Reinsurance Year|Record Type Code|Yield Indicator Code|Yield Indicator Description|Released Date|Last Released Date|Deleted Date 2017|D00033|A|ADDED LAND (Simple Average)|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|AL|ADDED LAND FOR SUGARCANE (0038) AND TOBACCO (0236, TYPE 061 IN CT AND MA) WITH A LAG YEAR (Simple Average)|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|B|ADDED LAND, Variable T-Yield|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|BL|ADDED LAND FOR SUGARCANE (0038) AND TOBACCO (0236, TYPE 061 IN CT AND MA) WITH A LAG YEAR, Variable T-Yield|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|C|DETERMINED IRRIGATED YIELD FOR ADDED IRRIGATED PRACTICE OR ADDED LAND, Variable T-Yield. (No edit for Yield Type C, edit variable T-Yield. Edit for Approved Yield.)|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|CL|ADDED LAND T-YIELD FOR SUGARCANE (0038) AND TOBACCO (0236, TYPE 061 IN CT AND MA) WITH A LAG YEAR, Variable T-Yield, Edit Variable T-Yields (S, E, N OR T) and Edit Approved Yield.|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|CR|Conservation Reserve Program|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|F|RMA RO Determined (Approved or Transitional) Yield, if CUP or YA was used in the RO Determined Approved Yield, indicate only on the T11 record. No cup or YA will be applicable. (No Edit for Approved Yield) RO Determined Transitional Yield will be used for YA with a yield limitation flag of 09 (Approved Yield will be edited)|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|K|PERSONAL TRANSITIONAL YIELD (PTY, instead of T Yield) Only applicable to 5 Montana counties. (Discontinued for 2004), Sweet Potatoes (Required for yield substitution or “K” yield types, except added land), and for North Dakota, most category B crops . Not found on ADM.|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|L|LAG YEAR PLANTED FOR Sugarcane and Tobacco (crop 0236, type 061 in CT & MA)|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|M|MASTER YIELD This yield has been assigned by the RO. No edit for Approved Yield Unless the Yield Limitation Flag = 09.|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|NB|New Breaking Acreage|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|S|Skip-row planting pattern for all skip-row crops, except Cotton and Corn, as addressed in Section 4 of CIH|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|SB|New breaking acreage that qualifies as Native Sod|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|V|For commodities that utilize variability index, V indicates an Average Index. The index value can be referenced in the ICE Yield Variability Index (D00141) record|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|VH|For commodities that utilize variability index, VH indicates a High Index. The index value can be referenced in the ICE Yield Variability Index (D00141) record|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|VL|For commodities that utilize variability index, VL indicates a Low Index. The index value can be referenced in the ICE Yield Variability Index (D00141) record|20160311|20160311| 2017|D00033|W|TRANSITIONAL YIELD (FIELD 22) = Average of two or more Map Area T-yields. Not found on ADM.|20160311|20160311|