ReinsuranceYear|Record Type Code|Rule Record Type Code|Rule ID|Validator ID|Rule Severity ID|Message|Control Record Type Code 2017|D00001|R10|18095|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10|18096|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R10|18094|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10|18091|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R10|18092|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R10|20923|67|9|Record must be valid; edit with ID Type Entity Type Primary Producer ICE "D00019" record.|D00019 2017|D00001|R10|35676|1504|9|The following child records must exist in the batch for this record to be accepted:R10A| 2017|D00001|R10|52356|34|9|The corresponding R10A record contains errors.| 2017|D00001|R10|52357|34|3|The corresponding R10B record contains errors.| 2017|D00001|R10|18145|1|9|Aip Exception Request Producer Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10|18146|17|9|Aip Exception Request Producer Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10|18147|9|9|Aip Exception Request Producer Key must be unique within the submitted R10 records.| 2017|D00001|R10|18099|4|1|Policy Number is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R10|18100|33|9|Policy Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R10|18101|17|9|Policy Number must be exactly 7 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10|18102|6|9|Policy Number must not equal '0000000'.| 2017|D00001|R10|18097|1|9|Pic Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10|18098|10|9|Pic Code must be valid; edit with PIC ICE "D00101" record.|D00101 2017|D00001|R10|16619|1|9|Location State Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10|20914|10|9|Location State Code must be valid; edit with State ICE "D00106" record.|D00106 2017|D00001|R10|16627|10|9|Location State Code must be valid; edit with the AIP State table.|D10001 2017|D00001|R10|18127|1|9|Tax ID is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10|18128|17|9|Tax ID must be exactly 9 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10|18129|32|9|Tax ID must be valid; edit with the SSN table when Tax ID Type Code is '1'.|D10004 2017|D00001|R10|18130|33|9|Tax ID must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R10|18131|6|9|Tax ID must not equal '000000000'.| 2017|D00001|R10|18132|32|9|Tax ID must be valid; edit with County ICE "D00107" record when Tax ID Type Code is '5'.|D00107 2017|D00001|R10|18133|18|9|Tax ID must be a valid Bureau of Indian Affairs number when Tax ID Type Code equals "5", the right 4 characters of Tax ID may not equal '0000'.| 2017|D00001|R10|18134|12|9|Tax ID must be a valid Bureau of Indian Affairs number when Tax ID Type Code equals "5", positions 1-2 must equal the Location State Code on the Policy Producer, "R10" record.| 2017|D00001|R10|18135|1|9|Tax ID Type Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10|18136|10|9|Tax ID Type Code must be valid; edit with TaxID Type ICE "D00005" record.|D00005 2017|D00001|R10|18103|1|9|Entity Type Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10|18104|10|9|Entity Type Code must be valid; edit with Entity Type ICE "D00012" record.|D00012 2017|D00001|R10|21470|22|6|Business Name must be empty when not allowed for the Entity Type.|D00019 2017|D00001|R10|18137|1|9|Business Name is Required when Last Name is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10|18138|22|9|Business Name must be empty when Last Name exists.| 2017|D00001|R10|18139|4|1|Business Name is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R10|18140|17|9|Business Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10|18141|25|9|Business Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (/), (*), (+), (#).| 2017|D00001|R10|21471|22|6|Last Name must be empty when not allowed for the Entity Type.|D00019 2017|D00001|R10|18105|1|9|Last Name is Required when Business Name is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10|18106|22|9|Last Name must be empty when Business Name exists.| 2017|D00001|R10|18108|25|9|Last Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R10|18109|17|9|Last Name must be a minimum of 2 characters in length and a maximum of 25 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10|18110|1|9|First Name is Required when Business Name is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10|18111|22|9|First Name must be empty when Business Name exists.| 2017|D00001|R10|18112|4|1|First Name is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R10|18113|17|9|First Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10|18114|25|9|First Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R10|18115|22|9|Middle Name must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10|18116|4|1|Middle Name is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R10|18117|17|9|Middle Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10|18118|25|9|Middle Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R10|18119|22|9|Suffix must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10|18120|4|1|Suffix is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R10|18121|17|9|Suffix must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10|18122|25|9|Suffix must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R10|18123|22|9|Title must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10|18124|4|1|Title is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R10|18125|17|9|Title must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10|18126|25|9|Title must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R10A|18154|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18155|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R10A|18153|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18149|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18150|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R10A|18151|11|9|The parent R10 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R10A|20931|1522|9|The parent R10 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18202|1|9|Aip Exception Request Producer Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18204|1|9|Aip Exception Request Producer Address Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18205|9|9|Aip Exception Request Producer Address Key must be unique within the parent R10 record.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18206|17|9|Aip Exception Request Producer Address Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18156|22|9|Street 1 Address must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18157|1|9|Street 1 Address is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18159|17|9|Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18160|25|9|Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2017|D00001|R10A|18162|17|9|Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18163|25|9|Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2017|D00001|R10A|18164|1|9|City Name is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10A|20933|1|6|City Name is Required when International Address exists.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18165|25|9|City Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: ( ), (-), (,), (.), (').| 2017|D00001|R10A|18166|10|4|City Name must be valid; edit with the Zip table when State Abbreviation exists.|D10003 2017|D00001|R10A|18167|22|9|State Abbreviation must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18168|1|9|State Abbreviation is Required when International Country Code is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18170|10|9|State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2017|D00001|R10A|18171|22|9|Zip Code must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18172|1|9|Zip Code is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18174|10|9|Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2017|D00001|R10A|18175|22|9|Zip Extension Code must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18177|33|9|Zip Extension Code must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18179|17|9|Zip Extension Code must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18201|10|9|Phone Number Exception Code must be valid; edit with Phone Number Exception ICE "D00105" record.|D00105 2017|D00001|R10A|18180|4|1|Phone Number is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18181|17|9|Phone Number must be exactly 10 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18182|33|9|Phone Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18183|26|9|The characters in Phone Number may not all be the same.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18184|18|9|The left 3 characters of Phone Number may not equal ('000' or '999').| 2017|D00001|R10A|18186|17|9|Phone Extension Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 6 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18187|33|9|Phone Extension Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18188|6|9|Phone Extension Number must not equal '000000'.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18195|22|9|International Address must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18196|1|9|International Address is Required when State Abbreviation is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18198|17|9|International Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18199|25|9|International Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2017|D00001|R10A|18189|1|9|International Country Code is Required when State Abbreviation is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18190|22|9|International Country Code must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 2017|D00001|R10A|18192|10|9|International Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 2017|D00001|R10A|18194|10|9|International Phone Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 2017|D00001|R10B|18212|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18213|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R10B|18211|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18207|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18208|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R10B|18209|11|9|The parent R10 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R10B|21472|67|6|Record must be valid; edit with ID Type Entity Type Primary Producer SBI ICE "D00020" record when ISNULL(Landlord Tenant Flag,'N') equals 'N'.|D00020 2017|D00001|R10B|20980|1522|9|The parent R10 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18296|1|9|Aip Exception Request Producer Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18298|1|9|Aip Exception Request Producer Other Person Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18299|9|9|Aip Exception Request Producer Other Person Key must be unique within the parent R10 record.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18300|17|9|Aip Exception Request Producer Other Person Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18239|1|9|Tax ID is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18240|17|9|Tax ID must be exactly 9 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18241|33|9|Tax ID must contain only numeric characters when Tax ID Type Code is one of the following values: '1', '2'.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18242|6|9|Tax ID must not equal '000000000'.| 2017|D00001|R10B|20949|7|9|Tax ID must be greater than '0' when Tax ID Type Code is '2'.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18243|32|9|Tax ID must be valid; edit with County ICE "D00107" record when Tax ID Type Code is '5'.|D00107 2017|D00001|R10B|18244|32|9|Tax ID must be valid; edit with the SSN table when Tax ID Type Code is '1'.|D10004 2017|D00001|R10B|18245|18|9|Tax ID must be a valid Bureau of Indian Affairs number when Tax ID Type Code equals "5", the right 4 characters of Tax ID may not equal '0000'.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18246|12|9|Tax ID must be a valid Bureau of Indian Affairs number when Tax ID Type Code equals "5", positions 1-2 must equal the Location State Code on the Policy Producer, "P10" record.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18247|1|9|Tax ID Type Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18248|10|9|Tax ID Type Code must be valid; edit with TaxID Type ICE "D00005" record.|D00005 2017|D00001|R10B|18214|1|9|Entity Type Code is Required when Landlord Tenant Flag is 'N'.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18216|10|9|Entity Type Code must be valid; edit with Entity Type ICE "D00012" record.|D00012 2017|D00001|R10B|21473|22|6|Business Name must be empty when Business Name Allowed Flag is 'N'.|D00021 2017|D00001|R10B|18277|1|9|Business Name is Required when Last Name is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18278|22|9|Business Name must be empty when Last Name exists.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18280|17|9|Business Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18281|25|9|Business Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (/), (*), (+), (#).| 2017|D00001|R10B|21474|22|6|Last Name must be empty when Name Allowed Flag is 'N'.|D00021 2017|D00001|R10B|18218|1|9|Last Name is Required when Business Name is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18219|22|9|Last Name must be empty when Business Name exists.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18221|17|9|Last Name must be a minimum of 2 characters in length and a maximum of 25 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18222|25|9|Last Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R10B|18223|1|9|First Name is Required when Business Name is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18224|22|9|First Name must be empty when Business Name exists.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18226|17|9|First Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18227|25|9|First Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R10B|18228|22|9|Middle Name must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18230|17|9|Middle Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18231|25|9|Middle Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R10B|18233|17|9|Suffix must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18234|25|9|Suffix must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R10B|20964|22|6|Suffix must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18235|22|9|Title must be empty when Last Name is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18237|17|9|Title must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18238|25|9|Title must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R10B|18249|22|9|Street 1 Address must be empty when International Country Code exists.| 2017|D00001|R10B|20965|1|6|Street 1 Address is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18251|17|9|Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18252|25|9|Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2017|D00001|R10B|18254|17|9|Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18255|25|9|Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2017|D00001|R10B|18256|1|9|City Name is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18257|25|9|City Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: ( ), (-), (,), (.), (').| 2017|D00001|R10B|18258|10|4|City Name must be valid; edit with the Zip table when International Country Code is empty.|D10003 2017|D00001|R10B|20966|10|4|City Name must be valid; edit with the Zip table when State Abbreviation exists.|D10003 2017|D00001|R10B|18259|1|9|State Abbreviation is Required when International Country Code is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18261|10|9|State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2017|D00001|R10B|18262|1|9|Zip Code is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18264|10|9|Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2017|D00001|R10B|18267|17|9|Zip Extension Code must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18268|33|9|Zip Extension Code must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18295|10|9|Phone Number Exception Code must be valid; edit with Phone Number Exception ICE "D00105" record.|D00105 2017|D00001|R10B|18269|1|9|Phone Number is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18270|17|9|Phone Number must be exactly 10 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18271|33|9|Phone Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18272|26|9|The characters in Phone Number may not all be the same.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18273|18|9|The left 3 characters of Phone Number may not equal ('000' or '999').| 2017|D00001|R10B|18275|33|9|Phone Extension Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18276|7|9|Phone Extension Number must be greater than '0'.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18290|22|9|International Address must be empty when International Country Code is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10B|20979|22|9|International Address must be empty when Street 1 Address exists.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18292|17|9|International Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18293|25|9|International Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2017|D00001|R10B|18282|1|9|International Country Code is Required when State Abbreviation is empty.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18283|22|9|International Country Code must be empty when State Abbreviation exists.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18285|10|9|International Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 2017|D00001|R10B|18287|10|9|International Phone Country Code must be valid; edit with International Phone Country ICE "D00108" record.|D00108 2017|D00001|R10B|18288|1|9|Landlord Tenant Flag is Required.| 2017|D00001|R10B|18289|6|9|Landlord Tenant Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18306|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15|18307|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R15|18304|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15|18301|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R15|18302|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R15|21478|11|9|The parent R35 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R15|21477|65|9|The corresponding R35 record in this batch must be accepted for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R15|21328|1503|11|The following child records must be accepted in the batch for this record to be accepted:R15A| 2017|D00001|R15|18443|1|9|AIP Exception Request Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15|18445|1|9|Aip Exception Request Yield Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15|38731|17|9|Aip Exception Request Yield Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R15|18446|9|9|Aip Exception Request Yield Key must be unique within the parent R35 record.| 2017|D00001|R15|18308|1|9|State Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15|18309|10|9|State Code must be valid; edit with State ICE "D00106" record.|D00106 2017|D00001|R15|18432|1|9|County Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15|18433|10|9|Country Code must be valid; edit with County ICE "D00107" record.|D00107 2017|D00001|R15|18310|1|9|Commodity Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15|18311|10|9|Commodity Code must be valid; edit with the Type Practice Crosswalk table.|D10008 2017|D00001|R15|18429|17|9|Basic Unit Number must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R15|18312|1|9|Optional Unit Number is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15|18313|17|9|Optional Unit Number must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R15|18434|1|9|APH Procedural Exception Number is Required when APH Procedural Exception Code exists.| 2017|D00001|R15|18435|22|9|APH Procedural Exception Number must be empty when APH Procedural Exception Code is empty.| 2017|D00001|R15|18437|17|9|APH Procedural Exception Number must be exactly 3 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R15|18438|33|9|APH Procedural Exception Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R15|18439|6|9|APH Procedural Exception Number must not equal '000'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18441|10|9|APH Procedural Exception Code must be valid; edit with APH Procedural Exception ICE "D00096" record.|D00096 2017|D00001|R15|18442|12|9|APH Procedural Exception Code 'P' is only valid for the following commodities: Forage Production, Alfalfa Seed, Forage Seeding, Mint and Sugarcane.| 2017|D00001|R15|18836|10|9|Type Code must be valid; edit with the Type Practice Crosswalk table when Type Code exists.|D10008 2017|D00001|R15|18847|10|9|Practice Code must be valid; edit with the Type Practice Crosswalk table when Practice Code exists.|D10008 2017|D00001|R15|18852|10|9|Commodity Type Code must be valid; edit with the Type Practice Crosswalk table when Type Practice Use Code is one of the following values: 'I', 'T'.|D10008 2017|D00001|R15|18857|10|9|Class Code must be valid; edit with the Type Practice Crosswalk table when Class Code exists.|D10008 2017|D00001|R15|18862|10|9|Sub Class Code must be valid; edit with the Type Practice Crosswalk table when Sub Class Code exists.|D10008 2017|D00001|R15|18867|10|9|Intended Use Code must be valid; edit with the Type Practice Crosswalk table when Intended Use Code exists.|D10008 2017|D00001|R15|18872|10|9|Irrigation Practice Code must be valid; edit with the Type Practice Crosswalk table when Irrigation Practice Code exists.|D10008 2017|D00001|R15|18877|10|9|Cropping Practice Code must be valid; edit with the Type Practice Crosswalk table when Cropping Practice Code exists.|D10008 2017|D00001|R15|18882|10|9|Organic Practice Code must be valid; edit with the Type Practice Crosswalk table when Organic Practice Code exists.|D10008 2017|D00001|R15|18887|10|9|Interval Code must be valid; edit with the Type Practice Crosswalk table when Interval Code exists.|D10008 2017|D00001|R15|38859|10|9|Yield Insurance Plan Code must be valid; edit with Insurance Plan ADM "A00460" record when Yield Insurance Plan Code exists.|A00460 2017|D00001|R15|38911|1|9|Yield Insurance Plan Code is Required when WA Number Exists| 2017|D00001|R15|38860|2|9|WA Number must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15|21301|6|9|WA Number must not equal '000000000'.| 2017|D00001|R15|21298|67|9|WA Number must be valid; edit with the ICE Exception Request Table(D03001).|D03001 2017|D00001|R15|38912|1|9|WA Land ID is required when WA Number Exists| 2017|D00001|R15|38913|10|9|If the written agreement number is populated, WALandId must be Valid; edit with ADM Yield and TYield Table "A01100"|A01100 2017|D00001|R15|18334|22|9|Actual Yield Year Count must be empty when Commodity Code is '0115'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18336|2|9|Actual Yield Year Count must be Numeric when Actual Yield Year Count exists.| 2017|D00001|R15|18337|7|9|Actual Yield Year Count must be between 0 and 10 when Actual Yield Year Count exists.| 2017|D00001|R15|18341|17|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must be exactly 6 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R15|18340|33|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R15|18342|12|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must represent a date later than January 1900. The first four characters must be a valid year and the last 2 characters must be a valid month or '00'.| 2017|D00001|R15|38935|1|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number is Required for perennial commodities when Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'F' and (Leaf Year exists for the insurance offer in the ADM Yield and Tyield (A01100) record or ((Commodity Code equals '0470' or Commodity Code equals '0501') and Perennial Grafting Year Month Number is empty)).| 2017|D00001|R15|38938|22|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must be empty for non-Perennial commodities. For Perennial commodities with the exception being Pistachios and Olives, this field must be empty if the Leaf Year is empty in the ADM Yield and Tyield (A01100) record for this offer.| 2017|D00001|R15|18343|12|9|If the last two characters of Perennial Set Out Year Month Number are zeroes, the first four characters must equal the Reinsurance Year| 2017|D00001|R15|18344|12|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must not be within the current Reinsurance Year.| 2017|D00001|R15|18345|12|9|The month indicated by the Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must not equal '00' if the Yield Indicator Code is not 'W'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18346|3|9|Perennial Set Out Year Month Number must be less than Perennial Grafting Year Month Number when the right 2 characters in Perennial Set Out Year Month Number is not equal to '00' and the right 2 characters in Perennial Grafting Year Month Number is not equal to '00'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18347|12|9|If the last two characters of Perennial Set Out Year Month Number or Perennial Grafting Year Month Number equal 00, the first 4 characters in Perennial Grafting Year Month Number must be greater than or equal to the first 4 characters in Perennial Set Out Year Month Number.| 2017|D00001|R15|18411|2|9|Perennial Leaf Year Count must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15|38939|1|9|Perennial Leaf Year Count is Required for Perennial commodities when Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'F' and (Leaf Year exists for the insurance offer in the ADM Yield and Tyield (A01100) record or Commodity Code equals '0470' or Commodity Code equals '0501').| 2017|D00001|R15|38940|22|9|Perennial Leaf Year Count must be empty for non-Perennial commodities. For Perennial commodities with the exception being Pistachios and Olives, this field must be empty when Leaf Year is empty in the ADM Yield and Tyield (A01100) record for this offer.| 2017|D00001|R15|18410|12|9|If Perennial Leaf Year Count is populated, either Perennial Graft Year or Perennial Set Out Year must be populated, or the Yield Indicator Code must equal 'W'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18413|1|9|Perennial Leaf Year Count is Required when Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'W' and Perennial Grafting Year Month Number is empty and Perennial Leaf Year Count is greater than (Perennial Set Out Year Month Number - 1948) + 1.| 2017|D00001|R15|18414|12|9|Perennial Leaf Year Count must be less than or equal to (Perennial Graft Year - 1948) + 1 if Yield Indicator is not 'W' and Perennial Graft Year is specified.| 2017|D00001|R15|38942|15|9|For Perennial commodities other than Macadamia Nuts, Arizona-California Citrus, Texas Citrus Fruit and Hawaii Tropical Fruit: The Perennial Leaf Year Count must equal (Commodity Year - Year Of Set Out) + 1, if the Month of set out is before March for Blueberries, and the Month is before July for all other commodities. If the Month is March or later for Blueberries, or July or later for other commodities, a value of 1 is NOT added to the calculation.| 2017|D00001|R15|38948|15|9|For Macademia Nuts ('0023'), Perennial Leaf Year Count must equal Commodity Year - the greater of Perennial Set Out Year Month Number and Grafting Year Month Number minus 2.| 2017|D00001|R15|38949|15|9|For Arizona, California or Texas Citrus Fruit, Perennial Leaf Year Count must equal Commodity Year - the greater of Perennial Set Out Year Month Number and Grafting Year Month Number.| 2017|D00001|R15|38950|15|9|For Hawii Tropical Fruit, Perennial Leaf Year Count must equal: 1 if Months After Set Out<=12, 2 if Months After Set Out is between 13 and 24, 3 if Months After Set Out is between 25 and 36, and 4 if Months After Set Out is greater than 36 months.| 2017|D00001|R15|38952|7|9|Perennial Leaf Year Count must be greater than or equal to 10 when Commodity Code is '0470'.| 2017|D00001|R15|38953|1|9|Perennial Density Quantity is Required when Yield Indicator Code is empty or Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'F' and Leaf Year exists and Perennial Flag is 'Y' and Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0012', '0058'.| 2017|D00001|R15|38954|22|9|Perennial Density Quantity must be empty for non-Perennial commodities. For Perennial commodities, the Perennial Density Quantity must be empty when Leaf Year is empty in the ADM Yield and Tyield (A01100) record for this offer.| 2017|D00001|R15|18349|2|9|Perennial Density Quantity must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15|18350|7|9|Perennial Density Quantity must be between 1 and 9999.| 2017|D00001|R15|18351|20|9|Perennial Density Quantity must have no more than 4 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9999.| 2017|D00001|R15|38955|22|9|Perennial Block Number is only valid for perennial commodities.| 2017|D00001|R15|18353|2|9|Perennial Block Number must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15|18354|7|9|Perennial Block Number must be between 1 and 999.| 2017|D00001|R15|18355|20|9|Perennial Block Number must have no more than 3 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999.| 2017|D00001|R15|18357|2|9|Perennial TYield Factor must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15|18358|20|9|Perennial TYield Factor must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.99.| 2017|D00001|R15|38956|22|9|Perennial TYield Factor is only valid for perennial crops where a Sub County Code has been submitted.| 2017|D00001|R15|18359|7|9|Perennial TYield Factor must be greater than 0.| 2017|D00001|R15|38957|22|9|Perennial Special Case Code is only valid for perennial crops.| 2017|D00001|R15|18361|6|9|Perennial Special Case Code must equal 'NS' when Yield Limitation Code is one of the following values: '03', '09'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18362|10|9|Perennial Special Case Code must be valid; edit with Perennial Special Case ICE "D00045" record.|D00045 2017|D00001|R15|38959|22|9|Perennial Other Characteristics Code is only valid for perennial crops.| 2017|D00001|R15|38960|10|9|Perennial Other Characteristics Code must be valid; edit with Yield And Tyield ADM "A01100" record.|A01100 2017|D00001|R15|18364|33|9|Perennial Grafting Year Month Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R15|18365|17|9|Perennial Grafting Year Month Number must be exactly 6 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R15|39970|1|9|Perennial Grafting Year Month Number is Required for Pistachios and Olives when the Perennial Set Out Year Month Number is empty.| 2017|D00001|R15|18366|12|9|Perennial Grafting Year Month Number must not be earlier than Jan. 1948, the first four characters must be a valid year and the last 2 characters must be a valid month or '00'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18367|12|9|Perennial Grafting Year Month Number must not be in the current Reinsurance Year.| 2017|D00001|R15|18368|12|9|Perennial Grafting Year Month Number must not contain '00' in the last two characters if the Yield Indicator Code is not 'W'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18369|12|9|If the right two characters of Perennial Grafting Year Month Number are '00', the year portion (first four characters) must equal the reinsurance year.| 2017|D00001|R15|18370|1|9|Yield Limitation Code is required.| 2017|D00001|R15|18371|10|9|Yield Limitation Code must be valid; edit with Yield Limitation ICE "D00035" record.|D00035 2017|D00001|R15|39971|10|9|Yield Limitation Code must be valid for the insurance plan and commodity; edit with Yield Limitation Insurance Plan Commodity ICE "D00080" record.|D00080 2017|D00001|R15|39973|6|9|A Yield Limitation Code of 03 or 09 is not allowed for the perennial commodity Pecans.| 2017|D00001|R15|18373|10|9|Previous Year Yield Limitation Code must be valid; edit with Previous Yield Limitation ICE "D00091" record.|D00091 2017|D00001|R15|41995|6|9|Previous Year Yield Limitation Code must not equal one of the following values: '09', '12', '00', '05', '07', '08' when Yield Limitation Code equals '03' and (Commodity Code is not equal to Wheat ('0011') or Type Code is not one of the following values: ('012','015') or Insurance Plan Code is not one of the following values: ('02','03') or Location State Code is not one of the following values: ('30','38','46')).| 2017|D00001|R15|18374|1|9|Previous Year Approved Yield is Required when Yield Limitation Code is one of the following values: '01', '03', '05', '07', '10', '13', '11'.| 2017|D00001|R15|41999|22|9|Previous Year Approved Yield must be empty when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0470', '0501' and Reinsurance Year is 2012.| 2017|D00001|R15|18376|2|9|Previous Year Approved Yield must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15|18377|20|9|Previous Year Approved Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2017|D00001|R15|42000|7|9|For Sesame and Grass Seed, the Previous Year Approved Yield must be greater than zero when the Yield Limitation Code is not '04' or '09'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18416|2|9|Transitional Yield must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15|18417|20|9|Transitional Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2017|D00001|R15|18418|7|9|Transitional Yield must be greater than 0.| 2017|D00001|R15|42001|10|9|Transitional Yield must be valid; edit with the T-Yield value from Yield And Tyield ADM "A01100" record for non-ARH commodities, when (1) Yield Indicator is NOT one of the following values: A,AL,F,K,W AND (2) Yield Indicator is NOT C and no Yield Types of 'C' have been submitted AND(3) This is not a Perennial Commodity or no yield substitution is taking place AND (4) Yield Indicator Code is not M or no yield types of "F" have been submitted.|A01100 2017|D00001|R15|43004|10|9|Transitional Yield must be valid; edit with the Revenue Yield value from Yield And Tyield ADM "A01100" record for ARH commodities, when (1) Yield Indicator is NOT one of the following values: A,AL,F,K,W AND (2) Yield Indicator is NOT C and no Yield Types of 'C' have been submitted AND(3) This is not a Perennial Commodity or no yield substitution is taking place.|A01100 2017|D00001|R15|18318|1|9|Rate Yield is required.| 2017|D00001|R15|18319|2|9|Rate Yield must be numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15|18320|20|9|Rate Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2017|D00001|R15|18322|6|9|Rate Yield must equal Average Yield when Yield Limitation Code is one of the following values: '01', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '12'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18323|6|9|Rate Yield must equal Approved Yield when Yield Limitation Code is one of the following values: '03', '04', '10', '11', '13'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18324|6|9|Rate Yield must equal 0 when Commodity Code is '0115'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18419|1|9|Average Yield is required.| 2017|D00001|R15|18420|2|9|Average Yield must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15|18421|20|9|Average Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2017|D00001|R15|38710|49|9|For all commodities except Pistachios and Olives, Average Yield must match the AVERAGE applicable Annual Yields reported on the R15A records submitted for this Yield record rounded to a whole number when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is not one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2017|D00001|R15|43005|49|9|Average Yield must match the AVERAGE applicable Annual Yields reported on the R15A records submitted for this Yield record rounded to one decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2017|D00001|R15|43011|3|9|For Pistachios in all years and Olives in year 1, the Average Yield must equal the average of the greatest even number of yields submitted. For Olives in subsequent years, the Average Yield must equal the average of all submitted years.| 2017|D00001|R15|18331|1|9|Approved Yield is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15|18332|2|9|Approved Yield must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15|18333|20|9|Approved Yield must have 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point. It must be in the format of 99999999.99.| 2017|D00001|R15|43012|7|9|The Approved Yield for Navel Oranges in California must be less than or equal to the maximum allowable yield for the insurance plan in the state, as defined by the Maximum Yield ICE (D00120).|D00120 2017|D00001|R15|43013|7|9|The Approved Yield must be less than or equal to the maximum allowable yield for the submitted state and commodity, as defined by the Maximum Yield ICE (D00120).|D00120 2017|D00001|R15|43014|25|9|Approved Yield must be a whole number, with no significant digits after the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is not one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2017|D00001|R15|43015|25|9|Approved Yield can have one significant digit to the right of the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2017|D00001|R15|21411|25|9|Approved Yield must be a whole number, with no significant digits after the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is not one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2017|D00001|R15|21412|25|9|Approved Yield can have one significant digit to the right of the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2017|D00001|R15|43019|15|9|Approved Yield must equal Average Yield * 0.8 when Perennial Special Case Code is 'DF' and Yield Limitation Code is not '09' for states not in the Davis RO region. Yield value should be rounded to one decimal place for commodities measured in Barrels or Tons.| 2017|D00001|R15|43020|15|9|Approved Yield must equal Average Yield * 0.8 when Perennial Special Case Code is 'DF' and Yield Limitation Code is not '09' for states not in the Davis RO region. Yield value should be rounded to a whole number for commodities not measured in Barrels or Tons.| 2017|D00001|R15|21325|15|9|ApprovedYield must equal ROUND(AverageYield * 0.8,0) when Perennial Special Case Code is 'DF' and Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is not one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON' and Yield Limitation Code is not '09'.| 2017|D00001|R15|43028|6|9|Approved Yield must equal Average Yield when ((Average Yield is greater than or equal to Yield Cup and Yield Limitation Code equals '01') or Perennial Special Case Code equals 'D') and Perennial Special Case Code is not one of the following values: ('DF', 'AF', 'F', 'H')| 2017|D00001|R15|43035|6|9|Approved Yield must equal Yield Cup when Average Yield is less than Yield Cup and Yield Limitation Code is '03'.| 2017|D00001|R15|43036|6|9|Approved Yield must equal Average Yield when (Commodity Code equals '0115' or (Yield Limitation Code equals '04' and (Previous Year Approved Yield equals 0 or Average Yield is less than Yield Cup)) or Perennial Special Case Code equals 'D') and Perennial Special Case Code is not one of the following values: ('DF', 'AF', 'F', 'H').| 2017|D00001|R15|18380|10|9|Yield Indicator Code must be valid; edit with Yield Indicator ICE "D00033" record.|D00033 2017|D00001|R15|18381|10|9|Yield Indicator Code must be valid for the commodity; edit with Yield Indicator Commodity ICE "D00090" record.|D00090 2017|D00001|R15|18382|6|9|Yield Indicator Code must not equal 'M' when (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0015','0046','0064') and Location State Code is not one of the following values: ('16','41','53')) or (Commodity Code equals '0047' and Location State Code is not one of the following values: ('06','16','26','41','53')) or (Commodity Code equals '0013' and Location State Code is not one of the following values: ('06','08','16','41','49','53')) or (Commodity Code equals '0067' and Location State Code is not one of the following values: ('16','30','38','41','46','53')) or (Commodity Code equals '0084' and Location State Code is not one of the following values: ('02','04','06','08','16','27','29','31','32','35','38','41','46','48','53','55','56')).| 2017|D00001|R15|43037|6|9|Yield Indicator Code must not equal 'M' when (Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0015','0046','0064') and State Code is not one of the following values: ('16','41','53')) or (Commodity Code equals '0047' and State Code is not one of the following values: ('06','16','26','41','53')) or (Commodity Code equals '0013' and State Code is not one of the following values: ('06','08','16','41','49','53')) or (Commodity Code equals '0067' and State Code is not one of the following values: ('16','30','38','41','46','53')) or (Commodity Code equals '0084' and State Code is not one of the following values: ('02','04','06','08','16','27','29','31','32','35','38','41','46','48','53','55','56')) and Yield Indicator Code exists.| 2017|D00001|R15|18383|16|9|Yield Indicator Code of 'M' is not valid for Category B commodities when Yield Limitation Code equals '10'.|D00047 2017|D00001|R15|18431|30|9|Each delimited value in Yield Option Code List must be valid; edit with Yield Option ICE "D00128" record.|D00128 2017|D00001|R15|43039|10|9|Sub County Code must be valid; edit with Yield And Tyield ADM "A01100" record.|A01100 2017|D00001|R15|43040|1|9|FSA Yield is Required when Yield Insurance Plan Code is '47'.| 2017|D00001|R15|43041|22|9|FSA Yield must be empty when Yield Insurance Plan Code is not equal to '47'.| 2017|D00001|R15|18425|2|9|FSA Yield must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15|18426|20|9|FSA Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2017|D00001|R15|18427|7|9|FSA Yield must be greater than 0.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18452|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18453|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R15A|18451|1|9|Reinsurance year is required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18447|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18448|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R15A|18449|11|9|The parent R15 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21379|12|9|For Peaches and Apples, only 5 years of data are allowed to be submitted.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21378|47|9|The parent R15 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18480|1|9|AIP Exception Request Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18482|1|9|Aip Exception Request Yield Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18484|1|9|Aip Exception Request Yield History Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18485|17|9|Aip Exception Request Yield History Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18486|9|9|Aip Exception Request Yield History Key must be unique within the parent R15 record.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18470|1|9|Yield Commodity Year is required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18471|2|9|Yield Commodity Year must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18472|20|9|Yield Commodity Year must be a whole number.| 2017|D00001|R15A|38927|3|9|Yield Commodity Year must be less than the commodity year.| 2017|D00001|R15A|38928|34|9|The COUNT of Yield Commodity Year must be equal to 1| 2017|D00001|R15A|21329|7|9|Yield Commodity Year must be greater than or equal to 1970.| 2017|D00001|R15A|38929|7|9|Yield Commodity Year must be less than or equal to 2004 when Yield Type Code equals 'F' and ((Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0230','0233') and (Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'NB' or Yield Indicator Code is empty)) or (Commodity Code equals '0235' and Location State Code equals '55' and Type Code is one of the following values: ('054','055') and (Yield Indicator Code is not equal to 'NB' or Yield Indicator Code is empty)) or (Commodity Code equals '0229' and (Yield Indicator Code is not one of the following values: ('F','NB') or Yield Indicator Code is empty))).| 2017|D00001|R15A|38930|7|9|Yield Commodity Year must be greater than or equal to 2009 if Commodity Code equals Pumpkins (0147) and Insurance Plan Code is 90, 04, 05, or 06 and Yield Type Code is PA, PG, PV, or P.| 2017|D00001|R15A|38931|7|9|Yield Commodity Year must be greater than or equal to 2004 when Commodity Code is Peanuts (0075) and Yield Type Code is 'PA'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|38932|7|9|Yield Commodity Year must be greater than or equal to 2005 if Yield Type Code is 'P' and Commodity Code is Burley Tobacco (0231).| 2017|D00001|R15A|21342|3|9|Yield Commodity Year must be greater than or equal to 2004 when Yield Type Code is one of the following values: 'GP', 'GW', 'NO', 'NU', 'NW', 'OY', 'PP', 'PW', 'UY', 'VP', 'VW', 'WY'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|38933|6|9|Yield Commodity Year must equal one of the following values: Commodity Year - 1, Commodity Year - 2 when Commodity Code is '0020' and Yield Commodity Year Number is 10.| 2017|D00001|R15A|38937|7|9|Yield Commodity Year must be less than 2005 when Yield Type Code is one of the following values: 'W6', 'W7'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|45362|3|9|Yield Commodity Year must be less than or equal to Commodity Year - 2 when ((Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0038','0236', '0156')) and Location State Code is one of the following values: ('09', '25')) or ((Location State Code is one of the following values: ('25') and Commodity Code equals '0091') and Yield Commodity Year Number equals 10).| 2017|D00001|R15A|38943|6|9|Yield Commodity Year must equal Commodity Year - 2 when Commodity Code is one of the following values: '0115', '0215' and Yield Commodity Year Number is 10.| 2017|D00001|R15A|38944|12|9|Set severity to 9 when Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0255','0256') and Yield Commodity Year Number is one of the following values: (7,8,9,10) and Yield Commodity Year equals LEFT(Perennial Set Out Year Month Number,4).| 2017|D00001|R15A|45363|3|9|Yield Commodity Year must be less than or equal to Reinsurance Year -1 when Commodity Code is '0019' and Location State Code is '06'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18456|1|9|Yield Type Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18457|67|9|Yield Type Code must be valid; edit with Yield Type ICE "D00042" record.|D00042 2017|D00001|R15A|21493|6|9|Yield Type Code of 'F' is not valid for Cigar Binder Tobacco (0235) in Massachusetts and Connecticut.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21494|6|9|Yield Type Code of 'S','SK' or 'SX' are not valid for Avocados in California.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21495|6|9|Yield Type Code of 'L' is not valid for Avocados in Florida.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21496|6|9|Yield Type Code must not equal one of the following values: 'E', 'N', 'T' when Yield Indicator Code is one of the following values: 'A', 'AL'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21531|6|9|Yield Type Code must equal 'A' when Commodity Code is one of the following values: ('0229','0230', '0232', '0233', '0234', '0235' ,'0236') and Yield Limitation Code is '03' and Yield Commodity Year is 2006 and the Yield Commodity Year is Yield Year 10.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21532|67|9|If this is a non-summary PTY record, the Yield Type Code must be valid for non-summary PTY records. Edit with the Yield Type ICE "D00042" record.|D00042 2017|D00001|R15A|21533|12|9|For ARH commodities, if there is a yield history record with a yield type code of 'E','IX','N',or 'T', there must be 4 years of reported yield history with Yield Type Code not equal to NULL, 'U', or 'Z'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21534|6|9|Yield Type Code must not equal one of the following values: 'A', 'DA' when Actual Yield Year Count exists and Actual Yield Year Count is less than Yield Type Code PTY Count and PTY Summary Flag exists.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21535|12|9|Set severity to 9 when Insurance Plan Code equals '47' and Reported T Yield Count is greater than 0 and Actual Yield Year Count exists and Actual Yield Year Count is greater than 0 and Actual Yield Year Count is less than Actual Yield Type Count.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21536|12|9|For Yield Type Code of 'K', the Yield Indicator Code must also equal 'K', if this is not a PTY record.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21537|6|9|Yield Indicator Code, if submitted, must be one of the following values: 'C', 'CR', if Yield Type Code is C.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21538|6|9|For Yield Type Code of 'L', the Yield Indicator must be 'A', 'AL', or 'K'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21540|12|9|For ARH commodities, if there are less than 4 Yield History records with Yield Types 'E,'IX','N', or 'T', these records should be reported in the earliest Yield Years.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21541|12|9|For ARH commodities, if there are at least 4 yield history records of yield type 'E','IX','N', or 'T', they should be reported in the most recent Yield Years.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21542|6|9|Yield Type Code must not equal 'F' when Preceding Actual Count is not 0 and Commodity Code is '0075'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21543|6|9|For Peanuts (0075), if a Yield Type Code of 'F' is submitted, the only valid Yield Types that can be submitted in conjunction are: 'A','DA','AY','F','J','NA','P','PA','PP' and 'Z'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21545|55|9|The total number of R15A records submitted in the batch for each R15 record must be greater than or equal to D00127.MinimumYieldCommodityYearCount and less than or equal to D00127.MaximumYieldCommodityYearCount where D00127.ReinsuranceYear = ReinsuranceYear and D00127.YieldTypeCode = YieldTypeCode and D00127.YieldIndicatorCode = YieldIndicatorCode and AipExceptionRequestKey = PARENTKEY and AipExceptionRequestYieldKey = PARENTKEY when Yield Type Code is not one of the following values: 'E', 'I', 'K', 'N', 'T'.|D00127 2017|D00001|R15A|21546|58|9|Only valid Yield Type Combinations are allowed, as defined in the Yield Type Combination ICE (D00036). The Number of records submitted for each Yield Type Combination must be between Minimum Yield Commodity Year Count and Maximum Yield Commodity Year Count.|D00036 2017|D00001|R15A|21547|67|9|The Yield Type Code must be valid for the Commodity Code. The valid Yield Type Code and Commodity Code combinations are contained in the Ice Yield Type Commodity ICE (D00079).|D00079 2017|D00001|R15A|39965|6|9|Yield Type Code of 'NR', 'PR', 'R', and 'RY' are only valid for Sugar Beets (0039), Dry Beans (0047), and Dry Peas (0067) and only in states that have master yields for these crops.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21549|6|9|Yield Type Code of U is only valid for commodities Avocados (0019) and Blueberries (0012). It's only valid for Grapes (0053) and Table Grapes (0052) if the Type Code is '032' or '088'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21550|6|9|Peanuts ('0075') cannot have F yields that have Yield Commodity Year greater than 2001.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21552|6|9|For Peanuts ('0075') with at least one Yield Type of 'F', a Yield Type of 'J' can only occur in the most recent reported year (Yield Year 10).| 2017|D00001|R15A|21553|61|9|Successor yield type codes must be valid for the submitted Yield Type code and Yield Commodity Year. Successor Yield Type Codes are those which appear in Yield Commodity years greater than the Yield Commodity Year reported on this record. The Yield Type Codes that are INVALID as successor yield types are contained in the Yield Type Successor Exception ICE (D00037).|D00037 2017|D00001|R15A|21554|6|9|Yield Type Code must not equal one of the following values: 'G', 'DG' when Yield Commodity Year Number is not one of the following values: (7,8,9,10) and Commodity Code is '0020'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21555|6|9|When a Yield Type Code of 'V' or 'DV' is submitted in conjunction with a Yield Type Code of 'G' or 'DG', Yield Type Code 'V' or 'DV' is only allowed in Yield Commodity Year 8 or greater, when Commodity Code is '0020'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21556|12|9|If Commodity Code is Pecans (0020), maximum number of records of yield type code 'G' is 3| 2017|D00001|R15A|21557|6|9|Yield Type Code must not equal 'H' when Yield Commodity Year is greater than 1998.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21558|6|9|Yield Type Codes: 'NA', 'NG', 'NR', 'NU', 'NV', and 'NW' are only valid when the Yield Limitation Code is '09'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21559|12|9|For Yield Type Code of E and EK: One year of actual yields must be submitted, or 1 must be submitted in the Actual Yield Year Count field, when the Yield Indicator Code is not BL or CL.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21560|12|9|Yield Type Code of I or IL is invalid when 3 Actual Yields have been submitted, or the Actual Yield Year Count field is greater than or equal to 3.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21561|12|9|For Yield Type Code 'NK': Two actual yields are required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|39969|12|9|For Yield Type Code of N: Two actual yields are required, unless the Yield Indicator Code is BL or CL, in which case only one actual yield is required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21562|12|9|For Yield Type Code 'T': Three actual yields are required, unless the Yield Indicator Code is BL or CL, in which case only two actual yields are required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21359|12|9|For a Yield Indicator of 'M', more than 6 Yield Types of 'Z' are only allowed if the YIeld Limitation code is not '09'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21563|12|9|For Pecans ('0020'), number of yields reported must be 4,6,8, or 10| 2017|D00001|R15A|21565|12|9|For Apples ('0054'), the number of yields reported must be either 4 or 5.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21566|12|9|If the user submitted exactly 4 Yield History records of type 'L' or type 'C', and did not submit any Actual Yields, then the Actual Yield Year Count must also equal 0.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21568|1|9|Yield Type Code is required in the most 4 current years unless Yield Indicator is Master Yield ('M') or it is the PTY summary record.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21569|12|9|For Yield Types EK, IX, NK, SK, or SX, when the Actual Yield Year Count is greater than 0, the Actual Yield Year Count cannot be less than the number of Actual Yields submitted.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21570|6|9|For Yield Type Codes of S and SK: No actual yields are allowed to be submitted in conjunction with an S or SK. Yield Indicator of BL and CL are not allowed to be submitted in conjuntion with a Yield Type of S.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21571|6|9|Yield Type Code of I or IL is not allowed when Actual Yield Year Count is greater than 2.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21572|6|9|Yield Type Code of IX must have exactly 3 Actual Yields submitted in conjunction, or the submitted Actual Yield Year Count must equal 3.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21573|6|9|Yield Type Code of "PF" is not allowed for Fresh type Sweet Potatoes.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18458|1|9|Annual Yield is required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18459|2|9|Annual Yield must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18460|20|9|Annual Yield must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2017|D00001|R15A|45366|25|9|Annual Yield must be a whole number, with no significant digits after the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is not one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|45367|25|9|Annual Yield can have one significant digit to the right of the decimal place when Unit Of Measure Abbreviation is one of the following values: 'BBL', 'TON'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|45368|7|9|The annual yield value must fall within the acceptable range, which is between the Minimum Yield and the Maximum Yield in the Yield Type Limit ICE (D00040).|D00040 2017|D00001|R15A|40976|6|9|Annual Yield must equal 0 if Yield Type Code is null and Commodity Code is not Oysters and this record is not a PTY Summary record.| 2017|D00001|R15A|40978|54|9|The annual yield must equal a calculated value when Yield Type Code is one of the following values: ('P','GP','PP') and (Yield Year is 10) AND (((Commodity Code equals '0038' or Commodity Code equals '0236' or Reinsurance Year is not equal to Commodity Year) and (Yield Commodity Year equals Commodity Year - 2)) OR ((Commodity Code is not equal to '0038' and Commodity Code is not equal to '0236' and Reinsurance Year equals Commodity Year) and (Yield Commodity Year equals Commodity Year - 1))). The calculated value is: (Transitional Amount or Previous Year Approved Yield) * Yield Type Factor * Reference Year Adjustment Factor (if applicable), as defined by the Yield Type Limit ICE (D00040).|D00040 2017|D00001|R15A|40980|12|9|For Processing Sweet Potatoes, if a Yield Type Code of "PF" has been submitted, a matching Fresh Sweet Potato yield must be submitted for the same Yield Commodity Year. The Annual Yield on this Processing record cannot be validated because the matching Fresh yield record could not be found.| 2017|D00001|R15A|40981|15|9|AnnualYield must equal ROUND(ROUND(CASE WHEN CONVERT(SMALLINT, ROE.Stage2013[0:AipCode][1:BatchNumber]ExceptionRequestYieldHistory.ActualYieldTypeCount) = 0 THEN ROE.Stage2013[0:AipCode][1:BatchNumber]ExceptionRequestYieldHistory.FreshSweetPotatoesAnnualYield * .65 WHEN CONVERT(SMALLINT, ROE.Stage2013[0:AipCode][1:BatchNumber]ExceptionRequestYieldHistory.ActualYieldTypeCount) = 1 THEN ROE.Stage2013[0:AipCode][1:BatchNumber]ExceptionRequestYieldHistory.FreshSweetPotatoesAnnualYield * .80 WHEN CONVERT(SMALLINT, ROE.Stage2013[0:AipCode][1:BatchNumber]ExceptionRequestYieldHistory.ActualYieldTypeCount) = 2 THEN ROE.Stage2013[0:AipCode][1:BatchNumber]ExceptionRequestYieldHistory.FreshSweetPotatoesAnnualYield * .90 ELSE ROE.Stage2013[0:AipCode][1:BatchNumber]ExceptionRequestYieldHistory.FreshSweetPotatoesAnnualYield END,0) * .67, 0) when Commodity Code is '0156' and Type Code is one of the following values: '163', '165' and Yield Type Code is 'PF'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18473|1|9|Annual Production is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18474|2|9|Annual Production must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18475|20|9|Annual Production must have no more than 8 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 99999999.99.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18465|1|9|Yield Acreage is Required.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18466|2|9|Yield Acreage must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18467|20|9|Yield Acreage must have no more than 6 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 2 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999.99.| 2017|D00001|R15A|40982|7|9|Yield acreage must be within the valid range for the given Yield Type Code. Valid range is established using the Minimum Acreage and Maximum Acreage values defined in the Yield Type Limit ICE (D00040).|D00040 2017|D00001|R15A|40983|6|9|Yield Acreage must equal 0 when Yield Type Code is NULL, and this is not a PTY Summary Record.| 2017|D00001|R15A|45375|6|9|Yield Acreage must equal 0 when (Valid Organic Practice Code equals '001') or (Commodity Code equals '0018' and Practice Code equals '702') and Yield Type Code is one of the following values: 'DG', 'G'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|45378|6|9|Yield Acreage must not equal 0 when (Valid Organic Practice Code equals '002') or (Commodity Code equals '0018' and Practice Code equals '702') and Yield Type Code is one of the following values: 'DG', 'G'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|45385|7|9|Yield Acreage must be greater than 0 for Yield Type Code of B when Yield Commodity Year Number is one of the following values: (9,7,5,3,1) and the B Yield Type immediately precedes one of the following Yield Types: 'A', 'G', 'V'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|45386|7|9|Yield Acreage must be greater than 0 for Yield Type Code of B when Yield Commodity Year Number is one of the following values: (10,8,6,4,2) and the B Yield Type immediately follows one of the following Yield Types: 'A', 'G', 'V'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21370|22|9|Average Acre Production must be empty when NOT ((Commodity Code equals '0020' and Insurance Plan Code equals '41') or (Insurance Plan Code equals '47')).| 2017|D00001|R15A|18463|2|9|Average Acre Production must be numeric.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18464|20|9|Average Acre Production must have no more than 6 numbers on the left of the decimal point and 0 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 999999.| 2017|D00001|R15A|40986|7|9|For Pecans (0020), Average Acre Production must be greater than 0 for Yield Types 'A','G','V','DA','DG,'DV' when Annual Yield is greater than 0. For ARH commodities, Average Acre Production must be greater than 0 when Annual Yield is greater than 0 for all Yield Types.| 2017|D00001|R15A|40987|7|9|For Pecans ('0020'), Average Acre Production must be greater than or equal to 0 if Annual Yield is greater than 0 and Yield Type is 'B'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|41988|7|9|Average Acre Production must be less than 6000.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18454|1|9|Skip Row Code is Required when Skip Row Width exists.| 2017|D00001|R15A|41989|22|9|Skip Row Code must be empty when Skip Row Width is empty.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18455|22|9|Skip Row Code must be empty when Yield Type Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'E', 'I', 'IL', 'L', 'N', 'S', 'T', 'TX', 'W6', 'W7', 'X', 'Z'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21371|22|9|Skip Row Code must be empty when Commodity Code is not one of the following values: '0021', '0022', '0041'.| 2017|D00001|R15A|21373|10|9|Skip Row Code must be valid; edit with Skip Row ICE "D00039" record.|D00039 2017|D00001|R15A|18476|1|9|Skip Row Width is Required when Skip Row Code exists.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18477|22|9|Skip Row Width must be empty when Skip Row Code is empty.| 2017|D00001|R15A|18479|33|9|Skip Row Width must be numeric| 2017|D00001|R15A|21374|7|9|Skip Row Width must be between the lower and upper boundaries, as indicated in ICE Skip Row "D00039".|D00039 2017|D00001|R15A|43065|1516|0|Generate YieldCommodityYearNumber in each record for ROE.Stage2013[0:AipCode][1:BatchNumber]ExceptionRequestYieldHistory| 2017|D00001|R27|18492|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27|18493|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R27|18490|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27|18487|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R27|18488|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R27|72743|11|9|The parent R35 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R27|38858|12|4|FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number and FSA Field Number must be found in the CLU table.| 2017|D00001|R27|72744|1522|9|The parent R35 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R27|21285|1503|9|The following child records must be accepted in the batch for this record to be accepted:R27A| 2017|D00001|R27|52383|34|9|The R27 record must be unique based on the key: Aip Exception Request Land Key, Aip Exception Request Key, Reinsurance Year, Aip Code.| 2017|D00001|R27|18569|1|9|AIP Exception Request Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27|18571|1|9|Aip Exception Request Land Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27|18572|9|9|Aip Exception Request Land Key must be unique within the parent R35 record.| 2017|D00001|R27|18494|1|9|State Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27|18495|10|9|State Code must be valid; edit with State ICE "D00106" record.|D00106 2017|D00001|R27|18543|1|9|Country Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27|18544|10|9|County Code must be valid; edit with County ICE "D00107" record.|D00107 2017|D00001|R27|39963|4|0|Sub County Code is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R27|52382|10|9|Sub County Code must be valid when provided|CTLSub 2017|D00001|R27|18568|10|9|High Risk Land Code must be valid; edit with High Risk Land ICE "D00121" record.|D00121 2017|D00001|R27|18514|1|9|Reported Land Type Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27|18516|10|9|Reported Land Type Code must be valid; edit with Reported Land Identifier Type ICE "D00061" record.|D00061 2017|D00001|R27|18517|1|9|Land Identifier is Required when Reported Land Type Code is one of the following values: 'L', 'A', 'O'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18518|22|9|Land Identifier must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'L', 'A', 'O'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18520|10|9|Land Identifier must be valid; edit with Legal Description ICE "D00062" record when Reported Land Type Code is 'L' and Survey Status Code is one of the following values: 'P', 'S'.|D00062 2017|D00001|R27|18521|67|9|Land Identifier Township and Range must be valid; edit with Legal Description ICE "D00062" record when Land Identifier Type Code is 'L' and Survey Status Code is 'Y'.|D00062 2017|D00001|R27|18505|22|9|CLU ID must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'P'.| 2017|D00001|R27|38899|22|9|CLU ID must be empty when FSA Farm Number is empty and FSA Tract Number is empty and FSA Field Number is empty.| 2017|D00001|R27|21256|3|4|CLU ID must be equal to Valid CLU ID.| 2017|D00001|R27|18498|1|9|FSA Farm Number is Required when Reported Land Type Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'F', 'P'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18499|22|9|FSA Farm Number must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'F', 'P'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18501|2|9|FSA Farm Number must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R27|18502|17|9|FSA Farm Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 7 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R27|18503|10|4|FSA Farm Number must be valid; edit with the CLU with no date table when FSA Administrative County Code is empty and FSA Administrative State Code is empty and Reported Land Type Code is 'F'.|D10029 2017|D00001|R27|18504|10|4|FSA Farm Number must be valid; edit with the CLU with no date table when FSA Administrative County Code exists and FSA Administrative State Code exists and Reported Land Type Code is 'F'.|D10029 2017|D00001|R27|18526|1|9|FSA Tract Number is Required when Reported Land Type Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'P', 'F'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18527|22|9|FSA Tract Number must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'P', 'F'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18529|2|9|FSA Tract Number must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R27|18530|17|9|FSA Tract Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 7 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R27|18531|1|9|FSA Field Number is Required when Reported Land Type Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'P', 'F'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18532|22|9|FSA Field Number must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'P', 'F'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18534|25|9|FSA Field Number must be alphanumeric.| 2017|D00001|R27|18535|17|9|FSA Field Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 4 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R27|18509|25|9|FSA Sub Field Identifier must be alphanumeric when Reported Land Type Code is '"C"'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18510|17|9|FSA Sub Field Identifier must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 3 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R27|38904|1|4|FSA Administrative State Code is Required when more than one CLU is found for the selected State, County, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number and FSA Field Number and Reported Land Type Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'P'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18553|22|9|FSA Administrative State Code must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'F', 'P'.| 2017|D00001|R27|38905|1|4|FSA Administrative County Code is Required when more than one CLU is found for the selected State, County, FSA Farm Number, FSA Tract Number and FSA Field Number and Reported Land Type Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'P'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18547|22|9|FSA Administrative County Code must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'F', 'P'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18557|1|9|CLU Determination Code is Required when Reported Land Type Code is one of the following values: 'C', 'P'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18558|22|9|CLU Determination Code must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not one of the following values: 'C', 'P'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18560|10|9|CLU Determination Code must be valid; edit with CLU Determination ICE "D00122" record.|D00122 2017|D00001|R27|18561|1|9|CIMS CLU Release Date is Required when CLU Determination Code is not 'F' and Reported Land Type Code is 'C'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18562|22|9|CIMS CLU Release Date must be empty when Reported Land Type Code is not equal to 'C' or CLU Determination Code equals 'F'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18564|33|9|CIMS CLU Release Date must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R27|18565|17|9|CIMS CLU Release Date must be exactly 6 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R27|18566|12|9|CIMS CLU Release Date must be a valid Month and Year.| 2017|D00001|R27|18536|1|9|Latitude is Required when Reported Land Type Code is 'A'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18538|25|9|Latitude must equal format 'DDDXMM.ddd' or format 'DDDMMddd', where DDD is degrees, X in the first format is direction (N,S), MM is minutes, and ddd is decimal minutes rounded to 3 characters.| 2017|D00001|R27|18540|1|9|Longitude is Required when Reported Land Type Code is 'A'.| 2017|D00001|R27|18542|25|9|Longitude must equal format 'DDDXMM.ddd' or format 'DDDMMddd', where DDD is degrees, X in the first format is direction (E,W), MM is minutes, and ddd is decimal minutes rounded to 3 characters.| 2017|D00001|R27|21279|17|9|Land Description must be a minimum of 0 characters in length and a maximum of 150 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R27|52244|10|9|Acreage Type Code must be valid; edit with ICE Acreage Type ICE "D00142" record when Acreage Type Code exists.|D00142 2017|D00001|R27A|18586|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18587|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R27A|18584|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18579|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R27A|18580|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18582|11|9|The parent R27 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18583|47|9|The parent R27 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18619|1|9|AIP Exception Request Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18620|67|9|AIP Exception Request Key must be valid; edit with Exception Request Output "R35" record.|ODS35 2017|D00001|R27A|18623|1|9|Aip Exception Request Land Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27A|38882|1|9|AIPException Request Others Sharing Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27A|38883|9|9|AIPException Request Others Sharing Key must be unique within the parent R27 record.| 2017|D00001|R27A|38888|1|9|Other Person Share Percent is Required.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18617|2|9|Other Person Share Percent must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18618|20|9|Other Person Share Percent must have no more than 1 number on the left of the decimal point and 3 numbers after the decimal point, in the format of 9.999.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18613|17|9|Business Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 50 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18614|25|9|Business Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (/), (*), (+), (#).| 2017|D00001|R27A|18591|17|9|Last Name must be a minimum of 2 characters in length and a maximum of 25 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18592|25|9|Last Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R27A|18596|17|9|First Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18597|25|9|First Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R27A|18600|17|9|Middle Name must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 20 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18601|25|9|Middle Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R27A|18604|17|9|Suffix must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 10 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18605|25|9|Suffix must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R27A|18608|17|9|Title must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R27A|18609|25|9|Title must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R35|18634|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R35|18635|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R35|18633|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2017|D00001|R35|18628|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R35|18629|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R35|20921|1504|9|The following child records must exist in the batch for this record to be accepted:R37| 2017|D00001|R35|52350|34|9|The corresponding R37 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R35|52351|34|3|The corresponding R27 record contains errors.| 2017|D00001|R35|52352|34|3|The corresponding R15 record contains errors.| 2017|D00001|R35|18644|1|9|AIP Exception Request Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R35|18645|9|9|AIP Exception Request Key must be unique within the submitted R35 records.| 2017|D00001|R35|38727|16|9|AIP Exception Request Key must be unique within the Reinsurance Year.|ODS35 2017|D00001|R35|18636|22|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be empty when AIP Exception Request Policy Policy Producer Key exists.| 2017|D00001|R35|18637|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required when AIP Exception Request Policy Policy Producer Key is empty.| 2017|D00001|R35|18639|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with Policy Producer Lookup "P10" record when AIP Policy Producer Key exists.|CTL10 2017|D00001|R35|18646|22|9|AIP Exception Request Producer Key must be empty when AIP Policy Producer Key exists.| 2017|D00001|R35|18647|1|9|AIP Exception Request Producer Key is Required when AIP Policy Producer Key is empty.| 2017|D00001|R35|18649|67|9|Aip Exception Request Producer Key must be valid; edit with policyproducer "R10" record.|ODS10 2017|D00001|R35|18654|1|9|Aip Exception Request Aip Field Office Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R35|18655|67|9|Aip Exception Request Aip Field Office Key must be valid; edit with ExceptionRequestAipFieldOffice "R36" record.|ODS36 2017|D00001|R35|18642|1|9|Location County Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R35|18643|10|9|Location County Code must be valid; edit with County ICE "D00107" record.|D00107 2017|D00001|R35|18650|1|9|Exception Request Process Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R35|18651|10|9|Exception Request Process Code must be valid; edit with IceExceptionRequestProcess ICE "D03002" record.|D03002 2017|D00001|R35|18652|1|9|Exception Request Type Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R35|18653|10|9|Exception Request Type Code must be valid; edit with IceExceptionRequestType ICE "D03003" record.|D03003 2017|D00001|R35|18656|1|9|ProducerTypeCode is Required.| 2017|D00001|R35|35683|10|9|ProducerTypeCode must be valid; edit with IceExceptionRequestProducerType ICE "D03004" record.|D03004 2017|D00001|R36|18662|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R36|18663|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R36|18661|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2017|D00001|R36|18658|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R36|18659|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R36|18693|1|9|Aip Field Office Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R36|18694|9|9|Aip Field Office Key must be unique within the submitted R36 records.| 2017|D00001|R36|18696|1|9|Aip Field Office Name is Required.| 2017|D00001|R36|21085|25|9|Aip Field Office Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: ( ), (-), (,), (.), (').| 2017|D00001|R36|18664|1|9|Street 1 Address is Required.| 2017|D00001|R36|18666|17|9|Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R36|18667|25|9|Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2017|D00001|R36|18668|4|1|Street 2 Address is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R36|18669|17|9|Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R36|18670|25|9|Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2017|D00001|R36|18671|1|9|City Name is Required.| 2017|D00001|R36|18672|25|9|City Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R36|18673|10|4|City Name must be valid; edit with the Zip table when State Abbreviation exists.|D10003 2017|D00001|R36|18674|1|9|State Abbreviation is Required.| 2017|D00001|R36|18676|10|9|State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2017|D00001|R36|18677|1|9|Zip Code is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2017|D00001|R36|18679|10|9|Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2017|D00001|R36|18680|4|1|Zip Extension Code is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R36|18681|33|9|Zip Extension Code must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R36|18682|17|9|Zip Extension Code must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R36|18684|1|9|Phone Number is Required.| 2017|D00001|R36|18685|17|9|Phone Number must be exactly 10 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R36|18686|33|9|Phone Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R36|18687|26|9|The characters in Phone Number may not all be the same.| 2017|D00001|R36|18688|18|9|The left 3 characters of Phone Number may not equal ('000' or '999').| 2017|D00001|R36|18690|17|9|Phone Extension Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 6 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R36|18691|33|9|Phone Extension Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R36|18692|6|9|Phone Extension Number must not equal '000000'.| 2017|D00001|R36|21229|1|9|Email Address is Required.| 2017|D00001|R36|21230|17|9|Email Address must be a minimum of 6 characters in length and a maximum of 100 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R36|52523|25|9|Email Address Must NOT contain a semicolon.| 2017|D00001|R36|52524|25|9|Email Address Must NOT contain a space.| 2017|D00001|R36|52525|25|9|Email Address Must NOT contain a comma.| 2017|D00001|R36|21231|25|9|Email Address must be valid according to the published RFC 822-standard for the format of ARPA Internet Text Messages.| 2017|D00001|R36|52313|1008|9|Set Previous Submitted Flag to 'N'.| 2017|D00001|R36|52314|1008|9|Set Previous Submitted Flag to 'Y'.|ODS36 2017|D00001|R37|18701|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R37|18702|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R37|18700|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2017|D00001|R37|18697|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R37|18698|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R37|38702|11|9|The parent R35 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R37|52184|67|9|The set of 10 Type-Practice Codes submitted is an invalid combination.|D10008 2017|D00001|R37|20932|47|9|The parent R35 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R37|52353|34|3|The corresponding R37A record contains errors.| 2017|D00001|R37|18748|1|9|AIP Exception Request Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R37|18750|1|9|Aip Exception Request Commodity Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R37|18751|9|9|Aip Exception Request Commodity Key must be unique within the parent R35 record.| 2017|D00001|R37|18703|1|9|Commodity Code is required.| 2017|D00001|R37|18704|10|9|Commodity Code must be valid; edit with the Type Practice Crosswalk table.|D10008 2017|D00001|R37|18719|1|9|Commodity Year is required.| 2017|D00001|R37|18720|2|9|Commodity Year must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R37|18721|20|9|Commodity Year must be a whole number.| 2017|D00001|R37|20922|12|9|Commodity Year must equal Reinsurance Year or Reinsurance Year -1 or Reinsurance Year +1.| 2017|D00001|R37|52154|1|9|Type Code and Practice Code must either be submitted as a set or left blank as a set. Type Code not populated.| 2017|D00001|R37|52155|22|9|Type Code and Practice Code must either be submitted as a set or left blank as a set. Type Code not blank.| 2017|D00001|R37|52186|1|9|An invalid combination of extended type-practice codes was submitted.| 2017|D00001|R37|52156|1|9|Type Code and Practice Code must either be submitted as a set or left blank as a set. Practice Code not populated.| 2017|D00001|R37|52157|22|9|Type Code and Practice Code must either be submitted as a set or left blank as a set. Practice Code not blank.| 2017|D00001|R37|52195|1|9|An invalid combination of extended type-practice codes was submitted.| 2017|D00001|R37|52158|1|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Commodity Type Code not populated.| 2017|D00001|R37|52159|22|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Commodity Type Code not blank.| 2017|D00001|R37|52187|1|9|An invalid combination of Type Code and Practice Code was submitted.| 2017|D00001|R37|52160|1|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Class Code not populated.| 2017|D00001|R37|52161|22|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Class Code not blank.| 2017|D00001|R37|52188|1|9|An invalid combination of Type Code and Practice Code was submitted.| 2017|D00001|R37|52162|1|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Sub Class Code not populated.| 2017|D00001|R37|52163|22|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Sub Class Code not blank.| 2017|D00001|R37|52189|1|9|An invalid combination of Type Code and Practice Code was submitted.| 2017|D00001|R37|52164|1|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Intended Use Code not populated.| 2017|D00001|R37|52165|22|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Intended Use Code not blank.| 2017|D00001|R37|52190|1|9|An invalid combination of Type Code and Practice Code was submitted.| 2017|D00001|R37|52166|1|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Irrigation Practice Code not populated.| 2017|D00001|R37|52167|22|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Irrigation Practice Code not blank.| 2017|D00001|R37|52191|1|9|An invalid combination of Type Code and Practice Code was submitted.| 2017|D00001|R37|52168|1|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Cropping Practice Code not populated.| 2017|D00001|R37|52169|22|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Cropping Practice Code not blank.| 2017|D00001|R37|52192|1|9|An invalid combination of Type Code and Practice Code was submitted.| 2017|D00001|R37|52170|1|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Organic Practice Code not populated.| 2017|D00001|R37|52171|22|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Organic Practice Code not blank.| 2017|D00001|R37|52193|1|9|An invalid combination of Type Code and Practice Code was submitted.| 2017|D00001|R37|52172|1|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Interval Code not populated.| 2017|D00001|R37|52173|22|9|The set of 8 extended type-practice codes must either be submitted as a whole or left blank as a whole. Interval Code not blank.| 2017|D00001|R37|52194|1|9|An invalid combination of Type Code and Practice Code was submitted.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18758|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18759|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R37A|18756|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18757|2|9|Reinsurance Year must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18752|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18753|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R37A|72745|11|9|The parent R37 record must exist for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R37A|72746|1522|9|The parent R37 record must be free of errors for this record to be accepted.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18755|1500|0|Copy ExceptionRequestCommodityLandYield into the ODS 'Pass.dbo.ExceptionRequestCommodityLandYield' table.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18772|1|9|AIP Exception Request Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18774|1|9|Aip Exception Request Commodity Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18782|1|9|Aip Exception Request Yield Commodity Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18783|9|9|Aip Exception Request Yield Commodity Key must be unique within the parent R35 record.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18776|1|9|Aip Exception Request Land Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18777|67|9|Aip Exception Request Land Key must be valid; edit with ExceptionRequestLegal "R27" record.|ODS27 2017|D00001|R37A|18778|22|9|Aip Exception Request Yield Key must be empty when AIP Policy Producer Key exists or AIP Insurance In Force Key exists or AIP Yield Key exists.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18781|67|9|Aip Exception Request Yield Key must be valid; edit with ExceptionRequestYield "R15" record.|ODS15 2017|D00001|R37A|18760|22|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be empty when Aip Exception Request Yield Key exists.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18761|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required when AIP Insurance In Force Key exists or AIP Yield Key exists.| 2017|D00001|R37A|21649|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with Policy Producer Lookup "P10" record.|CTL10 2017|D00001|R37A|18764|22|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be empty when Aip Exception Request Yield Key exists.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18765|1|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key is Required when AIP Policy Producer Key exists or AIP Yield Key exists.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18767|67|9|AIP Insurance In Force Key must be valid; edit with Yield "R15" record.|CTL15 2017|D00001|R37A|18768|22|9|AIP Yield Key must be empty when Aip Exception Request Yield Key exists.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18769|1|9|AIP Yield Key is Required when AIP Policy Producer Key exists or AIP Insurance In Force Key exists.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18771|67|9|AIP Yield Key must be valid; edit with Yield "P15" record.|CTL15 2017|D00001|R37A|18784|1|9|Exception Reques Legal Flag is Required.| 2017|D00001|R37A|18896|67|9|If the Exception Request Legal Flag is 'Y' then the location state and location county on the R27 must match the R37A.|ODS27 2017|D00001|R37A|38698|67|9|If the Exception Request Legal Flag is 'Y' and AIP Exception Request Yield Key Exists then the location state and location county on the R15 must match the R37A.|ODS15 2017|D00001|R37A|38728|67|9|If the Exception Request Legal Flag is 'Y' and AIP Insurance In Force Key exists then the location county on the P14 must match the R37A.|CTL14 2017|D00001|R37A|20940|1|9|Exception Request Renewal Flag is Required when Exception Request Legal Flag is 'Y'.| 2017|D00001|R37A|20941|6|9|Exception Request Renewal Flag must equal one of the following values: 'Y', 'N'.| 2017|D00001|R37A|20944|2|9|Projected Planted Acres must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R37A|20947|2|9|Insured Share Percent must be Numeric.| 2017|D00001|R40|87109|1|9|| 2017|D00001|R40|87110|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R40|76751|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2017|D00001|R40|78884|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R40|78883|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R40|86044|1500|0|Copy ExceptionRequestsLCGF into the ODS 'Pass.dbo.ExceptionRequestLCGF' table.| 2017|D00001|R40|76756|1004|2|Set Commodity Year using 'CommodityCode' from the A00420 record; If 'CommodityCode' is empty then use the value from 'A00420.CommodityYear'.|A00420 2017|D00001|R40|76759|1|9|AIP Large Claim Good Farming Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R40|86038|16|9|Large Claim Good Farming Key must not exist in the ExceptionRequestLCGF ODS "ODS40" record.|ODS40 2017|D00001|R40|78910|1|9|AIP Policy Producer Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R40|77789|17|9|Aip Producer Key must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 15 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R40|86039|67|9|AIP Policy Producer Key must be valid; edit with Policy Producer Lookup "CTL10" record.|CTL10 2017|D00001|R40|86034|1|9|Policy Number is Required.| 2017|D00001|R40|86035|33|9|Policy Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R40|86036|6|9|Policy Number must not equal '0000000'.| 2017|D00001|R40|86054|10|9|Policy Number must be valid; edit with Policy Producer Lookup "CTL10" record.|CTL10 2017|D00001|R40|77794|1|9|Commodity Code is required.| 2017|D00001|R40|77795|10|9|Commodity Code is valid.|A00420 2017|D00001|R40|77796|1|9|First Damage Cause Code is required.| 2017|D00001|R40|77797|10|9|First Damage Cause Code is valid.|D00075 2017|D00001|R40|77798|1|9|First Cause of Loss Date is required.| 2017|D00001|R40|78917|8|9|Date format must be YYYYMMDD.| 2017|D00001|R40|77800|4|0|Second Damage Cause Code is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R40|77801|10|9|Damage Cause Code must be valid; edit with [ICE].[IceDamageCause] "D00075" record.|D00075 2017|D00001|R40|77802|4|0|Second Damage Date is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R40|77803|1|9|Intended Use Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R40|77804|1|9|Estimated Indemnity Amount is Required.| 2017|D00001|R40|86060|1|9|Notice Type Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R40|86061|10|9|Notice Type Code must be valid; edit with Notice Type ICE "D00081" record.|D00081 2017|D00001|R40|77807|1|9|Location County Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R40|77808|10|9|Location County Code must be valid; edit with County ICE "D00107" record.|D00107 2017|D00001|R40|77805|1|9|Notice Process Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R40|86058|6|9|Notice Process Code must equal 'LC'.| 2017|D00001|R40|86010|4|0|Claim Number is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R40|86011|33|9|Claim Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R40|87107|1|9|AIP LCGF Field Office Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R40|87108|67|9|AIP LCGF Field Office Key must be valid; edit with ExceptionRequestAiplCGFFieldOffice ODS "ODS36A" record.|ODS41 2017|D00001|R40|86041|1009|0|Set Initial Accepted Date to equal the value in 'Batch Received Date'.| 2017|D00001|R40|86040|1009|0|Set Initial Accepted Batch Number to equal the value in 'Batch Number'.| 2017|D00001|R40|78861|1|9|Batch Received Date is the date that the AIP file is received by RMA.| 2017|D00001|R40|78862|1|9|Batch Number is a sequential number assigned when an AIP file is received.| 2017|D00001|R40|78863|1|9|Batch Record ID is a sequential number assigned to each record in the AIP file by RMA during processing. Batch Record ID is unique within the record type for the batch.| 2017|D00001|R41|86078|1|9|AIP Code is Required.| 2017|D00001|R41|86079|10|9|AIP Code must be valid; edit with AIP ICE "D00100" record.|D00100 2017|D00001|R41|77811|1|9|Reinsurance Year is Required.| 2017|D00001|R41|77812|59|10|Record must be submitted between 2016-06-01 and 2021-10-12.| 2017|D00001|R41|77813|28|10|Record will not be accepted when processing has been suspended for this record type per RMA directive.|D10005 2017|D00001|R41|78814|1|9|AIP LCGF Field Office Key is Required.| 2017|D00001|R41|78815|9|9|AIP LCGF Field Office Key must be unique within the submitted R36A records.| 2017|D00001|R41|78816|1|9|AIP LCGF Field Office Name is Required.| 2017|D00001|R41|78817|25|9|AIP LCGF Field Office Name must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: ( ), (-), (,), (.), (').| 2017|D00001|R41|78818|1|9|Street 1 Address is Required.| 2017|D00001|R41|78819|4|1|Street 1 Address is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R41|78820|17|9|Street 1 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 65 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R41|78821|25|9|Street 1 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2017|D00001|R41|78822|4|1|Street 2 Address is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R41|78823|17|9|Street 2 Address must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 35 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R41|78824|25|9|Street 2 Address must contain only alpha numeric characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,), (&), (%), (#), (/).| 2017|D00001|R41|78825|1|9|City Name is Required.| 2017|D00001|R41|78826|25|9|City Name must contain only alpha characters and can include the following special characters: (-), (.), ( ), ('), (,).| 2017|D00001|R41|78827|10|4|City Name must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2017|D00001|R41|78828|1|9|State Abbreviation is Required.| 2017|D00001|R41|78830|10|9|State Abbreviation must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2017|D00001|R41|78831|1|9|Zip Code is Required when State Abbreviation exists.| 2017|D00001|R41|78833|10|9|Zip Code must be valid; edit with the Zip table.|D10003 2017|D00001|R41|78834|4|0|Zip Extension Code is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R41|78835|33|9|Zip Extension Code must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R41|78836|17|9|Zip Extension Code must be exactly 4 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R41|78837|1|9|Phone Number is Required.| 2017|D00001|R41|78838|17|9|Phone Number must be exactly 10 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R41|78839|33|9|Phone Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R41|78840|26|9|The characters in Phone Number may not all be the same.| 2017|D00001|R41|78841|18|9|The left 3 characters of Phone Number may not equal ('000' or '999').| 2017|D00001|R41|78842|4|1|Phone Extension Number is Optional.| 2017|D00001|R41|78843|17|9|Phone Extension Number must be a minimum of 1 character in length and a maximum of 6 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R41|78844|33|9|Phone Extension Number must contain only numeric characters.| 2017|D00001|R41|78845|6|9|Phone Extension Number must not equal '000000'.| 2017|D00001|R41|78846|1|9|Email Address is Required.| 2017|D00001|R41|78847|17|9|Email Address must be a minimum of 6 characters in length and a maximum of 100 characters in length.| 2017|D00001|R41|78848|25|9|Email Address Must NOT contain a semicolon.| 2017|D00001|R41|78849|25|9|Email Address Must NOT contain a space.| 2017|D00001|R41|78850|25|9|Email Address Must NOT contain a comma.| 2017|D00001|R41|78851|25|9|Email Address must be valid according to the published RFC 822-standard for the format of ARPA Internet Text Messages.| 2017|D00001|R41|78852|1009|0|Set Initial Accepted Batch Number to equal the value in 'Batch Number'.| 2017|D00001|R41|78853|1009|0|Set Initial Accepted Date to equal the value in 'Batch Received Date'.| 2017|D00001|R41|78854|1506|0|Set the Process Result Code|