type Code is F and Commodity Code is not Apples ('0054') or the Location State Code is not Idaho, Oregon, or Washington.| 2022|D00001|P15A|8163|7|9|When a history record with Yield Type Code of B is submitted with Yield Acreage greater than zero, all history records of Yield Type B in subsequent years must also have Yield Acreage greater than zero.| 2022|D00001|P15A|8167|7|9|Yield Acreage must be greater than 0 when more than 4 years of history have been submitted and the Yield Type Code is 'B'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|8188|7|9|Yield Acreage must be greater than 0 for Yield Type Code of B when the Yield Year represents one of the following values: (9,7,5,3,1) and the B Yield Type immediately precedes one of the following Yield Types: 'A', 'G', 'V'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|8189|7|9|Yield Acreage must be greater than 0 for Yield Type Code of B when the Yield Year represents one of these values: (10,8,6,4,2) and the B Yield Type immediately follows one of the following Yield Types: 'A', 'G', 'V'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6240|7|9|For Yield Type Code of B, the Yield Acreage must be greater than 0 when 4 years of history have been submitted and the record is preceded by a record with Yield Type Code of A, G or V.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6232|22|9|Average Acre Production must be empty when NOT ((Commodity Code equals '0020' and Insurance Plan Code equals '41') or (Insurance Plan Code equals '47')).| 2022|D00001|P15A|6496|2|9|Average Acre Production must be numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15A|4935|20|9|Average Acre Production must have no more than 6 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6032|7|9|Average Acre Production must be greater than or equal to 0 when Annual Yield is greater than 0 and ((Insurance Plan Code equals '41' and Commodity Code equals '0020' and Yield Type Code is one of the following values: ('A','AP', 'DA', 'G','FA')) or (Insurance Plan Code equals '47')).| 2022|D00001|P15A|6033|7|9|For Pecans ('0020'), Average Acre Production must be greater than or equal to 0 if Annual Yield is greater than 0 and Yield Type is 'B'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|19182|7|9|Average Acre Production must be less than 6000.| 2022|D00001|P15A|10261|1|9|Skip Row Code is Required when Skip Row Width exists.| 2022|D00001|P15A|10259|22|9|Skip Row Code must be empty when Skip Row Width is empty.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5454|22|9|Skip Row Code must be empty when Yield Type Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'E', 'I', 'IL', 'L', 'N', 'S', 'T', 'TX', 'W6', 'W7', 'X', 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6078|22|9|Skip Row Code must be empty when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0021', '0022', '0041'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|5453|10|9|Skip Row Code must be valid; edit with Skip Row ICE "D00039" record.|D00039 2022|D00001|P15A|38705|12|9|Yield Type Code of I or IL are not allowed when more than two years of history are found for the producer for the given state, county and commodity.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6139|1|9|Skip Row Width is Required when Skip Row Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P15A|10262|22|9|Skip Row Width must be empty when Skip Row Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6498|33|9|Skip Row Width must contain only numeric characters when Skip Row Width exists.| 2022|D00001|P15A|6141|7|9|Skip Row Width must be between the lower and upper boundaries, as indicated in ICE Skip Row "D00039".|D00039 2022|D00001|P15A|19118|17|9|Sanity Yield Check Flag must be exactly 1 characters in length when Sanity Yield Check Flag exists.| 2022|D00001|P15A|19119|6|9|Sanity Yield Check Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N' when Sanity Yield Check Flag exists.| 2022|D00001|P15A|73446|17|9|Yield Exclusion Opt Out Flag must be exactly one character in length if submitted.| 2022|D00001|P15A|73448|12|9|Yield Exclusion Opt Out Flag, if submitted, can only be 'Y' or 'N'. A value of 'Y' is only allowed if YE was submitted in the Insurance Option Code List.| 2022|D00001|P15A|109967|67|9|Production Record Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Production Record Type ICE "D00150" record when Production Record Type Code exists.|D00150 2022|D00001|P15A|109968|12|9|Production Record Type Code of I, J, K and L are only allowed for Arpi plans: 04, 05 and 06.| 2022|D00001|P15A|119297|12|9|Production Record Type Codes of M, N, and Q are only allowed for CCIP plans: 01, 02, 03, 41, 21, 22, 23, 47, and 90.| 2022|D00001|P15A|109966|1|9|Production Record Type Code is required beginning in Reinsurance Year 2019 for all Yield Years reported for 2018 and later.| 2022|D00001|P15A|142724|2|9|Pre Quality Yield must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P15A|142723|20|9|Pre Quality Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P15A|142820|22|9|Pre Quality Yield must be empty when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'QL'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|142753|7|9|Pre Quality Yield must be greater than 0 when Pre Quality Yield exists.| 2022|D00001|P15A|142729|7|9|The Pre Quality Yield must be less than the maximum allowable yield for the submitted state, commodity and insurance plan, as defined by the Maximum Yield ICE (D00120).|D00120 2022|D00001|P15A|142730|7|9|The Pre Quality Yield must be less than the maximum allowable yield for the submitted state, commodity and insurance plan, as defined by the Maximum Yield ICE (D00120).|D00120 2022|D00001|P15A|142768|22|9|Pre Quality YIeld is only allowed for the following Yield Types: 'A', 'AC', 'AP', 'AY', 'BF', 'DA', 'FA', 'NA', 'NR, 'NW', 'PA', 'PR', 'PW', 'R', 'RY', 'WY'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|142769|3|9|Pre Quality Yield must be greater than Annual Yield when Pre Quality Yield exists.| 2022|D00001|P15A|142824|1|9|Pre Quality Unadjusted Total Production is Required when Pre Quality Yield exists.| 2022|D00001|P15A|142823|22|9|Pre Quality Unadjusted Total Production must be empty when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'QL'.| 2022|D00001|P15A|142821|2|9|Pre Quality Unadjusted Total Production must be Numeric when Pre Quality Unadjusted Total Production exists.| 2022|D00001|P15A|142819|20|9|Pre Quality Unadjusted Total Production must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.99 when Pre Quality Unadjusted Total Production exists.| 2022|D00001|P15A|142822|7|9|Pre Quality Unadjusted Total Production must be greater than 0 when Pre Quality Unadjusted Total Production exists.| 2022|D00001|P18|118774|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118775|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P18|118776|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118778|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P18|118780|16|9|P18 cannot be accepted when the associated P14 record is a Duplicate Policy.|ODSDP 2022|D00001|P18|118783|12|9|The Legacy Type/Practice fields or Extended Type/Practice fields (whichever are submitted) must be valid for the offer according to the ADM Insurance Offer (A00030) record.| 2022|D00001|P18|119097|65|9|The corresponding P14 record in this batch must be accepted for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P18|153469|70|9|This DRP record has LGM coverage for the same producer and state in the same month as the DRP interval's specified quarter of coverage previously accepted.|D10075 2022|D00001|P18|143390|16|9|The SSA Death Master File indicates that the Primary Producer on this policy died before Sales Effective Date. The producer is no longer be eligible for this P18 record, when Entity Certification Code is not one of the following values: 'M', 'P', 'S'.|D10033 2022|D00001|P18|143391|30|9|The SSA Death Master File indicates that one of the Other Producers on this policy died before the Sales Effective Date. The producer is no longer be eligible for this P18 record, when Entity Certification Code is not one of the following values: 'M', 'P', 'S'. And, there are no previously accepted P18 endorsements for this policy for this Reinsurance Year.|D10033 2022|D00001|P18|119070|67|9|DRP Premium records must be initially accepted before noon on the next business date after the submitted Sales Effective Date. After that cutoff, no changes are allowed to be submitted on the record.|ODS18 2022|D00001|P18|119035|530|9|Unable to perform the Dairy Revenue Protection Premium Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Coverage Level Percent, Declared Covered Milk Production, Declared Insured Share Percent, Protection Factor, Sales Effective Date| 2022|D00001|P18|118784|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118785|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P18|119088|16|9|The Primary Producer was found to be ineligible for insurance for the submitted Sales Effective Date.|D10020 2022|D00001|P18|118786|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118787|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P18|118788|1|9|AIP DRP Premium Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118789|17|9|AIP DRP Premium Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P18|118790|9|9|AIP DRP Premium Key must be unique within the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P18|118791|1|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118792|12|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance Agent ODS "ODS55" record.| 2022|D00001|P18|118793|12|9|The corresponding Insurance Agent (P55) must have a valid COI Questionnaire Completion Date.| 2022|D00001|P18|118794|1|9|Type Code is Required when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118795|1|9|Type Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and any of the Extended Type or Practice Codes have been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118796|22|9|Type Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118797|22|9|Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type or Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118798|3|9|Type Code must be equal to the Type Code from the corresponding P14 record, if submitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118799|10|9|Type Code must be valid; edit with Type ADM "A00540" record when Type Code exists.|A00540 2022|D00001|P18|118800|1|9|Practice Code is Required when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118801|1|9|Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and any of the Extended Type or Practice Codes have been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118802|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118803|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type or Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118804|3|9|Practice Code must be equal to the Practice Code on the corresponding P14 record, if submitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118805|10|9|Practice Code must be valid; edit with Practice ADM "A00510" record when Practice Code exists.|A00510 2022|D00001|P18|118806|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118807|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118808|22|9|Commodity Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118809|22|9|Commodity Type Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118810|10|9|Commodity Type Code must be valid; edit with Commodity Type ADM "A00430" record.|A00430 2022|D00001|P18|118811|1|9|Class Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118812|1|9|Class Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118813|22|9|Class Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118814|22|9|Class Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118815|10|9|Class Code must be valid; edit with Class ADM "A00410" record.|A00410 2022|D00001|P18|118816|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118817|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118818|22|9|Sub Class Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118819|22|9|Sub Class Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118820|10|9|Sub Class Code must be valid; edit with Sub Class ADM "A00530" record.|A00530 2022|D00001|P18|118821|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118822|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118823|22|9|Intended Use Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118824|22|9|Intended Use Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118825|10|9|Intended Use Code must be valid; edit with Intended Use ADM "A00470" record.|A00470 2022|D00001|P18|118826|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118827|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118828|22|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118829|22|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118830|10|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be valid; edit with Irrigation Practice ADM "A00490" record.|A00490 2022|D00001|P18|118831|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118832|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118833|22|9|Cropping Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118834|22|9|Cropping Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118835|10|9|Cropping Practice Code must be valid; edit with Cropping Practice ADM "A00450" record.|A00450 2022|D00001|P18|118836|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118837|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118838|22|9|Organic Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118839|22|9|Organic Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118840|10|9|Organic Practice Code must be valid; edit with Organic Practice ADM "A00500" record.|A00500 2022|D00001|P18|118841|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118842|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118843|22|9|Interval Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P18|118844|22|9|Interval Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P18|118845|10|9|Interval Code must be valid; edit with Interval ADM "A00480" record.|A00480 2022|D00001|P18|119064|1|9|Sales Effective Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|119065|8|9|Sales Effective Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P18|119066|67|9|Sales Effective Date must be valid; edit with ADM DRP Daily Price ADM "A00833" record.|A00833 2022|D00001|P18|118846|1|9|Insured Premium Signature Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118847|8|9|Insured Premium Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P18|118848|7|9|Insured Premium Signature Date must be between Contract Change Date minus one year and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P18|118850|3|9|Insured Premium Signature Date must be between 07-01 (Reinsurance Year -1 year) and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P18|118851|1|9|Agent Premium Signature Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118852|8|9|Agent Premium Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P18|118853|3|9|Agent Premium Signature Date must be less than Inactive Date from the Agent, 'P55', record.| 2022|D00001|P18|118854|3|9|Agent Premium Signature Date must be between 07-01 (Reinsurance Year -1 year) and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P18|118855|7|9|Agent Premium Signature Date must be between Contract Change Date minus one year and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P18|118859|1|9|AIP Total Premium Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118860|2|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P18|118861|20|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P18|118951|6|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must equal Total Premium Amount.| 2022|D00001|P18|118856|1|9|AIP Liability Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118857|2|9|AIP Liability Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P18|118858|20|9|AIP Liability Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P18|118950|6|9|AIP Liability Amount must equal Liability Amount.| 2022|D00001|P18|118862|1|9|AIP Subsidy Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118863|2|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P18|118864|20|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P18|118952|6|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must equal Subsidy Amount.| 2022|D00001|P18|118866|17|9|Additional Subsidy Flag must be exactly 1 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P18|118868|17|9|State Private Subsidy Flag must be exactly 1 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P18|118869|1|9|Declared Insured Share Percent is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118870|2|9|Declared Insured Share Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P18|118871|20|9|Declared Insured Share Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P18|118872|7|9|Declared Insured Share Percent must be between 0.0001 and 1.0000.| 2022|D00001|P18|118873|1|9|Coverage Level Percent is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118874|2|9|Coverage Level Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P18|118875|20|9|Coverage Level Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P18|118876|10|9|Coverage Level Percent must be valid; edit with Coverage Level Differential ADM "A01040" record.|A01040 2022|D00001|P18|118877|1|9|Declared Covered Milk Production is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118878|2|9|Declared Covered Milk Production must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P18|118879|20|9|Declared Covered Milk Production must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P18|118880|7|9|Declared Covered Milk Production must be greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P18|118886|1|9|Protection Factor is Required.| 2022|D00001|P18|118887|2|9|Protection Factor must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P18|118888|20|9|Protection Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P18|118889|7|9|Protection Factor must be between 1.00 and 1.50.| 2022|D00001|P18|118890|12|9|Protection Factor must be in 0.05 increments.| 2022|D00001|P18|118891|1|9|Class Price Weighting Factor is Required when Type Code is '831'.| 2022|D00001|P18|118892|22|9|Class Price Weighting Factor must be empty when Type Code is not '831'.| 2022|D00001|P18|118894|2|9|Class Price Weighting Factor must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P18|118895|20|9|Class Price Weighting Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P18|118896|7|9|Class Price Weighting Factor must be between 0.00 and 1.00 when Class Price Weighting Factor Restricted Value, from the DRP Daily Price ADM "A00833" record, is empty.| 2022|D00001|P18|119165|12|9|Class Price Weighting Factor must be in increments of 0.05 when Class Price Weighting Factor Restricted Value, from the DRP Daily Price ADM "A00833" record, is empty.| 2022|D00001|P18|153345|6|9|Class Price Weighting Factor must equal Class Price Weighting Factor Restricted Value from the DRP Daily Price ADM "A00833" record when Class Price Weighting Factor Restricted Value exists.| 2022|D00001|P18|118897|1|9|Declared Butterfat Test is Required when Type Code is '832'.| 2022|D00001|P18|118898|22|9|Declared Butterfat Test must be empty when Type Code is not '832'.| 2022|D00001|P18|118900|2|9|Declared Butterfat Test must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P18|118901|20|9|Declared Butterfat Test must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P18|118902|7|9|Declared Butterfat Test must be between 3.25 and 5.50.| 2022|D00001|P18|118903|12|9|Declared Butterfat Test must be in increments of 0.05.| 2022|D00001|P18|118904|1|9|Declared Protein Test is Required when Type Code is '832'.| 2022|D00001|P18|118905|22|9|Declared Protein Test must be empty when Type Code is not '832'.| 2022|D00001|P18|118907|2|9|Declared Protein Test must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P18|118908|20|9|Declared Protein Test must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P18|118909|7|9|Declared Protein Test must be between 2.75 and 4.50.| 2022|D00001|P18|118910|12|9|Declared Protein Test must be in increments of 0.05.| 2022|D00001|P18|118911|1|9|Settlement Flag is Required when Settlement Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P18|118913|6|9|Settlement Flag must equal 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P18|118914|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P18|118915|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y' and Settlement Type Code is 'A'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P18|118932|1|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent is Required when Applied Program Indicator Code List contains 'CC' or 'TR'.| 2022|D00001|P18|118933|22|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be empty when Applied Program Indicator Code List does not contain 'CC' or 'TR'.| 2022|D00001|P18|118934|2|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be Numeric when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P18|118935|20|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999 when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P18|118936|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than 0 and less than 1, when not associated with a P10B with an Entity Type Code equal to 'F', when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists and the P10 is not in CC or TR violation. Or, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, when associated with a P10B with an Entity Type Code equal to 'F' and one of the P10B SBIs has a TR violation, when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists and the P10 is not in CC or TR violation.| 2022|D00001|P18|118937|6|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must equal 1.000 when P10 Applied Program Indicator Code List contains 'CC' and CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P18|118938|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1 when the P10 Applied Program Indicator Code List contains 'TR' and CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P18|118939|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1 when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P18|118943|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be equal on all associated P18s, unless at least one of the associated P10Bs contains an Entity Type Code equal to 'F', when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P18|142663|1|9|Component Price Weighting Factor is Required when Type Code is '832'.| 2022|D00001|P18|142664|22|9|Component Price Weighting Factor must be empty when Valid Type Code is not '832'.| 2022|D00001|P18|142666|2|9|Component Price Weighting Factor must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P18|142667|20|9|Component Price Weighting Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P18|142668|7|9|Component Price Weighting Factor must be between 0.00 and 1.00 when Component Price Weighting Factor Restricted Value, from the DRP Daily Price ADM "A00833" record, is empty.| 2022|D00001|P18|142669|12|9|Component Price Weighting Factor must be in increments of 0.05 when Component Price Weighting Factor Restricted Value, from the DRP Daily Price ADM "A00833" record, is empty.| 2022|D00001|P18|142670|6|9|Component Price Weighting Factor must equal Component Price Weighting Factor Restricted Value from the DRP Daily Price ADM "A00833" record when Component Price Weighting Factor Restricted Value exists.| 2022|D00001|P18|131781|1514|5|The Policy Producer was found to be Ineligible.|D10020 2022|D00001|P18|131755|1515|5|An SBI was found to be Ineligible due to the crop/state/plan or Ineligible SBI Percent Share. The AIP Policy Producer Other Person Keys of the Ineligible entities are listed in the expected values output.|D10020 2022|D00001|P18|119067|1021|0|Set DRP Premium Cutoff Date to the specified calculation: DATEADD(hour, 12, DATEADD(day, CASE WHEN DATEPART(weekday, Sales Effective Date ) = 6 THEN /* Friday -> Monday */ 3 WHEN DATEPART(weekday, Sales Effective Date ) = 7 THEN /* Saturday -> Monday */ 2 ELSE /* Next Business Day */ 1 END, Sales Effective Date ) ).| 2022|D00001|P19|72778|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72779|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P19|72780|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72781|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-10-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P19|72782|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P19|72784|16|9|P19 cannot be accepted when the associated P14 record is a Duplicate Policy.|ODSDP 2022|D00001|P19|87265|67|9|There can exist only one WFRP Farm Reports P19 for the same Policy Producer P10 and Insurance In Force P14. A previously accepted duplicate was found in the ODS19 table.|ODS19 2022|D00001|P19|87266|67|9|There can exist only one WFRP Farm Reports P19 for the same Policy Producer P10 and Insurance In Force P14. A duplicate was found in the current batch.| 2022|D00001|P19|72927|12|9|The Legacy Type/Practice fields or Extended Type/Practice fields (whichever are submitted) must be valid for the offer according to the ADM Insurance Offer (A00030) record.| 2022|D00001|P19|101163|67|9|For Whole Farm policies (Insurance Plan Code 76) that are carry over polices, an accepted P26 Production record must exist in the prior Reinsurance Year if the Coverage Level Percent is greater than 65%.|ODS26 2022|D00001|P19|101339|12|9|The sum of P19A acres with 'DM' in their Program Indicator Code List must be less than or equal to 5 acres.| 2022|D00001|P19|73101|12|9|Coverage Level Percent must not equal one of the following values: '0.80', '0.85' when Qualifying Commodity Count is less than 3, Coverage Level Percent Waiver Flag is 'N' and Qualifying Commodity Count Cup Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19|73102|526|9|Unable to perform the WFRP Farm Reports Calculation Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Allowable Revenue Amount 1, Allowable Revenue Amount 2, Allowable Revenue Amount 3, Allowable Revenue Amount 4, Allowable Revenue Amount 5, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent, Expanded Operation Flag, Premium Based Code, Reinsurance Year, Expanded Operation Adjustment Factor| 2022|D00001|P19|73103|67|9|This P19 record must have at least one corresponding P19A record.| 2022|D00001|P19|73104|34|9|All corresponding P19A records must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P19|101229|67|9|This P19 record must have at least one corresponding P19B record when MPCI Liability Amount is greater than 0 and Premium Based Code is 'R' for Revised.| 2022|D00001|P19|101230|34|9|All corresponding P19B records must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72798|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72799|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P19|72800|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72801|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P19|72803|1|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72804|17|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P19|72805|9|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key must be unique within the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P19|72802|1|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72929|12|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance Agent ODS "ODS55" record.| 2022|D00001|P19|72931|12|9|The corresponding Insurance Agent (P55) must have a valid COI Questionnaire Completion Date.| 2022|D00001|P19|72935|12|9|The corresponding Insurance Agent (P55) must be eligible.| 2022|D00001|P19|72979|1|9|Type Code is Required when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72977|1|9|Type Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and any of the Extended Type or Practice Codes have been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72919|22|9|Type Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72978|22|9|Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type or Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72921|3|9|Type Code must be equal to the Type Code from the corresponding P14 record, if submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72922|10|9|Type Code must be valid; edit with Type ADM "A00540" record when Type Code exists.|A00540 2022|D00001|P19|72980|1|9|Practice Code is Required when the Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72981|1|9|Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and any of the Extended Type or Practice Codes have been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72923|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72982|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Code fields are in transition, and any of the Extended Type or Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72925|3|9|Practice Code must be equal to the Practice Code on the corresponding P14 record, if submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72926|10|9|Practice Code must be valid; edit with Practice ADM "A00510" record when Practice Code exists.|A00510 2022|D00001|P19|72936|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72937|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72938|22|9|Commodity Type Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72939|22|9|Commodity Type Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72940|10|9|Commodity Type Code must be valid; edit with Commodity Type ADM "A00430" record.|A00430 2022|D00001|P19|72941|1|9|Class Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72942|1|9|Class Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72943|22|9|Class Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72944|22|9|Class Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72945|10|9|Class Code must be valid; edit with Class ADM "A00410" record.|A00410 2022|D00001|P19|72946|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72947|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72948|22|9|Sub Class Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72949|22|9|Sub Class Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72950|10|9|Sub Class Code must be valid; edit with Sub Class ADM "A00530" record.|A00530 2022|D00001|P19|72951|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72952|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Type Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72953|22|9|Intended Use Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Type Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72954|22|9|Intended Use Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72955|10|9|Intended Use Code must be valid; edit with Intended Use ADM "A00470" record.|A00470 2022|D00001|P19|72961|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72962|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72963|22|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72964|22|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72965|10|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be valid; edit with Irrigation Practice ADM "A00490" record.|A00490 2022|D00001|P19|72956|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72957|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72958|22|9|Cropping Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72959|22|9|Cropping Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72960|10|9|Cropping Practice Code must be valid; edit with Cropping Practice ADM "A00450" record.|A00450 2022|D00001|P19|72966|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72967|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72968|22|9|Organic Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72969|22|9|Organic Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72970|10|9|Organic Practice Code must be valid; edit with Organic Practice ADM "A00500" record.|A00500 2022|D00001|P19|72971|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72972|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72973|22|9|Interval Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19|72974|22|9|Interval Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P19|72975|10|9|Interval Code must be valid; edit with Interval ADM "A00480" record.|A00480 2022|D00001|P19|72806|17|9|Insurance Option Code List must be a minimum of 0 characters in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P19|72985|31|9|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be unique.| 2022|D00001|P19|72987|30|9|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be valid; edit with Option Rate ADM "A01060" record.|A01060 2022|D00001|P19|72988|30|9|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be valid; edit with Insurance Option Criteria ICE "D00137" record.|D00137 2022|D00001|P19|72989|50|9|Each delimited value in Excluded Option Code must not exist in the D10010 record.|D10010 2022|D00001|P19|72990|50|9|At least one delimited value in Required Option Code must exist in the D10011 record.|D10011 2022|D00001|P19|72991|68|9|Options may not be specified that do not exist on the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P19|128926|12|9|If Insurance Option Code List contains 'RC', then a WFRP policy is required in the prior reinsurance year.| 2022|D00001|P19|72807|1|9|Insured Operation Signature Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72809|8|9|Insured Operation Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P19|72810|7|9|Insured Operation Signature Date must be between Contract Change Date minus one year and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P19|72812|3|9|Insured Operation Signature Date must be between 07-01 (Reinsurance Year minus 1 year) and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P19|72808|1|9|Agent Operation Signature Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72813|8|9|Agent Operation Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P19|72814|3|9|Agent Operation Signature Date must be less than Inactive Date from the Agent, 'P55', record.| 2022|D00001|P19|72815|3|9|Agent Operation Signature Date must be between 07-01 (Reinsurance Year minus 1 year) and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P19|72818|7|9|Agent Operation Signature Date must be between Contract Change Date minus one year and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P19|72816|1|9|Premium Based Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72817|6|9|Premium Based Code must equal one of the following values: 'I' for Intended or 'R' for Revised.| 2022|D00001|P19|109884|6|9|Premium Based Code must equal 'R' when Batch Received Date is greater than Premium Billing Date + 30.| 2022|D00001|P19|110054|12|9|When Premium Based Code is "R", the SUM of the Revised Expected Revenue Amount from the P19A for commodities with a Revised Unit of Measure Code of 98 cannot be greater than the SUM of the Revised Expected Revenue Amount for commodities that do not have a Revised Unit of Measure Code of 98.| 2022|D00001|P19|72819|1|9|AIP Total Expected Revenue Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72820|2|9|AIP Total Expected Revenue Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72821|20|9|AIP Total Expected Revenue Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72822|6|9|AIP Total Expected Revenue Amount must equal Total Expected Revenue Amount.| 2022|D00001|P19|72824|2|9|AIP Historic Average Revenue Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72825|20|9|AIP Historic Average Revenue Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72826|6|9|AIP Historic Average Revenue Amount must equal Historic Average Revenue Amount.| 2022|D00001|P19|72831|1|9|AIP Approved Revenue Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72832|2|9|AIP Approved Revenue Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72833|20|9|AIP Approved Revenue Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|74664|15|9|AIP Approved Revenue Amount must be less than or equal to 8500000.00 / Coverage Level Percent when Coverage Level Percent is not 0.0000.| 2022|D00001|P19|153645|7|9|AIP Approved Revenue Amount must be less than or equal to $100,000 when the record is for Micro Farm, Commodity Code = '9110', with no previous year Micro Farm policy, P14 Contract Carryover Flag = 'N', during the Intended period, Premium Based Code = 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P19|153646|7|9|AIP Approved Revenue Amount must be less than or equal to $125,000 when the record is for Micro Farm, Commodity Code = '9110', with a previous year Micro Farm policy, P14 Contract Carryover Flag = 'Y', during the Intended period, Premium Based Code = 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72834|6|9|AIP Approved Revenue Amount must equal Approved Revenue Amount when Liability Amount Limitation Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72835|1|9|AIP Approved Expense Amount is Required when Commodity Code is '0076'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72836|2|9|AIP Approved Expense Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72837|20|9|AIP Approved Expense Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72838|6|9|AIP Approved Expense Amount must equal Approved Expense Amount when Commodity Code is not '9110'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72839|1|9|AIP Liability Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72840|2|9|AIP Liability Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72841|20|9|AIP Liability Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|74665|7|9|AIP Liability Amount must be less than or equal to 8500000.00.| 2022|D00001|P19|72842|6|9|AIP Liability Amount must equal Liability Amount when Liability Amount Limitation Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72843|1|9|AIP Total Premium Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72844|2|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72845|20|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72846|6|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must equal Total Premium Amount.| 2022|D00001|P19|72847|1|9|AIP Subsidy Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72848|2|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72849|20|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72850|6|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must equal Subsidy Amount.| 2022|D00001|P19|72852|17|9|Additional Subsidy Flag must be exactly 1 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P19|72854|17|9|State Private Subsidy Flag must be exactly 1 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P19|72856|1|9|Settlement Flag is Required when Settlement Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P19|72858|6|9|Settlement Flag must equal 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72859|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P19|72860|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y' and Settlement Type Code is 'A'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P19|72862|2|9|MPCI Liability Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72863|20|9|MPCI Liability Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72864|67|9|MPCI Liability Amount can only be submitted when there is at least one P19A, WFRPFarmReportsDetail, record submitted for a commodity that qualifies for MPCI liability as determined by the A00400, AdmAgrCommodity, table.| 2022|D00001|P19|73071|1|9|Fiscal Start Year and Month is Required when Type Code is one of the following values: '671', '672'.| 2022|D00001|P19|73073|22|9|Fiscal Start Year and Month must be empty when Type Code is not one of the following values: '671', '672'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72869|12|9|Fiscal Start Year and Month must be in the current Commodity Year when Type Code is one of the following values: '670', '671'.| 2022|D00001|P19|110062|12|9|Fiscal Start Year and Month must be in Commodity Year minus 1 when Type Code is '672'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72996|12|9|If Early Fiscal Year Filer (Type Code is '671') then Fiscal Start Year and Month must be after January and prior to September of Crop Year.| 2022|D00001|P19|72998|12|9|If Late Fiscal Year Filer (Type Code is '672') then Fiscal Start Year and Month must be after August of Crop Year.| 2022|D00001|P19|73074|1|9|Fiscal End Year and Month is Required when Type Code is one of the following values: '671', '672'.| 2022|D00001|P19|73075|22|9|Fiscal End Year and Month must be empty when Type Code is not one of the following values: '671', '672'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72871|12|9|Fiscal End Year and Month must be in the next year after Commodity Year when Type Code is one of the following values: '670', '671'.| 2022|D00001|P19|110063|12|9|Fiscal End Year and Month must be in the current Commodity Year when Type Code is '672'.| 2022|D00001|P19|73077|12|9|Fiscal End Year and Month must be 12 consecutive months after Fiscal Year Start Date.| 2022|D00001|P19|72872|1|9|Expanded Operation Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72873|6|9|Expanded Operation Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19|153881|6|9|Expanded Operation Flag must equal 'N' when Commodity Code is '9110'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72874|1|9|Tax Year 1 ID is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|73149|2|9|Tax Year 1 ID must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72875|6|9|Tax Year 1 ID must equal Commodity Year - 6 when ( Commodity Code equals '0076' and Valid Type Code is one of the following values: ('670', '671') ) OR ( Commodity Code equals '9110' and Valid Type Code equals '672' ).| 2022|D00001|P19|110057|6|9|Tax Year 1 ID must equal Commodity Year - 7 when Valid Type Code is '672' and Commodity Code is '0076'.| 2022|D00001|P19|153647|6|9|Tax Year 1 ID must equal Commodity Year - 5 when Valid Type Code is one of the following values: '670', '671' and Commodity Code is '9110'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72884|1|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 1 is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72885|2|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 1 must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72886|20|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 1 must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72899|1|9|Allowable Expense Amount 1 is Required when Commodity Code is '0076'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72900|2|9|Allowable Expense Amount 1 must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72901|20|9|Allowable Expense Amount 1 must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72876|1|9|Tax Year 2 ID is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|73150|2|9|Tax Year 2 ID must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72877|6|9|Tax Year 2 ID must equal Commodity Year - 5 when ( Commodity Code equals '0076' and Valid Type Code is one of the following values: ('670', '671') ) OR ( Commodity Code equals '9110' and Valid Type Code equals '672' ).| 2022|D00001|P19|110058|6|9|Tax Year 2 ID must equal Commodity Year - 6 when Valid Type Code is '672' and Commodity Code is '0076'.| 2022|D00001|P19|153648|6|9|Tax Year 2 ID must equal Commodity Year - 4 when Valid Type Code is one of the following values: '670', '671' and Commodity Code is '9110'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72887|1|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 2 is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72888|2|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 2 must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72889|20|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 2 must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72902|1|9|Allowable Expense Amount 2 is Required when Commodity Code is '0076'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72903|2|9|Allowable Expense Amount 2 must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72904|20|9|Allowable Expense Amount 2 must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72878|1|9|Tax Year 3 ID is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|73151|2|9|Tax Year 3 ID must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72879|6|9|Tax Year 3 ID must equal Commodity Year - 4 when ( Commodity Code equals '0076' and Valid Type Code is one of the following values: ('670', '671') ) OR ( Commodity Code equals '9110' and Valid Type Code equals '672' ).| 2022|D00001|P19|110059|6|9|Tax Year 3 ID must equal Commodity Year - 5 when Valid Type Code is '672' and Commodity Code is '0076'.| 2022|D00001|P19|153649|6|9|Tax Year 3 ID must equal Commodity Year - 3 when Valid Type Code is one of the following values: '670', '671' and Commodity Code is '9110'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72890|1|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 3 is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72891|2|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 3 must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72892|20|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 3 must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72905|1|9|Allowable Expense Amount 3 is Required when Commodity Code is '0076'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72906|2|9|Allowable Expense Amount 3 must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72907|20|9|Allowable Expense Amount 3 must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72880|1|9|Tax Year 4 ID is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|73152|2|9|Tax Year 4 ID must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72881|6|9|Tax Year 4 ID must equal Commodity Year - 3 when ( Commodity Code equals '0076' and Valid Type Code is one of the following values: ('670', '671') ) OR ( Commodity Code equals '9110' and Valid Type Code equals '672' ).| 2022|D00001|P19|110060|6|9|Tax Year 4 ID must equal Commodity Year - 4 when Valid Type Code is '672' and Commodity Code is '0076'.| 2022|D00001|P19|153650|6|9|Tax Year 4 ID must equal Commodity Year - 2 when Valid Type Code is one of the following values: '670', '671' and Commodity Code is '9110'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72893|1|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 4 is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72894|2|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 4 must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72895|20|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 4 must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72908|1|9|Allowable Expense Amount 4 is Required when Commodity Code is '0076'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72909|2|9|Allowable Expense Amount 4 must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72910|20|9|Allowable Expense Amount 4 must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72882|1|9|Tax Year 5 ID is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|73153|2|9|Tax Year 5 ID must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72883|6|9|Tax Year 5 ID must equal Commodity Year - 2 when ( Commodity Code equals '0076' and Valid Type Code is one of the following values: ('670', '671') ) OR ( Commodity Code equals '9110' and Valid Type Code equals '672' ).| 2022|D00001|P19|110061|6|9|Tax Year 5 ID must equal Commodity Year - 3 when Valid Type Code is '672' and Commodity Code is '0076'.| 2022|D00001|P19|153651|6|9|Tax Year 5 ID must equal Commodity Year - 1 when Valid Type Code is one of the following values: '670', '671' and Commodity Code is '9110'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72896|1|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 5 is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|72897|2|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 5 must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72898|20|9|Allowable Revenue Amount 5 must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|72911|1|9|Allowable Expense Amount 5 is Required when Commodity Code is '0076'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72912|2|9|Allowable Expense Amount 5 must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|72913|20|9|Allowable Expense Amount 5 must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19|73083|67|9|If Program Indicator Code List does not contain 'NS' then there must not exist any P19A records with a Program Indicator Code List that contains 'NS'.| 2022|D00001|P19|101335|67|9|If Program Indicator Code List does not contain 'DM' then there must not exist any P19A records with a Program Indicator Code List that contains 'DM'.| 2022|D00001|P19|72915|31|9|Each delimited value in Program Indicator Code List must be unique when Program Indicator Code List exists.| 2022|D00001|P19|72916|30|9|Each delimited value in Program Indicator Code List must be valid; edit with ICE Program Indicator ICE "D00154" record when Program Indicator Code List exists.|D00154 2022|D00001|P19|72917|30|9|Each delimited value in Program Indicator Code List must be valid; edit with ICE Program Indicator Commodity ICE "D00155" record when Program Indicator Code List exists.|D00155 2022|D00001|P19|73082|67|9|If Program Indicator Code List contains 'NS' then there must be at least one P19A submitted that also contains 'NS'.| 2022|D00001|P19|101336|67|9|If Program Indicator Code List contains 'DM' then there must be at least one P19A submitted that also contains 'DM'.| 2022|D00001|P19|74661|1|9|Liability Amount Limitation Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|74663|6|9|Liability Amount Limitation Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19|87206|1|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent is Required when Applied Program Indicator Code List contains 'CC' or 'TR'.| 2022|D00001|P19|87207|22|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be empty when Applied Program Indicator Code List does not contain 'CC' or 'TR'.| 2022|D00001|P19|87208|2|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be Numeric when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P19|87211|20|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999 when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P19|87212|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than 0 and less than 1, when not associated with a P10B with an Entity Type Code equal to 'F', when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists and the P10 is not in CC or TR violation. Or, CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, when associated with a P10B with an Entity Type Code equal to 'F' and one of the P10B SBIs has a TR violation, when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists and the P10 is not in CC or TR violation.| 2022|D00001|P19|87214|6|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must equal 1.000 when P10 Applied Program Indicator Code List contains 'CC' and CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P19|101150|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1 when the P10 Applied Program Indicator Code List contains 'TR' and CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P19|101153|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1 when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P19|87209|12|9|CC Subsidy Reduction Percent must be equal on all associated P19s, unless at least one of the associated P10Bs contains an Entity Type Code equal to 'F', when CC Subsidy Reduction Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P19|92577|1|9|Index Opt Out Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|92578|6|9|Index Opt Out Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19|92579|1|9|History Record Substitution Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|92580|6|9|History Record Substitution Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19|92695|1|9|Expanded Operation Adjustment Factor is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|92696|2|9|Expanded Operation Adjustment Factor must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19|92697|20|9|Expanded Operation Adjustment Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P19|92698|6|9|Expanded Operation Adjustment Factor must equal 0.00 when Expanded Operation Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19|92699|12|9|Expanded Operation Adjustment Factor must be between 0.01 and 0.35 when Expanded Operation Flag is 'Y' and no Organic Method of Establishment Codes have been submitted on the associated P19As. If at least one organic code has been submitted, this value may exceed 0.35.| 2022|D00001|P19|128901|1|9|Qualifying Commodity Count Cup Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19|128902|6|9|Qualifying Commodity Count Cup Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19|143371|22|9|Prior Year Tax ID must be empty when Insurance Option Code List is empty or Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'RC'.| 2022|D00001|P19|143373|17|9|Prior Year Tax ID must be exactly 9 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P19|143374|2|9|Prior Year Tax ID must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P19|143376|22|9|Prior Year Tax ID Type Code must be empty when Insurance Option Code List is empty or Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'RC'.| 2022|D00001|P19|143378|17|9|Prior Year Tax ID Type Code must be exactly 1 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73005|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73006|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P19A|73007|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73008|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-10-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73009|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P19A|73108|47|9|The parent P19 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73010|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73011|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P19A|73012|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73013|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P19A|73014|1|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73015|67|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key must be valid; edit with P19:WFRPFarmReports "P19" record.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73016|1|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Detail Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73017|17|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Detail Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73018|9|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Detail Key must be unique within the parent P19 record.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73019|1|9|Commodity Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73020|67|9|Commodity Code must be valid; edit with AdmAgrCommodity ADM "A00400" record.|A00400 2022|D00001|P19A|73021|67|9|Commodity Code must be valid; edit with AdmAgrRate ADM "A01000" record.|A01000 2022|D00001|P19A|73022|12|9|Commodity Code '0084', Potatoes, cannot be the only Qualifying Commodity on a policy. When Potatoes is Qualifying then Qualifying Commodity Count from the parent P19 must be at least 2.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73023|1|9|Intended Method of Establishment Code is Required when Premium Based Code is 'I' or any of the Intended fields were submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73025|10|9|Intended Method of Establishment Code must be valid; edit with ICE Method of Establishment ICE "D00157" record.|D00157 2022|D00001|P19A|73129|1|9|Intended Yield is Required when Premium Based Code is 'I' or any of the Intended fields were submitted, and Commodity Code is not 0606 or 9110.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73028|2|9|Intended Yield must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73029|20|9|Intended Yield must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73130|1|9|Intended Unit of Measure Code is Required when Premium Based Code is 'I' or any of the Intended fields were submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73031|10|9|Intended Unit of Measure Code must be valid; edit with ICE Unit of Measure ICE "D00158" record.|D00158 2022|D00001|P19A|73145|6|9|Intended Unit of Measure Code must equal one of the following values: '96', '98' when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '0600'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73131|1|9|Intended Expected Value Amount is Required when Premium Based Code is 'I' or any of the Intended fields were submitted and Commodity Code is not one of the following values: Nursery '0073' or Greenhouse '0600'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73033|2|9|Intended Expected Value Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73034|20|9|Intended Expected Value Amount must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 3 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.999.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73132|1|9|Intended Quantity is Required when Premium Based Code is 'I' or any of the Intended fields were submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73036|2|9|Intended Quantity must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73037|20|9|Intended Quantity must have no more than 7 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73135|2|9|Intended Cost, Basis, and/or Value Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73136|20|9|Intended Cost, Basis, and/or Value Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73038|1|9|Intended Expected Revenue Amount is Required when Premium Based Code is 'I' or any of the Intended fields were submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73040|2|9|Intended Expected Revenue Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73041|20|9|Intended Expected Revenue Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73187|7|9|Intended Expected Revenue Amount must be greater than or equal to 1.| 2022|D00001|P19A|74671|15|9|Intended Expected Revenue Amount must be greater than or equal to ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(Intended Yield * Intended Expected Value Amount, 2) * Intended Quantity, 0) - ISNULL(Intended Cost, Basis, and/or Value Amount, 0), 0) * Intended Insured Share Percent, 0) * Intended Percent Produced to Sell, 0) * 0.997, 0) ) OR (Intended Expected Revenue Amount > ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(Intended Yield * Intended Expected Value Amount, 2) * Intended Quantity, 0) - ISNULL(Intended Cost, Basis, and/or Value Amount, 0), 0) * Intended Insured Share Percent, 0) * Intended Percent Produced to Sell, 0) * 1.003, 0) when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0606', '9110' and Expected Revenue Amount Limitation Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|143216|15|9|Intended Expected Revenue Amount must be equal to ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(Intended Expected Value Amount * Intended Quantity,0) - ISNULL(Intended Cost, Basis, and/or Value Amount,0),0) * Intended Insured Share Percent,0) * Intended Percent Produced to Sell,0) when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0606', '9110' and Expected Revenue Amount Limitation Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73047|12|9|Total Intended Expected Revenue Amount for Nursery, '0073', and Greenhouse, '0600', cannot exceed $2,000,000 when Premium Based Code is 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73046|12|9|Total Intended Expected Revenue Amount for all Animal and Animal Products cannot exceed $2,000,000 when Premium Based Code is 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73050|6|9|Intended Weighted Average Flag must equal 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73051|1|9|Revised Method of Establishment Code is Required when Premium Based Code is 'R' or any of the Revised fields were submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73053|10|9|Revised Method of Establishment Code must be valid; edit with ICE Method of Establishment ICE "D00157" record.|D00157 2022|D00001|P19A|73137|1|9|Revised Yield is Required when Premium Based Code is 'R' or any of the Revised fields were submitted, and Commodity Code is not 0606 or 9110.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73055|2|9|Revised Yield must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73056|20|9|Revised Yield must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73138|1|9|Revised Unit of Measure Code is Required when Premium Based Code is 'R' or any of the Revised fields were submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73058|10|9|Revised Unit of Measure Code must be valid; edit with ICE Unit of Measure ICE "D00158" record.|D00158 2022|D00001|P19A|73144|6|9|Revised Unit of Measure Code must equal one of the following values: '96', '98' when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0073', '0600'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73139|1|9|Revised Expected Value Amount is Required when Premium Based Code is 'R' or any of the Revised fields were submitted and Commodity Code is not one of the following values: Nursery '0073' or Greenhouse '0600'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73060|2|9|Revised Expected Value Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73061|20|9|Revised Expected Value Amount must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 3 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.999.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73140|1|9|Revised Quantity is Required when Premium Based Code is 'R' or any of the Revised fields were submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73063|2|9|Revised Quantity must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73064|20|9|Revised Quantity must have no more than 7 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73142|2|9|Revised Cost, Basis, and/or Value Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73143|20|9|Revised Cost, Basis, and/or Value Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73065|1|9|Revised Expected Revenue Amount is Required when Premium Based Code is 'R' or any of the Revised fields were submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73067|2|9|Revised Expected Revenue Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73068|20|9|Revised Expected Revenue Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73188|7|9|Revised Expected Revenue Amount must be greater than or equal to 1.| 2022|D00001|P19A|74670|15|9|Revised Expected Revenue Amount must be greater than or equal to ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(Revised Yield * Revised Expected Value Amount, 2) * Revised Quantity, 0) - ISNULL(Revised Cost, Basis, and/or Value Amount, 0), 0) * Revised Insured Share Percent, 0) * Revised Percent Produced to Sell, 0) * 0.997, 0) ) OR (Revised Expected Revenue Amount > ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(Revised Yield * Revised Expected Value Amount, 2) * Revised Quantity, 0) - ISNULL(Revised Cost, Basis, and/or Value Amount, 0), 0) * Revised Insured Share Percent, 0) * Revised Percent Produced to Sell, 0) * 1.003, 0) when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0606', '9110' and Expected Revenue Amount Limitation Flag is 'N' and Revised Expected Revenue Amount Waiver Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|143217|15|9|Revised Expected Revenue Amount must be greater than or equal to ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(Revised Expected Value Amount * Revised Quantity,0) - ISNULL(Revised Cost, Basis, and/or Value Amount,0),0) * Revised Insured Share Percent,0) * Revised Percent Produced to Sell,0) * 0.997, 0) ) OR (Revised Expected Revenue Amount > ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(Revised Expected Value Amount * Revised Quantity,0) - ISNULL(Revised Cost, Basis, and/or Value Amount,0),0) * Revised Insured Share Percent,0) * Revised Percent Produced to Sell,0) * 1.003, 0) when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0606', '9110' and Expected Revenue Amount Limitation Flag is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73085|12|9|Total Revised Expected Revenue Amount for Nursery, '0073', and Greenhouse, '0600', cannot exceed $2,000,000 when Premium Based Code is 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73084|12|9|Total Revised Expected Revenue Amount for all Animal and Animal Products cannot exceed $2,000,000 when Premium Based Code is 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|128668|15|9|Revised Expected Revenue Amount must be less than or equal to ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(ROUND(Revised Yield * Revised Expected Value Amount, 2) * Revised Quantity, 0) - (Revised Cost, Basis, and/or Value Amount, 0), 0) * Revised Insured Share Percent, 0) * Revised Percent Produced to Sell, 0) when Revised Expected Revenue Amount Waiver Flag is 'Y' and Commodity Code is not 0606.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73070|6|9|Revised Weighted Average Flag must equal 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73079|31|9|Each delimited value in Program Indicator Code List must be unique when Program Indicator Code List exists.| 2022|D00001|P19A|73080|30|9|Each delimited value in Program Indicator Code List must be valid; edit with ICE Program Indicator ICE "D00154" record when Program Indicator Code List exists.|D00154 2022|D00001|P19A|73081|30|9|Each delimited value in Program Indicator Code List must be valid; edit with ICE Program Indicator Commodity ICE "D00155" record when Program Indicator Code List exists.|D00155 2022|D00001|P19A|74666|1|9|Expected Revenue Amount Limitation Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19A|74668|6|9|Expected Revenue Amount Limitation Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|101204|1|9|Intended Insured Share Percent is Required when Premium Based Code is 'I' or any of the Intended fields were submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|101205|2|9|Intended Insured Share Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|101206|20|9|Intended Insured Share Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P19A|101207|7|9|Intended Insured Share Percent must be between 0.0001 and 1.0000.| 2022|D00001|P19A|101302|1|9|Revised Insured Share Percent is Required when Premium Based Code is 'R' or any of the Revised fields were submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|101304|2|9|Revised Insured Share Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|101305|20|9|Revised Insured Share Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P19A|101306|7|9|Revised Insured Share Percent must be between 0.0001 and 1.0000.| 2022|D00001|P19A|119258|1|9|Intended Percent Produced to Sell is Required when Premium Based Code is 'I' or any of the Intended fields were submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|119260|2|9|Intended Percent Produced to Sell must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|119261|20|9|Intended Percent Produced to Sell must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P19A|119262|7|9|Intended Percent Produced to Sell must be between 0.0001 and 1.0000.| 2022|D00001|P19A|119263|1|9|Revised Percent Produced to Sell is Required when Premium Based Code is 'R' or any of the Revised fields were submitted.| 2022|D00001|P19A|119265|2|9|Revised Percent Produced to Sell must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P19A|119266|20|9|Revised Percent Produced to Sell must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P19A|119267|7|9|Revised Percent Produced to Sell must be between 0.0001 and 1.0000.| 2022|D00001|P19A|128669|1|9|Revised Expected Revenue Amount Waiver Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19A|128670|6|9|Revised Expected Revenue Amount Waiver Flag must equal 'N' when Premium Based Code is 'I'.| 2022|D00001|P19A|128671|6|9|Revised Expected Revenue Amount Waiver Flag must equal one of the following values: 'N', 'Y' when Premium Based Code is 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101208|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101209|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P19B|101210|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101211|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-10-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101212|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P19B|101240|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record.|A00030 2022|D00001|P19B|101233|47|9|The parent P19 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101213|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101214|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P19B|101215|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101216|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P19B|101217|1|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101218|67|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key must be valid; edit with P19:WFRPFarmReports "P19" record.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101219|1|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Sub Detail Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101220|17|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Sub Detail Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101221|9|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Sub Detail Key must be unique within the parent P19 record.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101222|1|9|Associated AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101223|10|9|Associated AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P19B|101224|1|9|Associated AIP Policy Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101235|33|9|Associated AIP Policy Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101236|17|9|Associated AIP Policy Number must be exactly 7 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101237|6|9|Associated AIP Policy Number must not equal '0000000'.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101225|1|9|Associated AIP Location State Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101226|10|9|Associated AIP Location State Code must be valid; edit with State ADM "A00520" record.|A00520 2022|D00001|P19B|101227|1|9|Associated AIP Location County Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101228|10|9|Associated AIP Location County Code must be valid; edit with County ADM "A00440" record.|A00440 2022|D00001|P19B|101238|1|9|Associated AIP Commodity Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P19B|101239|10|9|Associated AIP Commodity Code must be valid; edit with Commodity ADM "A00420" record.|A00420 2022|D00001|P20|7320|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P20|7321|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P20|7322|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P20|7324|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-10-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P20|7325|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P20|29345|65|9|The corresponding P10 record in this batch must be accepted for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P20|7526|1504|11|The following child records must exist in the batch for this record to be accepted:P20A| 2022|D00001|P20|7433|1503|11|The following child records must be accepted in the batch for this record to be accepted:P20A| 2022|D00001|P20|7894|34|6|The corresponding P21 records must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P20|10523|34|6|The corresponding P22 records must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P20|73439|34|6|The corresponding P23 records must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P20|7328|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P20|7329|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P20|7333|1|9|AIP Loss Total Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P20|7334|17|9|AIP Loss Total Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P20|7336|9|9|AIP Loss Total Key must be unique within the parent P10 record.| 2022|D00001|P20|7337|1|9|Claim Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P20|8873|2|9|Claim Number must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P20|8874|20|9|Claim Number must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.| 2022|D00001|P20|9662|34|9|Claim Number must be unique within the parent P10 record.| 2022|D00001|P20|177258|7|9|Claim Number must be greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P20|10242|12|9|At least one P21, P22 or P23 record with the same claim number must exist in this batch.| 2022|D00001|P20|142705|34|3|Warning: This Claim Number links to a Production Loss Detail, P21, for Cotton 0021 with the Seed option SE and has an MC Claim Key. Should this Loss Total, P20, have an MC Claim Key? An MC Claim Key is not required in this situation.| 2022|D00001|P20|7561|15|9|Total Disbursement Amount must equal the total Indemnity from the related P21/P22/P23 records when MC Claim Key is empty.| 2022|D00001|P20|128735|12|9|Total Disbursement Amount for all disbursements in the MC Claim group must equal the Total Production Loss Amount for all records in the same MC Claim group.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7340|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7341|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P20A|7342|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7344|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-10-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7345|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P20A|19130|12|9|The total disbursement amount for a claim must be greater than or equal to 0 for each Disbursement Loss Code.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7915|11|11|The parent P20 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7969|1522|9|The parent P20 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7347|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7348|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P20A|7349|1|9|AIP Loss Total Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P20A|9440|17|9|AIP Loss Total Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7351|1|9|AIP Disbursement Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P20A|9646|17|9|AIP Disbursement Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7353|9|9|AIP Disbursement Key must be unique within the parent P20 record.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7354|1|6|Recovery Reinsurance Year is Required when Disbursement Loss Code is 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7355|22|6|Recovery Reinsurance Year must be empty when Disbursement Loss Code is not 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7418|2|6|Recovery Reinsurance Year must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P20A|9445|20|6|Recovery Reinsurance Year must have no more than 4 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7357|1|9|Disbursement Loss Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7381|10|6|Disbursement Loss Code must be valid; edit with Disbursement Loss ICE "D00070" record.|D00070 2022|D00001|P20A|12147|1|9|Credit Memo AIP Policy Producer Key is Required when Disbursement Loss Code is 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P20A|12149|22|9|Credit Memo AIP Policy Producer Key must be empty when Disbursement Loss Code is not 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P20A|8706|67|9|Credit Memo AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P20A|9482|6|9|Credit Memo AIP Policy Producer Key must not equal AIP Policy Producer Key when Disbursement Loss Code is 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7364|1|9|Escrow Check Number is Required when Disbursement Loss Code is 'E'.| 2022|D00001|P20A|12146|22|9|Escrow Check Number must be empty when Disbursement Loss Code is not 'E'.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7466|22|9|Escrow Check Number must be empty when Disbursement Loss Code is empty or Disbursement Loss Code is one of the following values: 'D', 'V'.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7417|2|9|Escrow Check Number must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P20A|9647|20|9|Escrow Check Number must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7366|1|6|Check Issued Date is Required when Disbursement Loss Code exists and Disbursement Loss Code equals 'E'.| 2022|D00001|P20A|12148|22|6|Check Issued Date must be empty when Disbursement Loss Code is not 'E'.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7368|8|6|Check Issued Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P20A|7421|1|9|Disbursement Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7397|2|9|Disbursement Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7404|20|9|Disbursement Amount must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P20A|7428|6|9|Disbursement Amount must not equal 0 when Disbursement Loss Code is not 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P20A|128716|6|9|Disbursement Amount must equal 0 when Disbursement Loss Code is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7398|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21|7400|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P21|7401|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21|7402|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-10-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P21|7403|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P21|72352|12|11|Production Loss Detail (P21) records cannot be accepted for Acreage (P11) records that have the Short Rate (SR) option selected.| 2022|D00001|P21|72366|34|9|At least one Production Loss Sub Detail record (P21A) must be submitted in this batch for APH Cucumbers (Insurance Plan Code 90, Commodity Code 0132) when Revenue Conversion Production to Count Quantity > 0| 2022|D00001|P21|72368|34|9|No Production Loss Sub Detail records(P21A) are allowed in this batch for APH Cucumbers (Insurance Plan Code 90, Commodity Code 0132) when Revenue Conversion Production to Count Quantity = 0| 2022|D00001|P21|143284|67|9|A Production Loss Detail P21 record can only be submitted for HIP-WI plan 37 when the HIP Payment Flag in ADM HIP Rate A01140 is 'Y'.|A01140 2022|D00001|P21|19126|12|9|The corresponding Acreage P11 record must not be a Non-Premium record.| 2022|D00001|P21|101105|34|9|For this Base-P21 with a parent Base-P11 with an Associated MP-P11, if there exists an MP-P21 for the Associated MP-P11 then this Base-P21 must point to the Associated MP-P21 (Associated AIP Production Loss Detail Key is required).| 2022|D00001|P21|118767|12|9|When Quality Adjustment applies to the Commodity per ICE Quality Adjustment Commodity D00163, Post QA Appraised Production Amount AND Harvested Production Quantity cannot be NULL if Pre QA Appraised Production Amount AND Pre QA Harvested Production Amount fields are not null and Production to Count Quantity is greater than or equal to 0 and Total Production Amount is greater than or equal to 0, except when StageCode = 'P2', 'PF', 'PT', 'R', 'RS', 'RT', 'UH','TA','TH','TZ'| 2022|D00001|P21|9777|12|9|Sum (Determined Acreage) having the same Unit Number must be >= to the Lesser of 20 Acres or 20% of the P11 Planted Acreage for the same Unit Number.| 2022|D00001|P21|51120|34|9|There must be no more than one Indemnity record with same Stage Code for the unit when Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC' and Stage Code is 'DQ' or 'NQ' and Unit Structure Code is 'BU'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53746|34|9|There must be no more than one Indemnity record with same Stage Code for the unit when Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC' and Stage Code is 'DQ' or 'NQ' and Unit Structure Code is one of the following: 'OU', 'UA', 'UD'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7806|12|9|First Damage Percent + Second Damage Percent + Third Damage Percent cannot be greater than 1.| 2022|D00001|P21|18941|12|9|Harvest Price from ADM Price must be available in order to perform an Indemnity calculation when Insurance Plan Code equals 03 and Stage Code is not equal to 'R' and Production To Count Quantity is greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P21|10576|511|9|Unable to perform the Dollar Amount of Insurance Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Liability Adjustment Factor, AIP Acre Stage Guarantee Amount, Commodity Year, Insured Share Percent, Applicable Determined Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies)| 2022|D00001|P21|10684|511|9|Unable to perform the Dollar Amount of Insurance Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Insured Share Percent, Commodity Year, Liability Adjustment Factor, Applicable Determined Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies)| 2022|D00001|P21|7580|511|9|Unable to perform the Dollar Amount of Insurance Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Insured Share Percent, Commodity Year, Liability Adjustment Factor, Applicable Determined Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies)| 2022|D00001|P21|7437|510|9|Unable to perform the APH Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Yield Conversion Factor, Liability Adjustment Factor, Stage Percent Factor, Production To Count Quantity, AIP Acre Stage Guarantee Amount, Commodity Year, Insured Share Percent, Coverage Level Percent, Applicable Determined Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies), Approved Yield| 2022|D00001|P21|8766|515|9|Unable to perform the Combo Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Determined Acreage, Production To Count Quantity, Liability Adjustment Factor| 2022|D00001|P21|8767|512|9|Unable to perform the Group Protection Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Insured Share Percent, Commodity Year, Multiple Commodity Adjustment Factor, Liability Adjustment Factor, Misreported Information Factor, Payment Factor, Applicable Determined Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies)| 2022|D00001|P21|38833|512|9|Unable to perform the Group Protection Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Insured Share Percent, Commodity Year, Multiple Commodity Adjustment Factor, Liability Adjustment Factor, Misreported Information Factor, Payment Factor| 2022|D00001|P21|9558|518|9|Unable to perform the Actual Revenue History Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Type Code, Coverage Level Percent, Insured Share Percent, Liability Adjustment Factor, Production To Count Quantity, Price Election Percent, Commodity Year, Applicable Determined Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies), Practice Code, Approved Yield| 2022|D00001|P21|9559|514|9|Unable to perform the Pecan Revenue Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Production To Count Quantity, Dollar Amount Of Insurance, Misreported Information Factor, Applicable Determined Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies), Liability Adjustment Factor, Insured Share Percent, Price Election Percent| 2022|D00001|P21|10222|513|9|Unable to perform the Tree Based Dollar Amount Of Insurance Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Production To Count Quantity, Liability Adjustment Factor, Misreported Information Factor, Applicable Determined Value (Acreage, Pounds, Tons or Colonies)| 2022|D00001|P21|10713|519|9|Unable to perform the Yield Based Dollar Amount of Insurance Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Commodity Year, Determined Acreage, Insured Share Percent, Liability Adjustment Factor, Production To Count Quantity| 2022|D00001|P21|72318|524|9|Unable to perform the Stacked Income Protection Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Determined Acreage| 2022|D00001|P21|72319|525|9|Unable to perform the Supplemental Coverage Option Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation:| 2022|D00001|P21|143340|537|9|Unable to perform the ECO Indemnity Calculation Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Record Type Code| 2022|D00001|P21|131713|533|9|Unable to perform the Hurricane Insurance Protection - Wind Insurance Indemnity Calculation Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Reinsurance Year| 2022|D00001|P21|143297|536|9|Unable to perform the PRH Indemnity Calculation Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Approved Yield, Determined Acreage, Liability Adjustment Factor, Production To Count Quantity, Revised Weighted Average Harvest Price| 2022|D00001|P21|101107|529|9|Unable to perform the Margin Protection Indemnity Calculation Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Determined Acreage| 2022|D00001|P21|131082|12|3|The submitted production to count divided by the determined acreage is less than or equal to 10 (yields of 10 or less per acre). Please review to ensure that the production to count was converted to the correct unit of measure.| 2022|D00001|P21|164931|539|9|Unable to perform the Post Application Coverage Endorsement Indemnity Calculation Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Actual Nitrogen Applied per Acre, Determined Acreage, Final Post Application Percent| 2022|D00001|P21|9931|12|9|When Claim Process Code equals 'S' and Price Indicator Code is not equal to 'H' , if Unit Structure Code is one of the following values: ('BU', 'EU', 'WU') then ((Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the Unit - Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the Unit where Stage Code equals 'P2','PF','PT') - Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the Unit where Stage Code equals 'R','RR','RS','RT') must not exceed $40,000 or if Unit Structure Code equals 'OU' then ((Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the Unit - Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the Unit where Stage Code equals 'P2','PF','PT') - Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the Unit where Stage Code equals 'R','RR','RS','RT') must not exceed $20,000.| 2022|D00001|P21|54033|12|9|Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the Unit must be less than or equal to Sum (Liability Amount) for the Unit having the same Seed Cycle Code from the associated P11 Acreage record when Insurance Plan Code is '40' and Insurance Option Code List contains 'CV' or 'OX'.| 2022|D00001|P21|101078|12|9|Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the unit cannot be negative for prevented planting payment when Stage Code is one of the following values: 'P2', 'PF', 'PT'.| 2022|D00001|P21|101082|12|9|Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the unit cannot be negative for replant payment when Stage Code is one of the following values: 'R', 'RR', 'RS', 'RT'.| 2022|D00001|P21|101077|12|9|Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the unit cannot be negative for cottonseed when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0021', '0022' and Insurance Option Code List contains 'SE'.| 2022|D00001|P21|101083|12|9|Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the unit cannot be negative for downed rice payment when Stage Code is one of the following values: 'DQ', 'NQ'.| 2022|D00001|P21|19088|12|9|Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the Unit cannot be negative and Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the Unit - Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the Unit where Stage Code equals ('R','RR','RS','RT'), ('P2','PF','PT'), or ('DQ','NQ') cannot be negative.| 2022|D00001|P21|29348|65|9|The corresponding P14 record in this batch must be accepted for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P21|7895|34|6|The corresponding P20 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|10530|34|9|The corresponding P20 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|72499|34|6|All P21A records must be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P21|72422|34|9|All P21A records must be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P21|10532|34|9|All P21 records for the corresponding P20 record must be accepted when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|10533|34|6|All P21 records for the corresponding P20 record must be accepted when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53679|34|9|No corresponding P20 records may be submitted when Stage Code is 'DC' and Insurance Plan Code is not 13.| 2022|D00001|P21|7405|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21|7406|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P21|7407|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21|7408|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P21|7409|1|9|AIP Acreage Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21|7410|67|9|AIP Acreage Key must be valid; edit with ODS Acreage ODS "ODS11" record.|ODS11 2022|D00001|P21|7414|1|9|AIP Production Loss Detail Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21|7415|17|9|AIP Production Loss Detail Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P21|7429|9|9|AIP Production Loss Detail Key must be unique within the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P21|7411|1|9|AIP Adjuster Key is Required when AIP Employee Key is empty and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53680|1|9|AIP Adjuster Key is Required when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '1191', '0088' and Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|12140|22|9|AIP Adjuster Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P21|52292|22|9|AIP Adjuster Key must be empty when AIP Employee Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7412|67|9|AIP Adjuster Key must be valid; edit with ODS Adjuster ODS "ODS56" record.|ODS56 2022|D00001|P21|9541|12|9|Corresponding Adjuster (P56) must have a valid COI Questionnaire Completion Date.| 2022|D00001|P21|9542|12|9|Corresponding Adjuster (P56) must be eligible when AIP Adjuster Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|52289|1|9|AIP Employee Key is Required when AIP Adjuster Key is empty and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P21|52290|22|9|AIP Employee Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P21|52291|22|9|AIP Employee Key must be empty when AIP Adjuster Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|52294|67|9|AIP Employee Key must be valid; edit with ODS Employee ODS "ODS54" record.|ODS54 2022|D00001|P21|52296|12|9|Corresponding Employee (P54) must have a valid COI Questionnaire Completion Date.| 2022|D00001|P21|7520|1|6|Insured Loss Signature Date is Required when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not equal to 'DC' and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9608|22|6|Insured Loss Signature Date must be empty when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not equal to 'DC' and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53646|22|9|Insured Loss Signature Date must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7521|8|6|Insured Loss Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P21|7522|7|6|Insured Loss Signature Date must be between First Notice Of Loss Date and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P21|7524|1|6|Adjuster Signature Date is Required when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7596|22|6|Adjuster Signature Date must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7525|8|6|Adjuster Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P21|7598|7|6|Adjuster Signature Date must be less than Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P21|41991|67|3|Warning: Adjuster Signature Date must exceed LRR Record Accepted Date from an accepted P14 Insurance In Force record when Stage Code is not one of the following values: 'P2', 'PF', 'PT', 'R', 'RF', 'RN' ,'RR', 'RS', 'RT'.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P21|41993|16|6|Adjuster Signature Date must exceed LRR Change Date from an accepted P14 Insurance In Force record when LRR Change Date exists and LRR Transaction Code is not one of the following values: '01', '05', '06', '07', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18' and Stage Code is not one of the following values: 'P2', 'PF', 'PT', 'R', 'RF', 'RR', 'RS', 'RT' and Late Reported Reason Code is not one of the following values: '10', '15', '16', '17'.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P21|19585|3|6|Adjuster Signature Date must be less than Inactive Date when Inactive Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7599|1|9|Claim Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21|10201|2|9|Claim Number must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|9561|20|9|Claim Number must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.| 2022|D00001|P21|9656|34|9|A P20 record with the same claim number must exist in this batch when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|177264|7|9|Claim Number must be greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P21|131720|34|9|Only one unique Claim Number is allowed for a parent P11 record for Insurance Plan Code '37', HIP-WI.| 2022|D00001|P21|7605|1|9|AIP Indemnity Amount is Required when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9654|22|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7606|2|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|7607|20|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P21|32405|6|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must equal 0 when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC' and a Yield Type Code of 'MR' is submitted in Yield Year 10 on the associated Yield record.| 2022|D00001|P21|29290|6|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must equal 0 when Stage Code in ('RN','NR') or Loss Multiple Cropping Code equals 'SW'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7609|6|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must be equal to Indemnity Amount when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'CV' or 'OX'.| 2022|D00001|P21|109965|12|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must equal to Calculated Indemnity Amount or Preliminary Indemnity Amount * Multiple Commodity Adjustment Factor * 0.65 when Commodity Code is '0012' (Blueberries) and State Code is one of the following values: ('01', '12', '13', '34', '37', '45') and Practice Code is one of the following values: ('032', '793', '794').| 2022|D00001|P21|54038|12|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must be less than or equal to the calculated Indemnity Amount when Insurance Plan Code is '40' and Insurance Option Code List contains 'CV' or 'OX'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53649|22|9|Large Claim Code must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7651|10|6|Large Claim Code must be valid; edit with Large Claim ICE "D00102" record.|D00102 2022|D00001|P21|52638|1|9|Settlement Flag is Required when the record exists in the Settlement table and Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53650|22|9|Settlement Flag must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7649|6|6|Settlement Flag must equal 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P21|55161|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P21|32521|67|6|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P21|9568|1|6|Stage Code is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains 'NS' or Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|52272|16|6|Stage Code is Required when Commodity Code exists in the Stage Commodity ICE "D00124" record except (when Insurance Plan is '50' and Commodity Code is one of the following: '0037', '0201', '0202', '0203', '0227', '0309', '1302', '9936') OR (when State Code is '15', HI and Commodity Code is one of the following; '0265', '0266', 0267') OR (when State Code is '48', TX and Commodity Code is one of the following; '0193', '0207', '0208', '0210') OR (when State Code is '06', CA and Commodity Code is one of the following; '0192','0207','0208','0209','0308').|D00124 2022|D00001|P21|7744|10|6|Stage Code must be valid; edit with Stage ICE "D00073" record.|D00073 2022|D00001|P21|9501|10|6|Stage Code must be valid; edit with Stage Commodity ICE "D00124" record.|D00124 2022|D00001|P21|9570|6|6|Stage Code must not equal one of the following values: 'RR', 'RF' when Commodity Code is '0037' and Coverage Type Code is 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P21|45284|6|6|Stage Code must equal one of the following values: 'PF', 'DC' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'PF' and Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is one of the following values: 'E', 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P21|45285|6|6|Stage Code must equal 'PT' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'PT' and Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is one of the following values: 'E', 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P21|45286|6|6|Stage Code must equal 'P2' when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'PF', 'PT', or 'SE' and Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is one of the following values: 'E', 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P21|51119|6|6|Stage Code must equal one of the following values: 'DQ', 'NQ' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|52268|6|6|Stage Code must equal one of the following values: 'PT', 'PF', 'P2' when Insurance Option Code List contains 'SE' and Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is one of the following values: 'E', 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P21|74531|6|9|Stage Code must not equal one of the following values: 'QU', 'QH' when Location State Code is not equal to '06' or Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'QE'.| 2022|D00001|P21|87281|6|6|Stage Code must not equal one of the following values: 'R', 'NR' when Coverage Type Code is 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P21|89396|6|6|Stage Code must equal one of the following values: 'P', 'C', 'NC', 'DC' when (Insurance Option Code List contains 'CL' or 'CH') and Commodity Code is '0084'.| 2022|D00001|P21|101362|12|9|If P21 Stage Code is equal to one of the following values: 'PF', 'PT', 'P2', the P11 Guarantee Adjustment Type Code must equal 'E' or 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P21|101363|12|9|If P21 Stage Code is equal to one of the following values: 'DQ', 'NQ', the P11 Insurance Option Code List must contains 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|101254|12|9|For Citrus commodities '0201' and '0227' under plan 90: for Arizona '04' only Stage Codes 'P', 'H', and 'UH' are allowed; for California '06' only Stage Codes 'P', 'H', 'UH', 'QH', and 'QU' are allowed; for Texas '48' only Stage Codes '1', '2', and 'P' are allowed.| 2022|D00001|P21|109890|6|6|Stage Code must not equal one of the following values: 'PB', 'UB' when Commodity Code is '0045'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9607|6|6|Stage Code must not equal one of the following values: 'R', 'P2', 'PF', 'PT' when CEO Coverage Level Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7652|1|6|Determined Tons is Required when Commodity Code is '0037'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7653|22|6|Determined Tons must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0037'.| 2022|D00001|P21|52631|1|9|Determined Tons is Required when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '1191', '0088' and Determined Acreage is empty and Determined Pounds is empty and Determined Tree Count is empty and Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7655|2|6|Determined Tons must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|7656|20|6|Determined Tons must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P21|9573|7|6|Determined Tons must be less than or equal to 24 when Stage Code is 'RF'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7507|1|6|Determined Acreage is Required when NOT ( Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('40', '13', '14') or ( Insurance Plan Code is not equal to '37' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0037','0115','1191','0088') ) or ( Insurance Plan Code equals '37' and Underlying Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('40', '41') ) ).| 2022|D00001|P21|10137|22|6|Determined Acreage must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('40', '13', '14') OR ( Insurance Plan Code is not equal to '37' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0037','0115','1191','0088') ) OR ( Insurance Plan Code equals '37' and Underlying Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('40', '41') ).| 2022|D00001|P21|52629|1|9|Determined Acreage is Required when Stage Code is 'DC' and Determined Pounds is empty and Determined Tons is empty and Determined Tree Count is empty.| 2022|D00001|P21|7509|2|6|Determined Acreage must be Numeric when Determined Acreage exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7510|20|6|Determined Acreage must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99 when Determined Acreage exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|52275|7|6|Determined Acreage must be greater than zero when Determined Acreage exists. Exception to this rule is when Insurance Plan Code equals '47' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0057', '0154', '0227') and Stage Code equals 'UA' .| 2022|D00001|P21|7667|1|6|Determined Tree Count is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('40', '41') OR ( Insurance Plan Code equals '37' and Underlying Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('40', '41') ).| 2022|D00001|P21|7668|22|6|Determined Tree Count must be empty when NOT ( Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('40', '41') or ( Insurance Plan Code equals '37' and Underlying Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('40', '41') ) ).| 2022|D00001|P21|52632|1|9|Determined Tree Count is Required when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '1191', '0088' and Determined Acreage is empty and Determined Pounds is empty and Determined Tons is empty and Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7670|2|6|Determined Tree Count must be Numeric when Determined Tree Count exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7671|20|6|Determined Tree Count must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Determined Tree Count exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|10780|7|9|Determined Tree Count must be between 1 and 9999999999 when Determined Tree Count exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7672|1|6|Determined Pounds is Required when Commodity Code in ('0115') and Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('R','RS','RT').| 2022|D00001|P21|7673|22|6|Determined Pounds must be empty when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0069','0115').| 2022|D00001|P21|52630|1|9|Determined Pounds is Required when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '1191', '0088' and Determined Acreage is empty and Determined Tons is empty and Determined Tree Count is empty and Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7675|2|6|Determined Pounds must be Numeric when Determined Pounds exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7676|20|6|Determined Pounds must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Determined Pounds exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|19378|7|9|Determined Pounds must be between 1 and 9999999999 when Determined Pounds exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7736|1|6|First Damage Cause Code is Required when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53652|22|9|First Damage Cause Code must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7738|10|6|First Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause ICE "D00075" record when First Damage Cause Code exists.|D00075 2022|D00001|P21|52493|10|6|First Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause Commodity ICE "D00077".|D00077 2022|D00001|P21|9601|10|6|First Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause Commodity ICE "D00077" record when First Damage Cause Code exists.|D00077 2022|D00001|P21|18951|6|6|First Damage Cause Code must not equal '00' when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC' and First Damage Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|74648|6|6|First Damage Cause Code must not equal '86' when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'QE' and First Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7740|1|6|First Damage Date is Required when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9564|22|6|First Damage Date must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7742|8|6|First Damage Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD" when First Damage Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|9566|3|6|First Damage Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date when Stage Code is not 'DC' and First Damage Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|9598|3|6|First Damage Date must be less than or equal to Adjuster Signature Date when Second Damage Date is greater than Adjuster Signature Date and Stage Code is not 'DC' and First Damage Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7786|22|6|First Damage Percent must be empty when First Damage Cause Code equals '00' or Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89') or Stage Code equals 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7785|1|6|First Damage Percent is Required when First Damage Cause Code exists and First Damage Cause Code is not equal to '00' and ISNULL(Stage Code, '') is not equal to 'DC' and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7748|2|6|First Damage Percent must be Numeric when First Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7749|20|6|First Damage Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99 when First Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7751|7|6|First Damage Percent must be between 0.01 and 1.00 when First Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|10803|6|6|First Damage Percent must equal 1.00 when (Second Damage Percent is empty or Second Damage Percent equals 0) and (Third Damage Percent is empty or Third Damage Percent equals 0) and First Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|9624|22|6|Second Damage Cause Code must be empty when Second Damage Percent is empty or Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89') or Stage Code equals 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9623|1|6|Second Damage Cause Code is Required when Second Damage Percent exists and Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|18897|22|6|Second Damage Cause Code must be empty when First Damage Percent equals 1.00.| 2022|D00001|P21|7764|10|6|Second Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause ICE "D00075" record.|D00075 2022|D00001|P21|52495|10|6|Second Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause Commodity ICE "D00077".|D00077 2022|D00001|P21|9619|10|6|Second Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause Commodity ICE "D00077".|D00077 2022|D00001|P21|18952|6|6|Second Damage Cause Code must not equal '00' when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|74651|6|6|Second Damage Cause Code must not equal '86' when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'QE' and Second Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|9625|1|6|Second Damage Date is Required when Second Damage Percent exists and Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9613|22|6|Second Damage Date must be empty when Second Damage Percent is empty or Stage Code equals 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7766|8|6|Second Damage Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P21|9612|7|6|Second Damage Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P21|9617|7|6|Second Damage Date must be less than or equal to Adjuster Signature Date when First Damage Date is greater than Adjuster Signature Date.| 2022|D00001|P21|7781|22|6|Second Damage Percent must be empty when Second Damage Cause Code is empty or Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89') or Stage Code equals 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9562|1|6|Second Damage Percent is Required when ISNULL(Stage Code, '') is not equal to 'DC' and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '87', '88', '89' and Second Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7771|2|6|Second Damage Percent must be Numeric when Second Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7772|20|6|Second Damage Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99 when Second Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|10808|7|6|Second Damage Percent must be between 0.01 and 0.99 when Second Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|9563|22|6|Second Damage Percent must be empty when First Damage Percent equals 1.00 and Second Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|9626|22|6|Third Damage Cause Code must be empty when Third Damage Percent is empty or Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89') or Stage Code equals 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9580|1|6|Third Damage Cause Code is Required when Third Damage Percent exists and Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7784|10|6|Third Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause ICE "D00075" record.|D00075 2022|D00001|P21|52496|10|6|Third Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause Commodity ICE "D00077".|D00077 2022|D00001|P21|9620|10|6|Third Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause Commodity ICE "D00077" record.|D00077 2022|D00001|P21|18954|6|6|Third Damage Cause Code must not equal '00' when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|74654|6|6|Third Damage Cause Code must not equal '86' when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'QE' and Third Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|9622|1|6|Third Damage Date is Required when Third Damage Percent exists and Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9615|22|6|Third Damage Date must be empty when Third Damage Percent is empty or Stage Code equals 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7779|8|6|Third Damage Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P21|7775|22|6|Third Damage Percent must be empty when Third Damage Cause Code is empty or Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89') or Stage Code equals 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7769|1|6|Third Damage Percent is Required when ISNULL(Stage Code, '') is not equal to 'DC' and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '87', '88', '89' and Third Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7813|2|6|Third Damage Percent must be Numeric when Third Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7780|20|6|Third Damage Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99 when Third Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|9578|7|6|Third Damage Percent must be between 0.01 and 0.98 when Third Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|9627|22|6|Third Damage Percent must be empty when First Damage Percent + Second Damage Percent is greater than or equal to 1.00) and Third Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|27264|1|9|WA Number is Required when WA Number was submitted on the P11 Acreage record and Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53682|22|9|WA Number must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|10162|12|9|Written Agreement was found in the ICE Exception Request table, but it has not yet been approved.| 2022|D00001|P21|51198|12|9|Written Agreement was not found in the ICE Exception Request table.| 2022|D00001|P21|53656|22|9|Replant Payment Flag must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7754|6|6|Replant Payment Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53657|22|9|Gleaned Acreage Code must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9616|10|6|Gleaned Acreage Code must be valid; edit with Gleaned Acreage ICE "D00125" record.|D00125 2022|D00001|P21|9652|10|9|Gleaned Acreage Code must be valid; edit with Gleaned Acreage Commodity ICE "D00126" record.|D00126 2022|D00001|P21|9574|1|6|Harvested Production Quantity is Required when Sugar Factor exists and Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53658|22|9|Harvested Production Quantity must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|118766|1|9|When Quality Adjustment applies to the Commodity per ICE Quality Adjustment Commodity D00163, Harvested Production Quantity field cannot be empty if Pre QA Harvested field is submitted and Production to County Quantity is greater than or equal to 0 and Total Production Amount is greater than or equal to 0, except when StageCode = 'P2', 'PF', 'PT', 'R', 'RS', 'RT','UH','TA','TH','TZ'| 2022|D00001|P21|7725|2|6|Harvested Production Quantity must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|7726|20|6|Harvested Production Quantity must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P21|7727|20|6|Harvested Production Quantity must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999 when Insurance Plan Code is '47'.| 2022|D00001|P21|19288|22|6|Production To Count Quantity must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7513|2|6|Production To Count Quantity must be Numeric when Production To Count Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7514|20|6|Production To Count Quantity must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99 when Production To Count Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|21648|7|6|Production To Count Quantity must be greater than or equal to 0 when Production To Count Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|9576|6|6|Production To Count Quantity must equal 0 when Stage Code is one of the following values: 'P2', 'PF', 'PT', 'RR', 'RS', 'RT' and Production To Count Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|9961|6|9|Production To Count Quantity must equal Loss Guarantee Amount * 0.5 when Commodity Code is '0032' and Insurance Plan Code is '50' and Stage Code is 'S' and Production To Count Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|7701|22|6|Sugar Factor must be empty when Commodity Code is not equal to '0039' or Harvested Production Quantity is empty or Harvested Production Quantity equals 0 or Stage Code equals 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7711|2|6|Sugar Factor must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|7712|20|6|Sugar Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 3 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.999.| 2022|D00001|P21|7703|7|6|Sugar Factor must be between 0.001 and 1.999.| 2022|D00001|P21|20937|1|9|AIP Acre Stage Guarantee Amount is Required when (Insurance Plan Code not in ('01','02','03') or (Insurance Plan Code in ('01','02','03') and Commodity Code equals '0047')) and Stage Code in ('R','RF','RR','RS','RT').| 2022|D00001|P21|20950|22|9|AIP Acre Stage Guarantee Amount must be empty when Stage Code is not one of the following values: 'R', 'RF', 'RR', 'RS', 'RT'.| 2022|D00001|P21|20951|22|9|AIP Acre Stage Guarantee Amount must be empty when Insurance Plan Code in ('01','02','03') and Commodity Code not in ('0047') and Stage Code in ('R','RF','RR','RS','RT').| 2022|D00001|P21|20952|2|9|AIP Acre Stage Guarantee Amount must be Numeric when AIP Acre Stage Guarantee Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|20953|20|9|AIP Acre Stage Guarantee Amount must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99 when AIP Acre Stage Guarantee Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|20955|12|9|AIP Acre Stage Guarantee Amount cannot be > Max (125, Round (Maximum Replant Guarantee Per Acre Amount * Coverage Level Percent, 2)) when Stage Code = RR and Insurance Plan Code = 50.| 2022|D00001|P21|53659|22|9|Multiple Cropping Exception Flag must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7699|6|6|Multiple Cropping Exception Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9658|12|6|Multiple Cropping Exception Flag must not equal 'Y' when Stage Code is one of the following values: 'R', 'RR', 'RS', 'RT'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9659|12|6|Multiple Cropping Exception Flag must not equal 'Y' when Guarantee Adjustment Type Code is one of the following values: 'P', 'E'.| 2022|D00001|P21|19187|12|6|Multiple Cropping Exception Flag must equal 'Y' when the Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) within the Unit is less than or equal to 0 and a Loss Multiple Cropping Code equal to 'IR' is found for the same P10, P14, Basic Unit Number, Optional Unit Number, Type Code, and Practice Code.| 2022|D00001|P21|9609|22|6|Loss Multiple Cropping Code must be empty when Stage Code is one of the following values: 'R', 'RF', 'RR', 'RS', 'RT', 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9610|22|6|Loss Multiple Cropping Code must be empty when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '1191', '0115'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7693|10|6|Loss Multiple Cropping Code must be valid; edit with Multiple Cropping ICE "D00063" record.|D00063 2022|D00001|P21|7791|67|6|Loss Multiple Cropping Code is only allowed to be submitted for valid Insurance Plan and Commodity combinations as defined in the Multiple Cropping Insurance Plan Commodity ICE "D00054" record.|D00054 2022|D00001|P21|9611|6|6|Loss Multiple Cropping Code must equal one of the following values: 'DC', 'FC', 'WI', 'SC', 'NS', 'RI', 'IR' when Multiple Cropping Exception Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7515|22|6|Liability Adjustment Factor must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7519|2|6|Liability Adjustment Factor must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|7518|20|6|Liability Adjustment Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 6 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.999999.| 2022|D00001|P21|7517|7|6|Liability Adjustment Factor must be between 0.000001 and 1.| 2022|D00001|P21|92621|15|9|Liability Adjustment Factor must be equal to ROUND(Reported Liability Before Share Amount / Determined Liability Before Share Amount, 6) when Liability Adjustment Factor exists and Liability Adjustment Factor is not equal to 1.000000.| 2022|D00001|P21|53660|22|9|Claim Process Code must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9517|10|6|Claim Process Code must be valid; edit with Claim Process ICE "D00071" record.|D00071 2022|D00001|P21|9518|10|6|Claim Process Code must be valid; edit with Claim Process Commodity ICE "D00123" record.|D00123 2022|D00001|P21|9603|6|6|Claim Process Code must not equal 'R' when Coverage Type Code is 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9928|6|9|Claim Process Code must equal 'S' when Price Indicator Code is 'H'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9911|1|9|Price Indicator Code is Required when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53661|22|9|Price Indicator Code must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9932|6|9|Price Indicator Code must equal the associated P14 Price Indicator Code when Price Indicator Code is not 'H'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9913|10|9|Price Indicator Code must be valid; edit with Price Indicator ICE "D00034" record.|D00034 2022|D00001|P21|9926|6|9|Price Indicator Code must not equal 'H' when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '02', '03'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9927|6|9|Price Indicator Code must equal 'E' when ( Insurance Plan Code equals '90' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0255','0256','0257') ) OR ( Insurance Plan Code equals '50' and Commodity Code is not equal to '0037' ) OR Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: ('02','03','90','50','55') .| 2022|D00001|P21|7685|1|6|First Notice Of Loss Date is Required when (Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: ('04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '37', '87', '88', '89') and Stage Code is one of the following values: ('R', 'RS', 'RT')) or (Stage Code equals 'DC' and Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0088', '1191')).| 2022|D00001|P21|7686|22|6|First Notice Of Loss Date must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7688|8|6|First Notice Of Loss Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P21|7684|22|6|Last Notice Of Loss Date must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7682|8|6|Last Notice Of Loss Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P21|7683|12|6|Last Notice Of Loss Date must be greater than or equal to First Damage Date, Second Damage Date and Third Damage Date, and must be less than Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P21|53662|22|9|Audit Correction Flag must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7678|6|6|Audit Correction Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P21|7801|1|6|Revenue Conversion Production To Count Quantity is required for the following scenarios: Insurance Plan Code = 47 and Production To Count Quantity > 0 and Stage Code <> DC; Insurance Plan Code = 90 and Commodity Code = 0132 and Production To Count Quantity > 0 and Stage Code <> DC.| 2022|D00001|P21|7662|22|6|Revenue Conversion Production To Count Quantity must be empty for the following scenarios: Insurance Plan Code <> 47 and Insurance Plan Code <> 90; Insurance Plan Code = 90 and Commodity Code <> 0132; Production To Count Quantity is empty or zero; Stage Code equals DC, R, RF, RR, RS, RT, P2, PF or PT.| 2022|D00001|P21|7708|2|6|Revenue Conversion Production To Count Quantity must be Numeric when Revenue Conversion Production To Count Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|19278|20|6|Revenue Conversion Production To Count Quantity must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99 when Revenue Conversion Production To Count Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|19279|7|6|Revenue Conversion Production To Count Quantity must be between .01 and 9999999.99 when Revenue Conversion Production To Count Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|53663|22|9|Misreported Information Factor must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|9908|2|9|Misreported Information Factor must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|9909|20|9|Misreported Information Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 6 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.999999.| 2022|D00001|P21|9910|7|9|Misreported Information Factor must be between 0.000001 and 1.| 2022|D00001|P21|19674|1|9|Stage Percent Factor is Required when Commodity Code is '0013' and Stage Code is one of the following values: '1', '2'.| 2022|D00001|P21|19675|22|9|Stage Percent Factor must be empty for the following scenarios: Commodity Code is not one of the following values: ('0013', '0156'); Commodity Code equals '0013' and Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('1','2'); Commodity Code equals '0156' and Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('I', 'M'); Stage Code equals 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|19676|2|9|Stage Percent Factor must be Numeric when Stage Percent Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|19677|20|9|Stage Percent Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99 when Stage Percent Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|19678|10|9|Stage Percent Factor must be valid; edit with Stage Factor ICE "D00069" record when NOT ( Commodity Code equals '0156' and Insurance Plan Code equals '90' and Stage Code is one of the following values: ('I', 'M') ) and Stage Percent Factor exists.|D00069 2022|D00001|P21|55110|10|9|Stage Percent Factor must be valid; edit with Stage Price Percent Factor in the Stage Factor ICE "D00069" record when Stage Percent Factor exists and Commodity Code is '0156' and Insurance Plan Code is '90' and Stage Code is one of the following values: 'I', 'M'.|D00069 2022|D00001|P21|53707|22|9|Pre QA Appraised Production Amount must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|109970|1|9|Pre QA Appraised Production Amount is Required when Post QA Appraised Production Amount is greater than 0.00.| 2022|D00001|P21|52135|2|9|Pre QA Appraised Production Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|52136|20|9|Pre QA Appraised Production Amount must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P21|53708|22|9|Post QA Appraised Production Amount must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|118765|1|9|When Quality Adjustment applies to the Commodity per ICE Quality Adjustment Commodity D00163, Post QA Appraised value cannot be null if Pre QA Appraised value is submitted and Total Production Amount is greater than or equal to zero, except when Stage Code = 'P2', 'PF', 'PT', 'R', 'RS','RT','TA','TH,'TZ'| 2022|D00001|P21|52138|2|9|Post QA Appraised Production Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|52139|20|9|Post QA Appraised Production Amount must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P21|53739|12|9|Post QA Appraised Production Amount cannot be greater than Pre QA Appraised Production Amount when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '50', '55'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53709|22|9|Uninsured Cause Production Amount must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|52141|2|9|Uninsured Cause Production Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|52142|20|9|Uninsured Cause Production Amount must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P21|53710|22|9|Pre QA Harvested Production Amount must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|52144|2|9|Pre QA Harvested Production Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|52145|20|9|Pre QA Harvested Production Amount must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P21|109971|7|9|Pre QA Harvested Production Amount must be greater than 0.00 when Harvested Production Quantity is greater than 0.00.| 2022|D00001|P21|53711|22|9|Total Production Amount must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53740|1|9|Total Production Amount is Required when Pre QA Harvested Production Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|52147|2|9|Total Production Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|52148|20|9|Total Production Amount must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P21|53712|22|9|QA Type Code List must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53743|1|9|QA Type Code List is Required when Pre QA Appraised Production Amount is greater than Post QA Appraised Production Amount.| 2022|D00001|P21|53744|1|9|QA Type Code List is Required when Pre QA Harvested Production Amount is greater than Total Production Amount and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '01', '02', '03'.| 2022|D00001|P21|52150|17|9|QA Type Code List must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 8 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P21|52151|30|9|Each delimited value in QA Type Code List must be valid; edit with ICE QA Type ICE "D00145" record.|D00145 2022|D00001|P21|109972|12|9|QA Type Code List must not contain '00' when Pre QA Appraised Production Amount is greater than Post QA Appraised Production Amount.| 2022|D00001|P21|109973|12|9|QA Type Code List must not contain '00' when Pre QA Harvested Production Amount is greater than Total Production Amount and Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '01', '02', '03'.| 2022|D00001|P21|109974|12|9|QA Type Code List must not contain '00' when Pre QA Harvested Production Amount is greater than Harvested Production Quantity.| 2022|D00001|P21|53713|22|9|Mycotoxin Level Flag must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|53745|22|9|Mycotoxin Level Flag must be empty when QA Type Code List is empty.| 2022|D00001|P21|52153|6|9|Mycotoxin Level Flag must equal 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P21|92611|1|9|Reported Liability Before Share Amount is Required when Liability Adjustment Factor exists and Liability Adjustment Factor is not 1.000000.| 2022|D00001|P21|92612|22|9|Reported Liability Before Share Amount must be empty when Liability Adjustment Factor is empty or Liability Adjustment Factor equals 1.000000.| 2022|D00001|P21|92616|2|9|Reported Liability Before Share Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|92617|20|9|Reported Liability Before Share Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P21|92613|1|9|Determined Liability Before Share Amount is Required when Liability Adjustment Factor exists and Liability Adjustment Factor is not 1.000000.| 2022|D00001|P21|92614|22|9|Determined Liability Before Share Amount must be empty when Liability Adjustment Factor is empty or Liability Adjustment Factor equals 1.000000.| 2022|D00001|P21|92619|2|9|Determined Liability Before Share Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P21|92620|20|9|Determined Liability Before Share Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P21|101104|22|9|Associated AIP Production Loss Detail Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '01', '02', '03', '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P21|128712|1|9|MC Claim Key is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains 'MC' or for Cotton Seed the parent Cotton Lint record's Insurance Option Code List contains 'MC' and Stage Code is not Prevent Planting or Replant. | 2022|D00001|P21|128713|22|9|MC Claim Key must be empty when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'MC' and for Cotton Seed the parent Cotton Lint record's Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'MC'.| 2022|D00001|P21|142696|1|9|Weighted Local Market Price is Required for Malting Barley when Weighted Discounted Purchase Price is empty and Quality applies (P21A records are submitted).| 2022|D00001|P21|153549|22|9|Weighted Local Market Price can only be submitted for Malting Barley.| 2022|D00001|P21|142698|2|6|Weighted Local Market Price must be Numeric when Weighted Local Market Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|142700|20|6|Weighted Local Market Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999 when Weighted Local Market Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|142702|7|9|Weighted Local Market Price must be between 0.00 and 35.00 when Weighted Local Market Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|153536|34|9|When Weighted Local Market Price is submitted along with P21A records for Malting Barley, at least one P21A record must have a Local Market Price.|ODS21A 2022|D00001|P21|142697|1|9|Weighted Discounted Purchase Price is Required for Malting Barley when Weighted Local Market Price is empty and Quality applies (P21As are submitted).| 2022|D00001|P21|153551|22|9|Weighted Discounted Purchase Price can only be submitted for Malting Barley.| 2022|D00001|P21|142699|2|6|Weighted Discounted Purchase Price must be Numeric when Weighted Discounted Purchase Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|142703|7|9|Weighted Discounted Purchase Price must be between 0.00 and 99.00 when Weighted Discounted Purchase Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|142701|20|6|Weighted Discounted Purchase Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999 when Weighted Discounted Purchase Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|153537|34|9|When Weighted Discounted Purchase Price is submitted along with P21A records for Malting Barley, at least one of the P21A records must have a Discounted Purchase Price.|ODS21A 2022|D00001|P21|143278|1|9|Revised Weighted Average Harvest Price is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '22', '23'.| 2022|D00001|P21|143280|22|9|Revised Weighted Average Harvest Price must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '22', '23'.| 2022|D00001|P21|143281|2|9|Revised Weighted Average Harvest Price must be Numeric when Revised Weighted Average Harvest Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|143282|20|9|Revised Weighted Average Harvest Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999 when Revised Weighted Average Harvest Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|143283|7|9|Revised Weighted Average Harvest Price must be between .0001 and 99999.9999 when Revised Weighted Average Harvest Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|153980|22|9|Minimum Payment Amount must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0333'.| 2022|D00001|P21|153981|2|9|Minimum Payment Amount must be Numeric when Minimum Payment Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|153983|7|9|Minimum Payment Amount must be greater than or equal to 0 when Minimum Payment Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|153982|20|9|Minimum Payment Amount must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999 when Minimum Payment Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|164909|1|9|Actual Nitrogen Applied per Acre is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P21|164910|22|9|Actual Nitrogen Applied per Acre must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P21|164919|2|9|Actual Nitrogen Applied per Acre must be Numeric when Actual Nitrogen Applied per Acre exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|164921|20|9|Actual Nitrogen Applied per Acre must have no more than 3 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 3 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999.999 when Actual Nitrogen Applied per Acre exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|164911|1|9|Final Post Application Percent is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P21|164912|22|9|Final Post Application Percent must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '26', '27', '28'.| 2022|D00001|P21|164923|2|9|Final Post Application Percent must be Numeric when Final Post Application Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|164924|20|9|Final Post Application Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 3 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.999 when Final Post Application Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P21|165000|12|9|Unable to find Loss Factor in ADM PACE Rate, A00506. Make sure Coverage Level Percent, Underlying Coverage Level Percent, and Final Post Application Coverage Percent are a valid combination.| 2022|D00001|P21|10575|12|9|Acre Stage Guarantee Amount cannot be > Max (125, Round (Maximum Replant Guarantee Per Acre Amount * Coverage Level Percent, 2)) when Stage Code = RR and Insurance Plan Code = 50.| 2022|D00001|P21|153481|1514|9|The Policy Producer was found to be Ineligible.|D10020 2022|D00001|P21|153482|1515|9|An SBI was found to be Ineligible due to the crop/state/plan or Ineligible SBI Percent Share. The AIP Policy Producer Other Person Keys of the Ineligible entities are listed in the expected values output.|D10020 2022|D00001|P21A|63177|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21A|63178|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P21A|63179|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21A|63180|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-10-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P21A|63181|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P21A|63216|11|9|The parent P21 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P21A|66237|12|9|Production Loss Sub Detail records are only valid for Cucumbers and Malting Barley.| 2022|D00001|P21A|72410|34|9|All P11As must have at least one corresponding P21A before any of the P21As can be accepted for cucumbers.| 2022|D00001|P21A|72487|34|6|The parent P21 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P21A|72307|34|9|The parent P21 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P21A|72308|34|9|All Production Loss Sub Detail records (P21A) must be accepted for all the Production Loss Detail records (P21) covered by the same Loss Total record (P20).| 2022|D00001|P21A|72497|34|6|All Production Loss Sub Detail records (P21A) must be accepted for all the Production Loss Detail records (P21) covered by the same Loss Total record (P20).| 2022|D00001|P21A|63194|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21A|63195|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P21A|63196|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21A|63197|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P21A|63198|1|9|AIP Acreage Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21A|63199|67|9|AIP Acreage Key must be valid; edit with ODS Acreage ODS "ODS11" record.|ODS11 2022|D00001|P21A|63200|1|9|AIP Acreage Detail Key is Required when Commodity Code is '0132'.| 2022|D00001|P21A|72411|67|9|AIP Acreage Detail Key must be valid; edit with ODS Acreage Detail ODS "ODS11A" record when AIP Acreage Detail Key exists.|ODS11A 2022|D00001|P21A|72409|9|9|AIP Acreage Detail Key must be unique within the parent P21 record when AIP Acreage Detail Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|63203|1|9|AIP Production Loss Detail Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21A|63206|1|9|AIP Production Loss Sub Detail Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21A|63207|17|9|AIP Production Loss Sub Detail Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P21A|63208|9|9|AIP Production Loss Sub Detail Key must be unique within the parent P21 record.| 2022|D00001|P21A|66218|1|6|Production To Count Quantity is Required.| 2022|D00001|P21A|66219|2|6|Production To Count Quantity must be Numeric when Production To Count Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|66220|20|6|Production To Count Quantity must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99 when Production To Count Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|66221|7|6|Production To Count Quantity must be greater than or equal to 0 when Production To Count Quantity exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|72413|2|6|Production To Count Value Amount must be Numeric when Production To Count Value Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|72416|20|6|Production To Count Value Amount must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99 when Production To Count Value Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|72417|7|6|Production To Count Value Amount must be greater than or equal to 0 when Production To Count Value Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|71293|12|6|Production To Count Value Amount must equal RMA Production To Count Value Amount (within +3 or -3 dollars).| 2022|D00001|P21A|72423|34|6|The Sum of Production To Count Value Amount on P21As for the P21 must equal the P21 Revenue Conversion Production To Count Quantity (within +3 or -3 dollars).| 2022|D00001|P21A|142844|2|6|Local Market Price must be Numeric when Local Market Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|142845|20|6|Local Market Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999 when Local Market Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|142846|7|9|Local Market Price must be between 0.00 and 35.00 when Local Market Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|153533|22|9|Local Market Price can only be submitted for Malting Barley. For Malting Barley, If a Discounted Purchase Price was submitted, the Local Market Price must be empty.| 2022|D00001|P21A|142841|2|6|Discounted Purchase Price must be Numeric when Discounted Purchase Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|142842|7|9|Discounted Purchase Price must be between 0.00 and 99.00 when Discounted Purchase Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|142843|20|6|Discounted Purchase Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999 when Discounted Purchase Price exists.| 2022|D00001|P21A|153547|22|9|Discounted Purchase Price can only be submitted for Malting Barley.| 2022|D00001|P21A|72365|1021|9|Set Calculated Production to Count Value Amount to the specified calculation: Round( Production To Count Quantity * Base Contract Price ,2).| 2022|D00001|P22|7917|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P22|7918|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P22|7919|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P22|7920|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-12-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P22|7921|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P22|8930|12|11|P22 is only valid for commodities '0073', '1010', and '0116'. If Commodity Code is '0073' or '1010' the Insurance Plan Code must be '37' or '50'. If Commodity Code is '0116' the Insurance Plan Code must be '37' or '43'| 2022|D00001|P22|143287|67|9|An Inventory Loss Detail P22 record can only be submitted for HIP-WI plan 37 when the HIP Payment Flag in ADM HIP Rate A01140 is 'Y'.|A01140 2022|D00001|P22|9390|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record.|A00030 2022|D00001|P22|19124|12|9|The corresponding Inventory Value P13 record must not be a Non-Premium record.| 2022|D00001|P22|10253|517|9|Unable to perform the Aquaculture Dollar Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Effective Insurance Amount, Insured Share Percent, Occurrence Deductible Amount, Over Under Reporting Factor, Unit Value After Loss, Unit Value Before Loss| 2022|D00001|P22|19551|520|9|Unable to perform the Nursery Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Claim Number, Commodity Year, Field Market Value A, Field Market Value B, Insured Share Percent, Inventory Inspection Number, Occurrence Deductible Amount, Over Under Reporting Factor, Price Election Percent, XPS Effective Insurance Amount| 2022|D00001|P22|21601|520|9|Unable to perform the Nursery Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Actual Rehab Amount, Coverage Level Percent, Insured Share Percent, Over Under Reporting Factor, Rehabilitation Plant Amount| 2022|D00001|P22|132438|520|9|Unable to perform the Nursery Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Insured Share Percent, Post-Loss Damage Value, Pre-Loss Actual Unit Value, Previous Indemnity Amount, Previous Loss Occurrence Amount, Unit Division Code| 2022|D00001|P22|142580|533|9|Unable to perform the Hurricane Insurance Protection - Wind Insurance Indemnity Calculation Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Reinsurance Year| 2022|D00001|P22|19106|12|9|Sum (AIP Indemnity Amount) for the Unit having the same Inventory Inspection Number and Claim Number cannot be negative.| 2022|D00001|P22|29351|65|9|The corresponding P14 record in this batch must be accepted for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P22|8869|34|6|The corresponding P20 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|10531|34|9|The corresponding P20 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|10536|34|9|All P22 records for the corresponding P20 record must be accepted when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|10537|34|6|All P22 records for the corresponding P20 record must be accepted when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|153281|34|9|No corresponding P20 records may be submitted when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|7922|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P22|7923|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P22|7924|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P22|7925|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P22|7926|1|9|AIP Inventory Value Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P22|7927|67|9|AIP Inventory Value Key must be valid; edit with ODS Inventory Value ODS "ODS13" record.|ODS13 2022|D00001|P22|7928|1|9|AIP Inventory Loss Detail Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P22|7929|17|9|AIP Inventory Loss Detail Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P22|7930|9|9|AIP Inventory Loss Detail Key must be unique within the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P22|7931|1|9|AIP Adjuster Key is Required when Insurance Plan Code is not '37'.| 2022|D00001|P22|7932|67|9|AIP Adjuster Key must be valid; edit with ODS Adjuster ODS "ODS56" record when AIP Adjuster Key exists.|ODS56 2022|D00001|P22|21236|12|9|Corresponding Adjuster (P56) must have a valid COI Questionnaire Completion Date when AIP Adjuster Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|9544|12|9|Corresponding Adjuster (P56) must be eligible when AIP Adjuster Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|7954|1|9|Claim Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P22|9663|17|9|Claim Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 8 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P22|9661|34|9|A P20 record with the same claim number must exist in this batch when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|177270|2|9|Claim Number must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P22|177271|7|9|Claim Number must be greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P22|142579|34|9|Only one unique Claim Number is allowed for a parent P13 record for Insurance Plan Code '37', HIP-WI.| 2022|D00001|P22|19196|1|6|First Damage Cause Code is Required when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|153270|22|9|First Damage Cause Code must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21254|6|6|First Damage Cause Code must not equal '00'.| 2022|D00001|P22|19197|10|6|First Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause ICE "D00075" record.|D00075 2022|D00001|P22|7959|10|6|First Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause Commodity ICE "D00077" record.|D00077 2022|D00001|P22|7960|1|6|First Damage Date is Required when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|153272|22|9|First Damage Date must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|7961|8|6|First Damage Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P22|8884|12|6|First Damage Date must be greater than or equal to ('12/01/' + (Commodity Year - 1)) and less than or equal to ('11/30/' + Commodity Year) when Commodity Code is '0116'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8885|12|6|First Damage Date must be greater than or equal to ('06/01/' + (Commodity Year - 1)) and less than or equal to ('05/31/' + Commodity Year) when Commodity Code is '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21247|3|6|First Damage Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P22|8877|7|6|First Damage Date must be less than or equal to Notice of Loss Date.| 2022|D00001|P22|7962|1|6|First Damage Percent is Required when First Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|7965|2|6|First Damage Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P22|7966|20|6|First Damage Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P22|7967|7|6|First Damage Percent must be between .01 and 1.00 when First Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|21249|6|6|First Damage Percent must equal 1.00 when (Second Damage Percent is empty) and (Third Damage Percent is empty) and First Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|19201|22|6|Second Damage Cause Code must be empty when Second Damage Percent is empty or Stage Code equals 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|19202|1|6|Second Damage Cause Code is Required when Second Damage Percent exists and Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21259|6|6|Second Damage Cause Code must not equal '00' when Second Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|19204|10|6|Second Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause ICE "D00075" record when Second Damage Cause Code exists.|D00075 2022|D00001|P22|8091|10|6|Second Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause Commodity ICE "D00077" record when Second Damage Cause Code exists.|D00077 2022|D00001|P22|19203|22|6|Second Damage Cause Code must be empty when First Damage Percent equals 1.00 or First Damage Percent is empty.| 2022|D00001|P22|19206|1|6|Second Damage Date is Required when Second Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|19208|22|6|Second Damage Date must be empty when Second Damage Percent is empty.| 2022|D00001|P22|8093|8|6|Second Damage Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P22|8894|12|6|Second Damage Date must be greater than or equal to ('12/01/' + (Commodity Year - 1)) and less than or equal to ('11/30/' + Commodity Year) when Commodity Code is '0116'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8895|12|6|Second Damage Date must be greater than or equal to ('06/01/' + (Commodity Year - 1)) and less than or equal to ('05/31/' + Commodity Year) when Commodity Code is '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21252|7|6|Second Damage Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date when Second Damage Cause Code exists and Second Damage Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8879|7|6|Second Damage Date must be less than or equal to Notice of Loss Date when Second Damage Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8094|1|6|Second Damage Percent is Required when Second Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|19210|22|6|Second Damage Percent must be empty when Second Damage Cause Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P22|8111|2|6|Second Damage Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P22|8097|20|6|Second Damage Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P22|19211|7|6|Second Damage Percent must be between 0.01 and 0.99 when Second Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|19216|22|6|Second Damage Percent must be empty when (First Damage Percent equals 1.00 or First Damage Percent is empty)| 2022|D00001|P22|19219|22|6|Third Damage Cause Code must be empty when (Third Damage Percent is empty or Second Damage Percent is empty or First Damage Percent is empty or Second Damage Cause Code is empty) or Stage Code equals 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|19220|1|6|Third Damage Cause Code is Required when Third Damage Percent exists and Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21262|6|6|Third Damage Cause Code must not equal '00' when Third Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|19221|10|6|Third Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause ICE "D00075" record when Third Damage Cause Code exists.|D00075 2022|D00001|P22|8100|10|6|Third Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause Commodity ICE "D00077" record when Third Damage Cause Code exists.|D00077 2022|D00001|P22|19223|1|6|Third Damage Date is Required when Third Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|19224|22|6|Third Damage Date must be empty when Third Damage Percent is empty.| 2022|D00001|P22|8102|8|6|Third Damage Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P22|10934|12|6|Third Damage Date must be greater than or equal to ('12/01/' + (Commodity Year - 1)) and less than or equal to ('11/30/' + Commodity Year) when Commodity Code is '0116'.| 2022|D00001|P22|10935|12|6|Third Damage Date must be greater than or equal to ('06/01/' + (Commodity Year - 1)) and less than or equal to ('05/31/' + Commodity Year) when Commodity Code is '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21513|7|6|Third Damage Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date when Third Damage Cause Code exists and Third Damage Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8880|7|6|Third Damage Date must be less than or equal to Notice of Loss Date when Third Damage Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8103|1|6|Third Damage Percent is Required when Third Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8104|22|6|Third Damage Percent must be empty when Third Damage Cause Code is empty or Second Damage Percent is empty or First Damage Percent is empty or Second Damage Cause Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P22|8112|2|6|Third Damage Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P22|8106|20|6|Third Damage Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P22|8107|7|6|Third Damage Percent must be between 0.01 and 0.98 when Third Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|19226|22|6|Third Damage Percent must be empty when First Damage Percent + Second Damage Percent is greater than or equal to 1.00.| 2022|D00001|P22|29373|1|9|Inventory Inspection Number is Required when Insurance Plan Code is not '37'.| 2022|D00001|P22|142581|22|9|Inventory Inspection Number must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is '37'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8109|2|6|Inventory Inspection Number must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P22|8910|7|6|Inventory Inspection Number must be greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P22|8110|20|6|Inventory Inspection Number must have no more than 2 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99.| 2022|D00001|P22|10265|34|6|Inventory Inspection Number must be the same within a Claim Number.| 2022|D00001|P22|21267|1|6|Basic Unit Value is Required when ( Insurance Plan Code equals '50' and Commodity Code equals '0073' ) OR ( Insurance Plan Code equals '43' and Commodity Code equals '0116' ).| 2022|D00001|P22|131775|22|6|Basic Unit Value must be empty when (Commodity Code equals '1010' and Insurance Plan Code equals '50') or Insurance Plan Code equals '37'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8114|2|6|Basic Unit Value must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P22|8115|20|6|Basic Unit Value must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P22|21269|7|6|Basic Unit Value must be between 1 and 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P22|21275|34|6|Basic Unit Value must be the same within the same Record Type Code, AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Practice Code, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number and Basic Unit Number when Commodity Code equals '0073' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Unit Division Code equals 'S' and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'RH'.| 2022|D00001|P22|38734|34|6|Basic Unit Value must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number and Basic Unit Number when Commodity Code equals '0116' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Coverage Type Code = 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21629|1|6|Effective Insurance Amount is Required when Commodity Code is '0116' and Insurance Plan Code is '43'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8794|22|6|Effective Insurance Amount must be empty when NOT (Commodity Code equals '0116' and Insurance Plan Code equals '43').| 2022|D00001|P22|8796|2|6|Effective Insurance Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P22|8797|20|6|Effective Insurance Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P22|21630|7|6|Effective Insurance Amount must be between 1 and 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P22|38732|34|6|Effective Insurance Amount must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number and Basic Unit Number when Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Coverage Type Code = 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8889|22|6|XPS Effective Insurance Amount must be empty when Insurance Option Code List contains 'RH' and Commodity Code is '0073' and Insurance Plan Code is '50'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21273|1|6|XPS Effective Insurance Amount is Required when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'RH' and Commodity Code is '0073' and Insurance Plan Code is '50'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21618|22|6|XPS Effective Insurance Amount must be empty when NOT (Commodity Code equals '0073' and Insurance Plan Code equals '50').| 2022|D00001|P22|8799|2|6|XPS Effective Insurance Amount must be Numeric when XPS Effective Insurance Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8800|20|6|XPS Effective Insurance Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when XPS Effective Insurance Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|21627|7|6|XPS Effective Insurance Amount must be between 1 and 9999999999 when XPS Effective Insurance Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|21287|34|6|XPS Effective Insurance Amount must be the same within the same Record Type Code, AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Practice Code, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number and Basic Unit Number when Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Unit Division Code equals 'S' and XPS Effective Insurance Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|21567|1|6|Over Under Reporting Factor is Required when ( Insurance Plan Code equals '50' and Commodity Code equals '0073' ) OR ( Insurance Plan Code equals '43' and Commodity Code equals '0116' ) and Over Under Reporting Factor Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|131777|22|6|Over Under Reporting Factor must be empty when Over Under Reporting Factor Code is empty OR ( Insurance Plan Code equals '50' and Commodity Code equals '1010' ).| 2022|D00001|P22|8802|2|6|Over Under Reporting Factor must be Numeric when Over Under Reporting Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8803|20|6|Over Under Reporting Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 3 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.999 when Over Under Reporting Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8906|7|6|Over Under Reporting Factor must be between 0.001 and 1.000 when Over Under Reporting Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|21296|34|6|Over Under Reporting Factor must be the same within the same Record Type Code, AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Practice Code, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number and Basic Unit Number when Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Unit Division Code equals 'S' and Commodity Code = '0073' and Over Under Reporting Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|38744|34|6|Over Under Reporting Factor must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number and Basic Unit Number when Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Commodity Code = '0116' and Coverage Type Code = 'C' and Over Under Reporting Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|21306|1|6|Field Market Value A is Required when Commodity Code is '0073' and Insurance Plan Code is '50'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8891|22|6|Field Market Value A must be empty when NOT (Commodity Code equals '0073' and Insurance Plan Code equals '50').| 2022|D00001|P22|8808|2|6|Field Market Value A must be Numeric when Field Market Value A exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8809|20|6|Field Market Value A must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999 when Field Market Value A exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|21314|7|6|Field Market Value A must be between 1 and 9999999999 when Field Market Value A exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|21317|1|6|Field Market Value B is Required when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'RH' and Commodity Code is '0073' and Insurance Plan Code is '50'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8892|22|6|Field Market Value B must be empty when Insurance Option Code List contains 'RH' and Commodity Code is '0073' and Insurance Plan Code is '50'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21318|22|6|Field Market Value B must be empty when NOT (Commodity Code equals '0073' and Insurance Plan Code equals '50').| 2022|D00001|P22|8811|2|6|Field Market Value B must be Numeric when Field Market Value B exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8812|20|6|Field Market Value B must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999 when Field Market Value B exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8893|7|6|Field Market Value B must be greater than 0 when Commodity Code is '0073' and Field Market Value A is empty and Field Market Value B exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|21320|7|6|Field Market Value B must be between 0 and 9999999999 when Field Market Value B exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|10269|1|6|Unit Value Before Loss is Required when Commodity Code is '0116' and Insurance Plan Code is '43'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21623|22|6|Unit Value Before Loss must be empty when NOT (Commodity Code equals '0116' and Insurance Plan Code equals '43').| 2022|D00001|P22|8814|2|6|Unit Value Before Loss must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P22|8815|20|6|Unit Value Before Loss must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999.| 2022|D00001|P22|21654|7|6|Unit Value Before Loss must be between 1 and 999999999.| 2022|D00001|P22|10270|34|6|Unit Value Before Loss must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number and Basic Unit Number when Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Coverage Type Code = 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P22|10285|1|6|Unit Value After Loss is Required when Commodity Code is '0116' and Insurance Plan Code is '43'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21625|22|6|Unit Value After Loss must be empty when NOT (Commodity Code equals '0116' and Insurance Plan Code equals '43').| 2022|D00001|P22|8817|2|6|Unit Value After Loss must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P22|8818|20|6|Unit Value After Loss must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999.| 2022|D00001|P22|21656|7|6|Unit Value After Loss must be between 0 and 999999999.| 2022|D00001|P22|10271|34|6|Unit Value After Loss must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number, and Basic Unit Number when Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Coverage Type Code = 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8830|2|6|Occurrence Deductible Amount must be Numeric when Occurrence Deductible Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8831|20|6|Occurrence Deductible Amount must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999 when Occurrence Deductible Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8908|7|6|Occurrence Deductible Amount must be greater than or equal to 0 when Occurrence Deductible Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|38828|12|6|Occurrence Deductible must be less than or equal to lesser of: Round(Unit Value Before Loss * (1 - Coverage Level Percent) * Over Under Reporting Factor, 0) or Commodity Year Deductible Amount..| 2022|D00001|P22|38827|12|6|Occurrence Deductible for under reporting must be less than or equal to lesser of: Round(Field Market Value A * (1 - Coverage Level Percent) * Over Under Reporting Factor, 0) or Summed P13 Commodity Year Deductible Amount. Occurrence Deductible Amount for over reporting must be less than or equal to lesser of: Round(Field Market Value A * (1 - Coverage Level Percent) * (1 + Over Under Reporting Factor), 0) or Summed P13 Commodity Year Deductible Amount. This edit is performed when Commodity Code equals '0073' and Unit Division Code equals 'T'.| 2022|D00001|P22|131779|12|6|Occurrence Deductible Amount must be less than or equal to each of the following: 1) ROUND(Pre-Loss Actual Unit Value * (1.0000 - Coverage Level Percent), 0); 2) when Unit Division Code = 'T' then Commodity Year Deductible Amount; 3) when Unit Division Code = 'S' then Sum of Commodity Year Deductible Amount by Unit; 4) ROUND((Post-Loss Damage Value / Pre-Loss Actual Unit Value) * Pre-Loss Actual Unit Value, 0); 5) when Unit Division Code = 'T' then ROUND((Post-Loss Damage Value / Pre-Loss Actual Unit Value) * (Selected Value Amount - Previous Loss Occurrence Amount), 0); 6) when Unit Division Code = 'S' then ROUND((Post-Loss Damage Value / Pre-Loss Actual Unit Value) * (Sum of Selected Value Amount by Unit - Previous Loss Occurrence Amount), 0). This validation is performed when Commodity Code equals '1010' and Insurance Plan Code = '50'.| 2022|D00001|P22|10281|34|6|Occurrence Deductible Amount must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number, and Basic Unit Number when Commodity Code = '0116' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Coverage Type Code = 'C' and Occurrence Deductible Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|38759|34|6|Occurrence Deductible Amount must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Practice Code, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number, and Basic Unit Number when Commodity Code = '0073' or '1010' and Insurance Plan Code = '50' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Unit Division Code = 'S' and Occurrence Deductible Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|45482|12|6|Occurrence Deductible Amount for under reporting must be less than or equal to lesser of: Sum across P22s for the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Practice Code, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number, and Basic Unit Number (Round(Field Market Value A * (1 - Coverage Level Percent) * Over Under Reporting Factor, 0)) or Sum across P22s for the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Practice Code, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number, and Basic Unit Number (Commodity Year Deductible Amount). Occurrence Deductible Amount for over reporting must be less than or equal to lesser of: Sum across P22s for the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Practice Code, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number, and Basic Unit Number (Round(Field Market Value A * (1 - Coverage Level Percent) * (1 + Over Under Reporting Factor), 0)) or Sum across P22s for the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Practice Code, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number, and Basic Unit Number (Commodity Year Deductible Amount). This edit is performed when Commodity Code = '0073' and Unit Division Code = 'S'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21324|1|6|Insured Share Percent is Required when Insurance Plan Code is not '37'.| 2022|D00001|P22|142586|22|9|Insured Share Percent must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is '37'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8833|2|6|Insured Share Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P22|8834|20|6|Insured Share Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P22|8836|7|6|Insured Share Percent must be between 0 and 1.| 2022|D00001|P22|21338|7|6|Insured Share Percent must be less than 1 when Insured Share Percent exists and Uninsurable SBI Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P22|43043|34|6|Insured Share Percent must be the same within the same Record Type Code, AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Practice Code, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number and Basic Unit Number when Commodity Code equals '0073' or '1010' and Insurance Plan Code = '50' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Unit Division Code equals 'S' and Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'RH'.| 2022|D00001|P22|43044|34|6|Insured Share Percent must be the same within the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Commodity Year, Claim Number, Inventory Inspection Number and Basic Unit Number when Commodity Code equals '0116' and Unit Structure Code equals 'BU' and Coverage Type Code = 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8838|1|6|AIP Indemnity Amount is Required when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|153278|22|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8839|2|6|AIP Indemnity Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P22|8840|20|6|AIP Indemnity Amount must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999.| 2022|D00001|P22|10263|6|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must match Indemnity Amount| 2022|D00001|P22|21340|1|6|Adjuster Signature Date is Required when Insurance Plan Code is not '37'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8842|8|6|Adjuster Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD" when Adjuster Signature Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|10226|7|6|Adjuster Signature Date must be less than Batch Received Date when Adjuster Signature Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|10273|67|6|Adjuster Signature Date must exceed LRR Record Accepted Date from ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when Adjuster Signature Date exists.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P22|21361|16|6|Adjuster Signature Date must exceed LRR Change Date from ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when LRR Change Date exists and LRR Transaction Code is not one of the following values: '01', '05', '06', '07', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18' when Adjuster Signature Date exists.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P22|19586|3|6|Adjuster Signature Date must be less than Inactive Date when Inactive Date exists and Adjuster Signature Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8843|1|6|Notice of Loss Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P22|8844|8|6|Notice of Loss Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P22|8845|7|6|Notice of Loss Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P22|21394|1|6|Insured Claim Signature Date is Required when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not equal to 'DC' and Insurance Plan Code is not '37'.| 2022|D00001|P22|153297|22|9|Insured Claim Signature Date must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8847|8|6|Insured Claim Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P22|8929|7|6|Insured Claim Signature Date must be between Notice of Loss Date and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P22|8848|6|6|Large Claim Code must equal one of the following values: 'N', 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P22|53642|1|9|Settlement Flag is Required when the record exists in the Settlement table.| 2022|D00001|P22|8710|6|6|Settlement Flag must equal 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P22|55162|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P22|32524|67|6|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P22|21396|1|6|Rehabilitation Plant Amount is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains 'RH' and Commodity Code is '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21397|22|6|Rehabilitation Plant Amount must be empty when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'RH' and Commodity Code is '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21398|22|6|Rehabilitation Plant Amount must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8851|2|6|Rehabilitation Plant Amount must be Numeric when Rehabilitation Plant Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8852|20|6|Rehabilitation Plant Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Rehabilitation Plant Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8909|7|6|Rehabilitation Plant Amount must be between 1 and 9999999999 when Rehabilitation Plant Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|21408|12|6|If 'HF', 'PE', or 'PO' Insurance Option Codes are selected on the corresponding P13, they should also be selected on the P22.| 2022|D00001|P22|51079|17|9|Insurance Option Code List must be a minimum of 0 characters in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P22|8855|31|6|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be unique.| 2022|D00001|P22|8864|30|6|Each delimited value in Insurance Option Code List must be valid in Option Rate ADM "A01060" and must be valid for the Coverage Type Code in Insurance Option Criteria ICE "D00137".|D10009 2022|D00001|P22|27270|50|9|Each delimited value in Excluded Option Code must not exist in the ADM Option Rate Table (A01060).|D10010 2022|D00001|P22|27269|50|9|At least one delimited value in Required Option Code must exist in the ADM Option Rate Table (A01060).|D10011 2022|D00001|P22|8857|1|6|Multiple Rehab Payment Flag is Required when Commodity Code is '0073' and Insurance Plan Code is '50'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21610|22|6|Multiple Rehab Payment Flag must be empty when NOT (Commodity Code equals '0073' and Insurance Plan Code equals '50').| 2022|D00001|P22|8858|6|6|Multiple Rehab Payment Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N' when Commodity Code is '0073' and Insurance Plan Code is '50'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21402|1|6|Actual Rehab Amount is Required when Insurance Option Code List contains 'RH' and Commodity Code is '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21480|22|6|Actual Rehab Amount must be empty when Insurance Option Code List does not contain 'RH' and Commodity Code is '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P22|21481|22|6|Actual Rehab Amount must be empty when Commodity Code is not '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P22|8860|2|6|Actual Rehab Amount must be Numeric when Actual Rehab Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8861|20|6|Actual Rehab Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Actual Rehab Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|8912|7|6|Actual Rehab Amount must be greater than 0 when Insurance Option Code List contains 'RH' and Commodity Code is '0073' and Actual Rehab Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|21403|12|6|Actual Rehab Amount cannot be less than the minimum amount between ROUND(Field Market Value A * 0.02, 0) and 5000 when Field Market Value A exists and Actual Rehab Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|21574|1|9|Over Under Reporting Factor Code is Required when Over Under Reporting Factor is not equal to 1 and ( Insurance Plan Code equals '50' and Commodity Code equals '0073' ) OR ( Insurance Plan Code equals '43' and Commodity Code equals '0116' ) and Over Under Reporting Factor exists.| 2022|D00001|P22|131780|22|9|Over Under Reporting Factor Code must be empty when Commodity Code is '1010' and Insurance Plan Code is '50'.| 2022|D00001|P22|10672|6|9|Over Under Reporting Factor Code must equal one of the following values: 'O', 'U' when Commodity Code is '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P22|10676|6|9|Over Under Reporting Factor Code must equal 'U' when Commodity Code is '0116'.| 2022|D00001|P22|143248|10|6|Claim Process Code must be valid; edit with Claim Process ICE "D00071" record when Claim Process Code exists.|D00071 2022|D00001|P22|143249|10|6|Claim Process Code must be valid; edit with Claim Process Commodity ICE "D00123" record when Claim Process Code exists.|D00123 2022|D00001|P22|153260|10|9|Stage Code must be valid; edit with Stage ICE "D00073" record.|D00073 2022|D00001|P22|153261|10|9|Stage Code must be valid; edit with Stage Commodity ICE "D00124" record.|D00124 2022|D00001|P23|73211|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23|73212|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P23|73213|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23|73214|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-12-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P23|73215|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P23|74617|12|9|Premium Based Code on the parent P19 record must equal 'R' for Revised when Stage Code is not 'R' for Replant.| 2022|D00001|P23|73329|12|9|Either First Damage Date, Second Damage Date, or Third Damage Date must be less than or equal to First Notice Of Loss Date when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73309|12|9|First Damage Percent plus Second Damage Percent plus Third Damage Percent cannot be greater than "1.00".| 2022|D00001|P23|73427|527|9|Unable to perform the WFRP Indemnity Calculation Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Reinsurance Year| 2022|D00001|P23|73372|65|9|The corresponding P14 record in this batch must be accepted for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P23|73370|34|9|The corresponding P20 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73365|67|9|This P23 record must have at least one corresponding P23A record when Stage Code is 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73423|67|9|This P23 record must not have any corresponding P23A records when Stage Code is not 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73366|34|9|All corresponding P23A records must be free of errors for this record to be accepted when Stage Code is 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73371|34|9|All P23 records for the corresponding P20 record must be accepted when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73373|34|9|No corresponding P20 records may be submitted when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73216|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23|73217|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P23|73218|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23|73219|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P23|73220|1|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23|73221|67|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key must be valid; edit with WFRP Farm Reports ODS "ODS19" record.|ODS19 2022|D00001|P23|73222|1|9|AIP WFRP Indemnity Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23|73223|17|9|AIP WFRP Indemnity Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P23|73224|9|9|AIP WFRP Indemnity Key must be unique within the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P23|73225|1|9|AIP Adjuster Key is Required when AIP Employee Key is empty.| 2022|D00001|P23|73226|1|9|AIP Adjuster Key is Required when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73227|22|9|AIP Adjuster Key must be empty when AIP Employee Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73229|67|9|AIP Adjuster Key must be valid; edit with ODS Adjuster ODS "ODS56" record.|ODS56 2022|D00001|P23|73428|12|9|Corresponding Adjuster (P56) must have a valid COI Questionnaire Completion Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73230|1|9|AIP Employee Key is Required when AIP Adjuster Key is empty.| 2022|D00001|P23|73231|22|9|AIP Employee Key must be empty when AIP Adjuster Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73233|67|9|AIP Employee Key must be valid; edit with ODS Employee ODS "ODS54" record.|ODS54 2022|D00001|P23|73429|12|9|Corresponding Employee (P54) must have a valid COI Questionnaire Completion Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73234|1|9|Insured Loss Signature Date is Required when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73235|22|9|Insured Loss Signature Date must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73237|8|9|Insured Loss Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P23|73239|7|9|Insured Loss Signature Date must be between First Notice Of Loss Date and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73238|1|9|Adjuster Signature Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23|73240|8|9|Adjuster Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P23|73241|7|9|Adjuster Signature Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73243|3|9|Adjuster Signature Date must be less than Inactive Date from the Adjuster ODS "ODS56" record when Inactive Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73244|1|9|Claim Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23|73245|2|9|Claim Number must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P23|73246|20|9|Claim Number must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.| 2022|D00001|P23|73247|34|9|A P20 record with the same claim number must exist in this batch when Stage Code is not 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|177282|7|9|Claim Number must be greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P23|73248|1|9|AIP Indemnity Amount is Required when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73455|22|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73249|2|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P23|73250|20|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P23|73251|7|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must be greater than or equal to 0.| 2022|D00001|P23|73452|6|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must equal Indemnity Amount when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73252|22|9|Large Claim Code must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73254|10|9|Large Claim Code must be valid; edit with Large Claim ICE "D00102" record.|D00102 2022|D00001|P23|73256|1|9|Settlement Flag is Required when Settlement Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73258|6|9|Settlement Flag must equal 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73259|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P23|73260|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y' and Settlement Type Code is 'A'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P23|73261|22|9|Claim Process Code must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73263|10|9|Claim Process Code must be valid; edit with Claim Process ICE "D00071" record.|D00071 2022|D00001|P23|73264|10|9|Claim Process Code must be valid; edit with Claim Process Commodity ICE "D00123" record.|D00123 2022|D00001|P23|73265|22|9|Allowable Expense Insurance Year Amount must be empty when Stage Code is one of the following values: 'DC', 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73267|2|9|Allowable Expense Insurance Year Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P23|73268|20|9|Allowable Expense Insurance Year Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P23|73269|22|9|Allowable Revenue Insurance Year Amount must be empty when Stage Code is one of the following values: 'DC', 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73270|1|9|Allowable Revenue Insurance Year Amount is Required when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73271|2|9|Allowable Revenue Insurance Year Amount must be Numeric when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73272|20|9|Allowable Revenue Insurance Year Amount must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99 when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73273|22|9|Inventory Adjustment Amount must be empty when Stage Code is one of the following values: 'DC', 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73274|1|9|Inventory Adjustment Amount is Required when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73275|2|9|Inventory Adjustment Amount must be Numeric when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73276|20|9|Inventory Adjustment Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73277|22|9|Accounts Receivable Adjustment Amount must be empty when Stage Code is one of the following values: 'DC', 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73278|1|9|Accounts Receivable Adjustment Amount is Required when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73279|2|9|Accounts Receivable Adjustment Amount must be Numeric when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73280|20|9|Accounts Receivable Adjustment Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73281|22|9|Market Animal and Nursery Adjustment Amount must be empty when Stage Code is one of the following values: 'DC', 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73282|1|9|Market Animal and Nursery Adjustment Amount is Required when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73283|2|9|Market Animal and Nursery Adjustment Amount must be Numeric when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73284|20|9|Market Animal and Nursery Adjustment Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73285|22|9|All Other Adjustment Amount must be empty when Stage Code is one of the following values: 'DC', 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73286|1|9|All Other Adjustment Amount is Required when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73287|2|9|All Other Adjustment Amount must be Numeric when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73288|20|9|All Other Adjustment Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Stage Code is empty or Stage Code is not one of the following values: ('DC', 'R').| 2022|D00001|P23|73290|10|9|Stage Code must be valid; edit with Stage ICE "D00073" record.|D00073 2022|D00001|P23|73291|10|9|Stage Code must be valid; edit with Stage Commodity ICE "D00124" record.|D00124 2022|D00001|P23|73316|1|9|First Damage Cause Code is Required when First Damage Date exists or First Damage Percent exists or Second Damage Cause Code exists or Third Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73430|1|9|First Damage Cause Code is Required when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73293|22|9|First Damage Cause Code must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73295|10|9|First Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause ICE "D00075" record.|D00075 2022|D00001|P23|73296|10|9|First Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause Commodity ICE "D00077" record.|D00077 2022|D00001|P23|73297|6|9|First Damage Cause Code must not equal '00'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73317|1|9|First Damage Date is Required when First Damage Cause Code exists or First Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73431|1|9|First Damage Date is Required when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73298|22|9|First Damage Date must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73300|8|9|First Damage Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P23|73301|3|9|First Damage Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73302|3|9|First Damage Date must be less than or equal to Adjuster Signature Date when Second Damage Date is greater than Adjuster Signature Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73308|1|9|First Damage Percent is Required when First Damage Cause Code exists or First Damage Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73432|1|9|First Damage Percent is Required when Stage Code is not equal to 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73303|22|9|First Damage Percent must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73305|2|9|First Damage Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P23|73306|20|9|First Damage Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P23|73307|7|9|First Damage Percent must be between 0.01 and 1.00.| 2022|D00001|P23|73415|6|9|First Damage Percent must equal 1.00 when (Second Damage Percent is empty or Second Damage Percent equals 0.00) and (Third Damage Percent is empty or Third Damage Percent equals 0.00).| 2022|D00001|P23|73310|1|9|Second Damage Cause Code is Required when Second Damage Date exists or Second Damage Percent exists or Third Damage Cause Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73311|22|9|Second Damage Cause Code must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73330|22|9|Second Damage Cause Code must be empty when First Damage Percent equals 1.00.| 2022|D00001|P23|73313|10|9|Second Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause ICE "D00075" record.|D00075 2022|D00001|P23|73314|10|9|Second Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause Commodity ICE "D00077" record.|D00077 2022|D00001|P23|73315|6|9|Second Damage Cause Code must not equal '00'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73318|1|9|Second Damage Date is Required when Second Damage Cause Code exists or Second Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73319|22|9|Second Damage Date must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73321|8|9|Second Damage Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P23|73322|7|9|Second Damage Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73323|7|9|Second Damage Date must be less than or equal to Adjuster Signature Date when First Damage Date is greater than Adjuster Signature Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73331|1|9|Second Damage Percent is Required when Second Damage Cause Code exists or Second Damage Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73332|22|9|Second Damage Percent must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73337|22|9|Second Damage Percent must be empty when First Damage Percent equals 1.00.| 2022|D00001|P23|73334|2|9|Second Damage Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P23|73335|20|9|Second Damage Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P23|73336|7|9|Second Damage Percent must be between 0.01 and 0.99.| 2022|D00001|P23|73338|1|9|Third Damage Cause Code is Required when Third Damage Date exists or Third Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73339|22|9|Third Damage Cause Code must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73341|10|9|Third Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause ICE "D00075" record.|D00075 2022|D00001|P23|73342|10|9|Third Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with Damage Cause Commodity ICE "D00077" record.|D00077 2022|D00001|P23|73343|6|9|Third Damage Cause Code must not equal '00'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73344|1|9|Third Damage Date is Required when Third Damage Cause Code exists or Third Damage Percent exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73345|22|9|Third Damage Date must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73347|8|9|Third Damage Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P23|73417|7|9|Third Damage Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73348|1|9|Third Damage Percent is Required when Third Damage Cause Code exists or Third Damage Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P23|73349|22|9|Third Damage Percent must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73354|22|9|Third Damage Percent must be empty when First Damage Percent + Second Damage Percent is greater than or equal to 1.00.| 2022|D00001|P23|73351|2|9|Third Damage Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P23|73352|20|9|Third Damage Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2022|D00001|P23|73353|7|9|Third Damage Percent must be between 0.01 and 0.98.| 2022|D00001|P23|73355|1|9|First Notice Of Loss Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23|73356|8|9|First Notice Of Loss Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P23|73357|7|9|First Notice Of Loss Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73358|22|9|Last Notice Of Loss Date must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73360|8|9|Last Notice Of Loss Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P23|73420|7|9|Last Notice Of Loss Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73419|7|9|Last Notice Of Loss Date must be greater than or equal to First Notice Of Loss Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73361|12|9|Last Notice Of Loss Date must be greater than or equal to First Damage Date, Second Damage Date and Third Damage Date.| 2022|D00001|P23|73362|22|9|Audit Correction Flag must be empty when Stage Code is 'DC'.| 2022|D00001|P23|73364|6|9|Audit Correction Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73375|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73376|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P23A|73377|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73378|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-12-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73379|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P23A|73380|11|9|The parent P23 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73424|12|9|WFRP Indemnity Detail records are only valid for Replanted when Stage Code is 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73426|12|9|WFRP Indemnity Detail records are only valid for P19A records where ADM AGR Commodity, "A00400", has Annual Planting Code equal to "A" for Annual.| 2022|D00001|P23A|128757|12|9|Commodity Code cannot be one of the following values, '1218' (Hemp Seed), '1219' (Hemp Flower), or '1220' (Hemp Fiber), when Stage Code is 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73390|34|9|The parent P23 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73433|34|9|All WFRP Indemnity Detail records (P23A) must be accepted for all the WFRP Indemnity records (P23) covered by the same Loss Total record (P20).| 2022|D00001|P23A|73381|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73382|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P23A|73383|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73384|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P23A|73385|1|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73386|67|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key must be valid; edit with WFRP Farm Reports ODS "ODS19" record.|ODS19 2022|D00001|P23A|73387|1|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Detail Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73388|67|9|Acre Stage Guarantee Amount must be valid; edit with WFRP Farm Reports Detail ODS "ODS19A" record.|ODS19A 2022|D00001|P23A|73389|1|9|AIP WFRP Indemnity Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73391|1|9|AIP WFRP Indemnity Detail Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73392|17|9|AIP WFRP Indemnity Detail Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73393|9|9|AIP WFRP Indemnity Detail Key must be unique within the parent P23 record.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73394|1|9|Actual Replant Cost is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73396|2|9|Actual Replant Cost must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73397|20|9|Actual Replant Cost must have no more than 4 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999.99.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73398|1|9|Determined Acreage is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73399|2|9|Determined Acreage must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73400|20|9|Determined Acreage must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73401|1|9|Insured Share Percent is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73402|2|9|Insured Share Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73403|20|9|Insured Share Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73404|7|9|Insured Share Percent must be between 0.0001 and 1.0000.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73406|1|9|Replant Payment Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73407|6|9|Replant Payment Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73408|1|9|AIP Indemnity Detail Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73410|2|9|AIP Indemnity Detail Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73411|20|9|AIP Indemnity Detail Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P23A|73457|6|9|AIP Indemnity Detail Amount must equal Indemnity Detail Amount.| 2022|D00001|P26|52541|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P26|52542|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P26|52543|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P26|52544|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-10-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P26|52545|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P26|55149|12|9|A P26 Production record can only be submitted for an Insurance In Force P14 record for Insurance Plan Codes 04, 05, 06, 16, 17, 35, 36, or 76.| 2022|D00001|P26|52546|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P26|52547|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P26|52548|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P26|52549|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P26|55118|1|9|AIP Acreage Key is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '16', '17', '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P26|73189|22|9|AIP Acreage Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '16', '17', '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P26|55119|67|9|AIP Acreage Key must be valid; edit with ODS Acreage ODS "ODS11" record.|ODS11 2022|D00001|P26|73191|22|9|AIP Land Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '16', '17', '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P26|55121|67|9|AIP Land Key must be valid; edit with ODS Land ODS "ODS27" record.|ODS27 2022|D00001|P26|73192|1|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key is Required when Insurance Plan Code is '76'.| 2022|D00001|P26|73193|22|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not '76'.| 2022|D00001|P26|73195|67|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Key must be valid; edit with WFRP Farm Reports ODS "ODS19" record.|ODS19 2022|D00001|P26|73196|1|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Detail Key is Required when Insurance Plan Code is '76'.| 2022|D00001|P26|73197|22|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Detail Key must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not '76'.| 2022|D00001|P26|73199|67|9|AIP WFRP Farm Reports Detail Key must be valid; edit with WFRP Farm Reports Detail ODS "ODS19A" record.|ODS19A 2022|D00001|P26|52550|1|9|AIP Production Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P26|52551|17|9|AIP Production Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P26|52552|9|9|AIP Production Key must be unique within the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P26|55122|1|9|Insurability Code is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('04','05', '06', '16', '17', '35', '36') and (Production Record Type Code is empty or Production Record Type Code is not equal to 'Z') and (Yield Descriptor Code is empty or Yield Descriptor Code is not equal to 'Z').| 2022|D00001|P26|92638|22|9|Insurability Code must be empty when Insurance Plan Code not in ('04','05','06','16','17','35','36') or Production Record Type Code equals 'Z' or Yield Descriptor Code equals 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P26|55123|10|9|Insurability Code must be valid; edit with ICE Insurability ICE "D00149" record.|D00149 2022|D00001|P26|55124|1|9|Insured Production Report Signature Date is Required when Production Record Type Code is not 'L' or 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P26|61972|22|9|Insured Production Report Signature Date must be empty when Production Record Type Code is 'L'.| 2022|D00001|P26|55125|8|9|Insured Production Report Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P26|55126|3|9|Insured Production Report Signature Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P26|55127|1|9|Production Record Type Code is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '16', '17', '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P26|73200|22|9|Production Record Type Code must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '16', '17', '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P26|55128|67|9|Production Record Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Production Record Type ICE "D00150" record.|D00150 2022|D00001|P26|119299|12|9|Production Record Type Code of Q is only allowed for CCIP plans: 01, 02, and 03.| 2022|D00001|P26|55129|1|9|Yield Descriptor Code is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '16', '17', '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P26|73202|22|9|Yield Descriptor Code must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '16', '17', '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P26|55130|67|9|Yield Descriptor Code must be valid; edit with ICE Yield Descriptor ICE "D00151" record.|D00151 2022|D00001|P26|55131|1|9|Reported Acreage is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '16', '17', '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P26|73204|22|9|Reported Acreage must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '16', '17', '35', '36'.| 2022|D00001|P26|101059|15|9|Reported Acreage must be equal to 0 when Production Record Type Code equals 'Z' or Yield Descriptor Code equals 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P26|55135|2|9|Reported Acreage must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P26|55136|20|9|Reported Acreage must have no more than 7 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P26|55142|6|9|Reported Acreage must equal total planted acreage from the ODS Land ODS "ODS27" record for the CLU ID and Commodity Code when AIP Land Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P26|55132|1|9|Total Production Amount is Required when Production Record Type Code is not 'L'.| 2022|D00001|P26|61974|22|9|Total Production Amount must be empty when Production Record Type Code is 'L'.| 2022|D00001|P26|101060|15|9|Total Production Amount must be equal to 0 when Production Record Type Code equals 'Z' or Yield Descriptor Code equals 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P26|55137|2|9|Total Production Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P26|55138|20|9|Total Production Amount must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P26|143325|12|9|Total Production Amount / Reported Acreage must be less than or equal to Maximum Yield from ICE Maximum Yield, D00120, when Sanity Yield Check Flag is empty or Sanity Yield Check Flag is one of the following values: 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P26|73206|1|9|Final Revenue Amount is Required when Insurance Plan Code is '76'.| 2022|D00001|P26|73207|22|9|Final Revenue Amount must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not '76'.| 2022|D00001|P26|73209|2|9|Final Revenue Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P26|73210|20|9|Final Revenue Amount must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P26|55133|1|9|Quality Control Production Verified Flag is Required when (Production Record Type Code is empty or Production Record Type Code is not equal to 'Z') and (Yield Descriptor Code is empty or Yield Descriptor Code is not equal to 'Z').| 2022|D00001|P26|55134|6|9|Quality Control Production Verified Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N' when (Production Record Type Code is empty or Production Record Type Code is not equal to 'Z') and (Yield Descriptor Code is empty or Yield Descriptor Code is not equal to 'Z').| 2022|D00001|P26|101114|22|9|Quality Control Production Verified Flag must be empty when Yield Descriptor Code equals 'Z' or Production Record Type Code equals 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P26|143323|17|9|Sanity Yield Check Flag must be exactly 1 characters in length when Sanity Yield Check Flag exists.| 2022|D00001|P26|143322|6|9|Sanity Yield Check Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N' when Sanity Yield Check Flag exists.| 2022|D00001|P26|143326|6|9|Sanity Yield Check Flag must equal 'Y' when (Total Production Amount / Reported Acreage) is greater than Maximum Yield from ICE Maximum Yield, D00120.| 2022|D00001|P26|143327|6|9|Sanity Yield Check Flag must not equal 'Y' when ROUND(Total Production Amount / NULLIF(Reported Acreage, 0.00), 2) is less than or equal to Maximum Yield.| 2022|D00001|P27|5466|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P27|5467|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P27|5469|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P27|5838|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-09-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P27|5471|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P27|6832|12|9|P27 record is not allowed for Catastrophic Aquaculture policies.| 2022|D00001|P27|52336|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with AdmLandDescription ADM "A00040" record when WA Number exists and Land Level Code is 'SUB' and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty. Join on WANumber, WA Land ID, Sub County Code, Reinsurance Year, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location State Code, Location County Code, Type Code, and Practice Code.|A00040 2022|D00001|P27|9323|16|11|Record must not exist in the Land Requirement ICE "D00116" record when "D00116"'s Submission Indicator Code equals 'N'.|D00116 2022|D00001|P27|6830|12|9|If 1% of P11 Reported Acreage is less than or equal to 3, the Sum (P27 Reported Acreage) for the P11 must fall within a 3 acre tolerance. If 1% of P11 Reported Acreage is greater than 3, the Sum (P27 Reported Acreage) must fall within a 1% tolerance.| 2022|D00001|P27|9294|12|3|FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number and FSA Field Number must be found in the CLU table when Reported Land Type Code is 'C' or 'P' and CLU Determination Code is not 'X'.| 2022|D00001|P27|52104|34|9|All Commodity Code 0088 P27 records must be submitted as linked to only one of the intervals under a certain Grid ID by AipAcreageKey, and Insured Share Percent.| 2022|D00001|P27|101007|34|9|All Commodity Code 0088 P27 records must be submitted as linked to only one of the intervals under a certain Grid ID by AipAcreageKey, Insured Share Percent, Irrigation Practice, and Organic Practice.| 2022|D00001|P27|109944|57|3|For Commodity Code 0332 (Annual Forage) P27s in Growing Seasons 1, 2, or 3, another P27 cannot exist in the next Growing Season with the same information as follows: Reinsurance Year, Location State Code, Location County Code, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number, FSA Field Number.| 2022|D00001|P27|109945|57|3|For Commodity Code 0332 (Annual Forage) P27s in Growing Seasons 2, 3, or 4, another P27 cannot exist in the previous Growing Season with the same information as follows: Reinsurance Year, Location State Code, Location County Code, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number, FSA Field Number.| 2022|D00001|P27|109977|16|3|For Commodity Code 0332 (Annual Forage) P27s in Growing Season 1, another P27 cannot exist in the previous Growing Season with the same information as follows: Reinsurance Year - 1, Location State Code, Location County Code, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number, FSA Field Number.|ODS27 2022|D00001|P27|109979|16|3|For Commodity Code 0332 (Annual Forage) P27s in Growing Season 4, another P27 cannot exist in the next Growing Season with the same information as follows: Reinsurance Year + 1, Location State Code, Location County Code, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number, FSA Field Number.|ODS27 2022|D00001|P27|109980|16|3|For Commodity Code 0332 (Annual Forage) P27s in Growing Season 1,2, or 3, another P27 cannot exist in the next Growing Season with the same information as follows: Reinsurance Year, Location State Code, Location County Code, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number, FSA Field Number.|ODS27 2022|D00001|P27|109981|16|3|For Commodity Code 0332 (Annual Forage) P27s in Growing Season 2, 3, or 4, another P27 cannot exist in the previous Growing Season with the same information as follows: Reinsurance Year, Location State Code, Location County Code, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number, FSA Field Number.|ODS27 2022|D00001|P27|119218|12|9|PASS was not expecting a Sub County Code on the P11.| 2022|D00001|P27|109955|12|9|FCIXREF lists this land as "Unrated".| 2022|D00001|P27|109957|12|9|FCIXREF lists this land as having a Sub County Area for either "Rate", "Date" or "Price".| 2022|D00001|P27|109958|12|9|FCIXREF lists this land as having a Sub County Area for "Yield".| 2022|D00001|P27|101315|1534|0|The P11 Acreage record associated with this P27 Land has "DM" in the Program Indicator Code List. "DM" is only allowed when 5 or fewer acres have been planted on Native Sod by the producer. If the Producer has exceeded 5 acres, "NS" or "N8" (if tilled after on or after 12/21/2018) is to be submitted for up to 4 years on each unique CLU that is planted. After 4 years of planting on each CLU, or after the 11th year after tilling for N8, the penalty phase for Native Sod has passed and no further codes for Native Sod (NS, N8 or DM) should be submitted for that CLU.| 2022|D00001|P27|5473|1503|9|The following child records must be accepted in the batch for this record to be accepted:P27A| 2022|D00001|P27|7566|34|9|The corresponding P11 records must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P27|10521|34|9|The corresponding P13 records must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P27|5493|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P27|5507|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P27|5494|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P27|5516|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P27|5500|1|9|AIP Acreage Key is Required when AIP Inventory Value Key is empty.| 2022|D00001|P27|7614|22|9|AIP Acreage Key must be empty when AIP Inventory Value Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P27|7616|64|9|A corresponding P11 record must exist in this batch for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P27|7617|1|9|AIP Inventory Value Key is Required when AIP Acreage Key is empty.| 2022|D00001|P27|7618|22|9|AIP Inventory Value Key must be empty when AIP Acreage Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P27|7620|64|9|A corresponding P13 record must exist in this batch for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P27|5503|1|9|AIP Land Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P27|6374|9|9|AIP Land Key must be unique within the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P27|5518|17|9|AIP Land Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27|9212|1|9|Reported Land Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P27|129673|6|9|Reported Land Type Code must equal 'P' or 'R' when Insurance Plan Code equals '13' and Commodity Code equals '0088' and Program Indicator Code List does not contain 'NS'.| 2022|D00001|P27|53769|6|9|Reported Land Type Code must equal 'P' when Insurance Plan Code equals '13' and Commodity Code does not equal one of the following: '0088', '1191' and Program Indicator Code List does not contain 'NS'.| 2022|D00001|P27|72773|6|9|Reported Land Type Code must equal one of the following values: 'F', 'C', 'R' when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('35', '36') or ( Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('31', '32', '33', '87', '88', '89') and Perennial Flag equals 'N' ).| 2022|D00001|P27|101273|6|9|Reported Land Type Code must equal one of the following values: 'F', 'C', 'R', 'L' when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('31', '32', '33', '87', '88', '89') and Perennial Flag equals 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P27|72314|6|9|Reported Land Type Code must equal one of the following values: 'C', 'R' when the P11 Program Indicator Code List contains 'NS' or 'N8'.| 2022|D00001|P27|6400|10|9|Reported Land Type Code must be valid; edit with Reported Land Identifier Type ICE "D00061" record.|D00061 2022|D00001|P27|5520|1|9|Land Identifier is Required when Reported Land Type Code is one of the following values: 'A', 'L', 'O'.| 2022|D00001|P27|52347|1|9|Land Identifier is Required when Land Level Code is 'SEC' and WA Number exists and Reported Land Type Code is not 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P27|6580|22|9|Land Identifier must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'A', 'L', 'O' and Level Level Code is not equal to 'SEC' and WA Number is empty.| 2022|D00001|P27|56215|17|9|Land Identifier must be exactly 14 characters in length when Reported Land Type Code is 'L'.| 2022|D00001|P27|19122|17|9|Land Identifier must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 18 characters in length when Reported Land Type Code is one of the following values: 'A', 'O'.| 2022|D00001|P27|5624|10|9|Land Identifier must be valid; edit with Legal Description ICE "D00062" record when Reported Land Type Code is 'L'.|D00062 2022|D00001|P27|52335|67|9|Land Identifier must be valid; edit with AdmLandDescription ADM "A00040" record when WA Number exists and Land Level Code is 'SEC'. Join on WANumber, WA Land ID, Land Identifier, Reinsurance Year, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location State Code, Location County Code, Type Code, and Practice Code.|A00040 2022|D00001|P27|6654|22|9|CLU ID must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P27|52340|1|9|CLU ID is Required when Land Level Code is 'CLU' and WA Number exists.| 2022|D00001|P27|72315|1|9|CLU ID is Required when P11 Program Indicator Code List contains 'NS' or 'N8'.| 2022|D00001|P27|128516|17|9|CLU ID must be exactly 36 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27|52331|10|9|CLU ID must be valid or FSN (Farm, Tract, and Field) must be valid; edit with AdmLandDescription ADM "A00040" record when Land Level Code is 'CLU' or 'NCL' and WA Number exists.|A00040 2022|D00001|P27|9292|12|3|CLU ID must be equal to Valid CLU ID.| 2022|D00001|P27|118560|67|9|A Valid CLU ID was found, but the CIMS As Of Date does not fall within the valid 18 month range (06/01 of the previous Reinsurance Year to 12/01 of the current Reinsurance Year).|D10014 2022|D00001|P27|6626|1|9|FSA Farm Number is Required when Insurance Plan Code equals '13' and Reported Land Type Code equals 'P' and Commodity Code equals '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P27|52341|1|9|FSA Farm Number is Required when Land Level Code is one of the following values: 'FSN', 'NCL', 'FRM', 'SFD', 'TCT' and WA Number exists.| 2022|D00001|P27|7023|22|9|FSA Farm Number must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not '13' and Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'F', 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P27|6705|2|9|FSA Farm Number must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P27|9297|17|9|FSA Farm Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 7 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27|52332|67|9|FSA Farm Number must be valid; edit with AdmLandDescription ADM "A00040" record when Land Level Code is one of the following values: 'FSN', 'FRM', 'SFD', 'TCT' and WA Number exists. Join on WANumber, WA Land ID, FSA Farm Number, Reinsurance Year, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location State Code, Location County Code, Type Code, and Practice Code and where Reported Acreage is less than or equal to Maximum Allowed Acreage when Maximum Allowed Acreage exists.|A00040 2022|D00001|P27|89445|67|3|FSA Farm Number must not be found; edit with the ICE ARC Election table except when ( SCO or STAX ('31', '32', '33', '35', '36') and Non Premium Acreage Code is equal to 'J' ) OR ( STAX and Non Premium Acreage Code is equal to 'E' ).|D10045 2022|D00001|P27|89446|67|3|FSA Farm Number must be valid; edit with the ICE ARC Election table when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('31', '32', '33', '35', '36') and the SCO/STAX Non Premium Acreage Code is 'J'.|D10045 2022|D00001|P27|9179|1|9|FSA Tract Number is Required when Insurance Plan Code equals '13' and Reported Land Type Code equals 'P' and Commodity Code equals '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P27|52343|1|9|FSA Tract Number is Required when Land Level Code is one of the following values: 'FSN', 'NCL', 'SFD', 'TCT' and WA Number exists.| 2022|D00001|P27|6639|22|9|FSA Tract Number must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not '13' and Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P27|6706|2|9|FSA Tract Number must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P27|183570|12|9|FSA Tract Number cannot contain a decimal point.| 2022|D00001|P27|9296|17|9|FSA Tract Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 7 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27|52333|67|9|FSA Tract Number must be valid; edit with AdmLandDescription ADM "A00040" record when WA Number exists and Land Level Code is one of the following values: 'FSN', 'SFD', 'TCT'. Join on WANumber, WA Land ID, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number, Reinsurance Year, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location State Code, Location County Code, Type Code, and Practice Code and where Reported Acreage is less than or equal to Maximum Allowed Acreage when Maximum Allowed Acreage exists.|A00040 2022|D00001|P27|7025|1|9|FSA Field Number is Required when Insurance Plan Code equals '13' and Reported Land Type Code equals 'P' and Commodity Code equals '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P27|52345|1|9|FSA Field Number is Required when Land Level Code is one of the following values: 'NCL', 'SFD' and WA Number exists.| 2022|D00001|P27|6641|22|9|FSA Field Number must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is not '13' and Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P27|6708|25|9|FSA Field Number must be alphanumeric.| 2022|D00001|P27|9298|17|9|FSA Field Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 7 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27|52334|67|9|FSA Field Number must be valid; edit with AdmLandDescription ADM "A00040" record when WA Number exists and Land Level Code is one of the following values: 'SFD'. Join on WANumber, WA Land ID, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number, FSA Field Number, Reinsurance Year, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location State Code, Location County Code, Type Code, and Practice Code and where Reported Acreage is less than or equal to Maximum Allowed Acreage when Maximum Allowed Acreage exists.|A00040 2022|D00001|P27|55206|1|9|FSA Sub Field Identifier is Required when Land Level Code is 'SFD' and WA Number exists.| 2022|D00001|P27|9181|25|9|FSA Sub Field Identifier must be alphanumeric.| 2022|D00001|P27|9180|17|9|FSA Sub Field Identifier must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 3 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27|55207|67|9|FSA Sub Field Identifier must be valid; edit with AdmLandDescription ADM "A00040" record when Land Level Code is 'SFD' and WA Number exists. Join on WANumber, WA Land ID, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number, FSA Field Number, FSA Sub Field Identifier, Reinsurance Year, Commodity Year, Commodity Code, Insurance Plan Code, Location State Code, Location County Code, Type Code, and Practice Code and where Reported Acreage is less than or equal to Maximum Allowed Acreage when Maximum Allowed Acreage exists.|A00040 2022|D00001|P27|9149|10|9|FSA Intended Use must be valid; edit with FSA Intended Use ICE "D00111" record.|D00111 2022|D00001|P27|10128|1|9|FSA Administrative State Code is Required when more than one CLU is found for the selected State, County, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number and FSA Field Number and Reported Land Type Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P27|10167|1|9|FSA Administrative State Code is Required when FSA Administrative County Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P27|10129|22|9|FSA Administrative State Code must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'P', 'F'.| 2022|D00001|P27|10169|22|9|FSA Administrative State Code must be empty when FSA Administrative County Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P27|118965|17|9|FSA Administrative State Code must be exactly 2 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27|10130|1|9|FSA Administrative County Code is Required when more than one CLU is found for the selected State, County, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number and FSA Field Number and Reported Land Type Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P27|10168|1|9|FSA Administrative County Code is Required when FSA Administrative State Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P27|10131|22|9|FSA Administrative County Code must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'P', 'F'.| 2022|D00001|P27|10170|22|9|FSA Administrative County Code must be empty when FSA Administrative State Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P27|118968|17|9|FSA Administrative County Code must be exactly 3 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27|10132|22|9|CLU Determination Code must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P27|9154|10|9|CLU Determination Code must be valid; edit with CLU Determination ICE "D00122" record.|D00122 2022|D00001|P27|10133|22|9|CIMS CLU Release Date must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: ('C','P').| 2022|D00001|P27|9156|33|9|CIMS CLU Release Date must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P27|9325|17|9|CIMS CLU Release Date must be exactly 6 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27|9326|12|9|CIMS CLU Release Date must be a valid Month and Year.| 2022|D00001|P27|118557|12|9|If CIMS CLU Release Date is sent then the CLU version must fall within an 18 month range (06/01 of the previous Reinsurance Year to 12/01 of the current Reinsurance Year).| 2022|D00001|P27|9182|1|9|Latitude is Required when Reported Land Type Code is 'A'.| 2022|D00001|P27|35666|22|9|Latitude must be empty when (Insurance Plan Code equals '13' and Commodity Code equals '0332') or Insurance Plan Code equals '14'.| 2022|D00001|P27|6568|25|9|Latitude must equal format DDDXMM.ddd, DDDMMddd, or DDD.XXXXX; where DDD is degrees, X in the first format is direction (N,S), MM is minutes, ddd is decimal minutes , and XXXXX is decimals when Latitude exists.| 2022|D00001|P27|129598|67|9|Latitude must exist for at least one "P27" record in a group of P27s where the group has the same reinsurance year, AIP Policy Producer Key, P11 Sub County Code, and P11 Interval Code when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0088', '1191' and Insurance Plan Code is '13'.| 2022|D00001|P27|9183|1|9|Longitude is Required when Reported Land Type Code is 'A'.| 2022|D00001|P27|35667|22|9|Longitude must be empty when (Insurance Plan Code equals '13' and Commodity Code equals '0332') or Insurance Plan Code equals '14'.| 2022|D00001|P27|6569|25|9|Longitude must equal format DDDXMM.ddd, DDDMMddd, or DDD.XXXXX; where DDD is degrees, X in the first format is direction (E,W), MM is minutes, ddd is decimal minutes , and XXXXX is decimals when Longitude exists.| 2022|D00001|P27|129599|67|9|Longitude must exist for at least one "P27" record in a group of P27s where the group has the same Reinsurance Year, AIP Policy Producer Key, P11 Sub County Code, and P11 Interval Code when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0088', '1191' and Insurance Plan Code is '13'; .| 2022|D00001|P27|6424|1|9|Reported Acreage is Required when ((Reported Land Type Code equals 'C') or (Reported Land Type Code equals 'R' and Commodity Code is not equal to '0088')) and Non Premium Acreage Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P27|109982|1|9|Reported Acreage is Required when Non Premium Acreage Code is empty and Commodity Code is '0332'.| 2022|D00001|P27|72775|1|9|Reported Acreage is Required when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '31', '32', '33', '87', '88', '89' and Reported Land Type Code is 'F'.| 2022|D00001|P27|10266|22|9|Reported Acreage must be empty when NOT (Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: ('31', '32', '33', '87', '88', '89') and Reported Land Type Code equals 'F') and Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'P', 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P27|5625|2|9|Reported Acreage must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P27|6425|20|9|Reported Acreage must have no more than 7 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P27|52126|12|9|The Sum (P27 Reported Acreage) for the current P11 must be greater than or equal to the Total Insured Acreage from the corresponding P11 record when Reported Land Type Code is 'P'. This validation will not be performed for Annual Forage.| 2022|D00001|P27|109950|12|9|For Commodity Code 0332 (Annual Forage), the Sum (P27 Reported Acreage) must be within (P11 Total Insured Acreage + 3) or (1% of P11 Total Insured Acreage).| 2022|D00001|P27|9319|12|4|Sum(P27 Reported Acreage) for the same P10, P14, and CLU ID must be less than or equal to the CLU ID's Acreage + 3 when the (CLU ID's Acreage * 0.01 is less than or equal to 3) and ((Commodity Code equals '0332') or (Insurance Plan Code not in ('13','14'))).| 2022|D00001|P27|92624|3|9|Reported Acreage must be less than or equal to the ADM Land Description's (A00040) Maximum Allowed Acreage when Land Level Code is 'CLU' and WA Number exists.| 2022|D00001|P27|9158|8|9|Actual Planted Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P27|6582|7|9|Actual Planted Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P27|6820|3|9|Actual Planted Date must be less than or equal to Planted Date from the corresponding P11 record.| 2022|D00001|P27|9196|10|9|FSA RMA Acreage Difference Code must be valid; edit with FSA RMA CLU Difference ICE "D00113" record.|D00113 2022|D00001|P27|43066|10|9|Acreage Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Acreage Type ICE "D00142" record when Acreage Type Code exists.|D00142 2022|D00001|P27|87274|22|9|RLU ID must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not 'R' or 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P27|87275|1|9|RLU ID is Required when Reported Land Type Code is 'R'.| 2022|D00001|P27|87276|10|9|RLU ID must be valid when RLU ID exists.|D10044 2022|D00001|P27|53762|1008|0|Set High Risk Land Code to 'H' when Mapped Legal Description Complete/Partial Status Code equals 'C' or Mapped Clu Complete/Partial Status Code equals 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P27|53763|1008|0|Set High Risk Land Code to 'V' when Mapped Legal Description Complete/Partial Status Code equals 'P' or Mapped Clu Complete/Partial Status Code equals 'P'.| 2022|D00001|P27A|5635|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P27A|5636|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P27A|5633|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P27A|5839|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-09-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P27A|5628|28|10|Processing is suspended for this record type.|D10005 2022|D00001|P27A|7914|11|11|The parent P27 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P27A|7968|47|9|The parent P27 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P27A|5637|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P27A|5638|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P27A|5639|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P27A|5642|1|9|AIP Land Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P27A|5644|1|9|AIP Land Other Person Sharing Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6428|9|9|AIP Land Other Person Sharing Key must be unique within the parent P27 record.| 2022|D00001|P27A|5645|17|9|AIP Land Other Person Sharing Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6462|1|9|Other Person Share Percent is Required when Landlord Tenant Flag from the corresponding P10B record is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P27A|143338|22|9|Other Person Share Percent must be empty when Landlord Tenant Flag from the corresponding P10B record is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6464|2|9|Other Person Share Percent must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6465|20|9|Other Person Share Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P27A|5647|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Other Person Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer Other Entity ODS "ODS10B" record.|ODS10B 2022|D00001|P27A|6430|1|9|Business Name is Required when Landlord Tenant Flag from the corresponding P10B record is 'N' and Last Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6431|22|9|Business Name must be empty when Last Name exists or Landlord Tenant Flag from the corresponding P10B record equals 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6435|17|9|Business Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6436|25|9|Business Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (/), (*), (+), (#).| 2022|D00001|P27A|6437|1|9|Last Name is Required when Business Name is empty and Landlord Tenant Flag from the corresponding P10B record is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6438|22|9|Last Name must be empty when Business Name exists or Landlord Tenant Flag from the corresponding P10B record equals 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6440|17|9|Last Name must be a minimum of 2 characters in length and a maximum of 25 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6441|25|9|Last Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P27A|6442|1|9|First Name is Required when Business Name is empty and Landlord Tenant Flag from the corresponding P10B record is 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6443|22|9|First Name must be empty when Business Name exists or Landlord Tenant Flag from the corresponding P10B record equals 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6445|17|9|First Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6446|25|9|First Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P27A|6450|22|9|Middle Name must be empty when Last Name is empty or Landlord Tenant Flag from the corresponding P10B record equals 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6452|17|9|Middle Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6453|25|9|Middle Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P27A|6454|22|9|Suffix must be empty when Last Name is empty or Landlord Tenant Flag from the corresponding P10B record equals 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6456|17|9|Suffix must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6457|25|9|Suffix must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P27A|6458|22|9|Title must be empty when Last Name is empty or Landlord Tenant Flag from the corresponding P10B record equals 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6460|17|9|Title must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P27A|6461|25|9|Title must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P28|119110|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119111|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P28|119112|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119301|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-10-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P28|119302|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P28|119244|531|9|Unable to perform the Dairy Revenue Protection Indemnity Corporate Calculation, because one or more of the following fields has failed validation: Actual Butterfat Test, Actual Protein Test, Actual Share, Total Milk Marketings| 2022|D00001|P28|119113|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119114|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P28|119116|16|9|The Primary Producer was found to be ineligible for insurance for the submitted Sales Effective Date.|D10020 2022|D00001|P28|119117|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119118|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P28|119119|1|9|AIP DRP Premium Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119120|67|9|AIP DRP Premium Key must be valid; edit with DRP Premium ODS "ODS18" record.|ODS18 2022|D00001|P28|119121|1|9|AIP DRP Indemnity Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119122|17|9|AIP DRP Indemnity Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P28|119123|9|9|AIP DRP Indemnity Key must be unique within the parent P14 record.| 2022|D00001|P28|119124|1|9|Claim Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119125|2|9|Claim Number must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P28|119126|20|9|Claim Number must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.| 2022|D00001|P28|177288|7|9|Claim Number must be greater than 0.| 2022|D00001|P28|119127|1|9|AIP Indemnity Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119128|2|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P28|119129|20|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P28|119130|6|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must equal Indemnity Amount.| 2022|D00001|P28|119148|1|9|AIP Yield Adjustment Factor is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119149|2|9|AIP Yield Adjustment Factor must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P28|119150|20|9|AIP Yield Adjustment Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P28|119151|6|9|AIP Yield Adjustment Factor must equal Yield Adjustment Factor.| 2022|D00001|P28|119131|10|9|Large Claim Code must be valid; edit with Large Claim ICE "D00102" record when Large Claim Code exists.|D00102 2022|D00001|P28|119136|1|9|Settlement Flag is Required when Settlement Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119137|6|9|Settlement Flag must equal 'Y' when Settlement Flag exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119138|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P28|119139|67|9|Settlement Flag must be valid; edit with the Settlement table when Settlement Flag is 'Y' and Settlement Type Code is 'A'.|D10031 2022|D00001|P28|119143|6|6|Audit Correction Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N' when Audit Correction Flag exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119144|1|9|Total Milk Marketings is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119145|2|9|Total Milk Marketings must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P28|119146|20|9|Total Milk Marketings must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P28|119283|1|9|AIP Covered Milk Production is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119284|2|9|AIP Covered Milk Production must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P28|119285|20|9|AIP Covered Milk Production must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P28|119286|6|9|AIP Covered Milk Production must equal Covered Milk Production.| 2022|D00001|P28|119157|1|9|Actual Butterfat Test is Required when Type Code is '832'.| 2022|D00001|P28|119158|22|9|Actual Butterfat Test must be empty when Type Code is not '832'.| 2022|D00001|P28|119155|2|9|Actual Butterfat Test must be Numeric when Actual Butterfat Test exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119156|20|9|Actual Butterfat Test must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99 when Actual Butterfat Test exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119287|1|9|AIP Final Butterfat Test is Required when Type Code is '832'.| 2022|D00001|P28|119288|22|9|AIP Final Butterfat Test must be empty when Type Code is not '832'.| 2022|D00001|P28|119289|2|9|AIP Final Butterfat Test must be Numeric when AIP Final Butterfat Test exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119290|20|9|AIP Final Butterfat Test must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99 when AIP Final Butterfat Test exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119291|6|9|AIP Final Butterfat Test must equal Final Butterfat Test when AIP Final Butterfat Test exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119232|1|9|Actual Protein Test is Required when Type Code is '832'.| 2022|D00001|P28|119233|22|9|Actual Protein Test must be empty when Type Code is not '832'.| 2022|D00001|P28|119234|2|9|Actual Protein Test must be Numeric when Actual Protein Test exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119235|20|9|Actual Protein Test must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99 when Actual Protein Test exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119292|1|9|AIP Final Protein Test is Required when Type Code is '832'.| 2022|D00001|P28|119293|22|9|AIP Final Protein Test must be empty when Type Code is not '832'.| 2022|D00001|P28|119294|2|9|AIP Final Protein Test must be Numeric when AIP Final Protein Test exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119295|20|9|AIP Final Protein Test must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99 when AIP Final Protein Test exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119296|6|9|AIP Final Protein Test must equal Final Protein Test when AIP Final Protein Test exists.| 2022|D00001|P28|119240|1|9|Actual Share is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119241|2|9|Actual Share must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P28|119242|20|9|Actual Share must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P28|119243|12|9|Actual Share must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.| 2022|D00001|P28|119268|1|9|AIP Actual Milk Revenue is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119269|2|9|AIP Actual Milk Revenue must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P28|119270|20|9|AIP Actual Milk Revenue must have no more than 11 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999999.| 2022|D00001|P28|119271|6|9|AIP Actual Milk Revenue must equal Actual Milk Revenue.| 2022|D00001|P28|119272|1|9|AIP Final Milk Revenue is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119273|2|9|AIP Final Milk Revenue must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P28|119274|20|9|AIP Final Milk Revenue must have no more than 11 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999999.| 2022|D00001|P28|119275|6|9|AIP Final Milk Revenue must equal Final Milk Revenue.| 2022|D00001|P28|119276|1|9|AIP Final Revenue Guarantee is Required.| 2022|D00001|P28|119277|2|9|AIP Final Revenue Guarantee must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P28|119278|20|9|AIP Final Revenue Guarantee must have no more than 9 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P28|119279|6|9|AIP Final Revenue Guarantee must equal Final Revenue Guarantee.| 2022|D00001|P29|119172|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P29|119173|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P29|119174|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P29|119175|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-07-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P29|119176|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P29|119179|12|9|The Legacy Practice fields or Extended Practice fields (whichever are submitted) must be valid for the offer according to the ADM Insurance Offer (A00030) record.| 2022|D00001|P29|119180|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P29|119181|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P29|119225|1|9|AIP DRP Coverage Inquiry Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P29|119226|9|9|AIP DRP Coverage Inquiry Key must be unique within the parent P10 record.| 2022|D00001|P29|119227|17|9|AIP DRP Coverage Inquiry Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P29|119182|1|9|Practice Code is Required when the Extended Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P29|119183|1|9|Practice Code is Required when Extended Practice Codes are in transition and any of the Extended Practice Codes have been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P29|119184|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when Extended Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P29|119185|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Practice Code fields are in transition and any of the Extended Practice Codes have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P29|119187|10|9|Practice Code must be valid; edit with Practice ADM "A00510" record when Practice Code exists.|A00510 2022|D00001|P29|119188|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P29|119189|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P29|119190|22|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P29|119191|22|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P29|119192|10|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be valid; edit with Irrigation Practice ADM "A00490" record.|A00490 2022|D00001|P29|119193|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P29|119195|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P29|119196|22|9|Cropping Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P29|119197|22|9|Cropping Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P29|119198|10|9|Cropping Practice Code must be valid; edit with Cropping Practice ADM "A00450" record.|A00450 2022|D00001|P29|119199|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P29|119200|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P29|119201|22|9|Organic Practice Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P29|119202|22|9|Organic Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P29|119203|10|9|Organic Practice Code must be valid; edit with Organic Practice ADM "A00500" record.|A00500 2022|D00001|P29|119204|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes have been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P29|119205|1|9|Interval Code is Required when Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition, and the Practice Code has been omitted.| 2022|D00001|P29|119206|22|9|Interval Code must be empty when the Extended Type/Practice Codes are in transition and the Practice Code has been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P29|119207|22|9|Interval Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice Codes have not been implemented.| 2022|D00001|P29|119208|10|9|Interval Code must be valid; edit with Interval ADM "A00480" record.|A00480 2022|D00001|P35|142870|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35|142871|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P35|142872|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35|142873|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-08-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P35|142874|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P35|143031|1027|0|Set Commodity Code = ODS15.CommodityCode, Policy Number = ODS15.PolicyNumber, Insurance Plan Code = ODS15.InsurancePlanCode, Location State Code = ODS15.LocationStateCode from the P15 record .|ODS15 2022|D00001|P35|143099|34|9|The sum of the (Historical Percent Of Sales - Elected Percent Of Sales) across all of the child P35B records must equal 0.| 2022|D00001|P35|143096|34|9|At least one P35B must meet the following criteria: The absolute value of the Historical Percent Of Sales - Elected Percent Of Sales is greater than or equal to 0.05 when at least one P35B has Elected Percent Of Sales.| 2022|D00001|P35|142876|1503|11|The following child records must be accepted in the batch for this record to be accepted:P35A, P35B, P35C| 2022|D00001|P35|142882|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is required.| 2022|D00001|P35|142883|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P35|142884|16|5|When AIP Policy Producer Key is rejected in the ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record with an established LRR or Escrow Fund, this record will also be rejected, but with an established LRR or Escrow Fund.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P35|142885|1|9|AIP Personal Projected Price Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35|142886|17|9|AIP Personal Projected Price Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P35|142887|9|9|AIP Personal Projected Price Key must be unique within the parent P10 record.| 2022|D00001|P35|142888|1|9|Personal Projected Price Group Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35|142889|17|9|Personal Projected Price Group Code must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 3 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P35|143117|67|9|Personal Projected Price Group Code must be valid; edit with ICE Personal Projected Price Group ICE "D00179" record.|D00179 2022|D00001|P35|142919|34|9|At least one P15 must be accepted in this batch for the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code and Personal Projected Price Group Code| 2022|D00001|P35|143056|34|9|All P15s contained within the AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code, Commodity Code and Personal Projected Price Group Code grouping must be accepted IN THIS BATCH for this P35 to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P35|143062|34|9|Personal Projected Price Group Code must be unique for each AIP Policy Producer Key and Location County Code.| 2022|D00001|P35|143065|34|9|There must be at least one P14 in this batch with the same AIP Policy Producer Key, Location County Code and Commodity Code.| 2022|D00001|P35|142911|2|9|Previous Year Average Revenue must be Numeric when Previous Year Average Revenue exists.| 2022|D00001|P35|142912|20|9|Previous Year Average Revenue must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P35|142891|1|9|AIP Average Yield per Acre is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35|142893|2|9|AIP Average Yield per Acre must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35|142892|20|9|AIP Average Yield per Acre must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P35|142894|6|9|AIP Average Yield per Acre must equal Average Yield per Acre.| 2022|D00001|P35|142895|1|9|AIP Average Revenue per Acre is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35|142896|2|9|AIP Average Revenue per Acre must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35|142897|20|9|AIP Average Revenue per Acre must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P35|143057|6|9|AIP Average Revenue per Acre must equal Average Revenue per Acre.| 2022|D00001|P35|142898|1|9|AIP Personal projected Price is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35|142899|2|9|AIP Personal projected Price must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35|142900|20|9|AIP Personal projected Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999.| 2022|D00001|P35|143058|6|9|AIP Personal projected Price must equal Personal Projected Price.| 2022|D00001|P35|142903|20|9|AIP Adjusted Average Revenue must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P35|142901|1|9|AIP Adjusted Average Revenue is Required when Elected Percent of Sales is populated on the associated P35B.| 2022|D00001|P35|142902|2|9|AIP Adjusted Average Revenue must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35|143059|6|9|AIP Adjusted Average Revenue must equal Adjusted Average Revenue.| 2022|D00001|P35|142906|20|9|AIP Adjusted Personal Projected Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999.| 2022|D00001|P35|142904|1|9|AIP Adjusted Personal Projected Price is Require when Elected Percent of Sales is populated on the 35B.| 2022|D00001|P35|142905|2|9|AIP Adjusted Personal Projected Price must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35|143060|6|9|AIP Adjusted Personal Projected Price must equal Adjusted Personal Projected Price.| 2022|D00001|P35|142907|1|9|AIP Approved Projected Price is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35|142908|2|9|AIP Approved Projected Price must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35|142909|20|9|AIP Approved Projected Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999.| 2022|D00001|P35|143061|6|9|AIP Approved Projected Price must equal Approved Projected Price.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142880|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142941|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P35A|142913|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142914|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-08-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142915|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P35A|142916|11|9|The parent P35 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P35A|143069|12|9|The number of associated P35A records, that are associated by AIP Policy Producer Key and AIP Projected Price Key, must be equal to or greater than 4 and less than or equal to 10.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142917|47|9|The parent P35 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142937|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142938|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P35A|142954|16|9|When AIP Policy Producer Key is rejected in the ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record with an established LRR or Escrow Fund, this record will also be rejected, but with an established LRR or Escrow Fund.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P35A|142955|1|9|AIP Personal Projected Price Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142956|17|9|AIP Personal Projected Price Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142949|1|9|AIP Revenue and Yield Summary Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142950|17|9|AIP Revenue and Yield Summary Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142951|9|9|AIP Revenue and Yield Summary Key must be unique within the parent P35 record.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142957|1|9|Revenue Commodity Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142958|2|9|Revenue Commodity Year must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142959|20|9|Revenue Commodity Year must be a whole number.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142961|12|9|Revenue Commodity Year must be greater than or equal to '1970' and less than or equal to Reinsurance Year.| 2022|D00001|P35A|143073|12|9|The Revenue Commodity Year value must be unique within a P35 grouping.| 2022|D00001|P35A|143078|12|9|The associated P35A records, that are associated by AIP Policy Producer Key and AIP Personal Projected Price Key, must be in chronological and consecutive order.| 2022|D00001|P35A|143082|12|9|If Revenue Commodity Year is the maximum Revenue Commodity Year within the grouping by AIP Policy Producer Key and AIP Personal Projected Price Key, it must be equal to the current Reinsurance Year or the current Reinsurance Year minus one.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142963|2|9|AIP Yield Acreage must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142964|20|9|AIP Yield Acreage must have no more than 6 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142967|2|9|AIP Annual Production must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142968|20|9|AIP Annual Production must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142971|2|9|AIP Annual Production Sold must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142972|20|9|AIP Annual Production Sold must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142974|1|9|AIP Annual Yield is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142975|2|9|AIP Annual Yield must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142976|20|9|AIP Annual Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142979|2|9|AIP Actual Total Revenue must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142980|20|9|AIP Actual Total Revenue must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142982|1|9|AIP Annual Revenue is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142983|2|9|AIP Annual Revenue must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142984|20|9|AIP Annual Revenue must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142987|2|9|AIP Adjusted Total Revenue must be Numeric when AIP Adjusted Total Revenue exists.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142988|20|9|AIP Adjusted Total Revenue must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99 when AIP Adjusted Total Revenue exists.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142991|2|9|AIP Adjusted Annual Revenue must be Numeric when AIP Adjusted Annual Revenue exists.| 2022|D00001|P35A|142992|20|9|AIP Adjusted Annual Revenue must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99 when AIP Adjusted Annual Revenue exists.| 2022|D00001|P35B|142921|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35B|142922|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P35B|142923|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35B|142924|59|9|Record must be submitted between 2021-08-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P35B|142925|28|9|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P35B|142926|47|9|The parent P35 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P35B|142928|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is required.| 2022|D00001|P35B|142929|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P35B|142930|16|5|When AIP Policy Producer Key is rejected in the ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record with an established LRR or Escrow Fund, this record will also be rejected, but with an established LRR or Escrow Fund.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P35B|142931|1|9|AIP Personal Projected Price Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35B|142932|17|9|AIP Personal Projected Price Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P35B|142933|1|9|AIP Tolerance Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35B|142934|17|9|AIP Tolerance Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P35B|142935|9|9|AIP Tolerance Key must be unique within the parent P35 record.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143034|1|9|AIP Historical Average Gross Price is Required when there exists a Revenue History P35C with Revenue Type Code that is not E,N,P,S,T,Z.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143344|22|9|AIP Historical Average Gross Price must be empty when there does not exist a Revenue History P35C with Revenue Type Code that is not E,N,P,S,T,Z.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143035|2|9|AIP Historical Average Gross Price must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143036|20|9|AIP Historical Average Gross Price must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143038|1|9|AIP Historical Average Actual Price is Required when there exists a Revenue History P35C with Revenue Type Code that is not E,N,P,S,T,Z.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143346|22|9|AIP Historical Average Actual Price must be empty when there does not exist a Revenue History P35C with Revenue Type Code that is not E,N,P,S,T,Z.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143039|2|9|AIP Historical Average Actual Price must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143040|20|9|AIP Historical Average Actual Price must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143042|1|9|AIP Historical Percent of Sale is Required when there exists a Revenue History P35C with Revenue Type Code that is not E,N,P,S,T,Z.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143348|22|9|AIP Historical Percent of Sale must be empty when there does not exist a Revenue History P35C with Revenue Type Code that is not E,N,P,S,T,Z.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143043|2|9|AIP Historical Percent of Sale must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143044|20|9|AIP Historical Percent of Sale must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143046|2|9|Elected Percent of Sales must be Numeric when Elected Percent of Sales exists.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143047|20|9|Elected Percent of Sales must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.9999 when Elected Percent of Sales exists.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143048|7|9|Elected Percent of Sales must be less than or equal to 1.0000 when Elected Percent of Sales exists.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143095|12|9|If any of the sibling P35B records has a value in Elected Percent of Sales, then this record must also have a value in Elected Percent of Sales.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143049|1|9|AIP Historical Average Price Difference is Required when there exists a Revenue History P35C with Revenue Type Code that is not E,N,P,S,T,Z.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143350|22|9|AIP Historical Average Price Difference must be empty when there does not exist a Revenue History P35C with Revenue Type Code that is not E,N,P,S,T,Z.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143050|2|9|AIP Historical Average Price Difference must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143051|20|9|AIP Historical Average Price Difference must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.9999.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143053|1|9|Buyer Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143054|17|9|Buyer Type Code must be exactly 1 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P35B|143055|67|9|Buyer Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Buyer Type ICE "D00176" record.|D00176 2022|D00001|P35B|143066|67|9|Buyer Type Code must be valid for the submitted Reinsurance Year and Commodity Code as determined by the D00177 Buyer Type Commodity ICE record.|D00177 2022|D00001|P35C|142942|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35C|142943|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P35C|142997|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35C|142944|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-08-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P35C|142945|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P35C|142946|11|9|The parent P35 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143070|12|9|The number of associated P35C records, that are associated by AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Personal Projected Price Key, and Buyer Type Code, must be equal to or greater than 4 and less than or equal to 10.| 2022|D00001|P35C|142947|47|9|The parent P35 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P35C|142939|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35C|142940|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P35C|142998|16|9|When AIP Policy Producer Key is rejected in the ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record with an established LRR or Escrow Fund, this record will also be rejected, but with an established LRR or Escrow Fund.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P35C|142999|1|9|AIP Personal Projected Price Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143000|17|9|AIP Personal Projected Price Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143001|1|9|AIP Revenue History Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143002|17|9|AIP Revenue History Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143003|9|9|AIP Revenue History Key must be unique within the parent P35 record.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143007|1|9|Revenue Commodity Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143008|2|9|Revenue Commodity Year must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143009|20|9|Revenue Commodity Year must be a whole number.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143010|12|9|Revenue Commodity Year must be greater than or equal to '1970' and less than or equal to Reinsurance Year.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143074|12|9|The Revenue Commodity Year value must be unique within a P35 and Buyer Type Code grouping.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143081|12|9|The associated P35C records, that are associated by AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Personal Projected Price Key, and Buyer Type Code, must be in chronological and consecutive order.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143083|12|9|If Revenue Commodity Year is the maximum Revenue Commodity Year within the grouping by AIP Policy Producer Key, AIP Personal Projected Price Key, and Buyer TypeCode, it must be equal to the current Reinsurance Year or the current Reinsurance Year minus one.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143011|1|9|Revenue Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143012|10|9|Revenue Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Revenue Type ICE "D00178" record.|D00178 2022|D00001|P35C|143013|1|9|Actual Total Revenue is Required when Revenue Type Code is not one of the following values: 'E', 'N', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143114|22|9|Actual Total Revenue must be empty when Revenue Type Code is one of the following values: 'E', 'N', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143014|2|9|Actual Total Revenue must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143015|20|9|Actual Total Revenue must be a whole number.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143113|7|9|Actual Total Revenue must be less than or equal to Gross Total Revenue.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143017|1|9|Gross Total Revenue is Required when Revenue Type Code is not one of the following values: 'E', 'N', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143085|22|9|Gross Total Revenue must be empty when Revenue Type Code is one of the following values: 'E', 'N', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143018|2|9|Gross Total Revenue must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143019|20|9|Gross Total Revenue must be a whole number.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143021|1|9|Production Sold is Required when Revenue Type Code is not one of the following values: 'E', 'N', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143334|22|9|Production Sold must be empty when Revenue Type Code is one of the following values: 'E', 'N', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143022|2|9|Production Sold must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143023|20|9|Production Sold must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.99.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143086|1|9|AIP Actual Price is Required when Revenue Type Code is not one of the following values: 'E', 'N', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143335|22|9|AIP Actual Price must be empty when Revenue Type Code is one of the following values: 'E', 'N', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'Z'.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143024|2|9|AIP Actual Price must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143025|20|9|AIP Actual Price must have no more than 5 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 4 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999.9999.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143027|1|9|Buyer Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P35C|143028|10|9|Buyer Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Buyer Type ICE "D00176" record.|D00176 2022|D00001|P35C|143030|10|9|Buyer Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Buyer Type Commodity ICE "D00177" record.|D00177 2022|D00001|P48|5034|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P48|5032|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P48|5035|1|9|Record Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P48|5036|1|9|Delete Record Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P48|5711|10|9|Delete Record Type Code must be valid; edit with Delete Record Type ICE "D00044" record.|D00044 2022|D00001|P49|5120|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P49|5121|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P49|5122|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P49|5836|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-07-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P49|5127|28|9|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P49|19332|12|9|Record does not match a previously established policy in the ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P49|19333|12|9|Record matches a previously deleted policy in the ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P49|4388|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P49|5125|1|9|Delete Reason Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P49|5153|10|9|Delete Reason Code must be valid; edit with Delete Reason ICE "D00029" record.|D00029 2022|D00001|P51|4352|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P51|4353|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P51|4368|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P51|5840|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-07-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P51|4350|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P51|8168|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P51|4356|1|9|AIP COI Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P51|4357|17|9|The length of AIP COI Key must be a minimum of 1 character and a maximum of 15 characters.| 2022|D00001|P51|4358|9|9|AIP COI Key must be unique within the submitted P51 records.| 2022|D00001|P51|4806|1|9|AIP Adjuster Key is Required when AIP Insurance Agent Key is empty and AIP Employee Key is empty.| 2022|D00001|P51|4809|22|9|AIP Adjuster Key must be empty when AIP Insurance Agent Key exists or AIP Employee Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P51|5057|67|9|AIP Adjuster Key must be valid; edit with Adjuster ODS "ODS56" record.|ODS56 2022|D00001|P51|4807|1|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key is Required when AIP Employee Key is empty and AIP Adjuster Key is empty.| 2022|D00001|P51|4810|22|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key must be empty when AIP Loss Adjuster Key exists or AIP Employee Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P51|5061|67|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key must be valid; edit with Insurance Agent ODS "ODS55" record.|ODS55 2022|D00001|P51|4808|1|9|AIP Employee Key is Required when AIP Insurance Agent Key is empty and AIP Adjuster Key is empty.| 2022|D00001|P51|4811|22|9|AIP Employee Key must be empty when AIP Adjuster Key exists or AIP Insurance Agent Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P51|5063|67|9|AIP Employee Key must be valid; edit with Employee ODS "ODS54" record.|ODS54 2022|D00001|P51|8169|1|9|Policy Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P51|8170|33|9|Policy Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P51|8171|17|9|Policy Number must be exactly 7 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P51|8173|6|9|Policy Number must not equal '0000000'.| 2022|D00001|P51|8174|1|9|Pic Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P51|8175|10|9|Pic Code must be valid; edit with PIC ICE "D00101" record.|D00101 2022|D00001|P51|8176|1|9|Location State Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P51|8177|10|9|Location State Code must be valid; edit with State ADM "A00520" record.|A00520 2022|D00001|P51|4374|1|9|COI Question Code List is Required.| 2022|D00001|P51|51081|17|9|COI Question Code List must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P51|4367|30|9|Each delimited value in COI Question Code List must be valid; edit with COI Question ICE "D00015" record.|D00015 2022|D00001|P54|3891|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3892|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P54|3893|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|5841|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-06-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P54|3889|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P54|3890|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Employee SSN, Employee Type Code.| 2022|D00001|P54|7571|63|9|The business key AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Employee SSN, Employee Type Code must not have already been accepted for a different record key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Employee Key.| 2022|D00001|P54|3896|1|9|AIP Employee Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3897|17|9|AIP Employee Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P54|3898|9|9|AIP Employee Key must be unique within the submitted P54 records.| 2022|D00001|P54|8715|12|9|AIP Employee Key must not contain Employee SSN.| 2022|D00001|P54|4987|1|9|Employee SSN is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|5655|17|9|Employee SSN must be exactly 9 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P54|7626|33|9|Employee SSN must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P54|4988|12|9|Employee SSN must be valid.| 2022|D00001|P54|5460|1|9|Employee Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|5461|10|9|Employee Type Code must be valid; edit with Employee Type ICE "D00103" record.|D00103 2022|D00001|P54|3899|1|9|Last Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3900|25|9|Last Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P54|3901|17|9|Last Name must be a minimum of 2 characters in length and a maximum of 25 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P54|3902|1|9|First Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3903|25|9|First Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P54|3904|17|9|First Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P54|3906|25|9|Middle Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P54|3907|17|9|Middle Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P54|3909|25|9|Suffix must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P54|3910|17|9|Suffix must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P54|4799|25|9|Title must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P54|4800|17|9|Title must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P54|3911|1|9|Street 1 Address is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P54|7628|22|9|Street 1 Address must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P54|3912|25|9|Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2022|D00001|P54|3913|17|9|Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P54|3915|25|9|Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2022|D00001|P54|3916|17|9|Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P54|3917|1|9|City Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|10143|25|9|City Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: ( ), (-), (,), (.), (').| 2022|D00001|P54|3918|10|4|City Name must be valid; edit with the Zip table when State Abbreviation exists.|D10003 2022|D00001|P54|3919|1|9|State Abbreviation is Required when International Country Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P54|7666|22|9|State Abbreviation must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P54|3921|10|9|State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P54|3922|1|9|Zip Code is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P54|5769|22|1|Zip Code must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P54|3924|10|9|Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P54|7728|22|9|Zip Extension Code must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P54|7629|33|9|Zip Extension Code must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P54|5463|17|9|Zip Extension Code must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P54|5770|1|9|International Address is Required when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P54|5130|22|9|International Address must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P54|8602|17|9|International Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P54|5132|1|9|International Country Code is Required when International Address exists.| 2022|D00001|P54|5131|22|9|International Country Code must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P54|8601|10|9|International Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 2022|D00001|P54|8603|10|6|International Phone Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 2022|D00001|P54|3927|1|9|COI Questionnaire Completion Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3928|8|9|COI Questionnaire Completion Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P54|3929|3|9|COI Questionnaire Completion Date must be between 04-01 (Reinsurance Year minus 1 year) and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P54|5001|8|9|COI Questionnaire Amended Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P54|5759|3|9|COI Questionnaire Amended Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P54|3930|1|9|COI Response Carryover Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3931|6|9|COI Response Carryover Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P54|8269|12|9|COI Response Carryover Flag must not equal 'Y' if the P54 record was not submitted in the previous reinsurance year.| 2022|D00001|P54|3932|1|9|COI Question 1 Response Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3933|6|9|COI Question 1 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P54|8267|3|9|COI Question 1 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when the COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P54|3934|1|9|COI Question 2 Response Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3935|6|9|COI Question 2 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P54|8270|3|9|COI Question 2 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when the COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P54|3936|1|9|COI Question 3 Response Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3937|6|9|COI Question 3 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P54|8271|3|9|COI Question 3 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when the COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P54|3938|1|9|COI Question 4 Response Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3939|6|9|COI Question 4 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P54|8272|3|9|COI Question 4 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P54|3940|1|9|COI Question 5 Response Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3941|6|9|COI Question 5 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P54|8273|3|9|COI Question 5 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P54|3942|1|9|COI Question 6 Response Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3943|6|9|COI Question 6 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P54|8274|3|9|COI Question 6 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P54|3944|1|9|COI Question 7 Response Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3945|6|9|COI Question 7 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P54|8275|3|9|COI Question 7 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P54|3946|1|9|COI Question 8 Response Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3947|6|9|COI Question 8 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P54|8276|3|9|COI Question 8 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P54|3948|1|9|COI Question 9 Response Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3949|6|9|COI Question 9 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P54|8277|3|9|COI Question 9 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P54|3950|1|9|COI Question 10 Response Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3951|6|9|COI Question 10 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P54|8278|3|9|COI Question 10 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P54|3952|1|9|COI Question 11 Response Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P54|3953|6|9|COI Question 11 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P54|8279|3|9|COI Question 11 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P55|4228|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55|4229|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P55|4230|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55|5842|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-06-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P55|4233|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P55|4234|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Agent SSN.| 2022|D00001|P55|7568|63|9|The business key AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Agent SSN must not have already been accepted for a different record key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, AIP Insurance Agent Key.| 2022|D00001|P55|5692|12|9|Agent must not be ineligible as of the Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P55|4235|1503|9|The following child records must be accepted in the batch for this record to be accepted:P55A, P55B| 2022|D00001|P55|4236|1504|9|The following child records must exist in the batch for this record to be accepted:P55A, P55B| 2022|D00001|P55|4239|1|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55|4240|17|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55|4241|9|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key must be unique within the submitted P55 records.| 2022|D00001|P55|8583|12|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key must not contain Agent SSN.| 2022|D00001|P55|4242|1|9|Agent SSN is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55|5656|17|9|Agent SSN must be exactly 9 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55|7528|33|9|Agent SSN must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P55|4243|12|9|Agent SSN must be valid.| 2022|D00001|P55|4244|1|9|Last Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55|4245|25|9|Last Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P55|4246|17|9|Last Name must be a minimum of 2 characters in length and a maximum of 25 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55|4247|1|9|First Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55|4248|25|9|First Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P55|4249|17|9|First Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55|4251|25|9|Middle Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P55|4252|17|9|Middle Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55|4254|25|9|Suffix must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P55|4255|17|9|Suffix must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55|4257|25|9|Title must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P55|4258|17|9|Title must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55|4265|8|9|Inactive Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P55|4266|3|9|Inactive Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P55|7527|17|9|Additional Language Code List must be a minimum of 3 characters in length and a maximum of 43 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55|4272|31|9|Each delimited value in Additional Language Code List must be unique.| 2022|D00001|P55|4273|30|9|Each delimited value in Additional Language Code List must be valid; edit with Additional Language ICE "D00011" record.|D00011 2022|D00001|P55|4297|6|9|Listed Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|4261|1|9|Non Disclosure Signature Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55|4262|8|9|Non Disclosure Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P55|4263|3|9|Non Disclosure Signature Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P55|4822|22|9|Annual Review Date must be empty.| 2022|D00001|P55|4829|8|9|COI Questionnaire Completion Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P55|5763|3|9|COI Questionnaire Completion Date must be between 04-01 (Reinsurance Year minus 1 year) and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P55|4825|8|9|COI Questionnaire Amended Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P55|5021|3|9|COI Questionnaire Amended Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P55|5023|6|9|COI Response Carryover Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|8288|12|9|COI Response Carryover Flag must not equal 'Y' if the P55 record was not submitted in the previous reinsurance year.| 2022|D00001|P55|4274|1|9|COI Question 1 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P55|7529|22|9|COI Question 1 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P55|4275|6|9|COI Question 1 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|8350|3|9|COI Question 1 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P55|4276|1|9|COI Question 2 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P55|7530|22|9|COI Question 2 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P55|4277|6|9|COI Question 2 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|8353|3|9|COI Question 2 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P55|4278|1|9|COI Question 3 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P55|7531|22|9|COI Question 3 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P55|4279|6|9|COI Question 3 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|8354|3|9|COI Question 3 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P55|4280|1|9|COI Question 4 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P55|7532|22|9|COI Question 4 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P55|4281|6|9|COI Question 4 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|8357|3|9|COI Question 4 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P55|4282|1|9|COI Question 5 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P55|7533|22|9|COI Question 5 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P55|4283|6|9|COI Question 5 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|8358|3|9|COI Question 5 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P55|4284|1|9|COI Question 6 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P55|7534|22|9|COI Question 6 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P55|4285|6|9|COI Question 6 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|8361|3|9|COI Question 6 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P55|4286|1|9|COI Question 7 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P55|7535|22|9|COI Question 7 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P55|4287|6|9|COI Question 7 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|8362|3|9|COI Question 7 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P55|4288|1|9|COI Question 8 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P55|7536|22|9|COI Question 8 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P55|4289|6|9|COI Question 8 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|8365|3|9|COI Question 8 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P55|4290|1|9|COI Question 9 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P55|7537|22|9|COI Question 9 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P55|4291|6|9|COI Question 9 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|8370|3|9|COI Question 9 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P55|4292|1|9|COI Question 10 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P55|7538|22|9|COI Question 10 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P55|4293|6|9|COI Question 10 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|8366|3|9|COI Question 10 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P55|5425|1|9|COI Question 11 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P55|7539|22|9|COI Question 11 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P55|5426|6|9|COI Question 11 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55|8369|3|9|COI Question 11 Response Flag must be the same as the prior year's submission when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P55|153357|1|9|Race Question Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55|153360|10|9|Race Question Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Race Question Type ICE "D00180" record.|D00180 2022|D00001|P55|153358|1|9|Ethnicity Question Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55|153361|10|9|Ethnicity Question Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Ethnicity Question Type ICE "D00181" record.|D00181 2022|D00001|P55|153359|1|9|Gender Question Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55|153362|10|9|Gender Question Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Gender Question Type ICE "D00182" record.|D00182 2022|D00001|P55A|4300|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4301|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P55A|4302|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|5843|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-06-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4305|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P55A|4309|11|9|The parent P55 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4310|47|9|Parent P55 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4308|1|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|7560|17|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4311|1|9|AIP Insurance Agent Agency Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4312|17|9|AIP Insurance Agent Agency Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4313|9|9|AIP Insurance Agent Agency Key must be unique within the parent P55 record.| 2022|D00001|P55A|8584|12|9|AIP Insurance Agent Agency Key must not contain Tax ID.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4314|1|9|Agency Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4315|25|9|Agency Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (/), (*), (+), (#).| 2022|D00001|P55A|4316|17|9|Agency Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4791|1|9|Tax ID is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4792|17|9|Tax ID must be exactly 9 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4793|33|9|Tax ID must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P55A|7563|6|9|Tax ID must not equal '000000000'.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4794|32|9|Tax ID first 2 positions must be a valid State Code and positions 3 through 5 must be a valid County Code if Tax ID Type Code is 5.|D00107 2022|D00001|P55A|5764|12|9|Tax ID must be a valid SSN when Tax ID Type Code is '1'.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4795|1|9|Tax ID Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4797|10|9|Tax ID Type Code must be valid; edit with TaxID Type ICE "D00005" record.|D00005 2022|D00001|P55A|4317|1|9|Street 1 Address is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4318|25|9|Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#).| 2022|D00001|P55A|4319|17|9|Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4321|25|9|Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#).| 2022|D00001|P55A|4322|17|9|Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4323|1|9|City Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|10144|25|9|City Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: ( ), (-), (,), (.), (').| 2022|D00001|P55A|4324|10|4|City Name must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P55A|4325|1|9|Address County Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4327|10|9|Address County Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P55A|4328|1|9|State Abbreviation is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4330|10|9|State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P55A|4331|1|9|Zip Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4333|10|9|Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P55A|7583|33|9|Zip Extension Code must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P55A|5174|17|9|Zip Extension Code must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4336|1|9|Phone Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4337|33|9|Phone Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4338|26|9|The characters in Phone Number may not all be the same.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4339|18|9|The left 3 characters of Phone Number may not equal ('000' or '999').| 2022|D00001|P55A|4340|17|9|Phone Number must be exactly 10 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4342|33|9|Phone Extension Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P55A|4344|17|9|Phone Extension Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 6 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|7286|17|9|Email Address must be a minimum of 6 characters in length and a maximum of 100 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|7285|25|9|Email Address must be valid according to the published RFC 822-standard for the format of ARPA Internet Text Messages.| 2022|D00001|P55A|6516|1|9|Retain Files Flag is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55A|6517|6|9|Retain Files Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P55A|9404|17|9|Retained Files Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|9405|25|9|Retained Files Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2022|D00001|P55A|9407|17|9|Retained Files Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|9408|25|9|Retained Files Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2022|D00001|P55A|9410|10|4|Retained Files City Name must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P55A|9412|10|9|Retained Files State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P55A|9414|10|9|Retained Files Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P55A|9417|17|9|Retained Files Zip Extension Code must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|9418|33|9|Retained Files Zip Extension Code must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P55A|9419|17|9|Retained Files Phone Number must be exactly 10 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|9420|33|9|Retained Files Phone Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P55A|9422|17|9|Retained Files Phone Extension Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55A|9423|33|9|Retained Files Phone Extension Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P55B|4390|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55B|4392|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55B|5844|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-06-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P55B|4394|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P55B|4396|11|9|The parent P55 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P55B|4397|47|9|The parent P55 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P55B|4395|1|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55B|7569|17|9|AIP Insurance Agent Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55B|4398|1|9|AIP Insurance Agent Servicing State Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55B|4399|17|9|AIP Insurance Agent Servicing State Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55B|4400|9|9|AIP Insurance Agent Servicing State Key must be unique within the parent P55 record.| 2022|D00001|P55B|4406|1|9|Servicing State Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55B|4408|10|9|Servicing State Code must be valid; edit with State ICE "D00106" record.|D00106 2022|D00001|P55B|4391|10|9|Servicing State Code must be valid; edit with the AIP State table.|D10001 2022|D00001|P55B|4409|1|9|Directory County Code List is Required.| 2022|D00001|P55B|7582|17|9|Directory County Code List must be a minimum of 3 characters in length and a maximum of 1015 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P55B|4412|30|9|Each delimited value in Directory County Code List must be valid; edit with County ICE "D00107" record.|D00107 2022|D00001|P55B|4410|31|9|Each delimited value in Directory County Code List must be unique.| 2022|D00001|P55B|4411|17|9|Directory County Code List must be exactly 3 characters in length when Directory County Code List contains '998'.| 2022|D00001|P56|3453|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|3456|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P56|3459|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|5845|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-10-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P56|5960|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P56|7887|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: Adjuster SSN, AIP Code, Reinsurance Year.| 2022|D00001|P56|7889|63|9|The business key Adjuster SSN, AIP Code, Reinsurance Year must not have already been accepted for a different record key: AIP Adjuster Key, AIP Code, Reinsurance Year.| 2022|D00001|P56|9525|12|9|Adjuster must not be ineligible as of the Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P56|3454|1|9|AIP Adjuster Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|4386|17|9|AIP Adjuster Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P56|3455|9|9|AIP Adjuster Key must be unique within the submitted P56 records.| 2022|D00001|P56|8587|12|9|AIP Adjuster Key must not contain the Adjuster SSN.| 2022|D00001|P56|3468|1|9|Adjuster SSN is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|7864|17|9|Adjuster SSN must be exactly 9 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P56|7865|33|9|Adjuster SSN must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P56|3469|12|9|Adjuster SSN must be valid.| 2022|D00001|P56|3457|1|9|Last Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|3458|25|9|Last Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P56|7867|17|9|Last Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 25 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P56|3460|1|9|First Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|3461|25|9|First Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P56|7868|17|9|First Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P56|3463|25|9|Middle Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P56|7869|17|9|Middle Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P56|3465|25|9|Suffix must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P56|7870|17|9|Suffix must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P56|3467|25|9|Title must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P56|7871|17|9|Title must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P56|3474|8|9|Inactive Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P56|3475|3|9|Inactive Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P56|3476|1|9|Street 1 Address is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|3477|25|9|Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2022|D00001|P56|7873|17|9|Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P56|3479|25|9|Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2022|D00001|P56|7874|17|9|Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P56|3480|1|9|City Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|10145|25|9|City Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: ( ), (-), (,), (.), (').| 2022|D00001|P56|7875|10|4|City Name must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P56|3496|1|9|Address County Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|3498|10|9|Address County Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P56|3491|1|9|State Abbreviation is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|3492|10|9|State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P56|3481|1|9|Zip Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|3483|10|9|Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2022|D00001|P56|7877|33|9|Zip Extension Code must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P56|5175|17|9|Zip Extension Code must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 4 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P56|3486|1|9|Phone Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|7878|33|9|Phone Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P56|3488|26|9|The characters in Phone Number may not all be the same.| 2022|D00001|P56|7881|18|9|The left 3 characters of Phone Number may not equal ('000' or '999').| 2022|D00001|P56|7882|17|9|Phone Number must be exactly 10 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P56|7883|33|9|Phone Extension Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P56|7884|17|9|Phone Extension Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 6 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P56|7087|1|9|Non Disclosure Signature Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|7089|8|9|Non Disclosure Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P56|7088|3|9|Non Disclosure Signature Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P56|5477|22|9|Annual Review Date must be empty.| 2022|D00001|P56|5481|8|9|COI Questionnaire Completion Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P56|5482|3|9|COI Questionnaire Completion Date must be between 04-01 (Reinsurance Year minus 1 year) and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P56|5484|8|9|COI Questionnaire Amended Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P56|5485|3|9|COI Questionnaire Amended Date must be less than Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P56|5487|6|9|COI Response Carryover Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P56|8289|12|9|When COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y', there must be a prior COI Question 1 Response| 2022|D00001|P56|5488|1|9|COI Question 1 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P56|7541|22|9|COI Question 1 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P56|5489|6|9|COI Question 1 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P56|8351|3|9|COI Question 1 Response Flag must be equal to its prior year's value when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P56|5490|1|9|COI Question 2 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P56|7542|22|9|COI Question 2 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P56|5491|6|9|COI Question 2 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P56|8352|3|9|COI Question 2 Response Flag must be equal to its prior year's value when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P56|5495|1|9|COI Question 3 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P56|7543|22|9|COI Question 3 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P56|5496|6|9|COI Question 3 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P56|8355|3|9|COI Question 3 Response Flag must be equal to its prior year's value when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P56|5497|1|9|COI Question 4 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P56|7544|22|9|COI Question 4 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P56|5498|6|9|COI Question 4 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N' when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P56|8356|3|9|COI Question 4 Response Flag must be equal to its prior year's value when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P56|5499|1|9|COI Question 5 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P56|7545|22|9|COI Question 5 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P56|5501|6|9|COI Question 5 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P56|8359|3|9|COI Question 5 Response Flag must be equal to its prior year's value when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P56|5502|1|9|COI Question 6 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P56|7546|22|9|COI Question 6 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P56|5504|6|9|COI Question 6 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P56|8360|3|9|COI Question 6 Response Flag must be equal to its prior year's value when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P56|5505|1|9|COI Question 7 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P56|7547|22|9|COI Question 7 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P56|5506|6|9|COI Question 7 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P56|8363|3|9|COI Question 7 Response Flag must be equal to its prior year's value when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P56|5508|1|9|COI Question 8 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P56|7548|22|9|COI Question 8 Response Flag must be equal to its prior year's value when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P56|5509|6|9|COI Question 8 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P56|8364|3|9|COI Question 8 Response Flag must be equal to the prior year's COI Question 8 Response Flag when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P56|5510|1|9|COI Question 9 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P56|7549|22|9|COI Question 9 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P56|5511|6|9|COI Question 9 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P56|8371|3|9|COI Question 9 Response Flag must be equal to its prior year's value when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P56|5512|1|9|COI Question 10 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P56|7550|22|9|COI Question 10 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P56|5513|6|9|COI Question 10 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P56|8367|3|9|COI Question 10 Response Flag must be equal to its prior year's value when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P56|5514|1|9|COI Question 11 Response Flag is Required when COI Questionnaire Completion Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P56|7551|22|9|COI Question 11 Response Flag must be empty when COI Questionnaire Completion Date is empty.| 2022|D00001|P56|5515|6|9|COI Question 11 Response Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P56|8368|3|9|COI Question 11 Response Flag must be equal to its prior year's value when COI Response Carryover Flag is 'Y'.| 2022|D00001|P56|153427|1|9|Race Question Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|153430|10|9|Race Question Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Race Question Type ICE "D00180" record when Race Question Type Code exists.|D00180 2022|D00001|P56|153428|1|9|Ethnicity Question Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|153432|10|9|Ethnicity Question Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Ethnicity Question Type ICE "D00181" record when Ethnicity Question Type Code exists.|D00181 2022|D00001|P56|153429|1|9|Gender Question Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P56|153431|10|9|Gender Question Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Gender Question Type ICE "D00182" record when Gender Question Type Code exists.|D00182 2022|D00001|P57|9970|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57|9971|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P57|9972|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57|9973|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-07-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P57|9974|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P57|128664|12|9|AIP Adjuster Key or AIP Employee Key must be transmitted. If both an Adjuster and Employee worked the review, both fields should be transmitted.| 2022|D00001|P57|9994|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with Insurance Offer ADM "A00030" record when Written Agreement Flag is not equal to 'Y' and Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '81', '82'.|A00030 2022|D00001|P57|128667|12|3|A Quality Control Reporting "P57" record must be reported within 20 business days of completing each review for Reinsurance Year 2021 and forward.| 2022|D00001|P57|128638|1503|9|The following child records must be accepted in the batch for this record to be accepted:P57A| 2022|D00001|P57|128641|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '81', '82'.| 2022|D00001|P57|128643|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '81', '82'.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P57|128673|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '81', '82'.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P57|128644|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '81', '82'.| 2022|D00001|P57|128646|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '81', '82'.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P57|128683|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '81', '82'.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P57|9975|1|9|AIP Quality Control Reporting Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57|9976|17|9|AIP Quality Control Reporting Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P57|9977|9|9|AIP Quality Control Reporting Key must be unique within the submitted P57 records.| 2022|D00001|P57|128661|1|9|AIP Adjuster Key is Required when AipEmployeeKey is empty.| 2022|D00001|P57|128658|17|9|AIP Adjuster Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length when AIP Adjuster Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|128657|67|9|AIP Adjuster Key must be valid; edit with ODS Adjuster ODS "ODS56" record when AIP Adjuster Key exists.|ODS56 2022|D00001|P57|128662|1|9|AIP Employee Key is Required when AipAdjusterKey is empty.| 2022|D00001|P57|128659|17|9|AIP Employee Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length when AIP Employee Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|128660|67|9|AIP Employee Key must be valid; edit with ODS Employee ODS "ODS54" record when AIP Employee Key exists.|ODS54 2022|D00001|P57|128663|1|9|Review Completion Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57|10002|8|9|Review Completion Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P57|10040|7|9|Review Completion Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P57|10004|1|9|Quality Control Review Code List is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57|10550|17|9|Quality Control Review Code List must be a minimum of 2 characters in length and a maximum of 23 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P57|10054|30|9|Each delimited value in Quality Control Review Code List must be valid; edit with Quality Control Review ICE "D00130" record.|D00130 2022|D00001|P57|10005|1|9|Application Review Result Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57|10035|10|9|Application Review Result Code must be valid; edit with Review Result ICE "D00082" record.|D00082 2022|D00001|P57|10006|1|9|APH Review Result Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57|10036|10|9|APH Review Result Code must be valid; edit with Review Result ICE "D00082" record.|D00082 2022|D00001|P57|10007|1|9|Acreage Report Review Result Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57|10037|10|9|Acreage Report Review Result Code must be valid; edit with Review Result ICE "D00082" record.|D00082 2022|D00001|P57|10008|1|9|Claim Review Result Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57|10038|10|9|Claim Review Result Code must be valid; edit with Review Result ICE "D00082" record.|D00082 2022|D00001|P57|10012|2|9|Original Liability Amount must be Numeric when Original Liability Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10013|20|9|Original Liability Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Original Liability Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10015|2|9|Original Total Premium Amount must be Numeric when Original Total Premium Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10016|20|9|Original Total Premium Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Original Total Premium Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10018|2|9|Original Indemnity Amount must be Numeric when Original Indemnity Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10019|20|9|Original Indemnity Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Original Indemnity Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10021|2|9|Final Liability Amount must be Numeric when Final Liability Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10022|20|9|Final Liability Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Final Liability Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10024|2|9|Final Total Premium Amount must be Numeric when Final Total Premium Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10025|20|9|Final Total Premium Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Final Total Premium Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10027|2|9|Final Indemnity Amount must be Numeric when Final Indemnity Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10028|20|9|Final Indemnity Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999 when Final Indemnity Amount exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10030|17|9|Comment must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 200 characters in length when Comment exists.| 2022|D00001|P57|10031|25|9|Comment must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: ( ), (-), (,), (.), (') when Comment exists.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128590|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128591|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P57A|128592|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128593|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-07-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128594|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P57A|128635|11|9|The parent P57 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128636|47|9|The parent P57 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128596|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128597|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P57A|128682|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer ODS "ODS10" record.|ODS10 2022|D00001|P57A|128598|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128599|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when AIP Insurance In Force Key exists.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P57A|128684|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when AIP Insurance In Force Key exists.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P57A|128600|1|9|AIP Quality Control Reporting Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128602|17|9|AIP Quality Control Reporting Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128601|1|9|AIP Quality Control Review Correction Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128603|17|9|AIP Quality Control Review Correction Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128604|9|9|AIP Quality Control Review Correction Key must be unique within the parent P57 record.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128605|1|9|Record Type Code In Error is Required when Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128606|10|9|Record Type Code In Error must be valid; edit with ICE Record Type In Error ICE "D00171" record.|D00171 2022|D00001|P57A|128607|1|9|Review Correction Action Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128608|10|9|Review Correction Action Code must be valid; edit with ICE Review Correction Action ICE "D00172" record.|D00172 2022|D00001|P57A|128609|10|9|Growing Season Inspection Code must be valid; edit with ICE GSI/PHI Inspection ICE "D00173" record when Growing Season Inspection Code exists.|D00173 2022|D00001|P57A|128610|10|9|Pre-Harvest Inspection Code must be valid; edit with ICE GSI/PHI Inspection ICE "D00173" record when Pre-Harvest Inspection Code exists.|D00173 2022|D00001|P57A|128711|1|9|Corrected Record AIP Key is Required when Review Correction Action Code is not equal to 'N' and Record Type Code In Error Not is one of the following values: ('P10', 'P14').| 2022|D00001|P57A|128612|22|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be empty when (Review Correction Action Code exists and Review Correction Action Code equals 'N') or (Record Type Code In Error exists and Record Type Code In Error equals 'P10').| 2022|D00001|P57A|128611|17|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length when Corrected Record AIP Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128698|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer Address ODS "ODS10A" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P10A' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS10A 2022|D00001|P57A|128699|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Policy Producer Other Entity ODS "ODS10B" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P10B' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS10B 2022|D00001|P57A|128700|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Acreage ODS "ODS11" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P11' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS11 2022|D00001|P57A|128701|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Acreage Detail ODS "ODS11A" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P11A' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS11A 2022|D00001|P57A|128702|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Inventory Value ODS "ODS13" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P13' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS13 2022|D00001|P57A|128703|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P14' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P57A|128704|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Yield ODS "ODS15" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P15' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS15 2022|D00001|P57A|128705|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Yield History ODS "ODS15A" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P15A' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS15A 2022|D00001|P57A|128706|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Acreage Claim ODS "ODS21" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P21' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS21 2022|D00001|P57A|128707|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Production Loss Sub Detail ODS "ODS21A" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P21A' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS21A 2022|D00001|P57A|128708|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Inventory Loss ODS "ODS22" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P22' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS22 2022|D00001|P57A|128709|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Production ODS "ODS26" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P26' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS26 2022|D00001|P57A|128910|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with WFRP Farm Reports ODS "ODS19" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P19' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS19 2022|D00001|P57A|128911|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with WFRP Farm Reports Detail ODS "ODS19A" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P19A' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS19A 2022|D00001|P57A|128912|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with WFRP Farm Reports Sub Detail ODS "ODS19B" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P19B' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS19B 2022|D00001|P57A|128913|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS WFRP Indemnity ODS "ODS23" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P23' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS23 2022|D00001|P57A|128914|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS WFRP Indemnity Detail ODS "ODS23A" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P23A' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS23A 2022|D00001|P57A|128915|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Land ODS "ODS27" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P27' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS27 2022|D00001|P57A|128916|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Land Other Person Sharing ODS "ODS27A" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P27A' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS27A 2022|D00001|P57A|128917|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Producer Exemption ODS "ODS75" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P75' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS75 2022|D00001|P57A|128918|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS Program Certification Detail ODS "ODS75A" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P75A' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS75A 2022|D00001|P57A|131085|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with DRP Premium ODS "ODS18" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P18' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS18 2022|D00001|P57A|131086|67|9|Corrected Record AIP Key must be valid; edit with ODS DRP Indemnity ODS "ODS28" record when Corrected Record AIP Key exists and Record Type Code In Error is 'P28' and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.|ODS28 2022|D00001|P57A|128628|1|9|Corrected Record Parent AIP Key is Required when Record Type Code In Error is one of the following values: ('P11A','P15A','19A','19B','P21A','P23A','P27A','P75A') and Review Correction Action Code is not 'N'.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128629|22|9|Corrected Record Parent AIP Key must be empty when Review Correction Action Code equals 'N' or Record Type Code In Error is not one of the following values: ('P11A','P15A','19A','19B','P21A','P23A','P27A','P75A').| 2022|D00001|P57A|128613|17|9|Corrected Record Parent AIP Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length when Corrected Record Parent AIP Key exists.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128631|31|9|Each delimited value in Error Source Type List must be unique when Error Source Type List exists.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128630|30|9|Each delimited value in Error Source Type List must be valid; edit with ICE Error Source Type ICE "D00174" record when Error Source Type List exists.|D00174 2022|D00001|P57A|128632|17|9|Error Source Type List must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 19 characters in length when Error Source Type List exists.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128633|17|9|Comment must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 200 characters in length when Comment exists.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128634|25|9|Comment must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: ( ), (-), (,), (.), (') when Comment exists.| 2022|D00001|P57A|128640|1506|0|Set the Process Result Code| 2022|D00001|P58|7116|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|7117|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P58|7118|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|7120|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-10-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P58|7121|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P58|7127|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when Practice Code exists and Type Code exists.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P58|18996|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when Practice Code is empty and Type Code exists.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P58|18997|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when Practice Code exists and Type Code is empty.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P58|18998|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with ODS Insurance In Force ODS "ODS14" record when Practice Code is empty and Type Code is empty.|ODS14 2022|D00001|P58|34645|12|9|This record was rejected because the Notice Date was earlier than July 1 of the year preceding the Reinsurance Year for your Commodity.| 2022|D00001|P58|7128|1|9|AIP Notice Of Loss Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|7192|17|9|AIP Notice Of Loss Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P58|7130|9|9|AIP Notice Of Loss Key must be unique within the submitted P58 records.| 2022|D00001|P58|8178|1|9|Policy Number is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|8179|33|9|Policy Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P58|8180|17|9|Policy Number must be exactly 7 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P58|8181|6|9|Policy Number must not equal '0000000'.| 2022|D00001|P58|8182|1|9|Pic Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|8183|10|9|Pic Code must be valid; edit with PIC ICE "D00101" record.|D00101 2022|D00001|P58|8184|1|9|Location State Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|8185|10|9|Location State Code must be valid; edit with State ADM "A00520" record.|A00520 2022|D00001|P58|8194|1|9|Location County Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|8195|10|9|Location County Code must be valid; edit with County ADM "A00440" record.|A00440 2022|D00001|P58|8197|1|9|Insurance Plan Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|8198|10|9|Insurance Plan Code must be valid; edit with Insurance Plan ADM "A00460" record.|A00460 2022|D00001|P58|29323|6|9|Insurance Plan Code must not equal one of the following values: '81', '82', '76'.| 2022|D00001|P58|8199|1|9|Commodity Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|8200|10|9|Commodity Code must be valid; edit with Commodity ADM "A00420" record.|A00420 2022|D00001|P58|8201|1|9|Commodity Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|8202|2|9|Commodity Year must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P58|9129|1|9|Type Code is Required when (Location State Code equals '04' and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0052','0053')) or (Commodity Code equals '0073') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')).| 2022|D00001|P58|53962|22|9|Type Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Implemented or in Transition and any of the Extended Type fields have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P58|8203|10|9|Type Code must be valid; edit with Type ADM "A00540" record.|A00540 2022|D00001|P58|9130|1|9|Practice Code is Required when Commodity Code is '0073'.| 2022|D00001|P58|53963|22|9|Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Implemented or in Transition and any of the Extended Practice fields have been submitted.| 2022|D00001|P58|8206|10|9|Practice Code must be valid; edit with Practice ADM "A00510" record when Practice Code exists.|A00510 2022|D00001|P58|53964|1|9|Commodity Type Code is Required when (Location State Code equals '04' and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0052','0053')) or (Commodity Code equals '0073') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')).| 2022|D00001|P58|53965|22|9|Commodity Type Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P58|8208|10|9|Commodity Type Code must be valid; edit with Commodity Type ADM "A00430" record.|A00430 2022|D00001|P58|53966|1|9|Class Code is Required when (Location State Code equals '04' and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0052','0053')) or (Commodity Code equals '0073') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')).| 2022|D00001|P58|53967|22|9|Class Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P58|8211|10|9|Class Code must be valid; edit with Class ADM "A00410" record.|A00410 2022|D00001|P58|53968|1|9|Sub Class Code is Required when (Location State Code equals '04' and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0052','0053')) or (Commodity Code equals '0073') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')).| 2022|D00001|P58|53969|22|9|Sub Class Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P58|8213|10|9|Sub Class Code must be valid; edit with Sub Class ADM "A00530" record.|A00530 2022|D00001|P58|53970|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required when (Location State Code equals '04' and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0052','0053')) or (Commodity Code equals '0073') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')).| 2022|D00001|P58|53971|22|9|Intended Use Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P58|8215|10|9|Intended Use Code must be valid; edit with Intended Use ADM "A00470" record.|A00470 2022|D00001|P58|53972|1|9|Irrigation Practice Code is Required when (Location State Code equals '04' and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0052','0053')) or (Commodity Code equals '0073') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')).| 2022|D00001|P58|53973|22|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Practice Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P58|9721|10|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be valid; edit with Irrigation Practice ADM "A00490" record.|A00490 2022|D00001|P58|53974|1|9|Cropping Practice Code is Required when (Location State Code equals '04' and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0052','0053')) or (Commodity Code equals '0073') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')).| 2022|D00001|P58|53975|22|9|Cropping Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Practice Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P58|8217|10|9|Cropping Practice Code must be valid; edit with Cropping Practice ADM "A00450" record.|A00450 2022|D00001|P58|53976|1|9|Organic Practice Code is Required when (Location State Code equals '04' and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0052','0053')) or (Commodity Code equals '0073') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')).| 2022|D00001|P58|53977|22|9|Organic Practice Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Practice Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P58|8219|10|9|Organic Practice Code must be valid; edit with Organic Practice ADM "A00500" record.|A00500 2022|D00001|P58|53978|1|9|Interval Code is Required when (Location State Code equals '04' and Commodity Code equals '0052') or (Location State Code equals '06' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0052','0053')) or (Commodity Code equals '0073') or ( Location State Code equals '48' and Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0193','0207','0208')).| 2022|D00001|P58|53979|22|9|Interval Code must be empty when Extended Type/Practice fields are Not Implemented or are in Transition and Practice Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P58|8221|10|9|Interval Code must be valid; edit with Interval ADM "A00480" record.|A00480 2022|D00001|P58|10362|1|9|Notice Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|10363|10|9|Notice Type Code must be valid; edit with Notice Type ICE "D00081" record.|D00081 2022|D00001|P58|10365|16|9|Notice Type Code must not exist in the Notice Type Exclusion ICE "D00032" record when Commodity Code is not '0039'.|D00032 2022|D00001|P58|10364|16|9|Notice Type Code must not exist in the Notice Type Exclusion ICE "D00032" record when Commodity Code is '0039'.|D00032 2022|D00001|P58|7132|1|9|Producer Damage Cause Code List is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|51083|17|9|Producer Damage Cause Code List must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 8 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P58|7151|31|9|Each delimited value in Producer Damage Cause Code List must be unique.| 2022|D00001|P58|10098|62|9|Each delimited value in Producer Damage Cause Code List must exist in the D00075 record.|D00075 2022|D00001|P58|10105|6|9|Producer Damage Cause Code List must equal '55' when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P58|10107|6|9|Producer Damage Cause Code List must equal '00' when Producer Damage Cause Code List contains '00'.| 2022|D00001|P58|12131|12|9|Producer Damage Cause Code List must not contain '87' when Commodity Code is '0011' and Type Code is not one of the following values: '012', '015'.| 2022|D00001|P58|7147|62|9|Each delimited value in Producer Damage Cause Code List must exist in the D00077 record when WA Number is empty.|D00077 2022|D00001|P58|179464|62|9|Each delimited value in Producer Damage Cause Code List must exist in the D00077 record when WA Number exists.|D00077 2022|D00001|P58|7792|1|9|Damage Date is Required when Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '16', '17', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P58|7797|22|9|Damage Date must be empty when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '04', '05', '06', '13', '14', '31', '32', '33', '35', '36', '87', '88', '89'.| 2022|D00001|P58|7802|8|9|Damage Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P58|7804|12|9|Damage Date must be greater than the Sales Closing Date of the prior Reinsurance Year and less than the latest End of Insurance Date from the A00200 for the following scenarios: Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0057', '0154'; Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: '02','03'; Insurance Plan Code equals '02' or '03' and Producer Damage Cause Code List does not contain '01'.| 2022|D00001|P58|51071|7|9|Damage Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0057', '0154'.| 2022|D00001|P58|66277|12|9|Damage Date must be greater than the Sales Closing Date of the prior Reinsurance Year and less than the Harvest Price Release Date of 12/15/Reinsurance Year plus 45 days when Insurance Plan Code is one of the following values: '02','03' and Producer Damage Cause Code List contains '01'.| 2022|D00001|P58|7795|1|9|Notice Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|7803|8|9|Notice Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P58|7133|1|9|Insured Intention Code List is Required.| 2022|D00001|P58|51082|17|9|Insured Intention Code List must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 8 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P58|7152|31|9|Each delimited value in Insured Intention Code List must be unique.| 2022|D00001|P58|7143|30|9|Each delimited value in Insured Intention Code List must be valid; edit with Insured Intention ICE "D00067" record.|D00067 2022|D00001|P58|7136|17|9|AIP Contact Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 100 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P58|7138|17|9|AIP Contact Text must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 300 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P70|19485|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P70|19487|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P70|19489|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P70|19497|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2023-02-11 and 2026-10-15.| 2022|D00001|P70|19500|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P70|19547|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: Accounting Period, AIP Code, Coverage Type Code, Location State Code, Reinsurance Year.| 2022|D00001|P70|19491|1|9|Location State Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P70|19493|10|9|Location State Code must be valid; edit with State ADM "A00520" record.|A00520 2022|D00001|P70|19495|10|9|Location State Code must be valid; edit with the AIP State table.|D10001 2022|D00001|P70|19502|1|9|Coverage Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P70|19504|10|9|Coverage Type Code must be valid; edit with Coverage Type ICE "D00016" record.|D00016 2022|D00001|P70|19506|1|9|AIP Total Premium Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P70|19508|2|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P70|19511|20|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P70|19513|7|9|AIP Total Premium Amount must be between 0 and 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P70|19515|1|9|AIP Subsidy Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P70|19517|2|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P70|19519|20|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P70|19521|7|9|AIP Subsidy Amount must be between 0 and 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P70|19523|1|9|AIP Indemnity Amount is Required.| 2022|D00001|P70|19525|2|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P70|19527|20|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must have no more than 10 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P70|19529|7|9|AIP Indemnity Amount must be between 0 and 9999999999.| 2022|D00001|P75|62010|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75|62011|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P75|62012|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75|129610|1540|9|Submitted TaxID/TaxIDTypeCode is currently being processed by another batch. Multiple records for the same TaxID/TaxIDTypeCode cannot be processed at the same time.| 2022|D00001|P75|62013|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-06-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P75|62014|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P75|63010|36|9|This record must be unique in the batch using the following key: AIP Code, Reinsurance Year, Tax ID, Tax ID Type Code.| 2022|D00001|P75|92671|16|9|A P75 already exists for this Tax ID/Tax ID Type Code combination with a different AipProducerCertificationKey.|ODS75 2022|D00001|P75|101377|16|9|A P75 already exists for this AipProducerCertificationKey for another TaxID/TaxIDTypeCode combination.|ODS75 2022|D00001|P75|63012|1503|9|The following child records must be accepted in the batch for this record to be accepted:P75A| 2022|D00001|P75|62027|1|9|AIP Producer Certification Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75|62028|17|9|AIP Producer Certification Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P75|62029|9|9|AIP Producer Certification Key must be unique within the submitted P75 records.| 2022|D00001|P75|63055|12|9|Set severity to 9 when AIP Producer Certification Key contains Tax ID.| 2022|D00001|P75|62033|1|9|Tax ID is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75|62034|17|9|Tax ID must be exactly 9 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P75|62035|33|9|Tax ID must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P75|62036|12|9|Tax ID must be a valid SSN when Tax ID Type Code is '1'.| 2022|D00001|P75|62037|6|9|Tax ID must not equal '000000000'.| 2022|D00001|P75|62038|32|9|Tax ID must be a valid Bureau of Indian Affairs number when Tax ID Type Code equals "5", edit the first five positions with the County ADM "A00440". Positions 1-2 must be a valid Location State Code, positions 3-5 must be a valid Location County Code.|A00440 2022|D00001|P75|62039|18|9|Tax ID must be a valid Bureau of Indian Affairs number when Tax ID Type Code equals "5", the right 4 characters of Tax ID may not equal '0000'.| 2022|D00001|P75|62041|10|9|Tax ID must be a valid RMA Assigned Number when Tax ID Type Code equals '3'.|D10032 2022|D00001|P75|62042|16|2|The SSA Death Master File indicates that the Primary Producer on this policy has died. It is possible that the producer should no longer be eligible for this policy.|D10033 2022|D00001|P75|62043|1|9|Tax ID Type Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75|62044|10|9|Tax ID Type Code must be valid; edit with TaxID Type ICE "D00005" record.|D00005 2022|D00001|P75|72664|6|9|Tax ID Type Code must not equal '2'.| 2022|D00001|P75|63002|1|9|Certification Signature Date is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75|63003|8|9|Certification Signature Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD".| 2022|D00001|P75|128387|3|9|Certification Signature Date must be between 1991-01-01 and Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P75|63061|16|9|A newer Certification Signature Date for BFR for another AIP already exists for this record.|ODS75 2022|D00001|P75|153529|16|9|A newer Certification Signature Date for VFR for another AIP already exists for this record.|ODS75 2022|D00001|P75|63062|3|9|Certification Signature Date must be less than or equal to Batch Received Date.| 2022|D00001|P75|72370|8|9|Cancellation Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD" when Cancellation Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72369|3|9|Cancellation Date must be greater than or equal to Certification Signature Date when Cancellation Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72371|1|9|Last Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75|72372|25|9|Last Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P75|72373|17|9|Last Name must be a minimum of 2 characters in length and a maximum of 25 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P75|72374|1|9|First Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75|72375|25|9|First Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2022|D00001|P75|72376|17|9|First Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P75|72412|22|9|Middle Name must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P75|72378|17|9|Middle Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length when Middle Name exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72377|25|9|Middle Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,) when Middle Name exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72414|22|9|Suffix must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P75|72379|17|9|Suffix must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length when Suffix exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72380|25|9|Suffix must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,) when Suffix exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72415|22|9|Title must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2022|D00001|P75|72381|17|9|Title must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length when Title exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72382|25|9|Title must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,) when Title exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72383|22|9|Street 1 Address must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72384|1|9|Street 1 Address is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72385|17|9|Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length when Street 1 Address exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72386|25|9|Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/) when Street 1 Address exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72388|17|9|Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length when Street 2 Address exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72389|25|9|Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/) when Street 2 Address exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72390|1|9|City Name is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75|72391|25|9|City Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: ( ), (-), (,), (.), (').| 2022|D00001|P75|72392|10|4|City Name must be valid; edit with the Zip table when International Country Code is empty.|D10003 2022|D00001|P75|72393|22|9|State Abbreviation must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72394|1|9|State Abbreviation is Required when International Country Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P75|72395|10|9|State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table when State Abbreviation exists.|D10003 2022|D00001|P75|72396|22|9|Zip Code must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72397|1|9|Zip Code is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72398|10|9|Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table when Zip Code exists.|D10003 2022|D00001|P75|72399|22|9|Zip Extension Code must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72400|33|9|Zip Extension Code must contain only numeric characters when Zip Extension Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72401|17|9|Zip Extension Code must be exactly 4 characters in length when Zip Extension Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72402|22|9|International Address must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72403|1|9|International Address is Required when State Abbreviation is empty.| 2022|D00001|P75|72404|17|9|International Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length when International Address exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72405|25|9|International Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/) when International Address exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72406|1|9|International Country Code is Required when State Abbreviation is empty.| 2022|D00001|P75|72407|22|9|International Country Code must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|72408|10|9|International Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record when International Country Code exists.|D00108 2022|D00001|P75|128424|1|9|Producer Certification Indicator Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75|128425|10|9|Producer Certification Indicator Code must be valid; edit with ICE Producer Certification Indicator ICE "D00169" record.|D00169 2022|D00001|P75|128416|1|9|Discharge Date is Required when Producer Certification Qualification Code is 'D' and Producer Certification Indicator Code is 'V'.| 2022|D00001|P75|128417|22|9|Discharge Date must be empty when Producer Certification Indicator Code is not equal to 'V' or Producer Certification Indicator Code equals 'V' and Producer Certification Qualification Code is not equal to 'D'.| 2022|D00001|P75|128418|8|9|Discharge Date must be a valid date in the format of "CCYYMMDD" when Discharge Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|128419|3|9|Discharge Date must be less than or equal to Certification Signature Date when Discharge Date exists.| 2022|D00001|P75|128428|1|9|Producer Certification Qualification Code is Required when Producer Certification Indicator Code is 'V'.| 2022|D00001|P75|128429|22|9|Producer Certification Qualification Code must be empty when Producer Certification Indicator Code is 'B'.| 2022|D00001|P75|128495|10|9|Producer Certification Qualification Code must be valid; edit with ICE Producer Certification Qualification ICE "D00170" record when Producer Certification Qualification Code exists.|D00170 2022|D00001|P75A|63004|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63005|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2022|D00001|P75A|63043|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63006|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2021-06-01 and 2026-10-12.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63007|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2022|D00001|P75A|128446|12|9|You cannot submit a P75A record when the parent P75 Producer Certification Indicator Code is 'V' and the parent P75 Producer Certification Qualification Code is 'D'.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63040|12|9|The Exclusion Start Date and the Exclusion End Date must contain at least 4 consecutive months within a year when Exclusion Type Code is 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63042|34|9|There can be no more than 5 years of P75A records where Exclusion Type Code is 'C'.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63048|34|9|There can be no more than 18 years of P75A records where Exclusion Type Code is 'M'.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63008|11|9|The parent P75 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63009|47|9|The parent P75 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63020|34|9|All Producer Certification Detail records must be accepted for the same Program Certification record.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63053|1|9|AIP Producer Certification Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63054|17|9|AIP Producer Certification Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63050|1|9|AIP Producer Certification Detail Key is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63051|17|9|AIP Producer Certification Detail Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63052|9|9|AIP Producer Certification Detail Key must be unique within the parent P75 record.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63044|1|9|Certification Detail Commodity Year is Required.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63045|2|9|Certification Detail Commodity Year must be Numeric.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63046|20|9|Certification Detail Commodity Year must be a whole number.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63049|12|9|Certification Detail Commodity Year must fall between or be equal to the eligible Commodity Years for the Exclusion Start Date and the eligible Commodity Years for the Exclusion End Date when Exclusion Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63139|12|9|Certification Detail Commodity Year must fall between or be equal to the eligible Commodity Years for the Production Start Date and the eligible Commodity Years for the Production End Date when Production Program Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63032|1|9|Exclusion Type Code is Required when Production Program Type Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P75A|128438|22|9|Exclusion Type Code must be empty when Producer Certification Indicator Code is 'V'.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63033|10|9|Exclusion Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Producer Exemption ICE "D00152" record when Exclusion Type Code exists.|D00152 2022|D00001|P75A|63101|1|9|Exclusion Start Date is Required when Exclusion Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63102|22|9|Exclusion Start Date must be empty when Exclusion Type Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63103|33|9|Exclusion Start Date must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63104|17|9|Exclusion Start Date must be exactly 6 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63105|12|9|Exclusion Start Date must represent a date later than January 1900. The first four characters must be a valid year and the last 2 characters must be a valid month.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63036|12|9|Exclusion Start Date must be less than Exclusion End Date.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63113|1|9|Exclusion End Date is Required when Exclusion Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63115|22|9|Exclusion End Date must be empty when Exclusion Type Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63116|33|9|Exclusion End Date must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63117|17|9|Exclusion End Date must be exactly 6 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63118|12|9|Exclusion End Date must represent a date later than January 1900. The first four characters must be a valid year and the last 2 characters must be a valid month.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63039|12|9|Exclusion End Date must be greater than Exclusion Start Date.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63135|1|9|Production Program Type Code is Required when Exclusion Type Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63138|10|9|Production Program Type Code must be valid; edit with Production Program Type ICE "D00156" record.|D00156 2022|D00001|P75A|63119|1|9|Production Start Date is Required when Production Program Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63120|22|9|Production Start Date must be empty when Production Program Type Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63122|33|9|Production Start Date must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63123|17|9|Production Start Date must be exactly 6 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63124|12|9|Production Start Date must represent a date later than January 1900. The first four characters must be a valid year and the last 2 characters must be a valid month.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63125|12|9|Production Start Date must be less than Production End Date.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63126|1|9|Production End Date is Required when Production Program Type Code exists.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63127|22|9|Production End Date must be empty when Production Program Type Code is empty.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63129|33|9|Production End Date must contain only numeric characters.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63130|17|9|Production End Date must be exactly 6 characters in length.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63131|12|9|Production End Date must represent a date later than January 1900. The first four characters must be a valid year and the last 2 characters must be a valid month.| 2022|D00001|P75A|63132|12|9|Production End Date must be greater than Production Start Date.|