Record Type Code|Rule Severity ID|Rule Severity Description|Process Result Code|Released Date|Last Released Date|Deleted Date D00028|0|0: Accepted - Continue - Active|A|20130501|20130501| D00028|1|1: Accepted - Stop Element Processing - Active|A|20130501|20130501| D00028|10|10: Suspended - Stop Row Processing - Deleted|S|20130501|20130501| D00028|11|11: Rejected - Stop Row Processing - Deleted|R|20130501|20130501| D00028|2|2: Accepted with Message(s) - Continue - Active|M|20130501|20130501| D00028|3|3: Accepted with Warning(s) - Continue - Active|W|20130501|20130501| D00028|4|4: Accepted with Warning(s) - Stop Element Processing - Active|W|20130501|20130501| D00028|5|5: Rejected, but with an established LRR or Escrow Fund recorded as appropriate - Continue - Not Active, but kept for LRR|K|20130501|20130501| D00028|6|6: Rejected, but with an established LRR or Escrow Fund recorded as appropriate - Stop Element Processing - Not Active, but kept for LRR|K|20130501|20130501| D00028|7|7: Accepted - Continue - Deleted|A|20130501|20130501| D00028|8|8: Accepted - Stop Element Processing - Deleted|A|20130501|20130501| D00028|9|9: Rejected - Stop Element Processing - Deleted|R|20130501|20130501|