Reinsurance Year|Record Type Code|APH Procedural Exception Code|APH Procedural Exception Description|Released Date|Last Released Date|Deleted Date 2013|D00096|A|Added Land|20120529|20120529| 2013|D00096|B|Blocked Production of Category C Commodities|20120529|20120529| 2013|D00096|C|Combination or Division of Unit by Practice or Type|20120529|20120529| 2013|D00096|N|Newly broken acreage to be maintained in a separate APH database the initial year of new breaking|20120529|20120529| 2013|D00096|P|Multiple plant dates by year within P/T/V for alfalfa sd, forage prod, forage sd, mint and sugarcane|20120529|20120529| 2013|D00096|R|Acreage emerging from CRP to be maintained in a separate APH database the initial year it is planted|20120529|20120529| 2013|D00096|S|Skip Row Grain Sorghum|20120529|20120529|